View Full Version : Take it easy DDO'ers

02-04-2009, 02:43 AM
Well gang that's that. I will log a few times before my sub is up for renewel on Feb 11th. Then I will be making a few regulars that are new to the game that I have played with very happy in MMO standards. I won't get too deep into why I am going but yeah it has to be obvious. This was the only MMo I could enjoy to the level of addict. However, recent progressive changes have pretty much ruined it for me. Earlier I was showing people this game and well the current state began to build. Needless to say my buddies won't be coming and I won't be staying.

I will miss burning and smiting the mobs. I will mis healing and taking care of the party. I will NOT mis the broken gameplay.

Peace and Take care.

AKA Heinricke

02-04-2009, 11:27 AM
Broken servers i could understand, but broken gameply? Sorry to see you go, but hope you reconsider, i think its just starting to get good.

02-04-2009, 11:33 AM
However, recent progressive changes have pretty much ruined it for me.

I will NOT mis the broken gameplay.

Peace and Take care.

AKA Heinricke

huh? There hasnt been any changes at all in nearly 3 months to the gameplay. and I'm straining to remeber anything significant that changed with mod 8.....

02-04-2009, 11:37 AM
Get lost. Beat it.

02-04-2009, 12:24 PM
What about a regular who isn't new to the game?!??!? (my way of asking "can I have your stuff?")

JK I hate it when people leave, especially from our server. Hope to see you back.

But yeah, Stuff? Just a WOP or bloodstone or whatever...