View Full Version : Server Outage Info Please

02-09-2009, 06:37 PM
I would like if Turbine could be more active in posting during server outages. I would like to be able to hit ddo.com and see a post from Turbine with a notification of a server issue, the impact and, if available, an estimated availability timeframe. It is very frustrating to see the game won't connect and then having to find posts from other users to determine if it's my rig or the servers.

Tonight for instance I see the first post about not being able to connect happened at 6:45 pm est yet when I checked last around 7:25pm est there is still no info on the issue.

Yes, I realize that while typing a message for the website you can't be working on the issue. However, I'm willing to take that additional 60 second hit to get info which will help me realize if I should wait 5 minutes or go away for an hour.

Also, while I'm ranting, it would be nice to hear after the fact what the issue was. Guess that doesn't matter much but it would at least give some insite into what goes on.

I have to assume other players would appreciate the info as well.

02-09-2009, 07:43 PM
I agree completely! It is EXTREMELY frustrating having to search the forums and post to find out if you are the only one suffering from the outage. Many online games have a server status box on their webpages, hell we need 2...one for the login server...one for the game server...just because quite often only the login server goes down....

I also would like to know what the reason is for this extreme downtime. Did you guys forget to pay the electric bill?