View Full Version : So....any other good games out there?

01-15-2009, 04:45 PM
hate to say it, but i think i might leave when my sub comes up in march if they dont fix this crashing bs. this was my first and only mmo so i dont know what else out there is any good for me. looking for some tips so i can try them out while waiting for mod 9.

i like casters/magic

i like the twitch in ddo

i dont like autoattack

i like playing with other mature and fun people

any suggestions?

01-15-2009, 04:46 PM
tetris ?

01-15-2009, 04:47 PM
Have you tried "Larping for Senile seniors"?

01-15-2009, 04:47 PM

I started playing in a static group on Warhammer 2 Sundays ago. It is pretty kick ass. I am still playing this game but having a mistress keeps the blood pumping if you know what I mean.

01-15-2009, 04:48 PM
Dont like auto attack? technically then, that negates a majority of the MMO world... City of heros/Villians doesnt have auto attack, but you gotta click buttons to set off attacks its not just mouse click, you attack kinda thing, but its like the closest you get from select a monster and it swings away till it or you is dead >>

01-15-2009, 04:49 PM
I like my LOTRO. And Eve Online.

Beta'n SWO. Hop'n for SW:ToR alpha/beta.

Enjoying free games like Atlantica Online.

The standard.

01-15-2009, 04:49 PM

I started checking out there test server when Turbine's are down.

01-15-2009, 04:49 PM
hate to say it, but i think i might leave when my sub comes up in march if they dont fix this crashing bs. this was my first and only mmo so i dont know what else out there is any good for me. looking for some tips so i can try them out while waiting for mod 9.

i like casters/magic

i like the twitch in ddo

i dont like autoattack

i like playing with other mature and fun people

any suggestions?

Try everquest 2, you will have a blast in that if not try Vanguard Saga Heroes it has ddo a lot of DDO terms in it! They also provide trials if you want to try them

01-15-2009, 04:53 PM
This game rocks. It is the lack of info,nerfing, and support that suck.

01-15-2009, 04:57 PM
I like my LOTRO. And Eve Online.

Beta'n SWO. Hop'n for SW:ToR alpha/beta.

Enjoying free games like Atlantica Online.

The standard.

i'm seriously hoping sw: TOR will rock i miss swg so much.


I started checking out there test server when Turbine's are down.

Have that actually gotten somewhere yet??? i mean that things being trying to get working for years, the whole tech lvl of swg is so outdated now its not really worth the effort imo.

Try everquest 2, you will have a blast in that if not try Vanguard Saga Heroes it has ddo a lot of DDO terms in it! They also provide trials if you want to try them

E2 is tons of fun, but soe messed it up by adding real money transactions to the game. i dont mind paying money for items in game as long as its a free to play, but non of sonys are FTP. i simply wont play anything that is monthy cost AND real money to buy stuff as well.

01-15-2009, 04:58 PM
Also if your looking for a free rpg Silkroad is probly one of the bests, heres a video of a trade run i was in


01-15-2009, 04:59 PM
I like my LOTRO. And Eve Online.

Beta'n SWO. Hop'n for SW:ToR alpha/beta.

Enjoying free games like Atlantica Online.

The standard.
not sure what eve, SWO, SW:ToR are. i would check out lotro, but its turbine and id like to get an upgrade in customer service/support.


I started checking out there test server when Turbine's are down.
what is that?

Try everquest 2, you will have a blast in that if not try Vanguard Saga Heroes it has ddo a lot of DDO terms in it! They also provide trials if you want to try them
might check those out. iirc, vanguard has real crafting, a plus for me.

This game rocks. It is the lack of info,nerfing, and support that suck.
indeed, the game rocks very much. but not being able to play and/or constantly losing what youve done is getting very old very quickly.

01-15-2009, 05:05 PM
well, Eve Online from what i know, is basically you spend most your time in a ship. >>

SW:ToR Is an MMO (not released yet) based on the world of Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic Games, made by bio-ware who also did the first Neverwinter Nights *they had nothing to do with NWN2)

01-15-2009, 05:07 PM
SW:ToR Is an MMO (not released yet) based on the world of Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic Games, made by bio-ware who also did the first Neverwinter Nights *they had nothing to do with NWN2)
ah yes. im signed up on their newsletter and awaiting its release.

01-15-2009, 05:08 PM
ah yes. im signed up on their newsletter and awaiting its release.

Makes two of us, I'm also waiting on StarGate Worlds and Star Trek Online >>

(I generally play 2-3 MMO's at a time for when cases like this come up.)

01-15-2009, 05:11 PM
not sure what eve, SWO, SW:ToR are. i would check out lotro, but its turbine and id like to get an upgrade in customer service/support.

vanguard has real crafting, a plus for me.

eve is a space based game, actually quite good to, it has a free trial and is a very small download.
swo not sure on that eitehr
sw:ToR is star wars the old republic. its the new kid on the blocks - stil in development. its basically star wars knights of the old republic (kotor) 3. it should be freaking awesome.

lotro is turbine yes, but you have to experience it to believe it - it is so NOT like ddo, there is actually gm involement, tickets get ansewered, devs listen etc.. heck i even saw a ingame global gm comment about a question someone put up in advice chat channel at 1am pst time.

lotro's crafting is very good as well. as is eq2's although i think lotro's is better.

