View Full Version : so this is my build that I have at lvl 16 and holds his own
02-02-2009, 02:03 AM
LvL 16 pure dwarven dex based monk:
starting stats:
str- 14
dex- 18
int- 8
wis- 16
cha- 6
ending stats:
toughness x2
weapon finesse
IC bludgen
Important enhancements I took:
wind stance all 3 tiers
way of the patient tortise all tiers
monk wis all 3 teirs
improved hp recovery all 3 tiers (saves cleric many when they know they dont have to hit you with a heal every time you drop below over half your hitpoints)
Now for what really matters:
have a unbuffed ac of 46 without icy and just +7 bracers
with 10 strikes in a animation chain I am and with PA on I am putting out between 18 to 32 points of dmg per fist avg of 24. That is with just +5 handwrap and PA.
I think my base attack with +5 handwraps and with PA on is still around +24 to hit.
Now for the stuff I dont use or never used that was givin to my monk:
monk ki strikes yes many people love them many people use them but I find I click my right mouse finger faster than stoping to click the ki strikes.
many people which stances I find it silly and not worthwhile but it is my build.
I rarely used fists of light because most things are dead to quick with a party or your not getting back enough hit points before it hits you again or you kill it. (it is good to use on things that are stoned and people know what you are doing)
finishing moves well if you dont use the ki strikes your not going to use the finishers :P
Things I have found out I just love to death on my monk:
abundent step (where have you been all my life :P)
quivering palm was very suprised by how much it works. I did not think it would land as much as it does. (interesting thing I have noticed. While I roll a 1 on qp my very next roll is usually a crit or nat 20) just something to keep an I out for I dont know if anyone else as noticed this happening alot to them.
stright up base dmg 2d8 is just so nice when your a whirlwind of doom :P yes yes its not 50 points per swing but when you get twice as many swings it kind of makes up for it :D
things I probably should have put on my monk that I missed out on:
oddly the only thing I messed up on was not putting stunning fist on my monk but oh well he is doing fine without it :)
02-02-2009, 02:45 AM
Your CON is too low.
Why dwarf if you go DEX-based?
For example an Elf could reach this stat-distribution:
Strength 14
Dexterity 18
Constitution 12
Intelligence 8
Wisdom 16
Charisma 8
He has the same attributes, just 2 points higher CON afther racial attribute modifications!
02-02-2009, 12:36 PM
really I went dwarf for one reason and one reason only to have that much higher ac against the things that hit the hardest in this game i.e. being giants. Plus I also took tier 1 of the enhacment line of giant dodger so anything of giant type I get a xtra +5 to my ac.
Yes I know elf could get the same stats but then I would of had to put points into con. I dont feel my con is to low either being that my monk sits at 340 hp. My reasoning is this.
If you your a front line melee if your ac is at or below 45 you should have at least 400 hp at lvl 16. If your melee as ac of 46 or above it should have around 350 or more hp at lvl 16. Finally if your melee ac a ac above 46 and more than 7 dr you can run with around 300 hp at lvl 16.
Now many people wont agree with me on my ac vs hp vs dr but thats what I base things on and, I dont have many problems running any of my toons on high lvl content. Sure con matters but does it matter so much that I need to hurt my to hit or ac or dmg? I dont think it does. You can find many stat damaging builds in the game with low con. Even my pally has low con.
But your right a elf could be better at this build than my dwarf and even have a higher dex than my dwarf but I find getting that xtra +5 ac against giant types in the game all worth while.
02-02-2009, 12:42 PM
I wouldn't say go Elf, but I think maxing any stat on a Monk is crazy.
monk ki strikes yes many people love them many people use them but I find I click my right mouse finger faster than stoping to click the ki strikes.
Hopefully I'm not being insensitive, did you lose your other hand?
oddly the only thing I messed up on was not putting stunning fist on my monk but oh well he is doing fine without it
Yeah, I think I'd rather have Stunning Fist than a second Toughness. You do know you can go swap those out, right?
Glad your monk holds his own...=)
02-02-2009, 12:53 PM
dex- 18
and this
are serious mistakes. With a 16DEX you could have easily had a 16CON as well... In any event, given the above you simply do not have the Hit Points to needless waste AP on this
improved hp recovery all 3 tiers
02-03-2009, 06:04 AM
Your CON is too low.
Why dwarf? Don't you know they are gimpy?
