View Full Version : High Ac/Intim battle cleric

01-23-2009, 03:02 PM
Hello everybody, this is my first post. Wanted to share some ideas I had for an intimidating cleric. I like the idea behind this because intim/tanks are nice but if all they do is block and intim they are kinda taking up a useful spot in group and not giving as much back as possible. The intim cleric can keep himself up (healing/ac/evasion/saves) and intim, being useful in more aspects. Also will have the umd to use any rr item and wands/scrolls of shield, stoneskin, fire shield, teleport, ddoor, ck, etc. In the end will have access to highest level cleric spells when cap increases. This build is rather advance maybe over my head so I need feed back from people with experience with ac and intim.

Still unsure about maxing wis or dex, alot of people are telling me wis. It will lower my reflex and to hit by -2 but increase my dc +2 and give me a whopping 44 spell points. For one I wont have heighten or spell pen. For two BB seems to me either mob has evasion and saves or it doesnt and always gets wacked. Mobs reflex saves seem far less then will/fort. But maybe I'm wrong about it all.

Human 1rogue/2monk/13cleric Future 1rogue/2monk/17cleric
60-65 intimidate/36-41 umd/69 ac /36 reflex/340hp

Str 8 (14-16) +2 tome, +4 bulls if needed, or +6 titan belt
Dex 16 (32) +2 tome, +6 item, +3 gs lightningII, +4 lvl, +1 human
Con 14 (22) +2 tome, +6 gs
Int 10 (12) +2 tome
wis 16 (30) +3 tome, +6 item, +1 human, +3 cleric, +1 gs
chr 12 (24) +2 tome, +6 gs, +2 cleric

feats..Bullheaded-dodge-least dm sentinel-maximize-quicken-sf.intim-extend-Lr--wep finesse



+2 luck (head)
+15 item
+3 sf intim
+2 bullheaded
+2 dragonmark
+5 chr
+4 gh
+19 level
+1 deneith
+5 shroud
+1 monk badger

total 60 boosted 65 (can handle anything in game I think, even elite)


+10 Base
+11 Dexterity
+8 Armor Bracers
+10 Wisdom
+1 Chemical
+5 prot cloak
+4 Insight
+5 Dodge (Feat , Outfit)
+3 Natural (Barkskin)
+4 Shield Spell level 11 wand
+1 Haste
+1 wind stance
+2 recitation
+1 monk
+3 chattering ring

total 69 AC self buffed (I think this is plenty)

+5 full pally
+5 human versatility ac boost
+4 bard song
+5 bark skin (actually +2 but number below is correct)
+2 blocking
+1 airII haste
+2 defensive fighting

total 90 AC fully buffed (I think this is uber but unrealistic mid 70 is more likely)


+5 resistence
+11 dex
+2 luck
+8 level
+4 gh
+2 lr
+1 chemical
+3 gs

total 36 with evasion (plenty)

Head- sup devotion VII
Trinket- head of good fortune (moderate fort should be enuff with 70-91 ac)
Cloak-+5 prot shroud #40=MinII +5 prot heavy fort 35hp cloak
Ring- +15 intimidate
Ring-chattering ring
Belt- titan belt
Bracers- +8 ac
Wep- GS LSII kama +3 dex,+6 chr/ oozeII kama +1 wis +6 con +4 insight(might need bears and eagles if switching alot)
Necklace- EsII +5 chr skill +150sp +10hp
Gloves- gauntlets of eternity
Goggles- AirII +5 reflex +3 reflex
Boots-dex +6 or ff
Also making a pancea/displacement/stoneskin clicky might be good idea
^all this stuff is rare and costly :(

Not sure if this guy will be blocking and healing during fight or fighting with lsII weapons and healing during fight. I think with divine power and the decent dex he can hit raid boss's ac. Unfortunately either way it isnt making huge difference to anything, other than watching lightning strikes and oozes go off is kinda cool. Id like to figure out his to hit will be pretty gimpy with penalty for twf. But with the combined oozeII, airII, LsII hed have his moments.

