View Full Version : TWF Paladin/Rogue/Monk Max UMD/Intim with huge ac/saves
01-07-2009, 03:25 PM
(Halfling Male Paladin 15/Monk 2/Rogue 3)
Str:12 (+2 tome +6 item) 20 (22 raged)
Dex:17 (+5 level +3 tome +6 item +1 enhance +2 enhance) 34
Con:11 (+3 tome +6 item) 20
Int:12 (+2 tome) 14
Wis:14 (+3 tome +6 item +1 enhance) 24
Cha:13 (+3 tome + 6 item +2 enhance) 24
Level Progression:
UMD (max) 23+7glove+7cha+4ghero+2luck=43 boost is 45
Intimidate (max) 23+13-15item+2luck+4ghero+7cha=52-54
Concentration(15 or so) for using Scrolls
some balance jump etc as you cant max very many skills so no rogue skills
Feats:In order
03-Weapon Finesse
06-Two Weapon Fighting
09-Improved Two Weapon Fighting
12-Greater Two Weapon Fighting
15-Improved Critical(pierce)(*maybe slash if you need centered for wis ac bonus)
18-Two Weapon Defense
M1-Power Attack
M2-Combat Expert
*posible to drop dodge/two weapon defense for toughness extend etc.
190(Levels) +20(Heroic) +10(Draconic) +30(GFL) +100(Con) +22(Helm)=377
Enough for Divine Favor Resists and Zeal
Halfling Dex 2
Paladin Cha 2
Monk Wis 1
Rogue Dex 1
Extra Smite 4
Divine Might 2
Armor Boost 1
Skill Boost 1
Attack Speed Boost 1
Exalted Smite 3
Divine Sacrifice 2
Bulwark 4
Resist 3
Concentration Aura 1
Fear Aura 1
Defender of Siberys 1 *pos 2 if stacks with chattering ring*
Guile 2
Cunning 2
Luck 1 all
Luck will 2
*might be some others but think thats the main part
Saves (Fort/Reflex/Will):
Base: 13/11/9
Attributes: 12/19/14
Resistance: 3/3/3 (icy)
Head: 2/2/2
Greater Hero: 4/4/4
Aura: 4/4/4
Halfling: 1/1/1
Enhance: 1/1/2
Total: 40/45/39
10 Base
1 Dodge feat
4 Icy Raiments Dodge
1 Alchemical Dodge
3 Chattering Ring Dodge
12 Dexterity
7 Wisdom
4 Insight (Shroud Crafted)
5 Protection
3 Barkskin
8 Armor Bracers
1 Size
1 TWF Def
1 Haste
5 Aura
5 Combat Expertise
72 (Self Buffed in AC Mode)
76 with shield clicky or wand
Ranger Bark +2, Recitation +2, Bard Song +4
If dual wielding Kama's and have lesser wind stance add +1 for dex and +1 for centred
+2 defender siberys 1 or +3 if it stacks with chattering ring.
Currently working on this character and seems strong on paper should work well end game I hope.
01-07-2009, 03:44 PM
Strong build. Will work as planned.
But be prepared to do some looooOOOOoooong grinding untill you have all the "necessary" items and tomes to bring him up to full functionality.
01-07-2009, 03:47 PM
Yep 14 paladin/something else is a sweet spot. You went the ac/umd/roguish route which is a pretty good way to go for the other 6 levels..
01-07-2009, 04:44 PM
This Looks solid.
The synergy between these classes is great.
I am going a bit different on mine (7rog / 7pal / 6mnk) for a number of reasons but am thinking about doing another one focusing more on a single class.
01-07-2009, 04:51 PM
Didn't you get the memo?