01-15-2009, 05:11 PM
Makes two of us, I'm also waiting on StarGate Worlds and Star Trek Online >>

(I generally play 2-3 MMO's at a time for when cases like this come up.)
not a fan of any of the "star" stuff, but it looks intriguing at least

01-15-2009, 05:12 PM
not sure what eve, SWO, SW:ToR are. i would check out lotro, but its turbine and id like to get an upgrade in customer service/support.

Most people I know in LotRO really like the customer service and support. Turbine really seems to have put a lot more resources towards it.

Although.. the combat system feels like it was designed for the lowest common denominator. I couldn't play more than a few hours without hanging it on the shelf.

There's really no substitute for DDOs twitch play. Warhammer has some fun RvR organized battle where player skill matters. It comes close.. but it's got nothing on DDO's FPS feel. The first 20 levels are tons of fun in Warhammer, and could probably keep you occupied for a while... I couldn't handle it much past then.

There's always Fallout 3.


01-15-2009, 05:12 PM
eve is a space based game, actually quite good to, it has a free trial and is a very small download.
swo not sure on that eitehr
sw:ToR is star wars the old republic. its the new kid on the blocks - stil in development. its basically star wars knights of the old republic (kotor) 3. it should be freaking awesome.

lotro is turbine yes, but you have to experience it to believe it - it is so NOT like ddo, there is actually gm involement, tickets get ansewered, devs listen etc.. heck i even saw a ingame global gm comment about a question someone put up in advice chat channel at 1am pst time.

lotro's crafting is very good as well. as is eq2's although i think lotro's is better.
so then all that hubbub about us being the ugly stepchild isnt just alarmism?

01-15-2009, 05:14 PM
Most people I know in LotRO really like the customer service and support. Turbine really seems to have put a lot more resources towards it.

Although.. the combat system feels like it was designed for the lowest common denominator. I couldn't play more than a few hours without hanging it on the shelf.

There's really no substitute for DDOs twitch play. Warhammer has some fun RvR organized battle where player skill matters. It comes close.. but it's got nothing on DDO's FPS feel. The first 20 levels are tons of fun in Warhammer, and could probably keep you occupied for a while... I couldn't handle it much past then.

There's always Fallout 3.

yeah, playing a lot more fallout lately with these issues. might break out the ole elder scrolls and fable also.

01-15-2009, 05:14 PM
Makes two of us, I'm also waiting on StarGate Worlds and Star Trek Online >>

(I generally play 2-3 MMO's at a time for when cases like this come up.)

i looked at stagte, but decided it didnt look like my style of game setting, star trek is well star trek, i never got into star trek as i liked star wars galaxy setting much more.

star trek = everyone is lovey dovey nice to each other and humans are the greater good blah blah

star wars = darker universe where the darkness in humans is actually showen = more realistic setting imo

now if there was a babylon 5 mmo... oh yeah i really liked that series. better than star wars imo.

01-15-2009, 05:17 PM
not a fan of any of the "star" stuff, but it looks intriguing at least

Stargate Worlds is probably the most down to earth of the "Star" games, the humans at least basically have current world tech, its not all this lasers flying everywhere stuff that Wars and Trek have, well, the opposition has 'em, but you'll use real world weapons, like you see the SG teams in the show using.

01-15-2009, 05:20 PM
Good luck man. Ive played just about every recent MMO and I always end up back here.

01-15-2009, 05:20 PM
not a fan of any of the "star" stuff, but it looks intriguing at least

If you are considering looking at one of the Sci-Fi MMO's due out this year, I'd keep an eye on Jumpgate: Evolution. I played the original that came out around 2000, and it was lots of fun. The new one promises to be even better.

The reason I mention it is that it is a FPS MMO. You control your ship with joystick or keyboard/mouse, and fly around. To shoot mobs or other players you need to steer your ship to point your guns at them. If your aim is good, you hit, if you are facing the wrong way you miss. No rolling dice or anything, its all player skill. It would definately satisfy the "twitch" requirement in your OP, as Eve could not. As for stargate and startrek, I have great hopes that will likely be dashed in those games hehe.

01-15-2009, 05:23 PM
so then all that hubbub about us being the ugly stepchild isnt just alarmism?

hate to say it but yeah its true :(

Ip lay both lotro and DDO atm, and lotro is deff the golden/chosen child. but ddo has awesome twitch combat that gives an unparralleled addrenaline buzz, lol.

01-15-2009, 05:26 PM
sometimes taking a break from DDO every couple months help.

lately I don't play as much, but I keep my sub alive because it's my sincere desire that it succeeds as an MMO for a very long time.

01-15-2009, 05:27 PM
If you are considering looking at one of the Sci-Fi MMO's due out this year, I'd keep an eye on Jumpgate: Evolution. I played the original that came out around 2000, and it was lots of fun. The new one promises to be even better.

The reason I mention it is that it is a FPS MMO. You control your ship with joystick or keyboard/mouse, and fly around. To shoot mobs or other players you need to steer your ship to point your guns at them. If your aim is good, you hit, if you are facing the wrong way you miss. No rolling dice or anything, its all player skill. It would definately satisfy the "twitch" requirement in your OP, as Eve could not. As for stargate and startrek, I have great hopes that will likely be dashed in those games hehe.
never been much of a sci-fier, but i might check this out. ive always been more of a lotr person. never liked the dice much here anyway. so weird to be standing in front of a giant and him swing and hit you but not "hit" you. esp since you fly back either way.