Anyway still undecided if I'll make this guy or not alot of time and plat is required but I think its an excellent build all I need is a catchy name for it and it would be the new craze for sure. Maybe call it 40 million plat cleric because that about how much it'll cost to make from scratch.

01-23-2009, 04:37 PM

01-23-2009, 04:42 PM
what about feats they are posted under ability scores?

01-23-2009, 04:53 PM
apparently nothing...just missed them

01-23-2009, 05:22 PM
If ya throw enough Uber gear onto a Build, anything can be Uber.

That being said, You have some things that dont add up or stack going on here. Highlighted below.

With only 3 Skill points on most your levels, I dont see how you plan to keep Intim and UMD Maxed.
I guess I dont realy see the reasoning behind all the cleric levels. SUre, You can tank, but you'll run outta spell points so fast that most groups wil need a Real cleric anyway for raids/Elite content.

Hello everybody, this is my first post. Wanted to share some ideas I had for an intimidating cleric. I like the idea behind this because intim/tanks are nice but if all they do is block and intim they are kinda taking up a useful spot in group and not giving as much back as possible. The intim cleric can keep himself up and intim, being useful in more aspects. Also will have the umd to use any rr item and wands/scrolls of shield, stoneskin, fire shield, teleport, ddoor, ck, etc. This build is rather advance maybe over my head so I need feed back from people with experience with ac and intim.

Still unsure about maxing wis or dex, alot of people are telling me wis. It will lower my reflex and to hit by -2 but increase my dc +2 and give me a whopping 44 spell points. For one I wont have heighten or spell pen. For two BB seems to me either mob has evasion and saves or it doesnt and always gets wacked. Mobs reflex saves seem far less then will/fort. But maybe I'm wrong about it all.

Human 1rogue/2monk/13cleric Future 1rogue/2monk/17cleric
60-65 intimidate/36-41 umd/70 ac /36 reflex/340hp

Str 8
Dex 16 (32) +2 tome, +6 item, +3 gs lightningII, +4 lvl, +1 human
Con 14 (22)
Int 10 (12) +2 tome
wis 16 (30) +2 tome, +6 item, +1 human, +3 cleric, +2 gs
chr 12 (22) +2 tome, +6 item, +2 cleric

feats..Bullheaded-dodge-least dm sentinel-maximize-quicken-sf.intim-extend-Lr--wep finesse


+2 luck (head)
+15 item
+3 sf intim
+2 bullheaded
+2 dragonmark
+6 chr
+4 gh
+19 level
+1 deneith
+5 shroud
+1 monk badger

total 60 boosted 65 (can handle anything in game I think, even elite)


+10 Base
+11 Dexterity
+8 Armor Bracers
+10 Wisdom
+1 Chemical
+5 shield of faith- Only +4 at Level 16
+4 Insight
+5 Dodge (Feat , Outfit)
+3 Natural (Barkskin)
+4 Shield Spell CLicky/Wand?
+1 Haste
+1 wind stance
+2 recitation
+1 monk
+3 chattering ring

total 70 AC self buffed (I think this is plenty)

+5 full pally
+5 human versatility ac boost
+4 bard song
+5 bark skin- THis would only be +2 as you already added 3 for the bark potion
+2 blocking Do you actually gain AC when your Blocking without a Sheild?
+1 airII haste
+2 defensive fighting

total 91 AC fully buffed (I think this is uber)
AS noted above, If you throw enough Clickies, Boosts, and Uber gear at ANY Build, you can get to your "Uber" ac


+5 resistence
+11 dex
+2 luck
+8 level
+4 gh
+2 lr
+1 chemical
+3 gs

total 36 (plenty)

Head- sup devotion VII
Trinket- head of good fortune (moderate fort should be enuff with 70-91 ac)
Cloak- EsII +5 chr skill +150sp +10hp
Ring- +15 intimidate
Ring-chattering ring
Belt- DI GFL
Bracers- +8 ac
Wep- GS LSII kama +3 dex +6chr/ oozeII kama +2 wis +6 con (might need eagles and bears if switching alot)
Necklace- lorriks
Gloves- gauntlets of eternity
Goggles- AirII +5 reflex +3 reflex
Boots-dex +6 or ff
Also making a pancea/displacement/stoneskin clicky might be good idea
^all this stuff is rare and costly :(

Not sure if this guy will be blocking and healing during fight or fighting with lsII weapons and healing during fight. I think with divine power and the decent dex he can hit raid boss's ac. Unfortunately either way it isnt making huge difference to anything, other than watching lightning strikes and oozes go off is kinda cool. Id like to figure out his to hit will be pretty gimpy with penalty for twf. But with the combined oozeII, airII, LsII hed have his moments.