The devs said to stop multi-classing... ;)
01-07-2009, 05:02 PM
well I am trying to decide between this build and an 18ranger 2monk elf build that gets comparable ac but its str based and it would be fun if they made feats for other weapons to maintain centered like longsword (whirling steel monk)
(Elf Male Ranger 18/Monk 2)
Str:16 (+5 level +2 rams +3 tome +6 item) 32 (34 raged)
Dex:16 (+3 tome +6 item +3 enhance +2 enhance) 30
Con:11 (+3 tome +6 item) 20
Int:13 (+1 tome) 14
Wis:14 (+3 tome +6 item +1 enhance) 24
Cha:8 (+2 tome + 6 item) 16 when needed for umd
whatever you want
Spring Attack
IC Slashing
IC Piercing
Power Attack
Combat Expert
160(Levels) +20(Heroic) +10(Draconic) +30(GFL) +100(Con) +22(Helm)=344
I am sure you can figure out what you want
Saves (Fort/Reflex/Will):
Base: 14/13/10
Attributes: 6/10/7
Resistance: 5/5/5
Head: 2/2/2
Greater Hero: 4/4/4
Total: 31/34/26
10 Base
1 Dodge feat
4 Icy Raiments Dodge
1 Alchemical Dodge
3 Chattering Ring Dodge
10 Dexterity
7 Wisdom
1 Monk Bonus
4 Insight (Shroud Crafted)
5 Protection
5 Barkskin
8 Armor Bracers
4 Tempest III
1 Haste
1 Twf Def
5 Combat Expertise
70 (Self Buffed in AC Mode)
01-07-2009, 05:11 PM
well I am trying to decide between this build and an 18ranger 2monk elf build that gets comparable ac but its str based and it would be fun if they made feats for other weapons to maintain centered like longsword (whirling steel monk)
I too would like to see Ki Weapon Longsword (or more honestly scimitar) implemented.
I would say go for the pally build specifically because it is not another tempest/monk build:D
01-08-2009, 12:32 AM
concentration 15 is almost meaningless.
you will never succeed in dice check.
on purple monsters, concen 60 around at least is needed with dice.
consider jump or move silently or hide instead of concen.
01-08-2009, 05:45 PM
Strong build. Will work as planned.
But be prepared to do some looooOOOOoooong grinding untill you have all the "necessary" items and tomes to bring him up to full functionality.
well if you don't get the +3 tomes it's not that much diff 2ac from dex/wis
get a +2 str tome so you can get power attack can get the favor one if you don't wish to blow 5-600k
as for items yes some grind will be needed but this is posting all stuff possible I'm sure some of it will be not too hard to get.
01-09-2009, 12:16 AM
concentration 15 is almost meaningless.
you will never succeed in dice check.
on purple monsters, concen 60 around at least is needed with dice.
consider jump or move silently or hide instead of concen.
Actually, I find this level of Concentration is very helpful. A Paladin is only going to be doing really fast cast spells like resist acid that you need to throw on in a hurry. Perhaps DF in the middle of a big fight. But generally against a big boss guy you're going to buff before hand.
01-09-2009, 12:18 AM
well I am trying to decide between this build and an 18ranger 2monk elf build that gets comparable ac but its str based and it would be fun if they made feats for other weapons to maintain centered like longsword (whirling steel monk)
(Elf Male Ranger 18/Monk 2)
Str:16 (+5 level +2 rams +3 tome +6 item) 32 (34 raged)
Dex:16 (+3 tome +6 item +3 enhance +2 enhance) 30
Con:11 (+3 tome +6 item) 20
Int:13 (+1 tome) 14
Wis:14 (+3 tome +6 item +1 enhance) 24
Cha:8 (+2 tome + 6 item) 16 when needed for umd
whatever you want
Spring Attack
IC Slashing
IC Piercing
Power Attack
Combat Expert
160(Levels) +20(Heroic) +10(Draconic) +30(GFL) +100(Con) +22(Helm)=344
I am sure you can figure out what you want
Saves (Fort/Reflex/Will):
Base: 14/13/10
Attributes: 6/10/7
Resistance: 5/5/5
Head: 2/2/2
Greater Hero: 4/4/4
Total: 31/34/26
10 Base
1 Dodge feat
4 Icy Raiments Dodge
1 Alchemical Dodge
3 Chattering Ring Dodge
10 Dexterity
7 Wisdom
1 Monk Bonus
4 Insight (Shroud Crafted)
5 Protection
5 Barkskin
8 Armor Bracers
4 Tempest III
1 Haste
1 Twf Def
5 Combat Expertise
70 (Self Buffed in AC Mode)
Though this isn't a Paladin build...consider taking the 1st two elven dragonmarks. I'm working on an Elven Tempest ranger and the 2nd mark is absolutely awesome so far.