For example a proper Monk could reach this stat-distribution:
Strength 14
Dexterity 16
Constitution 14
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 16
Charisma 8
Go Halfling and take the Saves enhancements. At level 16 they become untouchable(Resistance +4 item or better). You'll want the INT for those skillpoints, and to eat a 2 INT tome to bring it to 12, again for those skillpoints. They become important later.
I can't remember if it's 14 str or 12... anyway, your level points will go into either STR or DEX, whichever you prefer more(DPS or AC?), and yield to balance out odd stats in either categroy(example: 3 STR and 1 DEX to put STR at 22 with a +6 item and +1 tome and 1 DEX to put it at 28 in Wind 3 with a +2 1750 favor tome and a +6 item). I went Spring Attack and GTWF with mine, and he works great! Due to the Heal Amp and the Hound Bracers, he's usually the very last to die too(yes he chugs potions like air sometimes). Yes, it's a 32 point buy. Don't make a 28 point monk... the loss just hurts way too much.
If you can somehow cram Toughnes in there without losing your feat progression, do so. The hitpoints on a Monk are under 300(high 200's) at level 16(unless you gimped it) before including hax items like Greater False Life and Elemental Hitpoints, so the Toughness line really helps quite a bit. Be careful how you spend your AP though. I recommend Fist of Light and a swapoff for Fire 3 and Wind 3 stances, ignoring the other 2 completely(grab tier 1 so you can do the Mountain-Light-Mountain and Water-Light-Water buffs, they are pretty handy... and just 1 AP each).
If you want to go AC instead of being able to actually kill things by yourself, drop the Spring Attack and TWF completely and instead go Combat Expertise, Dodge, Two Weapon Defense, Toughness, and maaaybe eek in a TWF feat or two in there for functionality. You'll also need to farm gear like the Icy Raiments and Chattering Ring. Additionally, reconfigure the build like so: Halfling: 6/18/14/12/16/8 with a 2 INT tome, or 6/17/12/13/16/8 without. The stances to focus on there are probably Wind3/Water3 or Mountain3/Water3.
02-03-2009, 09:29 AM
If you can somehow cram Toughnes in there without losing your feat progression, do so. The hitpoints on a Monk are under 300(high 200's) at level 16(unless you gimped it) before including hax items like Greater False Life and Elemental Hitpoints, so the Toughness line really helps quite a bit. Be careful how you spend your AP though. I recommend Fist of Light and a swapoff for Fire 3 and Wind 3 stances, ignoring the other 2 completely(grab tier 1 so you can do the Mountain-Light-Mountain and Water-Light-Water buffs, they are pretty handy... and just 1 AP each).
If you want to go AC instead of being able to actually kill things by yourself, drop the Spring Attack and TWF completely and instead go Combat Expertise, Dodge, Two Weapon Defense, Toughness, and maaaybe eek in a TWF feat or two in there for functionality. You'll also need to farm gear like the Icy Raiments and Chattering Ring. Additionally, reconfigure the build like so: Halfling: 6/18/14/12/16/8 with a 2 INT tome, or 6/17/12/13/16/8 without. The stances to focus on there are probably Wind3/Water3 or Mountain3/Water3.
I think every Monk should take Water 2 and Unbalancing Strike. It's very useful, especially as a Halfling.
Never drop TWF. You need to keep a DPS and/or fast Power 5 option.
02-03-2009, 02:11 PM
Ok well thinks for the feed back but some of my points is that ki strikes arent really worth the burn off of your ki. Like when I run through the vale I like to keep my ki up for qp and wob.
For those of you out there I never understand why you wouldnt want to max out your most important stat. Dex since mine is a dex build being maxed really helps him. It helps his to hit and his ac. Why would I not want to max that out.
I know it is odd to see someone start with just 10 little con but with no tomes and in tier 3 windstance at all times I am sitting at a 16 con with 340 hp. I wouldnt think that is all bad granted I use a dusk heart right now but could pick up a improved false life item somewhere else on him.
For those of you out there that like to play with very balanced toons that is great but some of us have a different play style and it works better to max out at least 1 stat. I feel it is nice to know in the back of my mind that I dont have to use my ki strikes to be a worth while tank.
02-03-2009, 02:15 PM
the critiques of your build revolve around the fact that other races, i.e., halfling and elf, are more dexterous than a dwarf
moreover, you took the one stat where the dwarf has an advantage, con, and lowered it too much
also, a monk should never have a full ki bar, i.e., it should constantly be used because that is the only chance you got for better dps
Ok well thinks for the feed back but some of my points is that ki strikes arent really worth the burn off of your ki. Like when I run through the vale I like to keep my ki up for qp and wob.
