View Full Version : Does fighter Haste Boost affect longbows?

01-27-2009, 09:38 AM
I remember a long time ago, people siad that it did not. Is this still the case?

01-27-2009, 01:08 PM
From my experience it does.

I have III on my tempest/fighter and definitly see and increase of shots when the Haste boost is triggered and definitly see the rate decrease when it wears off.


01-28-2009, 08:34 AM
Will respec tonight and test

01-28-2009, 07:53 PM
the short answer: yes, fighter haste affects bows.

The Long Answer:
When I did my time trials, I started the stopwatch and shot the first arrow at the same time. Therefore the 1st arrow has a 0 second time. I did 2 trials: 16 seconds at 61 seconds. Note that the haste is for 20 seconds.

The timings:
15 arrows is 16 seconds unhasted
17 arrows in 16 seconds hasted

55 arrows in 61 seconds unhasted
58 arrows in 61 seconds hasted

Getting an extra 3 arrows in occasionally may not be worth the 10 action points. Although if you time your manyshot with the haste, it could be an extra 12 arrows. I will keep it for now and report back at a later date.

02-11-2009, 02:05 PM
The more that I think about this... why doesn't the archer get the 30% that melee gets? 13% does not equal 30%

02-12-2009, 01:13 AM
Why 16 seconds? this is giving me absolutly nothing... dont waste your time calculating 16 seconds when the boost lasts 20 seconds...
to get REAL results, you need to time for 20 seconds, exactly.
20 seconds for the total duration of the boost.
In your 61 seconds test, you should of been able to trigger the boost a second time, thus making it more complicated than it should be. The difference after 20 seconds, will be exactly the same as it was in your 61 seconds test, if you did not trigger it a second time.
So, after 20 seconds you get 3 more arrows shot, according to your results.
Making the boost a 15% increased attack speed using bows.
I did not test this myself, and was referring to the numbers mentionned above.

02-12-2009, 08:28 AM
ok.... 15% <> 30%