View Full Version : Items of power for trade

01-23-2009, 02:49 PM
Trying to do some pre-spring cleaning before the new module. Most of this is gathering dust so if you see anything you are interested in send me a PM, or respond in this thread. Some things I am interested in...

wounding rapier of puncturing
holy blunt wpn of grtr undead bane
useful transmuting grtr banes (evil outsider, undead, etc...)
useful wounding grtr banes
+5 resistance cloak or ring (any RR)
+8 AC bracers (elf/drow)
weakening of enfeebling rapier/shortsword
Greenbriar twigs
Large scales or stones only

Formerly known as uber

+4 para greataxe of shattermantle (dwarf, lvl 16, umd 26)
+3 kukri of smiting
+1 axiomatic kukri of smiting
+1 kukri of smiting
+1 transmuting scimitar of smiting
+4 vorpal battleaxe
+1 vorpal sickle of righteousness
+1 ghost touch shortbow of disruption
+1 ghost touch dwarvenaxe of disruption
+1 ghost touch shortsword of disruption
+2 ghost touch shortsword of disruption

Bane weapons

+2 holy grtclub of undead bane
+4 grtclub of grtr giant bane
+4 crippling longsword of grtr construct bane
+2 acid warhammer of grtr elemental bane
+1 transmuting dwarvenaxe of grtr giant bane
+1 transmuting shortbow of grtr undead bane
+1 transmuting greataxe of grtr undead bane (elf, lvl 8, umd 18)

Stat damagers

+2 weakening of enfeebling scimitar x2


Ring of spell storing
Ethereal bracers x2
Belt of tongue
Docent of corpsecraft
+6 charisma ring x2
+6 con ring of balance +3
+6 con ring of haggle +3 (human, lvl 13, umd 20)
+5 mithral tower shield of bashing
(25) black scales
(25) blue scales
Full litany of the dead tome page set
+2 strength tome x5
+2 wisdom tome x3
+2 dex tome

01-23-2009, 04:21 PM
Nice list.
PM sent.

01-25-2009, 06:58 AM
A few items traded.

01-27-2009, 06:40 PM
Few more items traded.

02-03-2009, 05:42 PM
Added a couple things.

02-04-2009, 01:21 PM
PM sent.

Added a couple things.

02-04-2009, 04:23 PM
What are you looking to get for the kardins eye and the cloak of ice? I may be interested in trading for both or maybe just one depending on what you feel is fair.

02-05-2009, 12:23 AM
PM sent

02-08-2009, 07:34 AM
Couple more trades completed, and updated my wants.