01-15-2009, 05:28 PM
Other good games?

What about:
strip poker?
strip Monopoly?
strip Twister?

Hmmm...there's a theme there.

01-15-2009, 05:30 PM
Other good games?

What about:
strip poker?
strip Monopoly?
strip Twister?

Hmmm...there's a theme there.
the ball n chain doesnt let me play those with other people anymore :p

01-15-2009, 05:30 PM
hate to say it, but i think i might leave when my sub comes up in march if they dont fix this crashing bs. this was my first and only mmo so i dont know what else out there is any good for me. looking for some tips so i can try them out while waiting for mod 9.

i like casters/magic

i like the twitch in ddo

i dont like autoattack

i like playing with other mature and fun people

any suggestions?

Nothing is as good as this game when its working properly. Warhammer is just plain goofy and cartoonish, WoW is for kids, Conan has awesome graphics but is glitched beyond repair, Vanguard, well is vanguard. I have played all those games and they all suck goat. This is the best game for mature player base, graphics and game mechanics. Too bad its doesnt get much love from the powers that be.

01-15-2009, 05:32 PM
Nothing is as good as this game when its working properly. Warhammer is just plain goofy and cartoonish, WoW is for kids, Conan has awesome graphics but is glitched beyond repair, Vanguard, well is vanguard. I have played all those games and they all suck goat. This is the best game for mature player base, graphics and game mechanics. Too bad its doesnt get much love from the powers that be.
how is conan glitched? and what about vanguard? i agree about wow though. just watching some vids and stuff i dont even want to try it.

01-15-2009, 05:34 PM
Stargate Worlds is probably the most down to earth of the "Star" games, the humans at least basically have current world tech, its not all this lasers flying everywhere stuff that Wars and Trek have, well, the opposition has 'em, but you'll use real world weapons, like you see the SG teams in the show using.

I know a couple people were like, "What's Kist talking about when he said SWO?!?!"

That's Stargate Worlds Online (SGWO is shortened to SWO since Star&Gate are conjoined).

As for SWO, it's pretty much what will be filling in the gap for Hellgate London & Tabula Rasa (hopefully in a much better capacity). If it doesn't work out right, SW:ToR will nab a lot of the realism players, Star Trek Online will nab a lot of the others and Planetside will take the twitch players. Lithic mentioned Jumpgate: Evolution, and it has a possible chance at overtaking Planetside as the Sci-Fi/Futuristic twitch replacement. Meanwhile, Eve Online will remain strong with its unique training system (requiring no grinding, simply a patient player) and extremely tactic-filled game play.

That's about a wrap for major things to come. There are a few others that are on the sides, but until they come close to release, they're all Betafodder and potential AoC/WAR launches.

PS: Another game that was highly-anticipated for a unique fantasy setting was Hero's Journey, but that has been in production for EONS and is not really making progress. However, the HeroEngine is what was sold to Bioware for their MMO/RPG next-gen engine. I believe it's used in their off-line rpg epic, Dragon Age (http://dragonage.bioware.com/), but it may also be utilized in the new Star Wars: The Old Republic (http://www.swtor.com/) title. In my own personal opinion both of these games are going to be worth their weight in gold -- keep an eye on them!

01-15-2009, 05:41 PM
doac was fun, haven't played it in years but they had pvp mastered

01-15-2009, 05:46 PM
how is conan glitched? and what about vanguard? i agree about wow though. just watching some vids and stuff i dont even want to try it.

Conan, at least when it first opened had a patch download every other day. I actually left this game and went over to conan for 3 months but quit when the character i was playing for 3 months turned out to be completely ineffective at endgame and wasn't desired for raids. The group/lfg panel was broken, the guild cities were broken so you had issues in pvp seiges, i even read that they are going to merge servers soon due to lack of population. I havent played in 4 or 5 months so it may be working correctly now, i dont know.

vanguard is difficult to describe, you would have to play it to understand. I just didnt like it.

Warhammer is just as cartoonish as WoW, not many glitches that i knew of but it was very similiar to WoW in the questing and levelling.

DDO is the only game that i have played that wasnt a cookie-cutter imitation of WoW, which is probably why i like it so much. Its for the people who can think outside the tiny WoW box and do something different and succeed at it. I hate the technical difficulties that come along with this game but frankly I wouldnt play anything else.

01-15-2009, 06:15 PM
I've tried the following other MMOs over the past year or two....

Age of Conan: It was ok, but the grouping tools were bad and there were a lot of bugs. First 20ish levels were fun, after that lost interest. Not terrible, not great. Best of the 3 MMOs listed here.

Lord of the Rings: Didn't make it through my first 30 days. Camera angles were good only if I was roleplaying a drunken sailor. Main quest story line wasn't completable solo, and you couldn't get a group as everyone had to be on the exactly same quest to progress. If they had already done it, they couldn't group with you on that quest. Note that only applied if you wanted to adventure on the main story line quests. Combat system is not good. Basically a WOW clone and not as good.

WOW: Ok, but the lack of voicechat kinda turned me off. Maybe would have been my thing if I had started on it when it first came out. Combat system is not good.