Anyway still undecided if I'll make this guy or not alot of time and plat is required but I think its an excellent build all I need is a catchy name for it and it would be the new craze for sure. Maybe call it 40 million plat cleric because that about how much it'll cost to make from scratch.

01-23-2009, 05:35 PM
I haven't looked very much at your build; I would be reticent to give you advise, simply because I have not played a cleric or an intimitank. Having said that, a good source of reference I can suggest is: Durack's Warpriest (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=161300). If you've got the skill and mindset, it's a powerful and proven build. Some of the comments in that thread also do a good job of highlighting the few places that don't synergize very well with a cleric tank. Worth a read.

01-23-2009, 05:41 PM
Ya 91 ac is unrealistic but expecting some of those buffs arent. I did figure if you do the adding the +2 bark from full ranger otherwise it be 94 if I added wrong. And he would be able to cast shield from a level 11 wand easily. But you might be right about the SoF being only +4 so that 69-90ac not a killer. He has enuff skill points 4 with each cleric level to max both intim and umd. Also ya on a raid two clerics is generally the rule, he might not count as one, but the alternative might be a guy holding shift for 30 minutes not really best advantage.

01-23-2009, 05:48 PM
I am going this route, but with fighter levels instead of rogue--I'm taking enough Cleric levels for Blade barrier, which also gives me Cure mod Mass and the Heal spell, and then that is it. I'm also trying out the intimidate dragonmarks since I won't be using feats for spell focuses and spell pen.

But, I also have 4 pure clerics, and have had alot of experience healing--I pretty much only use cure mass light and cure mass mod in raid situations with the occaisonal single spells thrown in there. I have enough plat to buy pots if Im going to be the only cleric in a hard quest, but most of all I group with some pretty savy players who don't take alot of damage for the most part.

01-23-2009, 05:50 PM
Ya 91 ac is unrealistic but expecting some of those buffs arent. I did figure if you do the adding the +2 bark from full ranger otherwise it be 94 if I added wrong. And he would be able to cast shield from a level 11 wand easily. But you might be right about the SoF being only +4 so that 69-90ac not a killer. He has enuff skill points 4 with each cleric level to max both intim and umd. Also ya on a raid two clerics is generally the rule, he might not count as one, but the alternative might be a guy holding shift for 30 minutes not really best advantage.

I could substiture the Cleric levels with ANY other class in the game and come up witht he Same AC and Intimidate numbers though. What makes you think using cleric as a base on this build is a good idea? What would you be doing in VOD or SHroud FOr example? Are you going to run up to Xxyyzz and be the Chew Toy?

01-23-2009, 06:03 PM
You misadded...and accounting for Impaqt's correction, you are lookin at 68 self buffed.

You also have +4 insight but no item that gives it (and no place to put it)....yer now down to 64

Yer max then becomes 84 (you counted Haste +1 twice). for 20s at a time as long as you don't cast a spell.

Minus yer 20s skill boost, yer at 79

Casting a spell drops it by 2 for 77 which is still pretty insane.

As for your UMD...

19 ranks (he can hit 19 ranks in both Intimi and UMD since he is human and eatsa +2 into tome at lvl 1)
+6 chr
+5 shroud
+2 head
= 32
Not sure how you are getting to 41 but 32 is enough to use 10th lvl shield wands with a 70% success rate..if ya factor in the 7fg from titan, 37 and 95% for buffing use...however, I would hope that you don't take those gloves away from someone that can actually use them when you use them just for buffing...

