View Full Version : str based monk

01-26-2009, 11:21 PM
has anyone built a str monk with Greater twf? I have thought about it but you would pretty much have to nerf just about all your other stats. It might be worth the trade off though because you would almost be hitting as hard as a duel wielding kophes useing barb.

01-26-2009, 11:34 PM
I have tried all sorts of monk builds: high strength, high dex, etc. The only build I have found viable and have thoroughly enjoyed is a balanced build (with a tad bit of extra dex).

No monk will ever hit as hard as a barbarian dual wielding khopeshes. Ever. Most monks will not hit harder than a wizard wielding a wand of fox's cunning. (That's a slight overstatement, but not by too much).

There is no reason to max strength on a monk. You will still do less damage than everybody else and your monk specials will suck too. But definitely do not neglect strength either. You want a decent strength without sacrificing the monk bonuses you get, such as Stunning Fist, Quivering Palm, AC, etc.

01-26-2009, 11:40 PM
has anyone built a str monk with Greater twf? I have thought about it but you would pretty much have to nerf just about all your other stats. It might be worth the trade off though because you would almost be hitting as hard as a duel wielding kophes useing barb.

Started with:

STR 16
DEX 16
CON 12
WIS 16

Have gtwf, etc.

It's a good build; fairly balanced, and you can up your HP with toughness feats. End game, I can have 30 in either STR, DEX, or WIS, depending on stance, but even in max DPS mode, my 28-point halfling finesse-tempest fighter/ranger/rogue does so much more damage that it's not even funny, much less a twf khopesh barb.

Seriously, monks are not a DPS class.

01-30-2009, 02:18 PM

Level 1 - Dodge, Two Weapon Fighting
Level 2 - I forgot when Monks get their next feat.
Level 3 - Mobility, Stunning Fist
Level 4 - Nothing much happens... except a point of STR
Level 5 - Blardeedah doobiefins... maybe this is when you bypass Magic dr?
Level 6 - Spring Attack, You can't have ITWF yet so Power Attack. You also now deal full damage to Thraak Hounds(or however it's spelled). Enhancements - You want Fist Of Light. Seriously. You save SO MANY potions with it.
Level 7 - Are you using those gloves from Delera's yet? You might want to...
Level 8 - Yay another point of STR
Level 9 - ITWF because your BAB is broken
Level 10 - Stuff happens that I forgot.
Level 11 - More stuff happens and I forgot again.
Level 12 - Improved Crit Bludgeon because your BAB is badly broken and you can't have GTWF, another point to STR
Level 13 - We forget what we are doing and watch spells begin to bounce off of us
Level 14 - Hooray! We can grind for Ingredients for the Handwraps we can't make yet! Oh joy.
Level 15 - FINALLY, GTWF. I mean jeez. Also, You now bypass Adamantine DR, and can use Quivering Palm, which works like Finger of Death, but the DC is Monk Level + WIS Bonus, or something of the sort.
Level 16 - Another STR and we feel happy because our fists deal as much as a Greataxe with every hit, and bypass 3 DRs

I think I spend way too much time doing other things, and forget too much about the game. I feel it's irrelevant to numbercrunch, but here you go.

16/14/14/10/16/8, Tomes: +2 STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIS(INT for the skills that you will definitely want and use like crazy), don't bother with CHA unless you want to lose some Monk levels, and lose some DPS and features in the process. I picked Human, but when Half-dorks come out I will make one of those and take advantage of it's STR as a Racial Enhancement feature, despite the WIS nerf. AC is already freaking pointless due to exploiters, so what do I worry about it?

Additionally, since when is 60-80 damage per attack animation low DPS? Maybe in a freakish world where characters exceed 60 STR and use Seeker 20 items on things with -100% Fortification... Try Wind Stance 3 sometime if you find the caster(as usual) is being extremely stingy with their SP bar, and wants to save as much of it as possible before using a Shrine.

Roll a new one up and don't use wraps with a bonus of anything below +4. If you miss on a roll of 5, you are doing something wrong, or over your level.

01-30-2009, 04:16 PM

Level 1 - Dodge, Two Weapon Fighting
Level 2 - I forgot when Monks get their next feat.
Level 3 - Mobility, Stunning Fist
Level 4 - Nothing much happens... except a point of STR
Level 5 - Blardeedah doobiefins... maybe this is when you bypass Magic dr?
Level 6 - Spring Attack, You can't have ITWF yet so Power Attack. You also now deal full damage to Thraak Hounds(or however it's spelled). Enhancements - You want Fist Of Light. Seriously. You save SO MANY potions with it.
Level 7 - Are you using those gloves from Delera's yet? You might want to...
Level 8 - Yay another point of STR
Level 9 - ITWF because your BAB is broken
Level 10 - Stuff happens that I forgot.
Level 11 - More stuff happens and I forgot again.
Level 12 - Improved Crit Bludgeon because your BAB is badly broken and you can't have GTWF, another point to STR
Level 13 - We forget what we are doing and watch spells begin to bounce off of us
Level 14 - Hooray! We can grind for Ingredients for the Handwraps we can't make yet! Oh joy.
Level 15 - FINALLY, GTWF. I mean jeez. Also, You now bypass Adamantine DR, and can use Quivering Palm, which works like Finger of Death, but the DC is Monk Level + WIS Bonus, or something of the sort.
Level 16 - Another STR and we feel happy because our fists deal as much as a Greataxe with every hit, and bypass 3 DRs

I think I spend way too much time doing other things, and forget too much about the game. I feel it's irrelevant to numbercrunch, but here you go.