For those of you out there I never understand why you wouldnt want to max out your most important stat. Dex since mine is a dex build being maxed really helps him. It helps his to hit and his ac. Why would I not want to max that out.
I know it is odd to see someone start with just 10 little con but with no tomes and in tier 3 windstance at all times I am sitting at a 16 con with 340 hp. I wouldnt think that is all bad granted I use a dusk heart right now but could pick up a improved false life item somewhere else on him.
For those of you out there that like to play with very balanced toons that is great but some of us have a different play style and it works better to max out at least 1 stat. I feel it is nice to know in the back of my mind that I dont have to use my ki strikes to be a worth while tank.
02-03-2009, 02:17 PM
i would disregard most of the advice contained within this post
such is what contributes to current in-game monk prejudices
Go Halfling and take the Saves enhancements. At level 16 they become untouchable(Resistance +4 item or better). You'll want the INT for those skillpoints, and to eat a 2 INT tome to bring it to 12, again for those skillpoints. They become important later.
I can't remember if it's 14 str or 12... anyway, your level points will go into either STR or DEX, whichever you prefer more(DPS or AC?), and yield to balance out odd stats in either categroy(example: 3 STR and 1 DEX to put STR at 22 with a +6 item and +1 tome and 1 DEX to put it at 28 in Wind 3 with a +2 1750 favor tome and a +6 item). I went Spring Attack and GTWF with mine, and he works great! Due to the Heal Amp and the Hound Bracers, he's usually the very last to die too(yes he chugs potions like air sometimes). Yes, it's a 32 point buy. Don't make a 28 point monk... the loss just hurts way too much.
If you can somehow cram Toughnes in there without losing your feat progression, do so. The hitpoints on a Monk are under 300(high 200's) at level 16(unless you gimped it) before including hax items like Greater False Life and Elemental Hitpoints, so the Toughness line really helps quite a bit. Be careful how you spend your AP though. I recommend Fist of Light and a swapoff for Fire 3 and Wind 3 stances, ignoring the other 2 completely(grab tier 1 so you can do the Mountain-Light-Mountain and Water-Light-Water buffs, they are pretty handy... and just 1 AP each).
If you want to go AC instead of being able to actually kill things by yourself, drop the Spring Attack and TWF completely and instead go Combat Expertise, Dodge, Two Weapon Defense, Toughness, and maaaybe eek in a TWF feat or two in there for functionality. You'll also need to farm gear like the Icy Raiments and Chattering Ring. Additionally, reconfigure the build like so: Halfling: 6/18/14/12/16/8 with a 2 INT tome, or 6/17/12/13/16/8 without. The stances to focus on there are probably Wind3/Water3 or Mountain3/Water3.
02-03-2009, 02:31 PM
I dont see the dex as a bad thing. Wongton's starting stat distribution went 12/18/14/8/16/8 Halfing. He turned out absolutly perfect.
As far as the ki. It does matter if you are using it when thrashing mobs. I almost always use the tier 3 wind strike which is 2d6 + 2d6 more on crit. And my monks crit range is a non factor since he wields the earthgrab kama and rolls with 4 ele's. ;)
Its nice to save up for qp, but its also good to know when to dump the ki you have in dmg effects.
