View Full Version : Globe of Invuln?

02-07-2009, 07:55 PM
I hate to mess things up for everyone, but I do like to do things the right way. I usually assume that if the computer lets you do it, then it's ok. And when someone says thats bad..then I stop. I'm hearing a rumor that Globe of Invuln protects you from the "bees" damage caused in the hound raid. I'm not sure if it's true. But I would just like to know if it is intended or a bug?

Thank You

02-07-2009, 08:18 PM
It's long been my belief that the Bees are the Summon Insect Swarm spell. Lvl 4.
And that would mean it is suppose to be blocked by GoI.

But I seldom raid and haven't been in a group that has tried it.

Could be tested with a cookie in an explorer area maybe.....haven't tried my cookies yet, so not even sure how they work.

02-07-2009, 10:45 PM
Huh... now that's worth testing on my Wiz. The assumption that it is considered equivillent to insect swarm also makes sense and would indicate why it could be blocked. I wonder if that means we are getting the spell some time soon :D

02-07-2009, 11:04 PM
It does work; the question is whether thats intended.

of course, goi on this game is actually an antimagic field in which you can still cast spells

02-08-2009, 12:28 AM
It works, we use it on Ghallanda.
Cleric gets bees, someone puts a globe up (spell, queen staff, scroll), the cleric goes in it and can keep healing.
It's using an unpopular spell for it's actual use (protect you from nasty magic).
Nothing wrong here.

02-08-2009, 11:10 AM
It does work; the question is whether thats intended.
It seems highly likely they would be looking for ways to make silly spells occasionally helpful, like they did with Stone To Flesh in the original release of Ascension Chamber.

02-08-2009, 02:09 PM
It seems highly likely they would be looking for ways to make silly spells occasionally helpful, like they did with Stone To Flesh in the original release of Ascension Chamber.

I certainly hope they don't go to the extent they did with Enervate for a beneficial spell like Greater Restoration. Enervate is so widely used by opponents that nearly every casting class in the game that can cast it, carries it for one reason or another(It's obscenely overpowered). For that reason, nearly every cleric that can cast Greater Restoration has it loaded at all times, and even tries to carry scrolls of it for those Enervate Mass parties that Beholders like to host.

02-08-2009, 02:23 PM
Enervation's not any different from pnp, really, beyond that its easier to use it before another spell and that beholders have it

get some spell resistance; enervation works equally well for pc casters, as its simply very good.

02-08-2009, 02:24 PM
I certainly hope they don't go to the extent they did with Enervate for a beneficial spell like Greater Restoration. Enervate is so widely used by opponents that nearly every casting class in the game that can cast it, carries it for one reason or another(It's obscenely overpowered). For that reason, nearly every cleric that can cast Greater Restoration has it loaded at all times, and even tries to carry scrolls of it for those Enervate Mass parties that Beholders like to host.

Even the lowliest of casual players has nothing to fear from enervate if they just upgrade their silver flame talisman (no uber gear required). Enervate is no wheres near overpowered imo.

** edit, also thx for info on globe of invuln... can't wait to try it!

02-08-2009, 02:49 PM
Enervation's not any different from pnp, really, beyond that its easier to use it before another spell and that beholders have it

get some spell resistance; enervation works equally well for pc casters, as its simply very good.

beholders don't care if you have spell resistance tested on my monk on von 3 on normal they never got a single blue save