16/14/14/10/16/8, Tomes: +2 STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIS(INT for the skills that you will definitely want and use like crazy), don't bother with CHA unless you want to lose some Monk levels, and lose some DPS and features in the process. I picked Human, but when Half-dorks come out I will make one of those and take advantage of it's STR as a Racial Enhancement feature, despite the WIS nerf. AC is already freaking pointless due to exploiters, so what do I worry about it?

Additionally, since when is 60-80 damage per attack animation low DPS? Maybe in a freakish world where characters exceed 60 STR and use Seeker 20 items on things with -100% Fortification... Try Wind Stance 3 sometime if you find the caster(as usual) is being extremely stingy with their SP bar, and wants to save as much of it as possible before using a Shrine.

Roll a new one up and don't use wraps with a bonus of anything below +4. If you miss on a roll of 5, you are doing something wrong, or over your level.

Don't you need 17 dex for ITWF?

Edit: Oh, and 80 damage per animation is pathetic damage; my finesse fighter/ranger/rogue does ~300 (animation = 10 attacks w/ GTWF)

01-30-2009, 04:24 PM
Yep !!!??!!

not enough DEX, you'd need a +3 dex tome by lvl 12 to get GTWF at 16 lvl cap

Ive been putting some thought into it and you need 15 DEX to have a real shot at it. You could sacrifice some WIS and get decent starting STR or drop INT and get it to 16. I dont know about you but I like my skills. With 15 WIS you could pull it off, your +3 from enhancements would even out your score but you would not be able to use the Grandmaster stance save the Sun one without a +3 tome. You can achieve 32 STR at lvl 16 including the racial enhancemenet + Sun Stance.

01-30-2009, 05:21 PM
has anyone built a str monk with Greater twf? I have thought about it but you would pretty much have to nerf just about all your other stats. It might be worth the trade off though because you would almost be hitting as hard as a duel wielding kophes useing barb.

A Strength Monk is perfectly viable, however the way you say it sounds kinda scary...like you want to start with an 18 Strength (or maybe 16 on a Halfling). Monks really, really can't afford to max any of their stats at 1st level. A Strength Monk is totally doable, but don't max your Strength. It's only two points, you'll be okay...(but no, not like a TWFing Khopesh Barbarian)...

Regardless, I am very much expecting some sort of Monk lovin' in Mod 9, so I think most of our opinions will soon be invalidated...or if there are no changes to invalidate our opinions, then many of us may just shelf the Monk anyways...

01-31-2009, 05:51 AM

Additionally, since when is 60-80 damage per attack animation low DPS?


THAT **** is even funnier than constantly whining about wiping in the Shroud.

01-31-2009, 06:47 AM
Additionally, since when is 60-80 damage per attack animation low DPS? Maybe in a freakish world where characters exceed 60 STR and use Seeker 20 items on things with -100% Fortification... Try Wind Stance 3 sometime if you find the caster(as usual) is being extremely stingy with their SP bar, and wants to save as much of it as possible before using a Shrine.

Roll a new one up and don't use wraps with a bonus of anything below +4. If you miss on a roll of 5, you are doing something wrong, or over your level.

Don't you need 17 dex for ITWF?

Edit: Oh, and 80 damage per animation is pathetic damage; my finesse fighter/ranger/rogue does ~300 (animation = 10 attacks w/ GTWF)


THAT **** is even funnier than constantly whining about wiping in the Shroud.

I'm purty Sure he ment buy that was per SWING set IE one main hand one off hand swing.... I know that would be considered a LOW damage swing set for my AC tempest monk, he would average in an averages shroud run against harry 94+Ki attack damage wich includes 2d6 or 8 or 4 or 1d6 all *2 for both hands of course, with kamas.
Who based on a Feynman annimation of 10 attacks with GTWF at 5% more perminant haste then his guy does against harry assumign no crits BUT reducing sneak attakc buy 50% for his fort, and ONLY useing the ki generated with in those 10 attakcs averages about 500 Damage, thats with my weapons built for AC both of them, tier 2&3 are stats and insight ac, and whiel maintaining an AC WITH out outside help of 75+ more if there are rangers/bards/pallys etc around.

Feynman's dps guy seams a little light IF my AC built 8 str starting monk is 200 damage per animation over him 5% faster!!!!!

Monks can so DPS, NOT top tier DPS but they are easly holding there own beating any one NOT TWFing, and maby even soem of the twf's but i havent realy run enough of there numbers to be sure and all this when they are built for AC

my ruff math calculations:

01-31-2009, 07:03 AM

Check this topic out for more info on a Str build monk, that doesn't suck, hopefully.