View Full Version : Mana Pots price check

02-02-2009, 02:50 AM
K, whats the deal with prices on mana pots at the AH?

Is my cleric really expected to stock up at 100,000 gp per, for an item I would use to prevent party wipe and their associated repair costs?

Hey, I can deal with blowing through wands and res scrolls, borrowing plat from my alts. But this aint happening.

02-02-2009, 02:57 AM
K, whats the deal with prices on mana pots at the AH?

Is my cleric really expected to stock up at 100,000 gp per, for an item I would use to prevent party wipe and their associated repair costs?

Hey, I can deal with blowing through wands and res scrolls, borrowing plat from my alts. But this aint happening.

10k plat per is pricey.

If you can find them at around 5/6/7k plat, if you need them, I'd pick em up at that price. Sometimes you get lucky and see them for around those prices.

02-02-2009, 06:49 AM
K, whats the deal with prices on mana pots at the AH?

Is my cleric really expected to stock up at 100,000 gp per, for an item I would use to prevent party wipe and their associated repair costs?

Hey, I can deal with blowing through wands and res scrolls, borrowing plat from my alts. But this aint happening.

As wands are often a drop in the bucket when it comes to healing endgame heal scrolls and mana pots often can be the difference maker... So therefore, unfortunately often the answer is yes, if you want to have them you have to either be lucky and find them, have friends/guildies that pass them to you in chests, or buy them.

usually in better groups you rarely need them even in the highest raids, but all to often there is an offset that you run into where you run a shroud and blow through 4 pots and 50 scrolls and still fail cause people can't get their carp together. :/

so long and short, follow the advice of post above and look early and often for those around 5k and stock up

just my 2cp


02-02-2009, 09:05 AM
I think Turbine busted a huge plat farming ring a couple weeks ago ... I believe this price you see on the AH (and others) are just the fall-out from that ....

02-02-2009, 09:06 AM
Sorry, but 50,000 gp for a potion is still too much. Thats more money than I have in total at the moment [new player with two toons] And yes, I'm managing mana - wand whipping enroute to next battle, saving heals for combat.

I just want everyone to remember this next time your party wipes at end boss b/c your cleric is out of mana. Its not the cleric's fault, its the price gougers on the AH.

[but thankyou for the friendly advice Mykke]

02-02-2009, 09:51 AM
Optimally, you shouldn't need to use mana pots. I rarely use them on my cleric. Before using pots I would try asking the tanks to use a few more of their own pots or play a little smarter (all attacking the same mob versus everyone taking their own, no running ahead, etc) or buy you some pots :)

02-02-2009, 10:32 AM
I picked up 160 before the price increase @ 6k plat each its part of life, buy sell sell buy, get them as end rewards, prevent party wipes, have fun killing



02-02-2009, 11:02 AM
Maybe the Join date has me confused.. Or the question......

What Levels ARE your characters?

50k gold is a pittance end game.

Maybe your like level 4 or 5? and you have the impression that clerics everywhere are drinking mana pots like cure potions?

Thats not the case at all.

Major Mana pots are pretty common as end rewards once yous tart doing l10+ Quests. You should be able to collect enough just from questing to have a few backups for when they are Needed. the only times I ever really "Need" to use a potion is Shroud on Hard or Elite, Vision, and maybe Sorjek if we dont have a lot of undead DPS.

ANy other time is generally for fun or emergency backup. Sometimes I just like to burn through a few pots in a quest just to throw more destructions, or Blade barriers... Sometimes someon triggers a boss or big fight before everyone is ready and I dont wanna wipe.....

Dotn worry about Mana pots. Save all the lowbie ones ya pick up. THey are very hand later in game if ya ever get feebleminded. I carry a stack of lesser pots just for that.

02-02-2009, 11:18 AM
could always run visions, collect pots, then make due with just using scrolls

wouldnt recommend it, but its possible

I used to actually look for the LFM 's that bribe clerics to join for that raid; jump in, collect a handful, then make due thru the quest with scrolls and initial sp only. Liberal use of the heal scroll, and the occasional mass cure light is all ya need

02-02-2009, 06:30 PM
Maybe the Join date has me confused.. Or the question......
What Levels ARE your characters? 50k gold is a pittance end game.

Oh, the join date was from a trial account. Machine didn't have enough ram, so I didn't start playing until Oct last year.