Also, with your Paladin build have you leveled that character yet? I would be curious how well intimidate works with an AC that high, but with no tower shield to shield block with. I've seen in game more than one person get squished by intimidating but not having a shield to block with. However, perhaps if your AC is massively high that could work.
01-09-2009, 12:22 AM
(Halfling Male Paladin 15/Monk 2/Rogue 3)
Str:11 (+3 tome +6 item) 20 (22 raged)
Dex:17 (+5 level +3 tome +6 item +1 enhance +2 enhance) 34
Con:11 (+3 tome +6 item) 20
Int:13 (+1 tome) 14
Wis:14 (+3 tome +6 item +1 enhance) 24
Cha:13 (+3 tome + 6 item +2 enhance) 24
Level Progression:
UMD (max) 23+7glove+7cha+4ghero+2luck=43 boost is 45
Intimidate (max) 23+13-15item+2luck+4ghero+7cha=52-54
Concentration(15 or so) for using Scrolls
some balance jump etc as you cant max very many skills so no rogue skills
Feats:In no order
2wf (3 of them)
Power Attack
Combat Expert
Improved Crit Pierce
2wf Def
190(Levels) +20(Heroic) +10(Draconic) +30(GFL) +100(Con) +22(Helm)=377
Enough for Divine Favor Resists and Zeal
I am sure you can figure out what you want
Saves (Fort/Reflex/Will):
Base: 13/11/9
Attributes: 13/19/14
Resistance: 5/5/5
Head: 2/2/2
Greater Hero: 4/4/4
Aura: 4/4/4
Enhance: 1/1/2
Total: 42/46/40
10 Base
1 Dodge feat
4 Icy Raiments Dodge
1 Alchemical Dodge
3 Chattering Ring Dodge
12 Dexterity
7 Wisdom
1 Monk Bonus
4 Insight (Shroud Crafted)
5 Protection
3 Barkskin
8 Armor Bracers
1 Size
1 TWF Def
1 Haste
5 Aura
5 Combat Expertise
72 (Self Buffed in AC Mode)
76 with shield clicky or wand
Have you leveled this character yet? I'd be curious to know how well intimidating works with an AC this high, but with no tower shield to shield block behind.
01-09-2009, 12:31 AM
Have you leveled this character yet? I'd be curious to know how well intimidating works with an AC this high, but with no tower shield to shield block behind.
If you can pull aggro with intimidate instead of attacking, then you don't need to be proficient to block with a tower shield.
(The flaw of this build is that Halflings are bad at intimidate...)
01-09-2009, 05:28 AM
Have you leveled this character yet? I'd be curious to know how well intimidating works with an AC this high, but with no tower shield to shield block behind.
no i have yet to level this build past 4 yet, I have been thinking of going str based instead of dex you lose out on:
+3 hit for 28 str +halfling size vrs 34dex +halfling size
3 ac for same reason of dex 6 pts lower
1 skill a level to make the stats work 11 int vrs 13 start
you gain:
1 feat no longer need finesse
use of all weapons no finesse only
3 damage main hand and 2 damage off hand
trade off is about 30 damage per attack chain and can take oversize twf not in the original build for +2 hit back
oh and nothing about monk says you cant slap on a shield if you needed the blocking dr as 7 dex bonus is same as a shield bonus... but you get higher ac with a shield wand by 4 and just don't dual wield
01-09-2009, 10:08 AM
If you can pull aggro with intimidate instead of attacking, then you don't need to be proficient to block with a tower shield.
