View Full Version : Need advice, cleric equipment

01-14-2009, 10:10 AM
I want to make a necromancy spec'd (slay/destruction) cleric. What is the list of items that would help me achieve it?

armors, jewelry, named items, raid loot whatever.

01-14-2009, 10:13 AM
I want to make a necromancy spec'd (slay/destruction) cleric. What is the list of items that would help me achieve it?
First the Reaver's Napkin from Reaver's Fate, and then a Green Steel Sickle of Wisdom +9 (or make a kama, dagger, longsword, rapier, or mace as you prefer)

Don't fall for the Greater Necromancy Focus on Staff of the Petitioner; it's a trap, in two ways.

01-14-2009, 11:18 AM
no-one else has suggestions?

If i put a wis 6 on my mace, what about my spell penetration and my potency 7. I won't be able to kill everything. How do i get the Constitution DC check up so that it lands more on higher con mobs? I have no problem w/ air eles, but orathons save and take damage more than 70% of the time.

01-14-2009, 11:29 AM
Well as for suggestions, most of the options are with feats and enhancements not gear.

The Reavers's Napkin (cloak) is a one item fits all +1 DC to all spells (the +6 INT is usually a waste on most cleric builds), while you can find Necromancy Focus items/weapons all over the place that add the same +1 to DC.

Spell penetration items help on mobs with SR (many of the higher end mobs).

Need to make sure your build/stats give you top flight DC's.

There are not a ton of items that make killing spells that much more effective. Most of the Potency type items do not matter much for the IK spells since the variable damage on a save is so small anyway. (Die or take 4d6 (+50%) damage is not a big threat on a 500 HP mob).

Have a Pocket Spellsinger around to raise DC's by another point.

01-14-2009, 11:35 AM
Yep, sure is!! Just a bit of advice from a battle cleric:)

01-14-2009, 11:38 AM
If i put a wis 6 on my mace, what about my spell penetration and my potency 7.
You don't need spell penetration all the time. Also, spell pen comes on various robes, hats, necklaces, and even a belt.

You don't need potency all the time. In particular, you were talking about casting Slay Living or Destruction, where potency doesn't matter.

I have no problem w/ air eles, but orathons save and take damage more than 70% of the time.
Yes, orthons are tough; not just saves, but SR too. The general answer is: "Don't try to get orthons to fail fort saves", but if you don't like that, you can cast Bestow Curse and shaken him with a fearsome item. Of course, con damage reduces his saves too... but once you've got con damage going, casting Destruction is mostly a waste.

01-15-2009, 02:19 AM
Yes, orthons are tough; not just saves, but SR too. The general answer is: "Don't try to get orthons to fail fort saves",

Yeah, that.

If you can punch through the SR, banish them. You'll get them on a will save, their fort save is a bit tougher...