01-23-2009, 08:59 PM
i agree with impact, what is your role in a raid? as main tank, sure you can intimidate but you have 0 dps. as a healer, its only meh. your spells are not going to be as effective due to lower caster level and lack of metas

if you are in my server, i'd ask you "give me a reason to get into my raid group"

01-23-2009, 11:37 PM
I could substiture the Cleric levels with ANY other class in the game and come up witht he Same AC and Intimidate numbers though. What makes you think using cleric as a base on this build is a good idea? What would you be doing in VOD or SHroud FOr example? Are you going to run up to Xxyyzz and be the Chew Toy?

If he can pull heavy fortification in VoD, it's very possible playing a intimidate-tank role there with such AC number (at the very least, it's almost untouchable for orthon). You could have zero DPS and still doing intimidate-tank role well.

As in shroud, he can just play a dedicated healer and pull his vorpal out against trash monsters occasionally. For hound, either dedicated healer again or even aggro generator role to draw all possible render attention near the east portal, in case you can have other low ac melee (i.e. barbarian) bash all the spawn monster without need to heal anyone.

These's couple weakness about this build:

1) 8 Strength even with all gear on? Yes I know it's doable and you can cast Divine Power all the time, but honestly, I won't play any character with 8 strength unbuff. DPS should be pretty low, probably have little to no use against red name or above (if meleeing), but able to use couple stat-damage weapon ( limited to monk weapon ) and/or some power 5 weapon.

2) Heavy grinding on more than half of his gears. His sp could be low (compare with your everyday cleric) but could be overcome. (as long as he have cash to spend on scrolls)

3) Couple number show above were questionable without gear support (AC, UMD, as kinar list). However, if he could made his air gear with air guard, the ac comes from haste could be count twice if you receive haste (spell) and haste (from air guard) at the same time, (but it's only for 30 sec until air guard trigger again).

01-24-2009, 12:27 AM
Your stat layout is painful. Your better off taking a hit to the intim feats, and switching to drow, halfling, or elf.

And the worst part of this "build" is that your entire concept is super gear reliant.

+10 Base
+8 Armor Bracers
+1 Chemical
+5 shield of faith
+4 Insight
+5 Dodge (Feat , Outfit)
+3 Natural (Barkskin)
+4 Shield Spell
+1 Haste
+3 chattering ring
43 from items/self buff alone

From buffs, 2 natural, 2 recitation, 4 bard, 5 paladin, 5 AC boost, thats another 18 right there. So at this point, your getting a little rediculous.

01-24-2009, 12:34 AM
i also saw that he had wind stanse AND full plate ( if i read it right) in there thats kinda a problem

01-24-2009, 01:51 AM
The idea behind this build I suppose is a support healer that can contain agro and maintiain his own health and sometimes others. I think it could be fun.

Alot of people are commenting that the ac and gear needed is outta hand and I agree 100% but if there is an easy way to get 70-90 ac w/o gear I'd love to know about it, because a 50 ac is as good as a 0. This ac system was not my idea and yes it is frustrating and ridiculous. Example you get leviks defender and full plate of defender high end raid gear should count for something right? Only gives you a 40 ac or so with full dex bonus, alone it is as useless as starter rags. I wouldnt advise making this if you dont have alot of time and money. Kinda why I'm sharing it, dont think I could afford all that stuff.

Some also are reading the 91 ac as his real ac it is not and unrealistic but possible. I think in the future outta a 12 man raid a full bark skin or bard song is not alot to ask for. But even w/o any or littel outside help a mid 70's is very real. Also saw a post about wind stance and full plate not sure what you mean by this? Icey =Icey raiments it is an outfit kinda like an arcane robe.

UMD 19 RANKS+6CHR+5 SHROUD+2 HEAD+4 GH+5 SKILL BOOST=41 I thought gh and shroud item stacked. But ya prolly 36 umd mostly.

Someone posted that I dont have +4 insight and I missed this thnx. Would have to sacrifice the +1 wis on my kama for it. Did alot of shuffling on his equipment spots, really a stretch to get it all together.