Chars are rogue12 and cleric8. And if 50k is a pittance, then you won't mind sending me a few dozen pots? :D

But I see what you mean. I'm starting to get lessers on most end rewards. Wouldn't be a pain if I wasn't already going broke via wands and res scrolls.

I used to actually look for the LFM 's that bribe clerics to join for that raid

Well, I am learning from experience which LFMs to avoid, ie. pugs on elite w/o a rogue for the traps, groups light on tankage, etc. Maybe my resources will improve as I get better at identifying sponge groups.

Sorry for the initial tone, I went looking for mana pots on the AH and the prices kinda ticked me off. Like expecting a rogue to shell out 100,000 gp for +5 tools.

02-02-2009, 06:36 PM
Oh, the join date was from a trial account. Machine didn't have enough ram, so I didn't start playing until Oct last year.

Chars are rogue12 and cleric8. And if 50k is a pittance, then you won't mind sending me a few dozen pots? :D

But I see what you mean. I'm starting to get lessers on most end rewards. Wouldn't be a pain if I wasn't already going broke via wands and res scrolls.

If your going broke buying wands and scrolls your either doing quests that are way above your ability or grouping with terrible players.

at Level 8, I dont res anyone who isnt absolutly essential to get to the next shrine or go back to the last one.

a few Dozen? then we're getting into some real money... but I often hand out 2-3 pots on a difficult/Elite raid to the clerics... Well, that is if I'm not on one of my clerics....

02-02-2009, 06:45 PM
If your going broke buying wands and scrolls your either doing quests that are way above your ability or grouping with terrible players.

More of the latter. I ran with a group a few nights ago where the tanks were at less than half hp between battles and not drinking their own healing pots. Wasted 4 wands on that nonsense. And yes, no one to blame but myself. Looking back, I'm wondering if it would have been poor form to simply recall and drop group?

Wish Turbine would at least offer the minor mana pots for sale.

02-02-2009, 08:59 PM
I ran with a group a few nights ago where the tanks were at less than half hp between battles and not drinking their own healing pots.

Absolutely do feel free to tell people you expect them to do a bit of self-healing via pots/wands between battles. Or if not that you expect them to contribute plat toward your extra wand usage as a result. Set you expectations at the beginning of the quest, where if there's a disconnect between you and the party you can drop before, while they can try to pick up someone up who matches their expectations.

And while this is a bit off-topic for a marketplace thread, any time I hear of clerics running out of sp at your level, I can't help but have some questions about the build, equipment and playstyle/tactics. Without having ever grouped with you I'm not automatically assuming anything, so please don't take offense at these questions. But I'd like to know the answers to a few things... specifically:

Do you use empowered healing? Do you have [Improved] Metnal Toughness? Enhancement-wise, have you taken the life magic and wand/scroll mastery lines to maximum of your level? Do you have a superior devotion IV item to get the most out of your cure critical (and lower) healing spells? Do you have an SP-boosting item like the crimson gemstone from tangleroot, and possibly something on a scepter/mace that you equip before shrining for a few beyond that? Do you have the max WIS boost you can for your level? Do you know the avg number of HP your cures of various levels heal, and do you ask tanks their HP so you know about how low to let their bars drop before healing so that you're not burning SP overhealing? Do you know which resists are needed in each quest or if not ask, as optimized buffing takes less SP than healing incorrectly-buffed folks.

Each of the above can help you make the most of your SP, helping to avoid the need to use pots. As others have said at your level pots really shouldn't be needed. If you're sure you've got all of that covered great, you've just had some bad pugs. But if there's any of those thing you can improve on, it will save you SP on every quest, good or bad party.


02-02-2009, 10:34 PM
I've got all that you mentioned maxed out, with the exception of superior potency instead of devotion, and +90 sceptre instead of crimson gemstone. I don't ask about tank hit point totals, but get a good sense of each by wand whipping with CSW and watching what percentage of their bar it affects. I make a point to heal squishes with CLW so I don't waste points. And I no longer top off.

Life Magic maxed. Smite maxed. But only 1 level of W/S Mastery. Have Empowered Heal, Maximize, and Empower. Just started playing around with stacking Maximize and Empower. Will prob switch out Empower with Mental Toughness, b/c while I like stacking it, the damage it produces sucks too much mana. Not cost effective.

