View Full Version : Storm Riders - always recruiting...

02-19-2009, 07:10 PM
Just wanted to let everyone know that the Storm Riders are always recruiting talented players. Not just the veterans, but you new folks too.

We are a close knit group of casual players that likes to get together and have fun. We primarily focus on playability, and the general idea of D&D and DDO.

Tired of zerging, never ending loot runs, and not getting into a guild group because they are doing this raid or that? Come check us out, our guild players have characters of various levels, are willing to help you get that favor, next level or spectacular loot item.

Feel free to speak to any officer or member for more information. Give us a try you might just have fun. :D

05-11-2009, 06:23 AM
It was good to log in last night and run with the guild again. After a deployment is nice to come back and actually still have guildies online.

05-11-2009, 07:00 AM
I was just asking about ya.....hope your home for a little while chunkie...

05-11-2009, 07:17 AM
Hey, glad you are back stateside and online again...As for logging in and seeing guildies online, well there will always be some of us around to run with ... Storm Riders, ftw... :D:D:D:D:D:D

06-02-2009, 09:11 AM
Hello All,

I was off for about 6 months. When I came back, the guild welcomed me back with open arms. This is the most help group of people you will ever meet. If you are in need for a freindly, helpfull, and knowledgable group, then please check us out.

06-04-2009, 01:27 AM
I was curious if you all recruit working very casual members? I work an average of 7 days or so and have between 1 to 2 days off. Due to my schedule, I mainly play very late MST. I have been out of the game for quite awhile. I am familiar with the lower level stuff that can be soloed (see my messed up work schedule above for the reason why) but beyond around lvl 5 or 6, it's been waaay too long and the game has changed too much for me to honestly say I remember anything.

I don't know who the officers are so that I can talk their ear off with in game, so I'm posting here :P

Malulf 1/1 barb/cleric
Maldeevious 4 rogue

06-04-2009, 07:22 AM
Hey, thanks for the inquiry - we would be glad to have you in our guild. Super casual players or even super steady playes are always welcome.

You can look up any of the toons in my signature in game or PM me here on the forums and Ill be happy to give you more info. Other than that, I can point you in the direction of another officer for more info. I usually play anytime after 5pm (EST) during the week and all I can on the weekends.

See you in Stormreach...

06-07-2009, 06:45 PM
I would like to join pm me info plz.