02-03-2009, 04:48 PM
Just something Ive been throwing around
Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 3.00
DDO Character Planner Home Page (
Level 16 Lawful Good Dwarf Male
(16 Monk)
Hit Points: 280
Spell Points: 0
BAB: 12\12\17\22
Fortitude: 14
Reflex: 16
Will: 15
Starting Feat/Enhancement
Abilities Base Stats Modified Stats
(32 Point) (Level 1) (Level 16)
Strength 14 16
Dexterity 16 22
Constitution 14 18
Intelligence 10 12
Wisdom 16 21
Charisma 6 6
Tomes Used
+2 Tome of Intelligence used at level 1
+2 Tome of Strength used at level 2
+2 Tome of Dexterity used at level 2
+2 Tome of Constitution used at level 2
+2 Tome of Wisdom used at level 2
Starting Feat/Enhancement
Base Skills Modified Skills
Skills (Level 1) (Level 16)
Balance 3 25
Bluff -2 -2
Concentration 6 28
Diplomacy -2 -2
Disable Device n/a n/a
Haggle -2 -2
Heal 3 5
Hide 3 6
Intimidate -2 -2
Jump 6 22
Listen 3 5
Move Silently 7 25
Open Lock n/a n/a
Perform n/a n/a
Repair 1 1
Search 1 3
Spot 7 23
Swim 2 3
Tumble n/a 7
Use Magic Device n/a n/a
Level 1 (Monk)
Feat: (Monk Bonus) Toughness
Feat: (Selected) Two Weapon Fighting
Level 2 (Monk)
Feat: (Monk Bonus) Weapon Finesse
Level 3 (Monk)
Feat: (Selected) Dodge
Level 4 (Monk)
Ability Raise: DEX
Level 5 (Monk)
Level 6 (Monk)
Feat: (Monk Bonus) Mobility
Feat: (Selected) Spring Attack
Level 7 (Monk)
Level 8 (Monk)
Ability Raise: DEX
Level 9 (Monk)
Feat: (Selected) Improved Two Weapon Fighting
Level 10 (Monk)
Level 11 (Monk)
Level 12 (Monk)
Ability Raise: DEX
Feat: (Selected) Power Attack
Level 13 (Monk)
Level 14 (Monk)
Level 15 (Monk)
Feat: (Selected) Greater Two Weapon Fighting
Level 16 (Monk)
Ability Raise: DEX
Enhancement: Dwarven Constitution I
Enhancement: Dwarven Constitution II
Enhancement: Dwarven Giant Dodger I
Enhancement: Way of the Patient Tortiose I
Enhancement: Way of the Patient Tortiose II
Enhancement: Way of the Patient Tortiose III
Enhancement: Way of the Patient Tortiose IV
Enhancement: Monk Improved Recovery I
Enhancement: Monk Improved Recovery II
Enhancement: Monk Improved Recovery III
Enhancement: Fists of Light
Enhancement: Unbalancing Strike
Enhancement: Adept of Wind
Enhancement: Disciple of Breezes
Enhancement: Master of Thunder
Enhancement: Disciple of Pebbles
Enhancement: Disciple of Candles
Enhancement: Adept of Rain
Enhancement: Disciple of Puddles
Enhancement: Master of Sea
Enhancement: Racial Toughness I
Enhancement: Racial Toughness II
Enhancement: Racial Toughness III
Enhancement: Monk Concentration I
Enhancement: Monk Wisdom I
Enhancement: Monk Wisdom II
Enhancement: Monk Wisdom III
those 2 points of DEX can really turn the tide if you put them else where. Monks are really good at being rounded.
Later on someone will discover the "Magical DPS Monk" and it will be through trial and error, I love that people are giving Monks a chance.
You may notice the SPRING ATTACK, its a personal favorite, as you know much of Unarmed combat is moving(dam short arms) but I have heard that its not really needed. You can trade Mobility and Spring Attack to Stunning Fist and Cleave.
Malidroit of Enfeebling; Generates Ki, makes (some)mobs harmless, works quick on most mobs, allows you to focus on healing curse (if you dont kill them too quick) and even you dont hit very often, after a few rounds you cant miss. Great when soloing a quest or explorer area (save undead and constructs)
I'd also like to note that Cleave is AWESOME for DPS TWF, it resets your attack chain, and the monk chain has more/faster attacks in the start then the end. Just something to think about.
Now I've never played a Dwarven Monk (I think Dwarfs are UGLY and I cant stand to look at them for that long, all my toons are Female, easy on the eyes) but I think they make some pretty awesome monks.
02-03-2009, 06:25 PM
Ok well thinks for the feed back but some of my points is that ki strikes arent really worth the burn off of your ki. Like when I run through the vale I like to keep my ki up for qp and wob.
For those of you out there I never understand why you wouldnt want to max out your most important stat. Dex since mine is a dex build being maxed really helps him. It helps his to hit and his ac. Why would I not want to max that out.
I know it is odd to see someone start with just 10 little con but with no tomes and in tier 3 windstance at all times I am sitting at a 16 con with 340 hp. I wouldnt think that is all bad granted I use a dusk heart right now but could pick up a improved false life item somewhere else on him.
For those of you out there that like to play with very balanced toons that is great but some of us have a different play style and it works better to max out at least 1 stat. I feel it is nice to know in the back of my mind that I dont have to use my ki strikes to be a worth while tank.
The issue about min/maxing monks is that they need investment in 4 different stats; balance is something of an issue, although you aren't terribly out of whack.
