View Full Version : Spell Point and Wisdom Equipment/Items

01-26-2009, 01:09 PM
As for spell points, I started off with a Pearl of Power I trinket, and have seen Pearl of Power VII and X for sale on Auction. I also see, occasionally, hats with wizardry I - VI or more.

As for wisdom, the predominant items appear to be headgear and necklaces, but occasionally, I see a ring.

Can I get some information as to how others have maximized their spell points though the levels?

Is it possible to get wisdom +s with rings?

What is the most cost-effective way to max wisdm and spell points through the levels?

Thanks in advance for any advice.

01-26-2009, 01:37 PM
There are WIS rings out there.

01-26-2009, 02:12 PM
There is a Wiz II trinket from the end rewards in Tangle Root, wis on what ever slot you find that works best for you.

01-26-2009, 02:22 PM
As for spell points, I started off with a Pearl of Power I trinket, and have seen Pearl of Power VII and X for sale on Auction. I also see, occasionally, hats with wizardry I - VI or more.

As for wisdom, the predominant items appear to be headgear and necklaces, but occasionally, I see a ring.

Can I get some information as to how others have maximized their spell points though the levels?

Is it possible to get wisdom +s with rings?

What is the most cost-effective way to max wisdm and spell points through the levels?

Thanks in advance for any advice.

WIsdom Helms and Necklaces are Common. RIngs are rare, but often availabale on the AH.

Best Bet.

Use Helm for your Wisdom SLot early on. Get the Korthos Combo for casting (Necklace and Goggles) Archivist set.

Get the Necklace from Waterworks (Wiz 1)

Get the Trinket from Tangleroot (Wiz 2)

THis is good to level 9 where you can wear a PopX Trinket.

at level 11, most people go for a Minos Legend int he helm slot so you will want to switch wisdom to necklace or ring. Many go Necklace because the next nice Static item is Lorrik's necklace out of the hound. Wiz 6 and Wisdom +6. However, You can make ANY item slot (Well, anyone thats available to craft) into a Wisdom +6 with WizVI AND 150more spell Points as well in the shroud.

01-26-2009, 05:19 PM
at every even level up to 8 get a handheld ODD NUMBERED power item. this includes wiz 2 in place of power 5 etc. at lvl 9, wear your pop X. at 11 get a wiz 6 helm, and swap back to conc when u burn the sp. at 13, same with wiz 7. no need to waste a +2 wis tome, but u must eat a +1 as early as possible. humans are the only race that can bump wis (as they get to chose 2 stats to bump once each.) note the min level of various wis items. u will most likely use a wis necklace, concentration helm, and save your ring slots for gfl, fort, ff or whatever else.

i know, i know, hand held sp items suck, but its not that bad, especially if u buff parties. just make a habit of equipping it before shrining. its a price that must be payed to achieve the highest max sp.