View Full Version : I have mail suspicions, anyone else?

01-20-2009, 10:04 PM
I have been suspecting that the mail system has been eating some of my stuff.

Previously, I have mailed stuff to my bard to sell. I could have sworn I did but when I would check my mail I just thought I spaced out. Of course, I did not remember what I mailed as it was to be sold and I just chalked it up to me being tired or something.

Tonight, I know I MAILED 64 Silver coins. I know because the character that had them, no longer has them. I have two characters with Silver Coins, I was mailing the silver coins to the other character that stores their stuff.

It is very simple for me to remember and know what the SILVER coins are.

I did keep the 28 GOLD Coins and the 752 Copper Coins. I just mailed the Silver coins.

I log into the other character, and the coins are not there. They are gone.


My only other suspicion has been that there are other characters with names close to mine and I am mistyping. Then I hit send without checking. A possibilty I suppose.

My question to the other players, does anyone else have this suspicion about the mail system?

01-20-2009, 10:05 PM
You probably just typo'd the name. I've never had a problem mailing stuff to my other characters.

01-20-2009, 10:07 PM
I don't recall losing stuff, but I could swear (and I'm not joking or being sarcastic) that twice I mailed something (not the same thing) that got its RR changed during transit, once removing an RR and once adding an RR.

01-20-2009, 10:08 PM
i keep a list of my character names for mailing. just copy and paste. no typoes.

01-20-2009, 10:10 PM
I don't recall losing stuff, but I could swear (and I'm not joking or being sarcastic) that twice I mailed something (not the same thing) that got its RR changed during transit, once removing an RR and once adding an RR.

Are you sure it wasn't just that you met it on one character and didn't on another without noticing? It always bugs me when I get something from say...the AH without checking if it's RR on my rogue, and being unable to use it on another character due to race restrictions.

To the OP: No, I haven't noticed that issue.

01-20-2009, 10:12 PM
Are you sure it wasn't just that you met it on one character and didn't on another without noticing? It always bugs me when I get something from say...the AH without checking if it's RR on my rogue, and being unable to use it on another character due to race restrictions.
I don't have proof (i.e., no screen cap), and I could very well have made the exact mistake you mentioned.

01-20-2009, 10:17 PM
i keep a list of my character names for mailing. just copy and paste. no typoes.

I do this also when mailing stuff to other players. I copy and paste their names. I routinely mail 100s of items, without a single loss.

01-20-2009, 10:19 PM
If I am indeed mis-typing then it should work the other way around. Once in a great while I should be getting random gear in the mail. But I don't.

Now, someone has been getting a LOT of stuff from my guys and gals. My sendings to the Bard can be quite numerous.

The Silver Coins has been the one time, and the one time only.

I also remember that when I logged out after sending the silver coins, the game was hung up for quite sometime on my machine. It finally cleared and I was able to continue.

Oh well, at least it was only the silver coins.

01-20-2009, 10:22 PM
If I am indeed mis-typing then it should work the other way around. Once in a great while I should be getting random gear in the mail. But I don't.

Now, someone has been getting a LOT of stuff from my guys and gals. My sendings to the Bard can be quite numerous.

The Silver Coins has been the one time, and the one time only.

I also remember that when I logged out after sending the silver coins, the game was hung up for quite sometime on my machine. It finally cleared and I was able to continue.

Oh well, at least it was only the silver coins.
could be something wonnky with the mail system....its possible...however, since i started copy/paste for all mails, ive never missed one in over a year, fwiw.

01-20-2009, 10:50 PM
If I am indeed mis-typing then it should work the other way around. Once in a great while I should be getting random gear in the mail. But I don't.

Now, someone has been getting a LOT of stuff from my guys and gals. My sendings to the Bard can be quite numerous.

The Silver Coins has been the one time, and the one time only.

I also remember that when I logged out after sending the silver coins, the game was hung up for quite sometime on my machine. It finally cleared and I was able to continue.

Oh well, at least it was only the silver coins.

Do you have more than one account? If so, check your unconfirmed mail tab

01-20-2009, 10:50 PM
I also remember that when I logged out after sending the silver coins, the game was hung up for quite sometime on my machine. It finally cleared and I was able to continue.

