View Full Version : An Eldritch Knight named ZEIRA
02-11-2009, 06:43 PM
Anatomy of an Eldritch Knight
Like all classes and races there are strengths and weaknesses, what I set out to do was to reduce and if all possible, eliminate the weaknesses on my favorite class the Wizard and began to shore up its combat limitations while preserving their arcane ability. I added a melee class which ended up being a Fighter, but through my renditions I have found that any of the primary combat classes would do nicely.
This combination of arcane and melee proved very affective over the years as it transformed from shield blocking while standing inside a firewall, to a front line combatant who aids the primary melee types with her arcane rhetoric and acts as a bodyguard for those lingering in the rear. The days of hearing “Can I get a haste please?” from the combatants were no more for when she re-applied her own haste, they got it too.
The first weakness of a melee caster to overcome was the Arcane Spell Failure. So start off wearing light armor using the Arcane Fluidity Enhancement and later transition towards medium armor if your combat class permits it. Try to use special equipment such as the Fanged or Spectral Gloves and eventually move towards the Seven-Fingered Gloves if you are lucky enough to get them to drop from the Twilight Forge. A suit of +3 Twilight/Mithral Full Plate will carry you a long way but eventually you could even affectively wear a Dragontouched Breastplate.
The next weakness to overcome is having your concentration broken when casting. No matter how high your Concentration Skill is, they will break it so it is imperative to invest in the Quicken Spell Metamagic Feat since the majority of your time will be spent in harm’s way and there is nothing more irritating than being hit by an arrow eight miles away only to miscast a spell with your last 30 spell points. The faster casting time coupled with spell point reduction items and enhancements when using Quicken is an addiction to say the least.
An Eldritch Knight must consider what you will be giving up in order to gain something else. What I mean by this is that you will have to sacrifice a Wizard Capstone, Spell Points, Difficulty Check Bonuses, Arcane Enhancements, Spell Durations, and Memorized Spells. What you will gain is Hit Points, Bonus Combat Feats, Combat Enhancements, Unique Abilities, Unique Combat and Defensive Spells, Armor, Weapon and Shield Proficiencies.
The minimum level for a Wizard to have access to 9th level spells is 17th.
The minimum level for a Wizard to have access to Tier 3 Enhancements is 18th.
So consider your gains and losses when determining your combat class selection and levels.
Fighter 1 / Wizard 19
One Bonus Combat Feat, Fighter Enhancements
Fighter 2 / Wizard 18
+ Another Bonus Combat Feat and +1 STR
Paladin 1 / Wizard 19
Paladin Enhancements
Paladin 2 / Wizard 18
+ Lay on Hands, Disease Immunity and +1 CHA
Barbarian 1 / Wizard 19
Barbarian Rage, Faster Movement, Barbarian Enhancements
Barbarian 2 / Wizard 18
+ DR/-, Uncanny Dodge and +1 CON
Ranger 1 / Wizard 19
Ranger Enhancements
Ranger 2 / Wizard 18
+ Combat Style and +1 DEX
NOTE: I did not include the other classes as an optional primary class because I feel they do not reflect the nuance of an Eldritch Knight as they tend to be of the Shadow Dancer, Arcane Trickster, and Dragon Disciple descents.
Class: Fighter, Paladin, Barbarian, Ranger / Wizard
Race: Elf or Drow
Alignment: Any
a. A Drow is slightly better in the long run.
b. Lawful Good is an excellent choice but your UMD will be high enough later on.
