View Full Version : returning player looking for guild

01-25-2009, 06:33 PM

I started playing again after a long time away (left just after drow came out) and came back to find my guild was dead and the whole world of eberron was substantially different than when I left.

I have been solo grinding faction, grabbing what pugs I could and generally trying to get a grip on the new game and all that good stuff over the past week. But with no friends who still play, and no guild, it has been a bit of a painful grind.

I was hoping to find a active guild who doesn't mind the odd nubish question. If anyone knows of a guild who is recruiting, or is in a guild who is recruiting, please drop me a line here, or with rogal in game. Thanks.

01-25-2009, 06:43 PM
you're more than welcome to check out brothers of absolute character. however, we're a pure class only guild ...so please keep that in mind with your character selection :).

01-25-2009, 06:47 PM
I've actually never made a multi-class character. Its either me being a nub, or my fear of there being really good cookies at the end of a class rainbow and missing out on them, based on dipping into other classes.

The guy I have been playing is a 12 pally, I also have a 9 rogue and a 10 ranger. One day, once I have ground the endless grind to 1750 favor, I plan on making a monk. But that is in the distant future.

01-25-2009, 08:07 PM
THAC0 is always looking for new players. We are a large guild with people playing at pretty much any hour in the day. Check us out as www.thaczero.com

My name is Wobert (with any variation of vowels at the end). Look me up in game man.

01-26-2009, 06:00 PM

I started playing again after a long time away (left just after drow came out) and came back to find my guild was dead and the whole world of eberron was substantially different than when I left.

I have been solo grinding faction, grabbing what pugs I could and generally trying to get a grip on the new game and all that good stuff over the past week. But with no friends who still play, and no guild, it has been a bit of a painful grind.

I was hoping to find a active guild who doesn't mind the odd nubish question. If anyone knows of a guild who is recruiting, or is in a guild who is recruiting, please drop me a line here, or with rogal in game. Thanks.

Greetings Mordicai

I received your application on the THAC0 website. I apologize if nobody has gotten back to you but my time has been pretty limited for the past several weeks and will continue to be for a couple more.

One of the other Officers will get in touch with you shortly. Wobert seems to have already put in a THAC0 plug in his reply so I guess I'll volun-tell him to do it. :D

01-27-2009, 12:41 PM
Greetings MordicaiOne of the other Officers will get in touch with you shortly. Wobert seems to have already put in a THAC0 plug in his reply so I guess I'll volun-tell him to do it. :D

I'm putting that in my bio. Volun-telling Wobert to do something. Don't know know Wobert does everything wrong!

01-27-2009, 05:50 PM
I'm putting that in my bio. Volun-telling Wobert to do something. Don't know know Wobert does everything wrong!

It's highlighted. 'Nuff said... ;)