View Full Version : I am not a Toaster, windup toy, robot.....

02-05-2009, 03:26 PM
Okay here goes. I am a sentient construct, brought to life to serve you people in your stupid war. After my service in the war, I am tossed away and treated with scorn and derision by a large segment of society. I presevered, prospered, thought and eventually gained a measure of self awareness and may i dare say it a "SOUL". I am a living being my biomechanism is just a little different than yours.

I am still capable of joy and humor, kindness and loyalty and kicking the butt of the next clerical type that says "oh sorry I don't do Warforged"

02-05-2009, 03:28 PM
you resemble a garage opener, IMHO

02-05-2009, 03:34 PM
I thought you were in the "last war".......:D

02-05-2009, 03:36 PM
Real Warforged dont whine.

02-05-2009, 03:38 PM
I think you got the short end of the stick. All Warforged created during the last war where completely self aware at creation. If it took you a while to gain self awareness you might want to check to see if you have been recalled, because you are obviously defective.

When you phone your local Cannith Representative been sure to have your serial number handy, since that will make finding what batch you came out of easier.

Edit: Ps. I don't do warforged either. It sounds painful, kind of like sticking a square peg into a metal hole.

02-05-2009, 03:44 PM
food for thought....

who knows how many years back the very first warforged were created? who created them, and why?

If you say "the Last War," and "House Cannith," you're wrong.

02-05-2009, 03:54 PM
Okay here goes. I am a sentient construct, brought to life to serve you people in your stupid war. After my service in the war, I am tossed away and treated with scorn and derision by a large segment of society. I presevered, prospered, thought and eventually gained a measure of self awareness and may i dare say it a "SOUL". I am a living being my biomechanism is just a little different than yours.

I am still capable of joy and humor, kindness and loyalty and kicking the butt of the next clerical type that says "oh sorry I don't do Warforged"

would someone take this droid down to maintenance and have its memory banks erased? its starting to act funny... babbling on about souls and such.

02-05-2009, 03:56 PM
food for thought....

who knows how many years back the very first warforged were created? who created them, and why?

If you say "the Last War," and "House Cannith," you're wrong.
The first sentient Warforged was made by Aarren d'Cannith (Races of Eberron, p. 17). There are rumors that the Quori were working on similar constructs to house their masters.

02-05-2009, 03:59 PM
The first sentient Warforged was made by Aarren d'Cannith (Races of Eberron, p. 17). There are rumors that the Quori were working on similar constructs to house their masters.

I don't have the book with me to check up on the "sentience," but the Quori & the giants crafted warforged before Cannith. If you have Secrets of Xendrik, it should be in there.

02-05-2009, 04:01 PM
I don't have the book with me to check up on the "sentience," but the Quori & the giants crafted warforged before Cannith. If you have Secrets of Xendrik, it should be in there.

The warforged are a race of living, sentient constructs superficially similar to golems. Warforged are composed of a blend of materials: predominantly stone, wood, and some type of metal. These components take on unnatural properties during the warforge-creation process. Some Warforged are able to alter their shapes somewhat and produce spikes. Interestingly, materials used to repair a damaged Warforged take on the properties of the materials already present in the Warforged. Conversely, any materials removed from the husk of a non-functional Warforged decay rapidly, and are unfit for any other use.
Warforged in Eberron were created by House Cannith (http://eberroncampaign.wikidot.com/cannith) in magical 'creation forges' to fight in the Last War, based on technology recovered from Xen'drik. When the Last War ended, their purpose was indeterminate. They were given their freedom at the Treaty of Thronehold. Though they have free will, whether they have a soul is not known with certainty; they can be resurrected by spells designed to restore human souls to life, but, unlike humans, never remember anything of their experience in the afterlife after such an event.
While they have no biological sex, warforged may adopt a gender role as part of their individual personality. They do not age as the other races do, and it is not known what effects time will have on them. It is stipulated that, like all living creatures, their bodies must experience degradation over time. Like other races, warforged may take levels in any character class.
* 1 History of the warforged
o 1.1 Warforged in Xen'drik
o 1.2 Warforged in Khorvaire
* 2 References
History of the warforged