Suggested Starting Attributes for Fighter 2 / Wizard 18
STR: 14, DEX: 10, CON: 12, INT: 20, WIS: 8, CHA: 10
BAB: +1, Fortitude: x, Reflex: x, Will: x, HP: xx, SP: 0
Toughness (x2), Mental Toughness, Improved Mental Toughness, Stunning Blow, Improved Critical: Slashing, Insightful Reflexes, Extend Spell, Maximize Spell, Quicken Spell, Heighten Spell
Racial Toughness 2, Elven Arcane Fluidity 3, Wizard Intelligence 3, Wizard Energy of the Scholar 4, Wizard Improved Quicken 3, Wizard Improved Maximize 1
Skill Ranks
Balance 13, Concentration 23, Diplomacy 13, Haggle 13, Heal 13, Jump 13, Spot 13, Swim 13, Tumble 13, Use Magic Device 13
The major benefit for being a Wizard over a Sorcerer is that you can switch out your spells to accommodate each quest.
Suggested Equipment
Head: Minos Legens
Neck: Torc of Prince Raiyum-de II / Green Steel (Concordant Opposition)
Trinket: Litany of the Dead / Bloodstone / Bottle of Air / Mummified Bat / Head of Good Fortune
Cloak: Stormreaver's Napkin
Belt: Brute’s Belt
L. Ring: Chattering Ring / Tumbleweed / 30% Strider / Divine Power
Gloves: Seven-Fingered Gloves / Fanged Gloves / Spectral Gloves
Boots: Madstone Boots x7
R. Ring: Ring of Thelis
Bracers: Ethereal Bracers (Eldritch Resistance)
Armor: Dragontouched Breastplate (Eldritch Armor)
Goggles: Green Steel (Balance of Land and Sky II)
Shield: Fanion (Eldritch Shield)
Weapon: Green Steel Scimitar (triple Earth) (Eldritch Force Critical)
Weapon: Green Steel Scimitar (triple Negative) (Eldritch Force Critical)
Weapon: Green Steel Scimitar (triple Positive) (Eldritch Force Critical)
Attributes at level 16 (Un-Buffed)
STR: 22, DEX: 20, CON: 20, INT: 36, WIS: 16, CHA: 18
BAB: +10, Fortitude: 22, Reflex: 28, Will: 22, HP: 339, SP: 1670
Attributes at level 16 (Self-Buffed)
STR: 28, DEX: 20, CON: 30, INT: 39, WIS: 16, CHA: 18
BAB: +16, Fortitude: 30, Reflex: 33, Will: 27, HP: 415, SP: 1723
Attributes at level 20 (Un-Buffed)
STR: 24, DEX: 20, CON: 20, INT: 38, WIS: 16, CHA: 18
BAB: +10, Fortitude: xx, Reflex: xx, Will: xx, HP: xxx, SP: xxxx
Attributes at level 20 (Self-Buffed)
STR: 30, DEX: 20, CON: 30, INT: 44, WIS: 16, CHA: 18
BAB: +20, Fortitude: xx, Reflex: xx, Will: xx, HP: xxx, SP: xxxx
Tomes and Manuals: +3 STR, +2 DEX, +2 CON, +3 INT, +2 WIS, +2 CHA.
02-11-2009, 08:40 PM
Nicely laid out.
Although you might want to include paladin/sorc even if this is the wizard board. The arcane/melee combo is one of the most under-rated class combinations in game. I wish more people would explore it.
02-11-2009, 09:29 PM
Nicely explained.
The only thing i would disagree with is aiming for a working AC on an Eldritch Knight past level 10.
It has high costs in: feats, gear, stat-distribution, and playstyle. And even then it is doubtfull that you can get the AC high enough to make a difference anyway.
While Displacement and Stoneskin are more efficient in much more situations.
02-12-2009, 07:08 PM
Nicely explained.
The only thing i would disagree with is aiming for a working AC on an Eldritch Knight past level 10.
It has high costs in: feats, gear, stat-distribution, and playstyle. And even then it is doubtfull that you can get the AC high enough to make a difference anyway.
While Displacement and Stoneskin are more efficient in much more situations.
Thanks for the reply.
Armor Class has evolved in this game as many strived to get beyond 50, then 60, and now with the addition of the Monk Class I hear people getting into the 70's.
With the addition of Guard Affects the new flavor of AC is to keep it lower so the damage from your guards kill you opponents. As much as I like that idea I still work towards a good Armor Class.