And alot of you question his healing power and correctly so, he would not be the main solo healer in most shrouds at least untill level cap 20. But in the end he will be level 17 cleric nothing to sneeze at. If a level 16 cleric can heal 12 people during raid I think a level 17 can heal himself in any raid DDO cooks up.

And finally his dps is gimp but I'm undecided whether to give up totally on it and block or try to contribute something. If I scrapped the idea of dps completely his gear would be slightly different, and possible he might max wis over dex.

01-24-2009, 02:16 AM
this build is human; it's got 4 sp/cleric level to work with, which is enough to max intimidate and umd (with the 2ndrogue and the monk level taken pretty late

rogue1: balance, tumble, jump, umd, intimidate,etc
cleric levels: intim and umd, 2 points each
monk levels: intim and umd with the spare in concentration

to be honest, t his build would be better as 13 cle/2 rog/1 monk, as getting a second rogue level to use all those sp on umd/intim buys you a lot of conc points in cleric levels, plus a dex enhancement (can start with a lower dex if you want for that reason) for the cost of a feat

01-24-2009, 02:49 AM
Ya 2 rogue would work. But he has quicken so concentration is not needed and even concentrations in 60's arent reliable. Plus the second late level of rogue wouldnt help it much as concentration would be cross class skill.

01-24-2009, 04:00 PM
Ya 2 rogue would work. But he has quicken so concentration is not needed and even concentrations in 60's arent reliable. Plus the second late level of rogue wouldnt help it much as concentration would be cross class skill.

quicken costs 10 SP a spell, and considering your already taking a large hit to your SP, not a good solution.

01-24-2009, 04:37 PM
I'm not sure what his plans are for his. . .But I'll share with you mine :)

I 'm currently lvl 6 and I'm having a lot of fun leveling my intimi cleric--I solo a lot of stuff and intim keeps me from having to chase stuff all over, and when I do pug instead of run with guildies, I've been able to intimdate mobs off of the whole group if they are squishie. I also went with Finesse/2wf for my lower levels and duel wield Kamas.

I plan on being able to inimidate the orthons in VOD--we have clerics and Bards on our server that already do this--and even a couple of sorcs. I also plan on intimidating the devils in the web area.

For SHroud--there are clerics on Sarlona who single pull the Devil and solo it with BB, I would like to do that as well. As stated above I will have cure mass light and cure mass mod and that is pretty much all I use anyway. I can afford pots, but often times our clerics end with 1/4 of their mana after parts 4 and 5, so I don't think it will be an issue by the time I'm old enough to shroud.

I don't really plan on messing with the doggies in Hound--mostly because I really don't like that raid all that much.

But really, I plan to solo alot of the content, as I have already run most of it into the ground leveling all my other toons.

01-24-2009, 05:04 PM
From someone who is capped with a similiar build, let me share mine. I posted it in october. I am maybe 1/3 of the way to my end game gear setup. Mostly I play healer in shroud/vision/hound. It takes forever to get this to work unless you are constantly hitting the raids when your timer is up, or have all the misc gear/ingredients already. Shroud I am 2nd cleric, and sometimes main has died in part4 and I drink pots to get us thru, yet to have died there. Vision-2nd cleric who can also intimidate orthons/devils, and assist throwing reconstructs on forged tank. Hound-standard healer role. High end quests, I can w/p, dps(bb and dual wielding), heal, tank, trapsmith, whatever party needs. Have 5 +2 tomes done(favor for last one in progress), I knew +3 and litany was a far stretch. Your build is just a gimp healer if you don't get the gear.

Planned this build about 3months ago with Impaqt's assistance in all things Clerical(I have 8 arcanes out of 11 chars). Wanted to give the updated build stats. This is a full out planned build. It can work missing some items, but it won't play as intended with no raid loot. If you came looking for a casual build, don't bother. As far as the impossible things to obtain, drop down to +2 tomes and no litany, remove 1 from everyting. The rest is farmable.