Warforged in Xen'drik
The origins of the Warforged on Eberron are not clear. According to a "docent" (ancient and sentient memory-containing magic item) found in Secrets of Xen'drik, the very first warforged were created as "host bodies" for a group of Quori (which were very different from Quori of 998 YK). The giants of Xen'drik created their own versions for their wars against the Quori, because the warforged are immune to many Quori tactics. However, according to Tales of the Last War, the giants invented the warforged, after which the Quori stole the secrets of their creation from the dreams of giants and created their own.
Either way, the secrets of warforged creation seem to have originated on the continent of Xen'drik. The ability of ancient Xen'drik docents to meld with modern-day warforged supports this theory. The existence of Xulo, a huge and powerful warforged found in Xen'drik, also supports this theory.
Warforged in Khorvaire
Near the halfway point of the Last War, Merrix d'Cannith, of the Dragonmarked House Cannith, was commissioned to build a great army of golems, to serve as untiring warriors. Not satisfied with the lifeless, unintelligent hulks his forges produced, nor with the prohibitively expensive process of creating golems one-by-one, Merrix began experimenting with magic to instill some spark of life in them that would enable them, like living things, to direct their own actions and to be grown by a self-sustaining process. After many unsuccessful attempts, Merrix's son, Aarren d'Cannith, finally invented the process used in the creation forges. The warforged that Aarren's creation forges created were fully sentient, with the ability to have emotions, relationships, even to experience death; each new generation increased in sophistication and intelligence, ranging from the barely-sentient titans to the youngest versions of warforged who were fully capable of achieving advanced education and ability in magic. However, Aarren and Merrix had a disagreement over their use. Aarren felt that House Cannith had created life, and refused to see his creations used as tools. Merrix ignored him, and Aarren, feeling powerless, left. Powerful divination magics used to this day have only been able to confirm that he is still alive, not where he is. At the end of the War, two important rulings regarding the Warforged came down:
1. All Warforged were declared 'people', and not possessions.
2. The House Cannith (http://eberroncampaign.wikidot.com/cannith) creation forges were to be shut down, never to produce any more of the living constructs.
Despite the rulings, many Warforged are still regarded as outsiders, and many are still employed as indentured servants.
There are also rumours that Merrix d'Cannith, (the grandson of the original Merrix) still produces illegal warforged in a lost creation forge. Even more disturbing are the rumours that the Lord of Blades, a rogue warforged, has stumbled onto an undestroyed creation forge in the Mournland and has begun creating an army.
The Lord of Blades, a figure of near-messianic significance to the warforged, took advantage of the Day of Mourning to establish an independent warforged outpost within the Mournland; operating from a philosophy that the existence of organic life will always pose a threat that his people will be returned to servitude, he wages a guerrilla war with the eventual goal the elimination of human dominance in Khorvaire; his agents thus serve as reliable antagonists for many Eberron campaigns. One of the biggest mysteries in the setting is the nature of the Lord of Blades' identity and to what extent he actually exists or has been mythologized.
Races of Eberron, an extended reference guide for the campaign setting, has much more in-depth material on warforged variations and additional feats and abilities. As well, it mentions the beginnings of the construction of the Godforged, which could in fact be a Warforged god.
Recently a new group of warforged calling themselves the "Psiforged" have begun appearing across Eberron. Able to use very powerful psionic abilities, their origins are as much as mystery as their motives. Some are said to originate from Mournland, while others appear from deep beneath the depth of Sharn. House Cannith (http://eberroncampaign.wikidot.com/cannith) denies any connection to the new design and has stated that they never pursued a psionically enhanced warforged model.

02-05-2009, 04:03 PM
ahhh...found it....

Quori and Giants created the first warforged 40,000 years before the birth of the Cannithian warforged.

02-05-2009, 04:06 PM
ahhh...found it....

Quori and Giants created the first warforged 40,000 years before the birth of the Cannithian warforged.