AC 54 seems to be my magic number, but you're right when you say it comes at a high cost and difficult to balance.
02-12-2009, 07:27 PM
ok while the layout is nice, knowing what your ability raises are in and how you got your stats to that point would be wonderful.
02-12-2009, 07:27 PM
Anatomy of an Eldritch Knight
Paladin 2 / Wizard 18
+ Lay on Hands, Disease Immunity and +1 CHA.
This is wrong u don't get fear an disease immunity until lvl 3 pali, what u get is chars bonus added to saves at lvl 2.
The INT seems high in your example (20) for an Eldritch Knight while a CON of 12 seems really low. I assume that an EK would not be using a lot of save type spells so would the attribute point be spent better as:
STR 14
DEX 12
CON 14
INT 18
CHR 10
+1 AC, more HP, fewer SP and DC
02-17-2009, 06:11 PM
I've run with Zeira before and she is one tough elf. I've considered rolling one up just like yours but don't have the energy to invest in another melee character.:o
02-17-2009, 06:50 PM
The INT seems high in your example (20) for an Eldritch Knight while a CON of 12 seems really low. I assume that an EK would not be using a lot of save type spells so would the attribute point be spent better as:
STR 14
DEX 12
CON 14
INT 18
CHR 10
+1 AC, more HP, fewer SP and DC
Of course each person will desire to make changes as per thier play style. I chose to keep the INT as high as possible to allow me the options of a regular Wizard minus a level (or two).
02-17-2009, 06:52 PM
This is wrong u don't get fear an disease immunity until lvl 3 pali, what u get is chars bonus added to saves at lvl 2.
Hmm, I could have sworn it said it was an option when i looked in the online compendium. I'll look again.
02-17-2009, 06:54 PM
ok while the layout is nice, knowing what your ability raises are in and how you got your stats to that point would be wonderful.
Well, I don't want Zeira clones running around but I assure you the stats are valid. If you do some obvious number crunching, spells, enhancements increases and clicky affects then you will get there.
02-17-2009, 06:59 PM
This is wrong u don't get fear an disease immunity until lvl 3 pali, what u get is chars bonus added to saves at lvl 2.
I just checked it again and it confirms that Paladin's get Disease Immunity at 2nd.
I never mentioned Fear Immunity so I am not sure where you thought I posted it.
02-17-2009, 07:01 PM
I've run with Zeira before and she is one tough elf. I've considered rolling one up just like yours but don't have the energy to invest in another melee character.:o
Rock on!
Great Grouping with you...
02-17-2009, 07:03 PM
Nicely laid out.
Although you might want to include paladin/sorc even if this is the wizard board. The arcane/melee combo is one of the most under-rated class combinations in game. I wish more people would explore it.
My focus was Wizard so I never invested in experimenting with a Sorcerer infusion as they tended to go the Paladin road.
Without actually creating that build my information would mearly be an opinion.
If you create one, then please post your results. I'd love to see them.
02-19-2009, 03:47 AM
I only very recently re-activated my account to play around on my wizard again, and the thought that comes to mind is how much I would like to level as an Eldritch Knight prestige class. Seeing how most PRC's are fit as enhancements, I would love to see an implementation of the EK in DDO. Its something I've felt was missing from release.
That said, this build was interesting and helpful. Kudos. :)
02-19-2009, 12:06 PM
Since we are not going to have the eldritch knight prestige class why not make a build that will take advantage of a build that will be in the game specifically the pale master prestige enhancement. Which should come into the game in mod 10 or 11..
02-19-2009, 12:10 PM
I only very recently re-activated my account to play around on my wizard again, and the thought that comes to mind is how much I would like to level as an Eldritch Knight prestige class. Seeing how most PRC's are fit as enhancements, I would love to see an implementation of the EK in DDO. Its something I've felt was missing from release.
