View Full Version : Stuck on 'Examine Programs'

02-08-2009, 01:55 PM
See http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=171991

So, I tried to do this complicated stuff with ports, had to call up Dell, pay money for a 'special service' line, and I finally got past the launcher not loading! I knew something else was going to go wrong, tho. I've been running computers since Comedor 64, and this had to be the most polished piece of junk I've ever came across. Now I tried to go down the list... I got past connect, that's good, but now I'm stuck on Examine Programs. It's not frozen, I can see the triangle doing it's thing. Maybe somebody could help with THIS issue? Kthx.

02-08-2009, 02:04 PM
Alright -- I managed to pull up an old forum post regarding this, and thankfully I was able to get past Examine Programs. Now I'm downloading all the patches and... stuff. Thanks for your concern.

02-19-2009, 03:16 AM
Alright -- I managed to pull up an old forum post regarding this, and thankfully I was able to get past Examine Programs. Now I'm downloading all the patches and... stuff. Thanks for your concern.

My hubby is stuck at this point now as well, could you direct me to where you found the fix-it info?