Ah, that may have something to do with it. If you log out while the items are still in your inventory (due to mail lag) then you've probably lost them for good. It hasn't happened to me lately, but it used to a long time ago. The item probably gets stuck in mail limbo or something.

Edit: I just realized that this sort of thing would most likely occur in places like the Portable Hole, but it could be anywhere if your connection is slow or lagging.

01-21-2009, 12:45 AM
I lost a couple Greater Dragon banes one time...

turns out losing 40 hours sleep in one week will do funny things to your head.

I have lost a few Greataxes in the mail back when we had a fiasco about it,but not recently.

Ctrl C, Ctrl V Ctrl V Ctrl V Ctrl V Ctrl V Ctrl V Ctrl V Ctrl V Ctrl V Ctrl V Ctrl V Ctrl V Ctrl V Ctrl V Ctrl V Ctrl V Ctrl V Ctrl V Ctrl V Ctrl V Ctrl V Ctrl V, etc

01-21-2009, 12:51 AM
In all the time i've been here, with all the characters i've rolled/ rerolled etc and so on, there's only been twice that i've lost something.

Both times happened when the servers were wonky and after you click send it hangs. sometimes for a few seconds, sometimes for a few minutes. Both times i left and logged onto different toon before it left my inventory from toon doing the sending.

Both times it neither was in my pack from originating character, nor the one that it got sent to.



01-21-2009, 12:55 AM
I've never had a problem with the mail (other than the old inventory error with medium ingredients bags - grumble, grumble). Today the mail even delivered 64 free silver coins.

01-21-2009, 02:00 AM
I've never had a problem with the mail (other than the old inventory error with medium ingredients bags - grumble, grumble). Today the mail even delivered 64 free silver coins.
I'm gonna want those back. I know they're mine because they have Stephen King's picture on them.

01-21-2009, 04:42 AM
then just wait until the item is sent before logging or at least open a ticket (and get a GM)before leaving. Else, be prepared to lose some items not completed in the transfer. I lost my striding ring 30% that way :(

Maybe, JUST maybe, the patch update will speed up mailings.

Oh, and no matter how tempting the attached items look, don't take anything with the subject "enlarge you." trust me, it's NOT the spell and the gnome that infects your bank steals everything....so I heard.

01-21-2009, 09:45 AM
It's true some people have lost stuff in mail. It usually happens during lag spikes, or server crashes (due to rollback not being in sync across all systems).
Couple of things:
- if you hit "send" and the item you attached does not disappear from your inventory, do NOT walk away! wait until it disappears, even if it takes a minute or two
- you can open a ticket as GMs can track down mail (though in some really bad situations they may have no trace of your mails)

01-21-2009, 09:59 AM
Off topic question but there are a lot of people here with haggle bards they are mailing stuff to so I have to ask...

Does the cost of mailing an item sometimes exceed the extra gold you get by selling it on a higher haggle character?

01-21-2009, 10:00 AM
Does the cost of mailing an item sometimes exceed the extra gold you get by selling it on a higher haggle character?
As long as your haggle is high enough, no.

01-21-2009, 10:48 AM
Off topic question but there are a lot of people here with haggle bards they are mailing stuff to so I have to ask...

Does the cost of mailing an item sometimes exceed the extra gold you get by selling it on a higher haggle character?
the cost to send something via mail is 2% of its value. this is = to 8 haggle. if your haggler is more than 8 pts higher, then you will see more profit by sending expensive items to them for sale. i get so much stuff to sell though that i only ever bother sending weapons, and only those that are 50kgp+.

01-21-2009, 10:54 AM
Remember to check your collectible bags as coins can go in there.

Probably not the answer, but figured it was worth a shot...

01-21-2009, 11:07 AM
If the lag is bad enough, the mail system is quite capable of eating your items.

I lost numerous relics and even a collar when gianthold first came out. If you lose an item in the mail, it's gone. Spent the next week working with GM's trying to get my stuff back to no avail.

This was using copy/paste to no mistypes.