(The flaw of this build is that Halflings are bad at intimidate...)
I suppose, but the limitation is that you will have a lower to hit if you decide you want to swing at an enemy, or be forced to swap over to TWF when you want to attack. From what I read of the build it looked like the primary mode of play would be to go TWF, using intimidate with a massively high AC to protect you. I'm just curious if this works at the high end content...
01-09-2009, 10:14 AM
oh and nothing about monk says you cant slap on a shield if you needed the blocking dr as 7 dex bonus is same as a shield bonus... but you get higher ac with a shield wand by 4 and just don't dual wield
I know. My Pally intimitank has 2 levels of Monk thrown in and I use a tower shield all the time. The thing I was thinking of was the shield blocking DR. I've found it extremely helpful to have a high shield blocking DR so that you can intimidate away and then turtle up. However, I've never had an AC nearly as high as what you have listed, so it would be really interesting to know if you could get away without the shield blocking. Good luck on your build.
01-11-2009, 10:27 PM
Intimidate plus high AC works great, imo better than tower shield/turtle since you can still do dmg.
Also as pointed out when the ish really hits the fan then you can always pop on a tower shield and go that route. If they're only hitting you on 20's it's not really a big deal to have 5-8 mobs surrounding you wiffing.
01-11-2009, 11:27 PM
(Halfling Male Paladin 15/Monk 2/Rogue 3)
Str:11 (+3 tome +6 item) 20 (22 raged)
Dex:17 (+5 level +3 tome +6 item +1 enhance +2 enhance) 34
Con:11 (+3 tome +6 item) 20
Int:13 (+1 tome) 14
Wis:14 (+3 tome +6 item +1 enhance) 24
Cha:13 (+3 tome + 6 item +2 enhance) 24
Level Progression:
UMD (max) 23+7glove+7cha+4ghero+2luck=43 boost is 45
Intimidate (max) 23+13-15item+2luck+4ghero+7cha=52-54
Concentration(15 or so) for using Scrolls
some balance jump etc as you cant max very many skills so no rogue skills
Feats:In no order
2wf (3 of them)
Power Attack
Combat Expert
Improved Crit Pierce
2wf Def
190(Levels) +20(Heroic) +10(Draconic) +30(GFL) +100(Con) +22(Helm)=377
Enough for Divine Favor Resists and Zeal
I am sure you can figure out what you want
Saves (Fort/Reflex/Will):
Base: 13/11/9
Attributes: 13/19/14
Resistance: 5/5/5
Head: 2/2/2
Greater Hero: 4/4/4
Aura: 4/4/4
Enhance: 1/1/2
Total: 42/46/40
10 Base
1 Dodge feat
4 Icy Raiments Dodge
1 Alchemical Dodge
3 Chattering Ring Dodge
12 Dexterity
7 Wisdom
1 Monk Bonus
4 Insight (Shroud Crafted)
5 Protection
3 Barkskin
8 Armor Bracers
1 Size
1 TWF Def
1 Haste
5 Aura
5 Combat Expertise
72 (Self Buffed in AC Mode)
76 with shield clicky or wand
eh, when a pure or near pure paladin can get just as high an AC when THF or TWF next mod, i think you will be a little get a little jealous. Especially when they can have DR 20/epic, increase aura AC, and all kinds of other goodies.
If your going to try to put monk/paladin together, the most synergy-strong way is actually as a DPS, and not an intimitank(IMHO). Because as soon as you have to splash in more then 2 classes, your often gunna be missing out on a tier 3 PrE, without getting an equal benefit. Hell, you may want to hold off and see what some of the monk PrE end up being.
01-13-2009, 09:56 AM
Intimidate plus high AC works great, imo better than tower shield/turtle since you can still do dmg.
Also as pointed out when the ish really hits the fan then you can always pop on a tower shield and go that route. If they're only hitting you on 20's it's not really a big deal to have 5-8 mobs surrounding you wiffing.
Cool:) Thanks Valiance.
01-18-2009, 01:50 PM
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