View Full Version : Axes of Purity - Dwarf - Pure Paladin

02-19-2009, 07:06 PM
I was previously planning on making a TWF 14 Paladin/6 Ranger (The Tempest Zealot (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=169004)) but with the release of the Paladin capstone, I believe that the benefits of going pure outweigh what 6 ranger gets you.

The build is very similar in nature to the Tempest Zealot.

I wanted to make a DPS Paladin that had decent enough AC to not be a slouch.

I'm kind of excited for the Capstone because it'll allow use of non good-aligned weapons to bypass DR. Making 2 Dust II Dwarven Axes would be fun :).

Race: Dwarf
Class: 20 Paladin
Alignment: Lawful Good

Dwarf for the Armor Masteries, Axe Enhancements, and Dwarven Spell Defense. It'll also be interesting to see how Stalwart Defender works out when they make it Dwarfable. Stalwart Defender + Knight of the Chalice would be amazing.

Base Stats:

STR: 15
DEX: 16
CON: 14
INT: 8
WIS: 8
CHA: 14

Ending Stats: (I'll go easy on tome use)

STR: 26 = 15 Base + 4 Levels + 1 Tome + 6 Item (30 Strength in Superior Defensive Stance)
DEX: 24 = 16 Base + 2 Favor Tome + 6 Item
CON: 22 = 14 Base + 2 Enhancement + 6 Item (26 Constitution in Superior Defensive Stance)
INT: 8
WIS: 14 = 8 Base + 6 Item
CHA: 24 = 14 Base + 1 Level + 1 Tome + 2 Enhancement + 6 Item

Dex is so high for 2 reasons: 1) Qualifying for ITWF and GTWF and 2) Trying to make the most out of possible Max Dex Bonus.

With Daggertooth's Belt, Defender of Siberys III, and Dwarven Armor Mastery II, the Max Dex Bonus on Dragontouched Full Plate would be 7, which is right were your dex will be sitting.

You're also able to throw on a useful Mithril Tower like Levik's Defender and not lose any AC to MDB because Defender of Siberys III adds +3 to Tower Shield MDB.

I'd take the lvl 20 +1 to Charisma because having 15 base would allow access to higher levels of Divine Might with a +3/+5 tome.


I just went with UMD. If you have a +2 Int tome laying, around, I'd probably put points into Intimidate as well.


1) Two Weapon Fighting
3) Oversized Two Weapon Fighting -> Switch to Tower Shield Proficiency when Mod 9 hits to qualify for Defender of Siberys.
6) Improved Two Weapon Fighting (You'll have to eat at least a +1 Dex tome by now)
9) Improved Critical: Slashing
12) Greater Two Weapon Fighting
15) Extend
18) Toughness/Power Attack - Not sure which.


It'll be hard to figure this out until everything is released, but hopefully you'll be able to fit in Defender of Siberys III, Bulwark/Resistance, Dwarven Armor Mastery II, Dwarven Axe Attack enhancements, Capstone, Divine Mights, and all of the Exalted Smites/Divine Sacrifices.



10 Base
15 Armor
1 Alchemical
7 Dex
5 Protection
5 (6?) Aura
4 Insight
2 Chaosgardes Dodge
3 Chattering Ring/DT Armor Dodge
10 +5 Mithral Tower w/ Ritual

52 AC/62 AC

Not too shabby.

Defender of Siberys III makes your aura "stronger" (no specifics on how strong) and there may be another Bulwark out there, so this could go up a few points.

Self Buffed:

1 Haste Potion
3 Barkskin Potion Natural
4 Shield Clicky
4 Superior Defensive Stance Dodge

64 AC/74 AC

Raid Buffed:

2 Recitation
2 Full Barkskin
4 Inspire Heroics

72 AC/82 AC


12/6/6 - 20 Paladin Levels
7/7/7 - Divine Grace
5/5/5 - Aura
6/7/2 - Stats
5/5/5 - +5 Resistance Item
1/1/1 - +1 Ritual

36/31/26 Unbuffed
38/33/28 Against Spells

4/4/4 Greater Heroism
3/3/3 Superior Defensive Stance

43/38/33 Buffed
45/40/35 Against Spells


200 - 20 Paladin
20 - Heroic Durability
120 - +6 Constitution Bonus
22 - Toughness
22 - Minos Legens
10 - Gianthold Favor
20 - Paladin Toughness II
45 - GS Tier 3 Item

459 Total

499 While in Superior Defensive Stance

I'll just throw the description for Glorious Stand out here for those who aren't aware of what it does.

Defender of Siberys III: Glorious Stand
You may expend a turn attempt to make a glorious stand against your enemies. For a short duration of time, you gain DR 20/epic, take reduced damage from elemental and negative energy, receive double healing from positive energy, and are immune to secondary effects of attacks such as 'wounding' or 'vorpal'. Each time you take damage, you gain the effects of a Cure Light Wounds spell.

02-20-2009, 01:20 AM
great looking build. can you get both prestige classes?

extend on a TWF pally is not worth it at all. You never have enough SP points and with extend you blender stuff so fast and have so many clickies/casts that you end up wasting a ton of spell points. i know it's counter intuitive, but it's true. extend doesn't make short duration stuff last long enough to not be wasteful 90% of the time.

02-20-2009, 01:33 AM
can you get both prestige classes?
So far, no. As per Eladrin's words: "The Stalwart Defender is based on the Dwarven Defender prestige class from pen and paper, and may end up available to dwarves (similar to how elves can acquire the Arcane Archer prestige enhancement line)."

Maybe later on, it will be possible but I doubt one will be ever able to get two full PrE's lines at the same time.

It just is two powerful and will lead to stupid situation where going one class is unattractive for a race because their racial PrE is considered to be one of that class, when flavor would say there should be more characters of that class, not less.

02-20-2009, 10:33 AM
great looking build. can you get both prestige classes?

extend on a TWF pally is not worth it at all. You never have enough SP points and with extend you blender stuff so fast and have so many clickies/casts that you end up wasting a ton of spell points. i know it's counter intuitive, but it's true. extend doesn't make short duration stuff last long enough to not be wasteful 90% of the time.

I figure around the time I take extend, I should have plenty of SP. I guess it'll take some experimenting, though.

If it really doesn't work out, I'd probably end up taking Power Attack instead.

Maybe later on, it will be possible but I doubt one will be ever able to get two full PrE's lines at the same time.

It just is two powerful and will lead to stupid situation where going one class is unattractive for a race because their racial PrE is considered to be one of that class, when flavor would say there should be more characters of that class, not less.

Yeah, it'll be interesting to see how it plays out.

11-10-2010, 11:41 AM
I am currently looking to rebuild my very broken Dwarf Pally via a lesser reincarnation. This looks like a good path for me.