01-21-2009, 01:27 PM
I've lost two items in the mail. The first tiem, I sent a second mail before the first one had fully completed. The first one sent and for the second one I got an error message. I didn't get the item back, nor did the other character.

The other time, I sent an e-mail and walked away before the sent message popped up. The mail window closed. A few seconds later I got the message that the mail had sent, the item disappeared but the other char didn' t receive it.

I now wait until the message appears before doing anything else, even if that means taking a 5 minute break from the game while the system processes the mail.

01-21-2009, 02:22 PM
I've lost two items in the mail. The first tiem, I sent a second mail before the first one had fully completed. The first one sent and for the second one I got an error message. I didn't get the item back, nor did the other character.

The other time, I sent an e-mail and walked away before the sent message popped up. The mail window closed. A few seconds later I got the message that the mail had sent, the item disappeared but the other char didn' t receive it.

I now wait until the message appears before doing anything else, even if that means taking a 5 minute break from the game while the system processes the mail.

What he said.

I've also had mail mysteriously not arrive for an extended period, then several days (once a couple weeks!) later the destination character finally gets the mail. I was rather confused until I remembered that way back when I'd sent the thing...

If you have noticed any lag issues just prior to mailing stuff, I would recommend choosing to NOT mail stuff at that time just to be safe. The lag makes the mail dialogs/system quite unreliable in my experience. (as a result, I haven't been mailing much stuff on Thelanis recently...)

01-21-2009, 02:39 PM
the cost to send something via mail is 2% of its value. this is = to 8 haggle. if your haggler is more than 8 pts higher, then you will see more profit by sending expensive items to them for sale. i get so much stuff to sell though that i only ever bother sending weapons, and only those that are 50kgp+.

I tend to send the higher end items (50K+). Once my bard's mailbox is full I make the rounds of the K and D broker and if there is enough to justify the walk, the jewlery/cothing broker. My bard, self buffed, has about a 50haggle point minimum advantage on everyone but my sorc, so that's an extra 10% minimum more on every sale, even after paying mailing fees. Its even a bit more than that when you consider its worth walking my 1 char around to the brokers to unload, but I probably would have just vendored everything at the nearest bar if I had to do it for each char individually. I did the math once at it makes me about 50K plat extra every single time I run the bard to the brokers with a full mailbox.

01-21-2009, 03:46 PM
I usually type the name once, then copy and paste. The problem is if I type the name wrong the first time, then everything goes to the wrong guy, heh. Luckily I've only done it once (that I know of) and it was only low level stuff.

I did have one instance where I couldn't detach an item from the house K mailbox though. Logged out, logged in, still couldn't detach it. Logged in the next day. Couldn't detach it, so on a whim, I went to the marketplace mailbox and opened it from there and it detached first time.

It was probably some delayed scheduled job that happened to clear when I went to the marketplace or it could be some weird error specific to the house K mailbox, but just to be on the safe side, I don't send anything uber from the house K mailbox anymore. :)

01-21-2009, 04:13 PM
Ah, that may have something to do with it. If you log out while the items are still in your inventory (due to mail lag) then you've probably lost them for good. It hasn't happened to me lately, but it used to a long time ago. The item probably gets stuck in mail limbo or something.

Edit: I just realized that this sort of thing would most likely occur in places like the Portable Hole, but it could be anywhere if your connection is slow or lagging.

No - take it from someone who has tested latency hiccups to attempt to dupe in various ways (purely curious ;). I've discovered plenty of lag induced dupes over the years (all the way back to server boundries in Ultima Online) and DDO seems to be immune on that front. You won't lose an item from serverside lag (DB, Mail, AH, Character or instance)...nor will you gain anything :)

People lose stuff generally due to their own mistakes (and then blame Turbine). However, I wouldn't rule out the occasional legitmate error as being at least possible, though totally unlikely.

01-21-2009, 04:21 PM
If you have a typo, your items will get back to you in about two weeks. I did that, had a typo, and thought it was lost. But came back after two weeks when delivery expired.

01-21-2009, 06:46 PM
The mail system occasionally eats things like my dryer eats my socks. And generally when its lost, its lost.