01-15-2009, 06:17 PM
AoC presented me with the worst connectivity issues I had experienced in an MMO for a long time. People were lagging and getting booted for absolutely no reason. The devs totally ignored a thread on the issue, and over a period of 2 months it grew to an astronomical size. There was ONE dev responce half way through the two month period I played that said they were aware of the issue but they never added it to the known issue list (may have now, but at that time they wouldnt.) They were totally dodging the issue. It was absolutely RIDICULOUS. Then they farmed out their forums to some third party who were more concerned with discussing their opinions on operating systems and other random junk that had nothing to do with the game. Not to mention some of them were total morons who didn't even know what they were talking about. It was like they had random gamers come work for them with zero actual job experience. It was SAD AS HELL.

Beyond that, the game could have probably at least kept my interest till I hit level cap if I was actually able to play the game without lagging out every time I interacted with a mob or particular environmental object. Now the box props one of my usb audio controllers to a slight angle so I can reach it better when working on music lol.

At least I know the devs in this game really care about the game. They may not have the resources some of us wish they had, but from their posts it is obvious that they do actually care. They deserve a lot more credit than people give them.

01-15-2009, 10:59 PM
Since you like twitch and dislike auto attack, then the only possible other option is City of Heroes. It has tab targeting but it is pretty much the only other game without auto attack and novel aspects to it (fighting while flying, jumping super high, various physical effects etc).

I like the game but its not for everyone. But basically most of the other games out there are not twitch at all and very auto attack oriented. For example you can get 1/3 of your damage from auto-attack in LOTRO.

I would not do WAR if I were you. Or if you do, realize that the first 20 levels are fun but the last 20 levels are much much worse. And the PvP starts to get stale and rather silly as you progress.

If you really like twitch you can try Jumpgate, but that is pretty old and very low population. Its a space simulator though and Jumpgate Evolution (the next iteration of the game) should enter Beta sometime in 2009.

The only games out right now with significant collision are DDO, AoC, WAR, and City of Heroes. But DDO is the only one with real collision based hits and WARs implementation of collision rather bad with a lot of teleporting. Only CoH has rag doll physics of the four.

WAR has some knockback effects. But for the most part the only games significant use of movement and physical effects are DDO and CoH (Auto Assault is closed down). The only other MMO I know of that even allows climbing of ladders is Neocron, which is an RPG/FPS hybrid. There just aren't many MMO that even use much 3D or phsyical aspects of their games.

01-15-2009, 11:07 PM
I know a couple people were like, "What's Kist talking about when he said SWO?!?!"

That's Stargate Worlds Online (SGWO is shortened to SWO since Star&Gate are conjoined).

Well everyone on the forums there calls it SGW (Stargate Worlds), In over a year of following its development I have not once seen SWO or SGWO, though some do typo it to SWG, which causes confusion :D

01-15-2009, 11:17 PM
Since you like twitch and dislike auto attack, then the only possible other option is City of Heroes. It has tab targeting but it is pretty much the only other game without auto attack and novel aspects to it (fighting while flying, jumping super high, various physical effects etc).

I like the game but its not for everyone. But basically most of the other games out there are not twitch at all and very auto attack oriented. For example you can get 1/3 of your damage from auto-attack in LOTRO.

I would not do WAR if I were you. Or if you do, realize that the first 20 levels are fun but the last 20 levels are much much worse. And the PvP starts to get stale and rather silly as you progress.

If you really like twitch you can try Jumpgate, but that is pretty old and very low population. Its a space simulator though and Jumpgate Evolution (the next iteration of the game) should enter Beta sometime in 2009.

The only games out right now with significant collision are DDO, AoC, WAR, and City of Heroes. But DDO is the only one with real collision based hits and WARs implementation of collision rather bad with a lot of teleporting. Only CoH has rag doll physics of the four.

WAR has some knockback effects. But for the most part the only games significant use of movement and physical effects are DDO and CoH (Auto Assault is closed down). The only other MMO I know of that even allows climbing of ladders is Neocron, which is an RPG/FPS hybrid. There just aren't many MMO that even use much 3D or phsyical aspects of their games.
disappointing. thanks for the info though

01-15-2009, 11:27 PM
Hmm maybe Age of Conan its has the nearest thing to our combat system and for me it was fun up until I left the starter area which is for levels of 1-20, after that was a bit grindy and grouping had some issues but it has been several months since I tried it they may have some of those issues worked out, but I dont think you will find any game out there or in the pipeline as good as what we have. WoW is what it is and war seems more of the same for me except for diferent wrapping and being somewhat better pvp. As one other poster suggested the SWG emu is a lot of fun but you will need to track down some disks for the orignal game but you can find those as cheap as 5.00 or maybe free if you already had them or a friend did.

01-16-2009, 12:26 AM
Just find a great downtime killer.
Mine is Puzzle Quest: Warlords.

Puzzle Quest: the tetris game with better crafting system, spell system, and better mounts then most MMOs.


01-16-2009, 12:30 AM
Well everyone on the forums there calls it SGW (Stargate Worlds), In over a year of following its development I have not once seen SWO or SGWO, though some do typo it to SWG, which causes confusion :D

SGW is what i affectionately call it as well...


01-16-2009, 01:06 AM
SGW is what i affectionately call it as well...


It's officially called SWO.... *_* It's a misnomer. Spell it out... Stargate... Worlds... Online.... ya? That's very odd that their forums are doing that since that's where I learned it was SWO and not SGWO or SGW.