For example, my elven monk started with:
STR 16
DEX 16
CON 12
WIS 16
For my money, it was worth saving the feat (weapon finesse) to put points into STR, relying on elven enhancements for DEX and monk enhancements for WIS. This allows me to hit 30 in any of the 3, depending on stance. IMHO, CON is the easiest stat to make up for (toughness, GFL items, etc), so that's not that big of a deal, although it was easier to just dump 2 more points in it to qualify for earth stance (for RotP).
02-04-2009, 12:02 AM
Ok well thinks for the feed back but some of my points is that ki strikes arent really worth the burn off of your ki. Like when I run through the vale I like to keep my ki up for qp and wob.
Stunning Fist and Way of the Elegrant Crane would take care of this. If you stun something you get crazy amounts of ki... more than enough for another Stunning Fist, Quivering Palm, and ki strikes. The ki strikes and the finishers have there places and are worth using in many situations, you just need to know when.
For those of you out there I never understand why you wouldnt want to max out your most important stat. Dex since mine is a dex build being maxed really helps him. It helps his to hit and his ac. Why would I not want to max that out.
It's a cost/benefit thing. An 18 dex versus a 16 dex gives you a meager +1 to hit and +1 AC, but costs 6 stat points. You can spend those 6 points elsewhere to get more benefit. If you spent them on constitution, you could gain ~50 hp and drop one of those toughness feats for something better. It's definitely good to pick a stat to focus on, but those last two points to max a stat are just disgustingly expensive.
I know it is odd to see someone start with just 10 little con but with no tomes and in tier 3 windstance at all times I am sitting at a 16 con with 340 hp. I wouldnt think that is all bad granted I use a dusk heart right now but could pick up a improved false life item somewhere else on him.
For those of you out there that like to play with very balanced toons that is great but some of us have a different play style and it works better to max out at least 1 stat. I feel it is nice to know in the back of my mind that I dont have to use my ki strikes to be a worth while tank.
What about your monk makes him a good tank? If you're not ever using ki strikes, you're monk's not meeting his potential.
If you want to go AC instead of being able to actually kill things by yourself, drop the Spring Attack and TWF completely and instead go Combat Expertise, Dodge, Two Weapon Defense, Toughness, and maaaybe eek in a TWF feat or two in there for functionality. You'll also need to farm gear like the Icy Raiments and Chattering Ring. Additionally, reconfigure the build like so: Halfling: 6/18/14/12/16/8 with a 2 INT tome, or 6/17/12/13/16/8 without. The stances to focus on there are probably Wind3/Water3 or Mountain3/Water3.
I would never ever recommend any of the following for any monk:
not taking the entire TWF line
starting with a 6 strength... heck starting with less than 12 strength
taking any tier of mountain stance, aside from qualifying for Rise of the Phoenix
02-04-2009, 01:27 PM
ok maybe its the way I use my keyboard or how I am clicking my mouse but am I the only one that has to stop right clicking to get my ki strikes to go off? I mean I can sit here and right click away on a mob then to use my ki strike I have to hit the one of the number keys on my keyboard and for it to register I have to stop right clicking.
Does everyone else have to do this? Is it just me? I dont like slowing down my assult on a mob just to get off a small little 2d6 worth of dmg oh oh maybe 4d6 worth of dmg. on a crit. If I am beating its head in already why slow down?
Now for monks that arent seeing the red bar go down very fast on a mob yes you should be useing ki strikes that would make since. But really if you already seeing the red bar go down fast enough why use the ki? you might need it later.
I like haveing every bit of that +1 to hit and +1 to ac every +1 counts in my world on this game thats why I always always take the dodge feat yes its just a +1 but that +1 matters.
To have a decent con on my monk I will just need to pull a +2 con tome and have a 18 con now I know its not uber monk con or good any other class con but it will be enough for him.
02-04-2009, 01:37 PM
Technically if you can get your AC high enough con isnt that much of an issue. My halfy monk started with a 9 con and got a +3 tome for con to boost it to a base of 12.
With a full acompaniment of buffs and songs I cap out at 77 AC with a projected AC of 80-83 at lvl 20.
02-04-2009, 01:45 PM
ok maybe its the way I use my keyboard or how I am clicking my mouse but am I the only one that has to stop right clicking to get my ki strikes to go off? I mean I can sit here and right click away on a mob then to use my ki strike I have to hit the one of the number keys on my keyboard and for it to register I have to stop right clicking.
