View Full Version : build idea will it wrok

02-18-2009, 12:24 PM
Ok so this build is ment for pritty good ac and being able to hit things a lot. Its a 11 ranger 3 pally 2 monk

Here he goes

1 ranger wep fenise
2 ranger
3 monk CE-dodge
4 monk Toughness
5 pally
6 pally mobility
7 pally
8 ranger
9 ranger spring attack
10-11 ranger
12 imp crit slash
13-14 ranger
15 ranger lighting relfexes (for tempist 2)
16-20 ranger
all points in to dex.

Ac rundown should look like this

+1 pally
+6 ac bracers
+5 deflection item
+6 monk
+7 docent(Dragon Tuched)
+4 shroud
+11 dex
+5 CE
+1 dodge
+1 ritual
+1 tempist
54 unbuffed
+3 bark pot
+4 shield clicky
61 self buffed
+5 bard
+2 ranger bark (diffrince between my pot and a ture bark)
+5 pally
+2 clierc
75 raid buffed ac

so hows he look. Did i leve any thing out on the ac??? plez let me know


02-18-2009, 01:03 PM
First thought...Move CE from level 3 to much later. That -5 to-hit penalty is pita at low levels.

AC wise...
Not positive but I don't think AC bracers and Docent stack. Pretty sure they're both AC bonuses...Don't play WF often so I may be mistaken.

Why Barkskin pots? You're going to be playing a Ranger so at max levels you should be self buffing...

You have +5 Pally under other. However, that won't stack with the point from your personal Aura. So only +4 when there's a full Pally nearby.

**EDIT** Per a dev posting. Tempest AC bonus is being changed to a Shield Bonus. Means it won't stack with Shield Clickies. Tempest 2 = +3 Shield AC. Shield Clicky will only add 1 point.**/EDIT**

New Mod was suppose to be coming out around the 3rd Anniversary (IE end of Feb). I'd really recommend holding off on a new build till after that happens. Never know what's going to change.