View Full Version : if you don't want someone or a class in your party

01-21-2009, 08:39 PM
why not reply to them and/or change the LFM? it seems like there are alot of rude people who start groups.

01-21-2009, 08:42 PM
why not reply to them and/or change the LFM? it seems like there are alot of rude people who start groups.

They do change it, AFTER you requested to join 5-10 minutes ago...

01-21-2009, 08:51 PM
why not reply to them and/or change the LFM? it seems like there are alot of rude people who start groups.

not from this server but i want to share my experience as a raid/quest leader

1. maybe in the process of changing lfm
2. maybe afk
3. maybe teleporting
4. maybe replying to many players
5. there is a bug sometime when only putting some classes, the lfm does not show up (i bug reported this)
6. maybe you are squelched
7. maybe dun like applicant (saves trouble getting into a "why you should include me" session)
8. maybe spots saved
9. maybe checking spots

as a side note, i also notice is there is also a lot of idiotic players who doesnt read lfm

01-21-2009, 08:54 PM
not from this server but i want to share my experience as a raid/quest leader

1. maybe in the process of changing lfm
2. maybe afk
3. maybe teleporting
4. maybe replying to many players
5. there is a bug sometime when only putting some classes, the lfm does not show up (i bug reported this)
6. maybe you are squelched
7. maybe dun like applicant (saves trouble getting into a "why you should include me" session)
8. maybe spots saved
9. maybe checking spots

as a side note, i also notice is there is also a lot of idiotic players who doesnt read lfm


some just don't like to change the lfm and i try to use sense when looking at the quest and current party make up before i hit apply.

01-21-2009, 09:00 PM

some just don't like to change the lfm and i try to use sense when looking at the quest and current party make up before i hit apply.

i still remember the last time i had a spot up for wiz or sorc and listed in my lfm "caster needed". a 14sorc/2pal applied, i rejected him immediately and for the next 5 min had him tell me how good he is, blah blah blah. so i took him in. in the quest he couldnt do sh1t....

01-21-2009, 09:16 PM
why not reply to them and/or change the LFM? it seems like there are alot of rude people who start groups.

Some points repetitive with the other guy, but...

1) I regularly post for everyone, but if I see you hit to join with tags from someone with a bad rep or no tags, I am prolly going to let you sit for a second and get some options before I make a decision. Sorry, I am a speed junky, my LFM's usually refer to this, and I would rather save myself the headache of cursing into guild chat "W$#%@#$ didn't this dude see speed run on the LFM" since so many people don't read the LFM (or truely understand what I mean by speed run). This isn't personal, this is practical, because it has backfired so often to give someone a chance.

2) You may be squelched or on a blacklist.

3) It has 100% happened, that I sit there for 15 minutes with no one joining, and within 1 minute got 4 join requests for only 1 slot and two tells from people wanting to switch toons. I'm lazy. I grabbed one of the guys in the LFM and posted "sorry filled quick" to let the others know that it wasn't personal.

4) I'm too intoxicated to care and was surfing the forums and came back and there were a bunch of people there all of a sudden (some of which already logged out) oh well is this rude oh well I can barely see the screen let's go kill Arrae for the umpteenth time because there is nothing else to do where's my lighter

5) I might have just had a guildie log on and am waiting for him to finish loading to see if he wants the spot. This is probably the most common reason, especially for shroud.

01-22-2009, 12:24 AM
Earlier this week I had a fox decline me from group. They failed at part 2. LMAO!

01-22-2009, 12:40 AM
It happened once that I can remember and still sort of burns me up...................

LFM goes up for Shroud, I actually see it pop up and hit the join button 2 seconds later.
5 mins go by and the poster is still alone. Then 2 ppl join and then a few more and about 45 mins later I get a message saying I was declined because his group is now full.

I was like OMG 45 mins, I was very likely the 1st person to click join in a 12 man group and still didnt get a spot.

Its hard to believe I might be squelched by the poster as Im a very good player (or at least I think so) but thats 1 of 2 possible explainations.

But what evs 99% of the time this is not the case. And to the guy who was forming that group.....may all your loot be +5 viscious festival twigs.

01-22-2009, 12:57 AM
I regularly snub people when I run groups. Some on purpose, most on accident.

I imagine most people running pugs, have guildies or friends show up at the last minute, or within the raid, someone realizes they are on timer, and wants to switch.

I try to remember to put hold on the lfm, but things happen pretty chaotic at times.

Its true, if Im in the need for speed, I look for guilds im familiar with, and names I can fill roles that are mission critical.

HOWEVER, anyone who knows me, knows I love to lead new people on raids, show them how to do it one way(not every way is the best, so I say ONE way), etc..... I meet new guilds and peeps all the time, and at all all levels of the game this way.

Some get snubbed, not because you aren't good, but because you are annoying, use your mics too much, brag waaay to much, or try to take over every pug you join.. This is fair, IMO.

Some get snubbed because you are unknown. This is not fair , IMO.

If I have a good core, I will take on newbs and help them out. During prime time, its less likely..

Honestly, its nothing personal. I know some wont run with me, cause of my attitude or my child like abandon(who wants candy?), or beccause I poke smot. Sometimes on mic. OOOps.

What I don't do, is dwell on it, or lose sleep. I've made enough of an impression on enough people to always fill pugs, almost always get it done, and always have a darn good time for my 15 bux.

FWIW I usually forget why I don't like you after 2 weeks or so, and therefore you get multiple chances to irritate me. :-) go 420!


01-22-2009, 09:57 AM
Its hard to believe I might be squelched by the poster as Im a very good player (or at least I think so)

i've got a *very* extensive squelch list but i don't think i've ever squelched anyone for being a n00b. you could be a great player but if you're a mic breather, you like to munch on doritos while you play, talk excessively, or feel like going on and on about your uber build and uber loots that no one gives a **** about then THAT'S a much more likely reason you may be squelched.

01-22-2009, 11:10 AM
i've got a *very* extensive squelch list but i don't think i've ever squelched anyone for being a n00b. you could be a great player but if you're a mic breather, you like to munch on doritos while you play, talk excessively, or feel like going on and on about your uber build and uber loots that no one gives a **** about then THAT'S a much more likely reason you may be squelched.

I don't squelch, but mic breathing is a good reason to start.

So is playing that annoying candy song....who wants candy?


01-22-2009, 12:57 PM
I don't squelch, but mic breathing is a good reason to start.

So is playing that annoying candy song....who wants candy?


Dood I like that song.

01-22-2009, 02:53 PM
as a side note, i also notice is there is also a lot of idiotic players who doesnt read lfm

And the idoitic, the loud mouthed, and the people who don't read need not have any response sent to them on why they were ignored.

Other wise, if the LFM is up for a long time, and only updated after X tried to join, the leader should be smacked a bit. If the leader is going AFK, and it is a known of afk (such as potty break) it isn't hard to update the lfm if you don't trust your current groupies, or toss the star and let someone else fill in the blanks while you are away.

01-22-2009, 03:01 PM
At least a reply and timely accept/decline is polite.
Don't like that Monk trying to join your raid? Fine, at least tell him so. Don't let his request sit there forever as your group fills, then decline him without a word.

That's all I got to say about that. ;)