(Max gear version)
Human 1Monk/2Rogue/13Cleric (17 at cap)
Lawful Neutral
{16}8str +3tome+6item+1litany trinket-2stance
{26}14dex +3tome+6item+1litany trinket+1rogue enh+1human enh
{24}14con +3tome+6item+1litany trinket
{24}14int +3tome+6item+1litany trinket
{38}16wis +3tome+9item+1litany trinket+3cleric enh+2stance+4levels
{24}12cha +3tome+6item+1litany trinket+2cleric enh
great human adaptability available when wis can hit even again(20?)
+2 int tome used at creation
can have 18 wis if you want to lower cha and something else

Level breakdown:
Rogue1, cleric2-8, monk9, rogue10, cleric 11-16
This allows me to spend all monk skills into spot

AC: 66 running, 73 self boosted, 83 Raid max
10base+8bracers+4shield+5Icy rainments+8dex+14wis+2recitation+3Barkskin potion+4deflection(Icy)+3chattering ring+1haste+4insight kama
Optional: +2defensive fighting+5HV boost
Raid: +4inspire+5aura+1barkskin

skill focus intimidate(1), toughness(1), extend(3), mental toughness(6), quicken(9), weapon finesse(monk9), maximize(12), imp crit piercing(15)
I took sf spot at 1 and changed it to toughness at 9.

Attack: 35 rapier, 30 staff, 34 kama, 31/27 dual wielding(off hand insight)
16bab(divine power)+3divinefavor+1weapon+4greater heroism+1haste+8dex+2recitation-4/8twf

Saves: 33/33/40 +2traps +5boost as needed
8/4/8 Cleric, 2/2/2 Monk, 0/3/0 Rogue, 2/2/2 luck, 5/5/5 resist, 7/8/14 stats, 4/4/4 gh, 2/2/2 recitation, 1/1/1 alchemical, 2/2/2stance

Hps: 397
20base+10draconicvitality+30gfl+112con+18toughness +18helm+45goggles+12rogue+8monk+104cleric+20toughn ess enh(mod8)

Sps: 1397
610cleric+80eotzIII+322wis+300shroud item+85mt

{67}disable:17ranks+7tools+7int+15item+5boost+4gh+ 2luck+1enh+3bracers+6shroud
{51}open lock:4ranks+7tools+8dex+15item+5boost+4gh+2luck+6s hroud
{58}search:12ranks+7int+15item+5boost+6findtraps+4 gh+2luck+1enh+6shroud
{38}umd:19ranks+6shroud+4gh+2luck+7cha(+5boost+5gl oves)
{56}intimidate:19ranks+6shroud+4gh+2luck+15item+3f eat+7cha

Human Dex I, Imp recovery I, HV IV, Cha II, Wis III, DV I, wands III, life magic III, zealot III, disciple of puddles, disable I, search I, haste boost I, dex I, trap sense I, 3 aps for toughness

weapon1=af/af dex6/fire15%, 4ac/4ac 20%blur, displacement 2/day
weapon2=p/e/e 6cha/1wis, 2wis(said screw the min II, saved 12 ings)
goggles=wizVi 6cha skills(airx3)/6int skills
helm=minos legen
belt=6str + gfl, gird
gloves= 45hp +6wis concordant/seven fingered
boots=boots of innocent
bracers=8 ac/ventilated
armor=icy raiment
ring1=chattering ring+1alchemical, 15dd/ol/sea

01-24-2009, 06:56 PM
Xyfiel I like your build it is impressive that you managed to keep your rogue score to pare and everything else. Ic your gear is maybe even crazier than mine. Mine is not perfectly planned. I noticed compairing them that I do not really need lorriks necklace at all. Could make necklace gs and free up cloak for +6 chr after all. But I saw on your's you made a smokeII weapon. I dont think that is worth 24 large, I think 12 medium for a displacement clicky could be just a good.

01-24-2009, 07:43 PM
my 14/2 build (not 18/2 like yours) is currently standing at 52AC with icy, glacier gloves, titan belt, leviks bracers all sitting in the bank becuase I need by robe spot for a +6 stat item, gloves for str, belt for con.