EDIT: Apparently since when I signed up (May 2008) the game has transitioned and lost the ONLINE part and gone Stargate Worlds. The G is inserted to make a clear distinction from Star Wars (SW). My bad but it was labelled SWO last year.

01-16-2009, 01:38 AM
If you don't like the FFA pvp server style, don't bother with AoC. Hands down the best pvp mmo ever released (especially now that they fixed all of the crashing) but the pve is rather boring, so if you aren't going to be pvp-ing it's not worth it.

That said, after having quit a month after AoC launch due to crashing bugs and class imbalance, I have returned to a much more stable game with...different class imbalances. Okay, so that is annoying as hell but it isn't any worse than what we have here in DDO.

01-16-2009, 06:42 AM

I started playing in a static group on Warhammer 2 Sundays ago. It is pretty kick ass. I am still playing this game but having a mistress keeps the blood pumping if you know what I mean.

You cheated on your static group you two timer.. or should I say triple timer:p. Im Done with war since everyone but me n Gunga broke from the original plan :(. I can not serve another master faithfully

01-16-2009, 07:00 AM
It's officially called SWO.... *_* It's a misnomer. Spell it out... Stargate... Worlds... Online.... ya? That's very odd that their forums are doing that since that's where I learned it was SWO and not SGWO or SGW.

EDIT: Apparently since when I signed up (May 2008) the game has transitioned and lost the ONLINE part and gone Stargate Worlds. The G is inserted to make a clear distinction from Star Wars (SW). My bad but it was labelled SWO last year.

I think they originally went with SWO to make sure people didnt confuse StarGate Worlds (SGW) with Star Wars Galaxies (SWG).

01-16-2009, 07:14 AM
If you are looking for twitch and are a fan of first person shooters, look up Webzen's Huxley. First person shooter MMO, due out 2nd quarter this year. Its already live in Korea and getting rave reviews there.

01-16-2009, 08:22 AM
hate to say it, but i think i might leave when my sub comes up in march if they dont fix this crashing bs. this was my first and only mmo so i dont know what else out there is any good for me. looking for some tips so i can try them out while waiting for mod 9.

i like casters/magic

i like the twitch in ddo

i dont like autoattack

i like playing with other mature and fun people

any suggestions?

Age of Conan does not have auto attacks. It was in pretty bad shape just after launch 6-8 months ago, but maybe it's improved by now...

01-16-2009, 08:49 AM
Wizzly I trul believe you will do as so many before you:

Leave, subscribe to 2+ games, grind there, deal with a MUCH more immature playerbase and come running back to DDO.

I´ve seen this happen for so very long it´s nothing new. I actually almost did it myself (Fallout 3 is the shiz, but no friends...:( )

So take a break, check out the other stuff out there, and if you want to fall in love with DDO again...checkout WOW.:eek:

01-16-2009, 09:06 AM
So take a break, check out the other stuff out there, and if you want to fall in love with DDO again...checkout WOW.:eek:

i think what i will probably do is check out some other games during the day (the crashes and bad pugging happen ONLY during the day). if i find something better, great. and if i dont (which it sounds like), then maybe ill just play in the evenings. its gotten to the point i dont even want to bother logging in before 4pm bc i never know if i might lose a quest, or worse, a raid due to this cr@p.

thanks for the info all.

01-16-2009, 09:31 AM
I noticed Lotro has a Europeon free trial. What happens if you try to download and run that here in the USA?

01-16-2009, 09:39 AM
I noticed Lotro has a Europeon free trial. What happens if you try to download and run that here in the USA?

I think you're just abusing yourself if you do this... :rolleyes:

Even Australians & New Zealanders log onto the USA servers. Why go play with Europe when you have the ENTIRE Pacific Rim plus the Americas? ^_^

01-16-2009, 09:52 AM
Champions Online and an upcoming DC Comics RPG look juicy. The new SW RPG is going to be sweet, as Bioware is one hell of a game developer. STOL looks good also, I just hope the change in development team doesn't screw it up. Lots of stuff on the horizion.

Trust me, once you find something else that grabs your attention, you won't have any desire to play this game. I haven't played since before christmas, and I don't miss it one iota.

01-16-2009, 10:29 AM
So....any other good games out there?


DDO's a bit like that hidden idyllic valley in Mad Max III. You feel its a bit restrictive and the pace of life is a bit repetitive, but when you leave you find that outside is nothing but barren wasteland and mutants with 80's fashion sense.

01-16-2009, 01:19 PM
hate to say it, but i think i might leave when my sub comes up in march if they dont fix this crashing bs. this was my first and only mmo so i dont know what else out there is any good for me. looking for some tips so i can try them out while waiting for mod 9.

i like casters/magic
i like the twitch in ddo
i dont like autoattack
i like playing with other mature and fun people

any suggestions?

First, I think DDO and Turbine has spoiled you. You've heard the Grass is Always Greener on the Other Side of the Fence? Well, it isn't. Regardless...