I admit some of my mana issues are due to lack of experience. I was using mana and wands in between battles until some guild folk set me straight with advice to let the tanks drink pots between battles, to save the mana for battles b/c its quicker and more effecient than wands.

I know I'm doing something right, because I've gotten lots of props from guildies on how I run my cleric, and more guild invites than I know what to do with.

I still think the mana pot prices are ridiculous. I'd like a bit more versatility than being a healbot throwing out the occasional command. And I'm rethinking whether to run this cleric to help out pugs. Its simply too expensive.

02-02-2009, 10:52 PM
I've got all that you mentioned maxed out, with the exception of superior potency instead of devotion, and +90 sceptre instead of crimson gemstone. I don't ask about tank hit point totals, but get a good sense of each by wand whipping with CSW and watching what percentage of their bar it affects. I make a point to heal squishes with CLW so I don't waste points. And I no longer top off.

Life Magic maxed. Smite maxed. But only 1 level of W/S Mastery. Have Empowered Heal, Maximize, and Empower. Just started playing around with stacking Maximize and Empower. Will prob switch out Empower with Mental Toughness, b/c while I like stacking it, the damage it produces sucks too much mana. Not cost effective.

I admit some of my mana issues are due to lack of experience. I was using mana and wands in between battles until some guild folk set me straight with advice to let the tanks drink pots between battles, to save the mana for battles b/c its quicker and more effecient than wands.

I know I'm doing something right, because I've gotten lots of props from guildies on how I run my cleric, and more guild invites than I know what to do with.

I still think the mana pot prices are ridiculous. I'd like a bit more versatility than being a healbot throwing out the occasional command. And I'm rethinking whether to run this cleric to help out pugs. Its simply too expensive.

Clerics are not cheap to run from levels 6 to 10, for three reasons - one, you usually don't have groups of 6 at those levels as there's seldom enough people online, and a group of 4 needs more healing than a group of 6. Second, you don't have the Heal spell yet (and at 6-8 you don't have Raise Dead, which is an expensive scroll) and so healing someone from very low HP requires a lot of mana or wands. Third, loot you find at these levels is almost universally **** and worthless.

Once you hit 11 to 12, the second point is no longer true. And once you hit 13, none of these are true any more. Once you start running the Shroud, one large scale (which you get one of every 5 or 6 runs on average) is easy to trade for 30-40 mana pots.

But, if you can't afford mana pots, it's fine not to use them. Clerics are only really expected to have them for Shroud Hard and tougher stuff, and most of the time parties for those quests will chip in to fund the clerics when needed.

02-02-2009, 11:03 PM
Ah. See, I had intended to park this toon at 9th to help out pugs.

Bad idea. Very bad. :o

Thanks for all the advice guys.

02-03-2009, 12:56 AM
When leveling, I pretty much NEVER use mana pots on my Clerics. I've never thought about buying any either. I usually save every mana pot I get for backup in new content/raids where you just don't want to be without when you need it (gotta pull a win out in some cases). Wands and scrolls ease the mana burdon without costing a fortune. Make note of the people that suck up all your 'juice' with nothing in return. Stay away from those folks.

Joining a good guild and running with them most of the time, for me, meant I hardly spend a copper on supplies. It was night and day over pugging...although it tends to make a Cleric fat and lazy. :)

02-03-2009, 01:14 AM
Maybe the Join date has me confused.. Or the question......

What Levels ARE your characters?

50k gold is a pittance end game.

Maybe your like level 4 or 5? and you have the impression that clerics everywhere are drinking mana pots like cure potions?

Thats not the case at all.

Major Mana pots are pretty common as end rewards once yous tart doing l10+ Quests. You should be able to collect enough just from questing to have a few backups for when they are Needed. the only times I ever really "Need" to use a potion is Shroud on Hard or Elite, Vision, and maybe Sorjek if we dont have a lot of undead DPS.

ANy other time is generally for fun or emergency backup. Sometimes I just like to burn through a few pots in a quest just to throw more destructions, or Blade barriers... Sometimes someon triggers a boss or big fight before everyone is ready and I dont wanna wipe.....

Dotn worry about Mana pots. Save all the lowbie ones ya pick up. THey are very hand later in game if ya ever get feebleminded. I carry a stack of lesser pots just for that.