Not sure how you are getting to 41 but 32 is enough to use 10th lvl shield wands with a 70% success rate..if ya factor in the 7fg from titan, 37 and 95% for buffing use...however, I would hope that you don't take those gloves away from someone that can actually use them when you use them just for buffing...

Sorry kinar but your saying I shouldnt take gloves away from someone when you admit in anouther battlecleric post you have four raid items doing nothing in your bank. Starting to remember why I never posted here b4.

01-24-2009, 07:51 PM
+10 Base
+8 Armor Bracers
+1 Chemical
+5 shield of faith
+4 Insight
+5 Dodge (Feat , Outfit)
+3 Natural (Barkskin)
+4 Shield Spell
+1 Haste
+3 chattering ring
43 from items/self buff alone

You forgot Dexterity.

01-24-2009, 08:02 PM
Planned this build about 3months ago with Impaqt's assistance in all things Clerical

So the same impaqt that says this build is too reliant on gear helped you make this build that is even more reliant on gear?

01-24-2009, 09:20 PM
Sorry kinar but your saying I shouldnt take gloves away from someone when you admit in anouther battlecleric post you have four raid items doing nothing in your bank. Starting to remember why I never posted here b4.

my fighter has a page worth of raid loot in the bank for various reasons

vons neck - no one wanted it
titan armors - see above
vons belt - uber when L12, now.... meh
dq xbow - nuff said
madstone shield - 20th reward

and i starting to know why u do not post here before

01-24-2009, 11:58 PM
my fighter has a page worth of raid loot in the bank for various reasons

We all do and its not the point but thanks for sharing that :)

01-25-2009, 12:37 AM
Sorry kinar but your saying I shouldnt take gloves away from someone when you admit in anouther battlecleric post you have four raid items doing nothing in your bank. Starting to remember why I never posted here b4.

Yeah, if you notice in that post, I also explain how I got each item...20th end rewards and when noone else wanted them. Even my icy rainments were aquired in a GoP run where 2 of them dropped in the same chest and the only other person who wanted them got the other pair. My tumbleweed (which I use) was aquired in a hound run where 3 dropped and every other melee person already had it. I've never rolled on an item that I knew I wouldn't immediately put into use in my build. I ran 20 titans before getting a piece of raid loot (belt), and I expect to do another 18 before I get my ring. I ran 20 VoD before I got my tharnes goggles and expect to run another 20 before getting my bracers (tharnes not glacier). I've ran 109 non-shroud raids and 79 shrouds (across 3 characters) to get the equipment in that post.

Also, as a side note, he isn't actually a "battle-cleric". Sure he can melee (even against orthons in VoD and Harry in shroud), but he has 1607sp and has taken 100% casting feats when he could (only non-sp/non-meta feats are lvl 1 and monk bonus). He is the primary healer in every raid he runs.

01-25-2009, 12:41 AM
We all do and its not the point but thanks for sharing that :)

the point is you are trying to flame/troll when you want to get the upper hand to an arguement. that is weak

01-25-2009, 01:52 AM
the point is you are trying to flame/troll when you want to get the upper hand to an arguement. that is weak

Ok Im sorry then kinar and anranticus, I was being a little too defensive. Actually dont see the explanation in that post as to how you got your raid gear now that I'm looking back, but even if you wherent sure if you needed an item and took it wouldnt bother me as long as that goes for anyone else. Long as it wasnt something crazy like you out roll 3 people on your wf for a suite of fullplate.

01-25-2009, 02:34 AM
Impact asks, +2 blocking Do you actually gain AC when your Blocking without a Sheild?

I dont know. It says +2 blocking ac, next to regular ac on all my builds with or w/o shields, if its there or not havnt noticed.

01-25-2009, 02:40 AM
So the same impaqt that says this build is too reliant on gear helped you make this build that is even more reliant on gear?

Impaqt helped me with Cleric info, not gear info. Having never had a high end cleric, he gave me advice based on what I wanted from my cleric side, and what I needed for feats/skills/stats to reach that.

When taking advice, someone who has 5 clerics of different flavors and has written guides on how to build a cleric would be my first choice. Plus, he is a guildy, so I know first hand how his clerics perform.