YouR request seems to be very specific to fantasy based online games. This is probally part of the problem you're dealing with. My advice would be to try something different if you're honestly bored or simply needing a break. I find that mixing my time between gaming environments is more refreshing when it involves polar opposites. Hell, why not try a science fiction game that has absolutely no twitch. Check out these game videos put together with graphics from EVE Online: Empyrean Age (http://myeve.eve-online.com/download/videos/Default.asp?a=download&vid=176) and Quantum Rise (http://myeve.eve-online.com/download/videos/Default.asp?a=download&vid=182); I could help you get started in EVE if needed. :cool:

Tabula Rasa is FREE to play until it closes down. I sugesst you give that a shot since it's a fast paced semi-twitch game with a reasonably good player base.

01-16-2009, 01:31 PM
I'm playing NWN2 now that I got a decent computer that will run it properly, just to fill the time when I'm not feeling like playing DDO (which is more often than not, nowadays).

01-16-2009, 02:13 PM
You will not go wrong with Call of Duty 4

01-16-2009, 02:39 PM
DARKFALL - pushed back release till next month but should be opening the beta a bit starting the 22nd of Jan. If they release with half the things they say are going to be in, its going to destroy everything else. Open pvp, ship combat, guild wars, race wars, city building, city sieges, crafting, twitch combat, no instances, massive world.

01-16-2009, 03:12 PM
DARKFALL - pushed back release till next month but should be opening the beta a bit starting the 22nd of Jan. If they release with half the things they say are going to be in, its going to destroy everything else. Open pvp, ship combat, guild wars, race wars, city building, city sieges, crafting, twitch combat, no instances, massive world.
now THAT looks pretty kickass. applying for beta now.

01-16-2009, 03:25 PM
hate to say it, but i think i might leave when my sub comes up in march if they dont fix this crashing bs. this was my first and only mmo so i dont know what else out there is any good for me. looking for some tips so i can try them out while waiting for mod 9.

i like casters/magic

i like the twitch in ddo

i dont like autoattack

i like playing with other mature and fun people

any suggestions?

If you are looking to quit DDO only because of the servers crashing from time to time your in for a rude awakening on other MMOs. I have played several MMOs and they were down a lot more than what DDO has ever been. I applaud DDO for the amount of time they keep the servers up and recover them when they go down.

When I played WoW for the year and a half I did they crashed a lot more often and took longer times to come up. Ultima Online was even worse than that.

The simple fact is that MMOs take up a lot of resources and technology and sometimes there will be problems that need to be addressed. Sometimes the game could be working fine the way it is and for no apparant reason (because nothing was changed) the game will crash. When it is researched and discovered it is corrected.

If you enjoy playing MMOs you will have to understand that this is part of teh package.

01-16-2009, 03:26 PM
now THAT looks pretty kickass. applying for beta now.

Funny - almost all of this is in Age of Conan and it is a failing MMO, enjoy.

01-16-2009, 03:27 PM
DARKFALL - pushed back release till next month but should be opening the beta a bit starting the 22nd of Jan. If they release with half the things they say are going to be in, its going to destroy everything else. Open pvp, ship combat, guild wars, race wars, city building, city sieges, crafting, twitch combat, no instances, massive world.

I like the no-template character creation they seem to say they have. I might give it a shot myself.

01-16-2009, 03:30 PM
been reading lately leting ddo chill for a bit back to the bookstore. still need shroud items but i just have the grind in me right now. time for aci bowl and a book see u later.

01-16-2009, 03:31 PM
Funny - almost all of this is in Age of Conan and it is a failing MMO, enjoy.
hadnt tried conan. wasnt it class based and mostly pvp?

01-16-2009, 03:36 PM
I think you're just abusing yourself if you do this... :rolleyes:

Even Australians & New Zealanders log onto the USA servers. Why go play with Europe when you have the ENTIRE Pacific Rim plus the Americas? ^_^

Because its a Europeon "free" trial. :)

01-16-2009, 03:37 PM
Most people I know in LotRO really like the customer service and support. Turbine really seems to have put a lot more resources towards it.

LOTRO has more subscribers (not sure how many more, but very possibly an order of magnitude) so if LOTRO has 10x the subscribers it will have close to 10 times the staff, so probably 10 times more likely to see a post from a dev, faster support because more devs are designated for bug fixes so less support requests are made due to less bugs, etc..


01-16-2009, 03:45 PM
hadnt tried conan. wasnt it class based and mostly pvp?

It has classes but it is mostly based on PvP (like Darkfall), it touted building cities (like Darkfall), it touted city sieges (like Darkfall), it also touted PvP all over the world (like Darkfall). What I do not understand is that if your the player type that likes that sort of game why play DDO at all. The games are at almost complete other ends of the spectrum.

World of Warcraft is kind of a hybrid between Darkfall/Age of Conan and DDO. WoW has world wide PvP as well like Darkfall.

What eventually ends up happening because it happened to Ultima Online is that players that want to play the game for PvP rarely want to run the quests and the players that play the game for questing and no PvP end up getting attacked and killed by PvP players (in UO even looted). This turns the non-PvPers away and only leaves the PvPers in the game. Eventually the game dies.

Now DDO builds its game of of questing as Dungeon & Dragons was meant to be and I guarantee it will outlast AoC, Darkfall or any of those types of games.

01-16-2009, 03:49 PM
It has classes but it is mostly based on PvP (like Darkfall), it touted building cities (like Darkfall), it touted city sieges (like Darkfall), it also touted PvP all over the world (like Darkfall). What I do not understand is that if your the player type that likes that sort of game why play DDO at all. The games are at almost complete other ends of the spectrum.