Umm 50k isnt a pittance if you have just started over on a new server and dont have much play time and I am not paying 25 bucks to transfer a character I have like 25k pp on my guy and I am trying my best to make money but its very very slow for me not even looting anything worth selling.

02-03-2009, 01:52 AM
I've got all that you mentioned maxed out...

Cool, just wanted to make sure you weren't missing anything there. I would try to get more wand mastery as you can, it really helps later when you use heal scrolls more often. As for feats, I personally like to go with emp healing & maximize. I'm more of a pure healer and not so much offensive caster, so find just maximize fine for blade barrier and commetfall. And emp healing + maximize is very sp-efficient, especially when you get to mass curese in later levels.

I still think the mana pot prices are ridiculous. I'd like a bit more versatility than being a healbot throwing out the occasional command. And I'm rethinking whether to run this cleric to help out pugs. Its simply too expensive.

Ya on my first cleric I was shocked at how liberally some folks used heal scrolls, but those will seem cheap later too. Sirgog explained it pretty well, just do what you can for a few levels and you'll be looting enough to support yourself just fine. In the teen levels my cleric outgained Plat faster than my other toons because you're not looking to buy a gazillion special purpose weapons like my melees. And now with 6 level 15/16 characters with one cleric and no casters I gain mana pots faster than I use them. I consistently maintain 40-50 without ever buying any.

Umm 50k isnt a pittance if you have just started over on a new server and dont have much play time and ...

But that's not what he said, he only said it was a pittance at end-game which you've not yet worked back up to on our server. I'm sure you know from your capped toons on your first server the difference in wealth accumulation once you move past your first capped character even onto a second.


02-03-2009, 06:28 AM
Sorry, but 50,000 gp for a potion is still too much. Thats more money than I have in total at the moment [new player with two toons] And yes, I'm managing mana - wand whipping enroute to next battle, saving heals for combat.

I just want everyone to remember this next time your party wipes at end boss b/c your cleric is out of mana. Its not the cleric's fault, its the price gougers on the AH.

[but thankyou for the friendly advice Mykke]

If you want some major pots look me up my names are in the sig. I will help you get some loot runs in that will net you 100kpp an hour.

02-03-2009, 07:21 AM
While it is proper to expect players to self-heal in between battles, I do not think it is appropriate to, upon joining a group, say "hey, if you want heals, you're going to have to buy me something". As someone who plays a cleric I find that extremely tacky. As is recalling and dropping group. That's not to say that you shouldn't call them out for being a-holes but healing (or stop healing a particular a-hole if they don't listen) and using wands/scrolls is just part of being a cleric. I don't think I've ever used a mana pot below level 12 or so.

02-03-2009, 10:23 AM
Chars are rogue12 and cleric8. And if 50k is a pittance, then you won't mind sending me a few dozen pots? :D

Cleric 8 has no need for those 50k-100k SP potions....

By the time your cleric is 16th level, you'll be getting those SP potions as end-rewards every 3-4 quests... The only place you really need them is raids... so save them up while doing quests, and occasionally you might need to use 1-2 in an emergency.

I've never had to buy a SP pot...

As for the lower levels... Use Cure Serious Wands sparingly... Don't use raise scrolls.

As you get low on SP, tell the group... "Guys, I'm getting low on SP, and I only have one wand left. We've got to play more careful" (Doesn't matter if you have ten wands... you tell them you only have one). Most groups will start playing smarter... Some will hand a wand or two...

Some will continue to play wildly...


20% hit to experience as you re-enter the quest is a LOT cheaper than blowing a bunch of gold on wands, pots, scrolls.

Plus, maybe they'll learn something... They can't yell at you... You TOLD them you were out of SP!

Also... don't do quests over your head... As a poor level 8 cleric, don't be doing any level 8-10 quest on hard or elite... Stick with normal for those... Only do level 5-6 quests on elite..

It's not your responsbility to blow all your cash on a group.

02-03-2009, 10:59 AM
could always run visions, collect pots, then make due with just using scrolls

wouldnt recommend it, but its possible

I used to actually look for the LFM 's that bribe clerics to join for that raid; jump in, collect a handful, then make due thru the quest with scrolls and initial sp only. Liberal use of the heal scroll, and the occasional mass cure light is all ya needHeck, you could take it a step further... collect the pots, then take off before the quest starts!

(this is why I don't donate until we're in the quest now... and I still get burned once in a while).

