View Full Version : Looking to get a new computer

01-28-2009, 04:06 PM
Not too long ago, maybe a month ago, someone posted a link to a great site to buy new computer components.

Im looknig to build myself a new computer in a couple of month and was wondering if people had some suggestions as to good site s to order parts from. I already know about Newegg.com and Fry's Oustpost.com

Any other suggestions?

01-28-2009, 04:11 PM
I think you've already got the top site listed. The last 3-4 computers I built all came from NewEgg, so that would be my top recommendation.

01-28-2009, 04:15 PM
Ebay? :o


01-28-2009, 09:44 PM
If I were you, and what I did mostly, when I built my computer a few months ago, figure out exactly what you want and what your price range will for each component. Go to many differnet forums and read reviews of motherboards, processor, ect.. try to narrow your selection down and then start to compare prices at either local places or on the internet.

Stay with places that offer easy returns, if you have any problems, I prefer to buy local for motherboard and Videocard, for the ease of returning if needed.

If you buy on the net, make sure you are familiar with the site and they have a number to call, and not just email for customer service, check the BBB.

Stick with the Bigger sites, like Tigerdirect, Newegg, Amazon, frys, ect...