World of Warcraft is kind of a hybrid between Darkfall/Age of Conan and DDO. WoW has world wide PvP as well like Darkfall.

What eventually ends up happening because it happened to Ultima Online is that players that want to play the game for PvP rarely want to run the quests and the players that play the game for questing and no PvP end up getting attacked and killed by PvP players (in UO even looted). This turns the non-PvPers away and only leaves the PvPers in the game. Eventually the game dies.

Now DDO builds its game of of questing as Dungeon & Dragons was meant to be and I guarantee it will outlast AoC, Darkfall or any of those types of games.
well if its free for all pvp then i wont be interested. cities and sieges are cool and all, but not main pts. for me its about getting to explore/adventure, craft (darkfall says everything in game can be crafted), and character options (they say you can adjust your character so never need to reroll). if what they say is true, and if its not free for all pvp, then ill be playin that one for sure. character flexibility and crafting are huge for me.

01-16-2009, 04:10 PM
Now that I'm back in class I rarely have the time to sit down for an actual raid, so I've been playing less and less DDO. I'm kind of looking around for something I can play more sporadically.

I just beat Final Fantasy Tactics again. That was a nice blast from the past for a few weeks.

I might try FF7 again.

Bioshock kept me occupied for a while. It's a single player FPS with a great story and some interesting features. It has "magic" to a degree - essentially genetic mutations that allow you to do stuff like throw fireballs, use telekinesis and such.

I got (and still get) a surprising amount of enjoyment from Mount & Blade. I came this [ ] close to uninstalling the demo after the tutorial, but I'm glad I didn't. There's no magic of any sort, but the twitch aspect is definitely there. It's medieval combat with all sorts of weapons, but you control the actual swings, blocks, shots, throws, etc. Something it does that really floats my boat is projectiles are fairly believable. If you're shooting a bow, the arrow's going to drop per the effects of gravity so you have to compensate for that.

Left 4 Dead is a lot of fun. Single and multiplayer. It's a zombie FPS set in modern times. Not exactly what you say you're looking for, but fun nevertheless. There's a moderate probability of running into some real... not nice/fun people in MP though. The chat filter and common public decency won't let me use a more accurate word to describe them.

I tried WoW again with the WotLK free trial. It was fun for a bit. I have been spoiled by the DDO community and was shortly driven off by some more of those not nice/fun people. I'd play WoW a lot if any of my RL friends still did, but PuGing in that game just isn't worth the frustration any more. Otherwise, there's of course plenty of magic. There is auto attack, but not really for casters. You also always have plenty of other things to do that the auto attack isn't really noticeable.

I tried LotRO again with a free trial. The game is beautiful but it's not my cup of tea (which is frustrating because I was a LotR geek long before the game or the movies - maybe it's a good thing). Auto attack is extremely noticeable here and is one of the things that kills it for me. Maybe once you get high enough level you have enough skills that you're not sitting there watching your character auto attack, but I could never make it that far.

Warhammer was fun for a bit. I never tried the casters so I can't comment much on magic. It's very similar to WoW with better graphics and more of a focus on PvP (or RvR). I imagine I will make it back to Warhammer in the next few months, especially if I find a trial.

I have not heard a single bad or mediocre review of Fallout 3. Everyone I have heard from who has played it has loved it. I can't say much else as I haven't tried it yet.

I thought Age of Conan was going to be my new MMO for quite a while. The idea of more interactive combat was extremely appealing (and is one of the major reasons why I'm still playing DDO). In AoC it's almost too micro-managed though. I thought it would be great but I hated it. I never made it past level 8 or so, so I can't say much else. I also didn't try any casters (see a theme? :)).

That's about all that comes to mind right now. I haven't really been on the lookout for new MMOs. I have a stack of computer games I've bought (especially MMOs) before waiting for any kind of trial or demo only to find, fifty bucks later, that I don't like the game. I'm trying to break that habit.

01-16-2009, 04:10 PM
well if its free for all pvp then i wont be interested. cities and sieges are cool and all, but not main pts. for me its about getting to explore/adventure, craft (darkfall says everything in game can be crafted), and character options (they say you can adjust your character so never need to reroll). if what they say is true, and if its not free for all pvp, then ill be playin that one for sure. character flexibility and crafting are huge for me.

and after the 1st month of shock of release, I can bet you wont have to worry about getting PKed. The world is so huge you should be able to avoid other races.

i'm not quitting DDO, I will still have my account active, they are both great games, just different

01-16-2009, 04:23 PM

I started playing in a static group on Warhammer 2 Sundays ago. It is pretty kick ass. I am still playing this game but having a mistress keeps the blood pumping if you know what I mean.

To each his own IMO.
I can't stand WAR, it's the same drivel and each 'tier' basically means a different scenery and not much more. Still the same "Kill X#: XXXXX" type quests or "Find XXXXX and bring it to XXXXX".

The leveling is brainless and the grind for items seems pointless as you've normally found something better by the time you have completed the bar for the rewards.

I haven't actually found any that have kept my interest beyond a 3 month period, I was off WoW within hours and WAR within weeks, UO actually kept me for a month but when I was happier playing without people around it sort of defeated the purpose(and it wasn't overly stimulating either).
I'll be sticking with this, even with the problems some people are having it's still better than the other games I've ever played.