That said, this build was interesting and helpful. Kudos. :)
There is a Prestige Class Enhancement line coming to Wizards in Module 10 (or later) called a Pale Master. I have no idea what it will bring but it will give the combat oriented wizard a little extra but nothing near the effectiveness of a true Eldritch Knight.
With the primary combat classess getting thier Teir 3 PrE's I am seeing the power curve slipping away from the wizard multiclass. As it stands now, the wizard multiclass can be close to equal with the same level fighter with the current spell options.
Example: Divine Power, Tenser's Transformation and Madstone Rage will increase your Base Attack Bonus equal to a Fighter of an average build design. If there are no increases in spells or spell affects in MOD 9, then the fighting classes will increase thier physical prowess signifigantly. But maybe it needs to be that way.
I was hoping DDO would come out with an Eldritch Knight Prestige Line, but I will make due with Pale Master.
02-19-2009, 12:13 PM
There is a Prestige Class Enhancement line coming to Wizards in Module 10 (or later) called a Pale Master. I have no idea what it will bring but it will give the combat oriented wizard a little extra but nothing near the effectiveness of a true Eldritch Knight.
With the primary combat classess getting thier Teir 3 PrE's I am seeing the power curve slipping away from the wizard multiclass. As it stands now, the wizard multiclass can be close to equal with the same level fighter with the current spell options.
Example: Divine Power, Tenser's Transformation and Madstone Rage will increase your Base Attack Bonus equal to a Fighter of an average build design. If there are no increases in spells or spell affects in MOD 9, then the fighting classes will increase thier physical prowess signifigantly. But maybe it needs to be that way.
I was hoping DDO would come out with an Eldritch Knight Prestige Line, but I will make due with Pale Master.
Likely a Pale Master will have a + to natural armor class; immunity to critical hits, stun and paralysis; toughness; and a special paralysis attack..
Edit: I am a huge fan of 2 monk 18 wiz for the pale master as it is likely to be defensive prestige class. I would make a 1 barbarian 1 fighter 18 wiz with the fighter level at level 20 otherwise so you can get gtwf or gthf at level 20..
02-19-2009, 12:32 PM
thanks for the info, i have been toying with a new arcane/melee build but it would not have near as many wiz lvls as you. i want to build an WF Arcane Scout (12wiz/6ranger/2rogue) but i am not sure how effective spells like FTS, etc will be with only 12 wiz lvls as i am no arcane expert. i KNOW that this build wont be easy or welcomed by some but my guildies love this ****.
02-19-2009, 12:34 PM
thanks for the info, i have been toying with a new arcane/melee build but it would not have near as many wiz lvls as you. i want to build an WF Arcane Scout (12wiz/6ranger/2rogue) but i am not sure how effective spells like FTS, etc will be with only 12 wiz lvls as i am no arcane expert. i KNOW that this build wont be easy or welcomed by some but my guildies love this ****.
I like your build actually although I would lean toward 12 wiz/6 ranger/2 monk over 2 rogue, but still solid. If you stick with aoe dps spells primarily you should be good, but its tough to say what the 9th level spells will be could affect everything for arcane melee builds..
02-19-2009, 12:44 PM
I like your build actually although I would lean toward 12 wiz/6 ranger/2 monk over 2 rogue, but still solid. If you stick with aoe dps spells primarily you should be good, but its tough to say what the 9th level spells will be could affect everything for arcane melee builds..
You have a very valid point about AoE Spells verses Direct Damage.
I have found a Wizard (not a Sorcerer) will exhaust his/her spell points if used for high damage direct spells such as Delayed Blast Fireball. I find using a Wall of Fire, Cloud Kill, Acid Fog, etc... along with you swinging a high output weapon will drop your foes fast and still have spell points leftover to buff.
My Motto: "Let the magic work for you!"
Side Note: My build is in no way the best out there, it is solid and versatile with the ability to stay in the fight. I encourage you to see other builds such as the Arcane-Psycho for they are along the "less arcane, more power" side of the tracks.