01-25-2009, 02:51 AM
1) 8 Strength even with all gear on? Yes I know it's doable and you can cast Divine Power all the time, but honestly, I won't play any character with 8 strength unbuff. DPS should be pretty low, probably have little to no use against red name or above (if meleeing), but able to use couple stat-damage weapon ( limited to monk weapon ) and/or some power 5 weapon.

Ya glad you brought this up 8 str is horrible especailly when counting on evasion. Made some changes but I think it added to weakness number two you mentioned; more gear grinding. Give and take I guess, some people do actually grind all this out quickly only to get bored, delete it and do it again.

01-25-2009, 03:05 AM
ya xyfiel I dont disagree impaqts builds are nice just thought it was ironic that he was part of your build cause man it has some crazy gear 6 +3 tomes. It is not good build for many people but for some it is perfect.

01-25-2009, 03:28 AM
Impact asks, +2 blocking Do you actually gain AC when your Blocking without a Sheild?

I dont know. It says +2 blocking ac, next to regular ac on all my builds with or w/o shields, if its there or not havnt noticed.

Yes, even though you are not blocking with a shield you still gain an Ac bonus due to your defensive efforts. I think thats a loading tip but I dont remember which one.

01-25-2009, 03:36 AM
Although there are things I would personally change, I think your on the right track. I would expect you to ever have a 91Ac although it is feasible, just because I dont expect you to be fully buffed with all the fixings all the time, realistically I can see you in the 60's with a shield clicky and all the raid gear you have posted.

I would personally suggest holding off on the second monk level untill we know what the Cleric PrE's are going to be but I know most people cant wait for that kind of thing.

Anyways, goodluck with the build.

01-25-2009, 12:47 PM
You misadded...and accounting for Impaqt's correction, you are lookin at 68 self buffed.

You also have +4 insight but no item that gives it (and no place to put it)....yer now down to 64

I was able to fit +5 prot cloak on and ya you guys are right misadded something its at 69 now, also fit the +4 insight. Thnx for catching that.

01-25-2009, 12:54 PM
I could substiture the Cleric levels with ANY other class in the game and come up witht he Same AC and Intimidate numbers though. What makes you think using cleric as a base on this build is a good idea? What would you be doing in VOD or SHroud FOr example? Are you going to run up to Xxyyzz and be the Chew Toy?

I know intim high enuff to agro all dogs, I could be wrong about this but I think It be easier to heal myself then heal 3 little dogs or some other chew toy. So why cleric, I thought it might be cool to be able to heal yourself and tank. Tuff to explain I guess.

01-25-2009, 01:25 PM
I would personally suggest holding off on the second monk level untill we know what the Cleric PrE's are going to be but I know most people cant wait for that kind of thing.

Anyways, goodluck with the build.

Thnx ya currently working on three new builds and I'm sure I will be busy when new content comes out soon. So definitely holding off for awhile. Maybe after new content becomes old content I will start this.

01-25-2009, 02:20 PM
I know intim high enuff to agro all dogs, I could be wrong about this but I think It be easier to heal myself then heal 3 little dogs or some other chew toy. So why cleric, I thought it might be cool to be able to heal yourself and tank. Tuff to explain I guess.

.... except bee will stop your casting. Quicken on or not. Yes, blame the Turbine to bring up the bee thing.

01-25-2009, 03:05 PM
Did they change it or something dont run it often on my healers anymore, but I coulda swore when it was new my bard and cleric got bees, and I was easly able to heal it off. Till I understood its easier to just die and save mana.

01-26-2009, 01:04 AM
Did they change it or something dont run it often on my healers anymore, but I coulda swore when it was new my bard and cleric got bees, and I was easly able to heal it off. Till I understood its easier to just die and save mana.

I'm about to ask the same question since I never successful cast spell after getting bee infected, quicken on or not, SINCE they implement the bee on Hound ;)

And yes, it did drive me mad at the beginning since I (my intimidate battle cleric) did tank Hound couple times before they make the change. After that, tanking hound on BC is not even funny, just annoying. I just move on to hunting/killing party or do the portal guardian duty.