Nice :)

02-05-2009, 04:07 PM
ahhh...found it....

Quori and Giants created the first warforged 40,000 years before the birth of the Cannithian warforged.

I find all this WF lore and history quite thrilling.

Thanks guys ! :)

02-05-2009, 04:08 PM
Didnt know toasters could type...

02-05-2009, 04:08 PM
easy fix, dont run with clerics, or if you do; only WF clerics

02-05-2009, 04:08 PM
I don't have the book with me to check up on the "sentience," but the Quori & the giants crafted warforged before Cannith. If you have Secrets of Xendrik, it should be in there.
Page 84, actually, yes, but they aren't sentient, and only made by the Quori (remember, the Giants and the Quori hate each other).

Quorcraft Warforged, specifically, are what they are called.

02-05-2009, 04:09 PM
Nice :)

I find all this WF lore and history quite thrilling.

Thanks guys ! :)

interestingly enough, these "progenitor warforged" have the following stat modifications:
-all body armor is increased by +2, so composite plating gives +4 AC, and this bonus applies accordingly to mithral and adamantine
-progenitor warforged have an effective charisma of 1, IIRC

02-05-2009, 04:10 PM
Real Warforged dont whine.


02-05-2009, 04:11 PM
Page 84, actually, yes, but they aren't sentient, and only made by the Quori (remember, the Giants and the Quori hate each other).

Quorcraft Warforged, specifically, are what they are called.

Giants created warforged in their fights with the Quori, as well (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warforged#Warforged)

02-05-2009, 04:11 PM
WF Rule (http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=hox6lDOU_No)

02-05-2009, 04:15 PM
Giants created warforged in their fights with the Quori, as well (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warforged#Warforged)
Yup, just found that, actually.

Can't find a source in the sourcebooks, but I'm guessing it's in one of the novels.

I really should get to reading those sometime.

02-05-2009, 04:18 PM
Yup, just found that, actually.

Can't find a source in the sourcebooks, but I'm guessing it's in one of the novels.

I really should get to reading those sometime.

eh, Keith's alright. not a big fan of Eberron in general myself.

The thing about the Eberron setting is there's pretty much no reason to play anything except warforged artificers and warforged juggernauts

02-05-2009, 04:21 PM
would someone take this droid down to maintenance and have its memory banks erased? its starting to act funny... babbling on about souls and such.

it's just got a couple dents in the head. just tap it out with with this smiting hammer. :D

02-05-2009, 04:24 PM
eh, Keith's alright. not a big fan of Eberron in general myself.

The thing about the Eberron setting is there's pretty much no reason to play anything except warforged artificers and warforged juggernauts
I'm a big fan of the noir-city feel in Sharn. Not everything has to be Jungles of Xen'drik exploration.

02-05-2009, 04:28 PM
I have 2 Theories on Warforged

1. Warforged are Host Bodies for Heroic Souls that the afterlife (aka study hall) could not contain. The transition wiped away the memories of these Souls but their basic Heroic Nature could not be wiped away... I mean how many WF do you see running around as store clerks... not many

2. They are in fact Gnomish Power Armor and if we crack them open we will find a withered old Gnome in there reminiscent of Darth Vader or the Dalecks

Yvaine -Scholar


02-05-2009, 04:30 PM
I'm a big fan of the noir-city feel in Sharn. Not everything has to be Jungles of Xen'drik exploration.

I know, but why play anything except a warforged artificer, specifically? Assuming we're talking about 3.5 of course.

As an artificer, you can:
- craft virtually for free
- cast arcane spells two levels before a wizard can
- cast divine spells two levels before a cleric can
- turn undead better than a cleric
- wildshape like a druid
- do everything a rogue can
- infuse yourself with buffs that last 10 times as long as arcane and divine casters

I like to say artificers can do everything that everybody can do, except an artificer can do it better.