Let me know how your 12/6/2 turns out.
02-19-2009, 12:44 PM
I like your build actually although I would lean toward 12 wiz/6 ranger/2 monk over 2 rogue, but still solid. If you stick with aoe dps spells primarily you should be good, but its tough to say what the 9th level spells will be could affect everything for arcane melee builds..
thanks, its a very interesting build combo imo, with lots of combat options and a high survival rate. good utility as well.
thought about monk, mainly for the feats, as i think the ac will be negligable at best, but i want the rogueish skills and HB if i can manage all the feats. 2 fighter would also work for more bab, HB, and feats, etc. not sure which way to go yet, but one of those three classes. will polly depend on feats.
if i go rogue ot fighter i will be crafting disabling guard items and forgoing ac.
great buffage, good aoe, swap to melee weps and keep moving until they die. not sure about spells like Flesh to stone - will i be able to land these at end game with 12 wiz lvls?
02-19-2009, 12:46 PM
You have a very valid point about AoE Spells verses Direct Damage.
I have found a Wizard (not a Sorcerer) will exhaust his/her spell points if used for high damage direct spells such as Delayed Blast Fireball. I find using a Wall of Fire, Cloud Kill, Acid Fog, etc... along with you swinging a high output weapon will drop your foes fast and still have spell points leftover to buff.
My Motto: "Let the magic work for you!"
Side Note: My build is in no way the best out there, it is solid and versatile with the ability to stay in the fight. I encourage you to see other builds such as the Arcane-Psycho for they are along the "less arcane, more power" side of the tracks.
Let me know how your 12/6/2 turns out.
thanks and i will. wont be starting him for a bit yet, as i am going to need to aquire a bit more gear/tomes for this guy than my usual twf'ers. i think pairing this guy with a radII and a para of punc or similar will be very fun
02-19-2009, 12:50 PM
thanks, its a very interesting build combo imo, with lots of combat options and a high survival rate. good utility as well.
thought about monk, mainly for the feats, as i think the ac will be negligable at best, but i want the rogueish skills and HB if i can manage all the feats. 2 fighter would also work for more bab, HB, and feats, etc. not sure which way to go yet, but one of those three classes. will polly depend on feats.
if i go rogue ot fighter i will be crafting disabling guard items and forgoing ac.
great buffage, good aoe, swap to melee weps and keep moving until they die. not sure about spells like Flesh to stone - will i be able to land these at end game with 12 wiz lvls?
There lies the issue... too many non-wizard levels and low Intelligence will drop your (DC) making spells like Flesh to Stone and Finger of Death difficult to land resulting in wasted spell points and the ever increasing issue of not being suited "allowed" for quests...
A wizard who cannot Finger of Death the Air Elementals in Stealer of Souls might not get a return invite.
02-19-2009, 12:52 PM
There lies the issue... too many non-wizard levels and low Intelligence will drop your (DC) making spells like Flesh to Stone and Finger of Death difficult to land resulting in wasted spell points and the ever increasing issue of not being suited "allowed" for quests...
A wizard who cannot Finger of Death the Air Elementals in Stealer of Souls might not get a return invite.
I wouldn't consider him a wizard but more of a melee with arcane capability.. It isn't just dcs but also spell penetration issues. Really he should try to cast firewall and buff spells as much as possible..
02-19-2009, 12:53 PM
There lies the issue... too many non-wizard levels and low Intelligence will drop your (DC) making spells like Flesh to Stone and Finger of Death difficult to land resulting in wasted spell points and the ever increasing issue of not being suited "allowed" for quests...
A wizard who cannot Finger of Death the Air Elementals in Stealer of Souls might not get a return invite.
very true, and i hate to dissapoint :)
like any arcane/melee build there has to be sacrifices and this guy is still on the drawing board so we shall see...thanks a lot for your input
02-19-2009, 01:00 PM
I wouldn't consider him a wizard but more of a melee with arcane capability.. It isn't just dcs but also spell penetration issues. Really he should try to cast firewall and buff spells as much as possible..