02-03-2009, 08:54 PM
Hmmm, okay I picked up Mental Toughness and maxed out Wand & Scroll mastery [+30%]. Went ahead and leveled up to 9th so no more need for res scrolls. Upgraded +90 sceptre for +100 pearl.

SP = 772

Is that on par? Or are their some unique items I need to farm for?

Funny sidebar - I logged on just to confirm my SP totals for this post, and got 3 blind invites within 30 secs . LOL. Thats the best part of running a cleric. :D

02-03-2009, 10:16 PM
Hmmm, okay I picked up Mental Toughness and maxed out Wand & Scroll mastery [+30%]. Went ahead and leveled up to 9th so no more need for res scrolls. Upgraded +90 sceptre for +100 pearl.

SP = 772

Is that on par? Or are their some unique items I need to farm for?

Funny sidebar - I logged on just to confirm my SP totals for this post, and got 3 blind invites within 30 secs . LOL. Thats the best part of running a cleric. :D

well i run a few clerics as well and that best part well.......can get a little old heh just wanted to mention at lvl 12 wen you can get into the vale i find a lot of pots drop in slayer area i prolly pulled 60 out there over last few months but rarely use them as well. soon you will have enough and more than enough sps to go around :) and you will find that high lvl clerics are a very generous bunch ( to young clerics ) and I was already looking for a charachter name to send ya some :)

02-03-2009, 11:34 PM
I logged on just to confirm my SP totals for this post, and got 3 blind invites within 30 secs . LOL. Thats the best part of running a cleric. :D

Ummm ... blind invites are the best part of running a cleric? :confused:

I will say this, if you ever get a blind invite, then you probably don't want to cleric that party because they are the most likely to be the mana sponge parties that most clerics complain about ....

As the cleric, you should be very selective about the parties you join ... after all, you are a cleric, you have the luxury of being picky :D

02-04-2009, 12:20 AM
Ummm ... blind invites are the best part of running a cleric? :confused:

I think he meant that never having trouble getting into a group is the best part. As for the blind tells, well my cleric is my only character that I run anon on. And I'm sure I'm not the only one for whom this is the case. :)

02-04-2009, 04:26 PM
Just wanted to say that I am leveling up a cleric on Thelanis who is level 8 (Aerrik Lightbringer). I have being playing longer than you, but am pretty casual so my "twinked" actually has less gear than yours.

I have managed to only rarely use wands and raise scolls. I have used a few minor and regular pots but these were generally when the party had given them to me anyway. I've also been lucky to have a few good people give decent tips although I've never asked - in fact I've turned several away.

At level 8 with 619 sp - only have a power VII item - and rarely run out. With a greater devotion IV item and empower healing on (no max yet) I find that I can keep my SPs using mainly CMW and CSW. CCW is usually overkill ('cept on our warforged friends).

Key SP savers for me: Don't overheal, let others top up HP between fights and buffing and crowd control are more SP efficient than heals.

I actually came to this board to see if anyone was selling a greater/superior devotion/potency V item as i have had trouble finding them on the AH or brokers.

Anyone selling?

02-04-2009, 06:23 PM
Not selling my potency/devotion V's because I intend to keep then as I'm parking at 9th.

But you can have my +90 sceptre for nothing. Just PM your toon's name and I'll mail it to ya.

02-04-2009, 06:32 PM
Thanks for the offer but I was only asking as I can't find devotion/potency V items anywhere whereas I've seen higher SP items. I just didnt see the extra 10-30 SP as being worth the cost.

Character's name Aerrik btw - maybe we'll cross paths sometime.

02-04-2009, 06:42 PM
If you want some major pots look me up my names are in the sig. I will help you get some loot runs in that will net you 100kpp an hour.

if there's anyone reliable to join with for loot runs it'll be band. Best person hands down for the finer tips on managing mana while kiting mobs through blade barriers.

02-05-2009, 07:37 AM
if there's anyone reliable to join with for loot runs it'll be band. Best person hands down for the finer tips on managing mana while kiting mobs through blade barriers.

Ah shucks. :D

02-05-2009, 11:58 AM
if there's anyone reliable to join with for loot runs it'll be band. Best person hands down for the finer tips on managing mana while kiting mobs through blade barriers.

Did you really have to go there? He's hard enough to handle as it is...shhh...