View Full Version : Looking for build - High AC/ saves INtim 28pt

01-30-2009, 11:35 AM

I'm going to start working on my second character on argo, Tortoise Jones, the WFI

I actually love sword and board, but will be using a Two handed weapon for DPS I assume..
INtm is fun too

I don't have qualms with splashing..

So anyone have some builds to link or and builds they want to share To make my tank type wf? WF part is a must, thank you

I don't have 32pointers unlocked, but could possibly buy ONE +1 tome, if i save for a bit.


01-30-2009, 11:45 AM
After reading all the great feedback, my favorite "true Intimitank" is still the linked below Monk/Paladin 3/Rogue 1 build, but I must admit I haven't leveled her very far yet. But looking at the numbers, I just can't find anything else I like better. The main problem with this build is that it ramps up pretty slowly. It is utterly horrible at 1 and 2 (thanks to not having Weapon Finesse yet), and doesn't really start to get super-tanky until about level 10. BUT, in the end-game you're looking at top-notch AC, almost ridiculous saves, Improved Evasion, and above-typical DPS for an Evasion Tank. And, of course, WF immunities. Tack on a Raid-worthy Intimidate skill value, and you are good to go!

Note this was designed as a 28-point build, although obviously it's even better with 32!


I would LOVE to help you with this, as I sure think it's a fabulous build, but I just can't seem to put the time to it! If interested, please send PM.

01-30-2009, 01:25 PM
Is a nice build but looks like it's raid intensive... i wonder what some form of fighter/ paladin WF can achieve with casual gear.. re-thinking my goals, i guess i 'd want to be able to tank or damage the majority of content, but the elite raid stuff i doubt will ever happen in my lifetime.. raiding "might" be once a week for me, but most likely i play a hour or two here or there..

Anywho, thoughts mr animal?

01-30-2009, 01:32 PM
Okay I am not Sure if he is still doing this but I would start here...


Also if you are looking for a Sword and Board type fighter

Borror0 Is a great source of info too.

His intimitank build is one of the best I have seen.
and he makes one for 28pt build too.

However he does build for mainly Dwarves but I am sure he would be glad to help.

01-30-2009, 01:41 PM
bad thing about AC in this game is that you're not going to get a workable number (for a tank anyway) unless you do raid

AC items are raid intensive, if you plan on any particular type of workable AC, then be prepared for that reality

the good news is that raiding in DDO is perfectly achievable with just a few hours of play time. Log on for an hour? Do a shroud. The next day run a titan. Third day, do a Hound and Reaver. Each day you'll have done raiding, while on timer for all the others, and your total play time will be under an hour for each log on.

An easier 'tank' would be a barbarian HP tank. The only 'hard' item to acquire would be the docent of defiance. Easier to work with 28 pts, as most AC builds are tight on the stat points.

01-30-2009, 01:42 PM
as for going S&B even for AC, I have a hard time recommended it to anyone. Unless sweeping changes are made to it.

01-30-2009, 01:53 PM
Is a nice build but looks like it's raid intensive... i wonder what some form of fighter/ paladin WF can achieve with casual gear.. re-thinking my goals, i guess i 'd want to be able to tank or damage the majority of content, but the elite raid stuff i doubt will ever happen in my lifetime.. raiding "might" be once a week for me, but most likely i play a hour or two here or there..

Anywho, thoughts mr animal?

I *think* I'm kind of a similar player to you, and if so you'll be totally fine. I've never done a Shroud run and I'm not sure how soon I will be doing one. If you're doing Raids on Normal, you don't need 70s AC. And if you *are* doing raids a lot, you just have to select them carefully and you can get most of the key gear quickly. The Dragontouched Docent, for example, is a guaranteed reward of one series. You may not ever get the +3 Dodge on it or have a +4 Insight weapon, but so what. Mid to high 60's is still very achievable by mortals. But, if your play style evolves to hard-core raider over time, the build is also designed to take advantage.

But more importantly, I don't think you'll find the intimimonk is in any way different from the S&B tank with the same equipment. Basically they both benefit from exactly the same loot. Probably the only big difference is that a S&B tank "needs" a +5 Mithral Tower Shield (used to be >=1Mgp, but possibly cheaper now), whereas this build "needs" some really good shield clickies or preferably a wand thereof. In other respects, it's not the build that is making the difference: all options will benefit about equally from Crazy Raid Loot(TM).

EDIT: Ya know, I looked back over this build and my AC estimate, and it seems to me that it's actually not raid intensive AT ALL. I see a grand total of 4 things on my entire list (not all of which are required, of course) that can't simply be purchased from a vendor or at the AH: 1) The Dragontouched Docent itself (relative +2) -- no grind for that, though, 2) the +3 Dodge bonus on a DT docent, 3) the (relative) +3 Insight from a Shroud weapon, and 4) +3 Wisdom Tome (relative +1 AC). Since the Dragontouched Docent is attainable from one run, all of the "raid-grindy" stuff combined is offering +7 AC. Obviously nice to have, but CERTAINLY does not the ruin the build to go without. With a Bard along, hitting 70 would still be quite doable at level 16.

01-30-2009, 02:02 PM
An easier 'tank' would be a barbarian HP tank.

In my experience, which is mostly in low-mid content, I haven't found this "easier" at all. I have found it extremely resource intensive to support a character who "tanks" by having a big HP bar. AC & save based tanks have been much "easier" for me to play and afford.

In the limited mid-high content that I've done, I don't find it is even possible to "tank" by HP. If you're getting hit on a 2, them HP go FAST. This may also be solvable with better resources, but anyhow it doesn't seem to fit my play style.

I believe if you make a point to truly FOCUS on AC, even a relative n00b like myself can get pretty tanky. My 11th level Rogue/Tank presently has a no-buffs AC of 47. I've had no trouble at all playing intimitank on level 13/14 quests (on Normal).

01-30-2009, 02:05 PM
I plan on playing this as a augmentation to my "main" which i consider my cleric right now, so i'm gonna give it a go.. Heck, i'm only playing a WF to look like a big teenage mutant ninja turtle.

01-30-2009, 02:07 PM
I believe if you make a point to truly FOCUS on AC, even a relative n00b like myself can get pretty tanky. My 11th level Rogue/Tank presently has a no-buffs AC of 47. I've had no trouble at all playing intimitank on level 13/14 quests (on Normal).
I'd like to see that build some time.. ilike the rogues

01-30-2009, 07:58 PM
I'd like to see that build some time.. ilike the rogues

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