By virtue of observation, I would say you do not have to "stop your assault." Rather, when you use the Ki strike (whatever it may be) it continues with where you left off in your attack rotation. If you're a level 16 monk with Two Weapon Fighting then you have 10 attack rolls. You can let your first 4 attack animations pass, take your finger off of your right mouse button, hit your Ki strike, and it will take the place of your last attack animation (both attack rolls for that animation will receive the additional damage from the Ki strike). The attack bonus will remain the same as it would have been had you kept your finger on your right mouse button.
In theory, you could fill your entire bar with Ki strikes and hit one right after another and get off your full attack animation series (provided you have the Ki available to do that).
As far as I know, Stunning Fist and Quivering Palm are the exceptions to this rule. Using them will interrupt your attack sequence because they have their own distinct animation.
02-04-2009, 01:45 PM
ok maybe its the way I use my keyboard or how I am clicking my mouse but am I the only one that has to stop right clicking to get my ki strikes to go off? I mean I can sit here and right click away on a mob then to use my ki strike I have to hit the one of the number keys on my keyboard and for it to register I have to stop right clicking.
Does everyone else have to do this? Is it just me?
No. If I am auto attacking constantly ki strikes will not always go off when I push the button. Other players have reported this as well. But it's not difficult and does not lower your dps by any significant amount to stop right clicking for one fourth of a second and then continue again. As long as you press a ki strike with your other hand within a little of roughly half a second of that gap, the ki strike should go off. Lag can make this tricky, but it's still very easy with practice. Mashing the ki strike button repeatedly seems to help as well (it's got a 3 second cooldown so it will still only go off once).
I dont like slowing down my assult on a mob just to get off a small little 2d6 worth of dmg oh oh maybe 4d6 worth of dmg. on a crit. If I am beating its head in already why slow down?
If it's a prolonged fight and you have practiced using your ki strikes the 2d6 damage will add up greatly by the time the fight is over. It's exactly the same logic behind your wanting to maximize your dexterity. There's no reason not to be doing MORE damage if you're able.
Some ki strikes as well as finishing moves can be beneficial to your entire group. Fists of Light is a good example. In a raid, that 1d2 or 1d3 or however much it is of healing really adds up among 8 or so people. Walk of the Sun and Aligning the Heavens are also nice, especially if you can keep them active on the group for most of if not the entire quest/raid.
Now for monks that arent seeing the red bar go down very fast on a mob yes you should be useing ki strikes that would make since. But really if you already seeing the red bar go down fast enough why use the ki? you might need it later.
You are correct in that damage ki strikes are usually not terribly worth it on trash mobs, purely for the sake of damage. You should be saving ki for queueing up finishing moves or your next SF/QP. But if you're fighting something Harry, lightning punch away.
02-04-2009, 01:48 PM
In theory, you could fill your entire bar with Ki strikes and hit one right after another and get off your full attack animation series (provided you have the Ki available to do that).
That is correct. I do this very frequently in Shroud when it's time to take down the last of the four mini bosses in part 2. If I have enough ki from the other fights, I don't even have to use my mouse, just drum my fingers across 2, 3, and 4 until the thing's dead.
02-04-2009, 02:23 PM
small tip for the ki strikes
if holding down your mouse attack button, you can press the assigned keyboard button of your ki strike and it will go off during your attack chain.
So wong hits a fight, holds down the mouse button and spams on the 4 key or 5 key along the top of my keyboard with my free hand for ki strikes.
02-04-2009, 02:30 PM
That is correct. I do this very frequently in Shroud when it's time to take down the last of the four mini bosses in part 2. If I have enough ki from the other fights, I don't even have to use my mouse, just drum my fingers across 2, 3, and 4 until the thing's dead.
Yep, I was gonna say in another thread it takes three of the strikes to be able to cycle through them non-stop...and in Fire Stance the Ki is a-flowin'...
02-04-2009, 04:05 PM
I like haveing every bit of that +1 to hit and +1 to ac every +1 counts in my world on this game thats why I always always take the dodge feat yes its just a +1 but that +1 matters.
Great that your world works well for you - in DDO where the rest of us game, it does not. :rolleyes:
d20 system produces only 20 distinct results - if 1 is automiss and 20 is autohit, then there are only 18 results that actually matter. If you are not within that range then '+1' simply does not matter. Even then, it could well be said that +1 AC only is relevant if you are near the upper end of that 18 results...
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