The Arcane-Psycho build is one of the better Arcane Melee combinations I have seen fully built and played to 16th level.
Kehgeld (<--spelling unsure) is another mighty (and I mean mighty) version of the arcane melee fusion I have seen.
Warforged is a perfectly suited race for the blend.
02-19-2009, 01:02 PM
Don't forget ( Im sure you know , but posting this for others) that Contagion ignores SR and can render an opponent nearly useless for a beatdown. ( Blinding Sickness & a few whacks from your enfeebling or weakening)
(The Shakes & a few whacks from a maladroit) ect. The biggest point is that this ignores SR. Slap a devil w/ blinding sickness, whip out your backstabber in your offhand and vorpal in main, and pop off its head.
02-19-2009, 01:03 PM
A wizard who cannot Finger of Death the Air Elementals in Stealer of Souls might not get a return invite.
Didnt have this memmed first time in :( !!!
We completed it, however :)
02-19-2009, 01:04 PM
Don't forget ( Im sure you know , but posting this for others) that Contagion ignores SR and can render an opponent nearly useless for a beatdown. ( Blinding Sickness & a few whacks from your enfeebling or weakening)
(The Shakes & a few whacks from a maladroit) ect. The biggest point is that this ignores SR. Slap a devil w/ blinding sickness, whip out your backstabber in your offhand and vorpal in main, and pop off its head.
It's all about spell use... Rock On!!! great tip!
02-19-2009, 01:52 PM
Don't forget ( Im sure you know , but posting this for others) that Contagion ignores SR and can render an opponent nearly useless for a beatdown. ( Blinding Sickness & a few whacks from your enfeebling or weakening)
(The Shakes & a few whacks from a maladroit) ect. The biggest point is that this ignores SR. Slap a devil w/ blinding sickness, whip out your backstabber in your offhand and vorpal in main, and pop off its head.
wow thats good to know. contagion is a 5th lvl spell too huh?
02-19-2009, 03:28 PM
Nicely explained.
While Displacement and Stoneskin are more efficient in much more situations.
Those two spells are very important along with Blur but like most things in this game there are counters. True Seeing and Adamantine Weapons will counter these.
02-19-2009, 03:59 PM
I love battlecasters but as far as a wizard goes I think it would be a HUGE mistake to make the race anything other than Warforged.
The ability to cast quickened reconstructs is widely considered one of the most powerful things in this game. Combine the self healing with a melee focused character wearing the Torc and Concordiant Opp is a beautiful thing.
Being able to run into a quest with zero sp, kill 10-15 mobs all while self healing, and have 150+sp when you're done is an amazing thing
02-19-2009, 04:29 PM
As big of a Warforged guy as I am, Elves are great at the Eldritch thing as well.
I'd say that if you focus more on casting crowd control, and debuffs, they're vastly superior at that role then the Warforged arcane brutes. More elegance and class in landing ray of enfeeblement followed up with enervation and waves of fatigue only to walk up and kill the bad guy before he can recover from his -15 to Strength.
They, like Warforged, have the ability to wear armor and cast spells.
They also have the benefit of typically having higher DEX scores for dual wielding, and higher, AC in lighter armors for even less ASF.
Elves have the benefit of also having higher spell point totals then Warforged as well. And if you go Drow, you'll have more INT then a Warforged which helps in spell DC's.
Also, you won't HAVE to spend a spell slot for the highest repair spell, sacrificing your higher tier spell slots on repairs, and reconstruct.
Having the fighter feats and fighter classes helps immensely for a Wizards survivability as well. With Fighter toughness enhancements, action boosts, and hit points.
Great tip Nevthial! Debuffs are one of the keys to success for an Eldritch Knight.
02-20-2009, 01:19 PM
wow thats good to know. contagion is a 5th lvl spell too huh?
4th level wiz/sor & 3rd level cleric ( Its one of the most overlooked spells in the game)
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