02-05-2009, 04:33 PM
Okay here goes. I am a sentient construct, brought to life to serve you people in your stupid war. After my service in the war, I am tossed away and treated with scorn and derision by a large segment of society. I presevered, prospered, thought and eventually gained a measure of self awareness and may i dare say it a "SOUL". I am a living being my biomechanism is just a little different than yours.

I am still capable of joy and humor, kindness and loyalty and kicking the butt of the next clerical type that says "oh sorry I don't do Warforged"

Who's the moron creater that gave you tear ducts? There's no crying in toast making!

02-05-2009, 04:33 PM
I know, but why play anything except a warforged artificer, specifically? Assuming we're talking about 3.5 of course.
Rogue: Evasion/Improved Evasion, Trapfinding
Wizard/Sorcerer/Cleric/Druid: 7th-9th level spells

There are plenty of reasons. For instance, roleplaying. Not everybody twinks their PnP character. Some of them flesh them out and build them accordingly.

02-05-2009, 04:35 PM
Rogue: Evasion/Improved Evasion, Trapfinding
Wizard/Sorcerer/Cleric/Druid: 7th-9th level spells

There are plenty of reasons. For instance, roleplaying. Not everybody twinks their PnP character. Some of them flesh them out and build them accordingly.
Artificer: crafts a ring of evasion, and already has trapfinding as a class feature
an artificer can craft an item to cast time stop, a 9th level arcane spell, at 15th level.

Hey, I didn't write the rules. :) :cool:

02-05-2009, 04:37 PM
Artificer: crafts a ring of evasion, and already has trapfinding as a class feature
an artificer can craft an item to cast time stop, a 9th level arcane spell, at 15th level.

Hey, I didn't write the rules. :) :cool:
Refute my secondary point about roleplay over rollplay. :p

02-05-2009, 04:39 PM
Refute my secondary point about roleplay over rollplay. :p

nah :D

im off to go play my gnome illusionist arcane trickster at a weekly session, definitely not a optimized character but fun to play.

02-05-2009, 04:41 PM
nah :D

im off to go play my gnome illusionist arcane trickster at a weekly session, definitely not a optimized character but fun to play.
Ha! I knew it! :D

(Also; I generally tweak numbers on my characters. You should see me doing it when playing Shadowrun.)

02-05-2009, 04:42 PM
nah :D

im off to go play my gnome illusionist arcane trickster at a weekly session, definitely not a optimized character but fun to play.

nice bro sounds fun

02-05-2009, 04:44 PM
Ha! I knew it! :D

(Also; I generally tweak numbers on my characters. You should see me doing it when playing Shadowrun.)

I feel like the new shadowrun overpowered Mages... Its like there is no reason to play anything else.

I may have missed something but it definately seemed off


02-05-2009, 04:45 PM
I feel like the new shadowrun overpowered Mages... Its like there is no reason to play anything else.

I may have missed something but it definately seemed off

I've got the 4th Ed books, but haven't touched them. Long live (heavily houseruled) 2nd Ed!

02-05-2009, 04:46 PM
Refute my secondary point about roleplay over rollplay. :p

Artificers can create a trinket of +1 personality at first level, thereby roleplaying one better than anybody else.

02-05-2009, 04:54 PM
I feel like the new shadowrun overpowered Mages... Its like there is no reason to play anything else.

I may have missed something but it definately seemed off


I dunno. I remember when I used to play, the first thing NPCs yelled in any encounter was "Geek the mage!" I developed a complex, and Docwagon doesn't cover mental health.

02-05-2009, 05:01 PM
I dunno. I remember when I used to play, the first thing NPCs yelled in any encounter was "Geek the mage!" I developed a complex, and Docwagon doesn't cover mental health.
That's the outcry for every game with any form of magic. Healers and casters first, hard-hitting melee second, everything else last.

02-05-2009, 05:17 PM
I always heal warforged in my party but I think there is something called a repair spell. Why do warforged players never complain about wizzy or sorc not casting repair? Save Cleric mana for fleshies where it is more effective.

02-05-2009, 05:54 PM
Why do warforged players never complain about wizzy or sorc not casting repair?

Because we learned to survive by our merits or go inert.