01-16-2009, 05:07 PM
I noticed Lotro has a Europeon free trial. What happens if you try to download and run that here in the USA?

Its horrible. It turns you into a frenchmen.

01-16-2009, 05:11 PM
Funny - almost all of this is in Age of Conan and it is a failing MMO, enjoy.

A lot of that stuff was not working on release for AoC. Yet they promised it. The problem is Funcom is a bunch of scumbags.

However I do not expect Darkfall to be run well. It may be an ok game, no idea, but the guys who make it are not up to the quality standard of a Dev house like Turbine. Not by a long shot.

If you play that game you better have a high tolerance for wonkiness.

01-16-2009, 05:22 PM
It has classes but it is mostly based on PvP (like Darkfall), it touted building cities (like Darkfall), it touted city sieges (like Darkfall), it also touted PvP all over the world (like Darkfall). What I do not understand is that if your the player type that likes that sort of game why play DDO at all. The games are at almost complete other ends of the spectrum.

World of Warcraft is kind of a hybrid between Darkfall/Age of Conan and DDO. WoW has world wide PvP as well like Darkfall.

What eventually ends up happening because it happened to Ultima Online is that players that want to play the game for PvP rarely want to run the quests and the players that play the game for questing and no PvP end up getting attacked and killed by PvP players (in UO even looted). This turns the non-PvPers away and only leaves the PvPers in the game. Eventually the game dies.

Now DDO builds its game of of questing as Dungeon & Dragons was meant to be and I guarantee it will outlast AoC, Darkfall or any of those types of games.

This is very wrong.

Darkfall is a sandbox game like old SWG or EvE online.

WoW is very far from old SWG. AoC had some cardboard cut out and buggy keep making. But its much more like a WoW/EQ/LOTRO game than the sandbox UO/SWG/EvE lineage of MMOs. It has classes, levels and gear grinds. IN addition it is heavily instanced

Darkfall is said to be much like EvE online. Where you can do many PvP oriented things, but doing them may be a very bad idea. WoW just had stupid ganking where a level 60 went to a level 10 area and was invincible. In EvE you can go to empire space and kill a small frigate ship, but then the police blast you into nothing. In fact avoid the police is considered an exploit. You can leave Empire space and have no restrictions.

The developers of EvE have said that the majority of their players play in Empire space. Yet it has entire month long War campaigns in 0.0 non-empire space. So this stuff about PvPers driving everyone away is only true for game with stupid unrealistic PvP. Which does contain AoC and WoW and was true of UO. But in not true of many of the later MMORPGs influenced by UO (such as EvE).

Darkfall intends to have PvP with consequences. If you kill someone in a certain place you alienate various factions. Kill enough players and the guards will attack you.

Whether this will work as well as EvE's way of doing thigns I do not know. But people who say that all PvP games suffer the fate of UO are poorly informed. And this post seemes to completely miss the whole sandbox element of all the UO lineage games (SWG, EvE etc)

01-16-2009, 05:28 PM
what is "sandbox mmos"?

01-16-2009, 06:09 PM
what is "sandbox mmos"?

This may or may not be an accurate answer, but it's my understanding.

"Sandbox" implies that you can do whatever you want, but your actions have consequences.

You can play nicely with all the other kids, or you can plant Jimmy's head face-down in the sand, but then you get to deal with Mom.

01-16-2009, 06:29 PM
Blows my mind that nobody even thought to mention Aion Online, due out early next quarter.

I know it's the only mmo -I'm- looking forward to this year :P

01-16-2009, 07:11 PM
Whether this will work as well as EvE's way of doing thigns I do not know. But people who say that all PvP games suffer the fate of UO are poorly informed. And this post seemes to completely miss the whole sandbox element of all the UO lineage games (SWG, EvE etc)

And when you identify that EVE Online is entirely based around the principles of PvP and launched in 2003 yet still increases subscription figures while regularily breaking records of concurrent users on a single server it defies all sense of logic that a PvP based game is it's own worst enemy. If anything, the worst events to happen in an MMO is not PvP but when their developers simplfy mechanics in an attempt to appeal to a broader audience; see SWG (ie, nge) and UO (ie Trammel).

01-16-2009, 07:29 PM
hadnt tried conan. wasnt it class based and mostly pvp?

Correct and it isnt was it still is.

01-16-2009, 07:37 PM
Blows my mind that nobody even thought to mention Aion Online, due out early next quarter.

I know it's the only mmo -I'm- looking forward to this year :P

This is the first I've heard of it. I'll take a look.

01-16-2009, 07:40 PM
Darkfall... so how much would they pay me in $$$ to work inside their MMO?
Sometimes... they put in TOO MUCH like a real society.... inside a "game".

Maybe I can mow lawns or paint walls in their MMO with the first expansion.

FROM THE www.darkfallonline.com FAQ:

... or choose to play the Dwarven blacksmith, crafting mighty magical weapons and armor, or perhaps a farmer producing rare herbs and spell reagents. The possibilities are limitless.

Logistics are very important in Clan warfare. The tradesmen, farmers, bakers, miners and other support characters stocking up supplies of spell reagents, gold, weapons, potions, armor, and whatever else is needed, are crucial to the war effort. Fighting ability alone will not be able to sustain a successful campaign for long. A clan will need to balance their activities, or cooperate with other clans in order to be successful.