View Full Version : Critique my equipment setup please and make it better

02-03-2009, 03:53 PM
This is what I have or intend to get. Take a look and see if you have suggestions to make it better

I am 2 monk/ 2 ftr/ 12 pally

HELM: Minos Legend - greensteel at some point
Necklace: +6 Wisdom/Wiz 6 + something not decided yet. Skills shroud item planning on cleansing
Cloak:+6 CHR
Belt: Titan Belt is the goal
Gloves:Greensteel +45 HP,stoneskin, hvy fort +5 protection, Con skills +6
Boots: Striders
Bracers: Tharnes +6 dex/+6 armor with saves ritual
Ring 1:+6 Con
Ring 2: Chattering Ring/UA/FF
Trinket: Bloodstone
Goggles- Tharnes- true seeing and backstanbiing. All items ghost touch for set
Armor- Icy raiment with ac ritual

02-03-2009, 04:10 PM
3 mnk, 6 rgr, 7pal

helm: mineral 2, hp on all 3 tiers
neck: silver flame talisman
cloak: +6 cha
belt: con +6 (plan to swap to titan belt)
gloves: +6 dex
boots: 30% striding
Bracers: +7 armor (plan to switch to chaosguard or +8)
ring1: str +6 (plan to switch to +6 con)
ring2: chattering ring
trinket: bloodstone/bat
armor: icy rainment (plan to switch to DT*)
goggles: wiz 6, poison immunity, existential stalemate (only tier 2)

*my plan is to rock the rainment untill i get my dragontouched shroud the +4 insight bonus to ac. i dont use a weapon with the ac, because i dont want to lose the ac when i swap to a different weapon set (like w/p.) at this point the shroud is just as good as the rainment, but it also can be upgraded to +1 exceptional dex and +5 resistance as well. since it also has +6 armor, i can either overlap it with +8 bracers, or wear chaosguards for a stacking +2.

currently, my rainment is my only resistance item. i have no gfl untill i get a titan belt.

our setups are extremely similar, as we require all the same properties in our gear.

02-03-2009, 04:29 PM
i reccomend puting a shroud item in the head slot to free up space. i obviously forewent the tharnes set, but it is very good. i think the only thing u are sacrificing for it is a couple points of ac. it just depends on which u think is more important.

i highly reccomend making your neck slot hot-swappable with a sft. that necklace is all but mandatory for all high level toons.

i also reccomend the poison immunity on the second tier of your ES item. especially if u wont fret remaking them in the event that u are lucky enough to ever get your hands on a +6 con proof/poison ring. i dont sweat the overlap on the fear immunity, because there isnt much for pos/neg at t2. even if they became obsolete later, it would be frivilous to remake them. the main point of ES is to get +6 wis into the slot of your choice. since slash is my twink, i would remake them with a save bonus or regen (like i said, very frivilous.)

beyond that, just make sure your clickies dont make u lose hp. that is my main problem with slash, which im trying to work on. my goggles used to be a hp item, but i changed that for the sake of flesh rendor goggles. if im at full sp and need to dw myself, i will just deal with it i suppose. the titan belt and the gird unfortunately go in the same slot. if i am at full hp and have to gh myself, i just wand whip and consider that the recurring cost of self gh.