View Full Version : May be selling another wop rapier

01-03-2009, 08:46 PM
To support my gold coin addiction. +2 wop rapier no rr 1 tick of damage, if I get an offer I can't refuse... which i usually do.. I'll take it , if not I'll just be semi poor when the festivus is over, lol.

01-03-2009, 11:09 PM
dude, do it this way, start an auction using Gold coins as currency :D:D:D

01-04-2009, 08:11 AM
dude, do it this way, start an auction using Gold coins as currency :D:D:D

I tried with the +4 WoP rapier I was selling... no takers, lol, so I'll just sell it if need be.

01-04-2009, 10:01 AM
bah i just dumped millions on pots lol where the hell was u 3 days ago :D i might be able to do 3mp but it would be 2 to 3 days to raise the funds:)

01-04-2009, 10:24 AM
bah i just dumped millions on pots lol where the hell was u 3 days ago :D i might be able to do 3mp but it would be 2 to 3 days to raise the funds:)

Wow, where do you farm?!?

Or are you farming Gold coins in irestone and sellin them to Boldrin?

01-04-2009, 10:26 AM
bah i just dumped millions on pots lol where the hell was u 3 days ago :D i might be able to do 3mp but it would be 2 to 3 days to raise the funds:)

They usually sell in the 10 millionish plat range for me health give or take a little
, just so ya know, lol. 1500 gold coins would do though, lol.

01-04-2009, 03:12 PM
i think 10 mil plat for a sword that kills things (and only things without DR which are quite prevalent at end-game) like maybe 1 round faster (if that) than a SS or dagger that would cost 2 mil plat is totally insane. In fact, on anything your 36 dex/12 str monk/ranger/whatever is fighting that has DR, it's no better than a regular old puncturer.

For anyone interested in a little econ, this is the same phenomenon that caused gas to be $140+ a barrel, when it's true market value was really much more like $50, even in better economic times of say, this summer. The ability to price gas contracts (futures) on emotional grounds (what you think it might eventually cost) causes an irrational panic in people that wildly inflates the price of goods. Especially if it becomes a vehicle for some people (traders, oil companies) to get rich. They stoke the fires of irrationality in the unwashed masses. Anyone who has a w/p and tells you it's a game changer WAS LYING.

I had several before I left the game in March. Yes it was awesome, yes I destroyed kill counts. But guess what, it was literally like maybe a 10% improvement over using plain puncturers or wounders. And moving frm SS/dagger w/p to rapier(s) was literally maybe another 5-7%.

NONE of that calculates to a 5x price mark up. In fact, if you think it does and you can afford it, (unless you're selling these things too), you're probably buying plat from farmers. Even if you aren't buying plat (good for you!), you're making a huge mathematical, financial mistake.

It is the best wounder/puncturer in the game, granted. But the marginal benefit anyone would receive from an 8mil plat difference between it and a SS/dagger is preposterously, infinitesimally to small to ever be justified.

I know you're just profiting from the madness Boldrin, but it's madness nonetheless. This post isn't for super old players/founders who have cash to throw around. It's for people who could potentially bankrupt themselves buying one of these, who haven't had the clarity to sit down and do the math.

Think really hard before you buy into inflation, it's a killer.

01-04-2009, 03:17 PM
i think 10 mil plat for a sword that kills things (and only things without DR which are quite prevalent at end-game) like maybe 1 round faster (if that) than a SS or dagger that would cost 2 mil plat is totally insane. In fact, on anything your 36 dex/12 str monk/ranger/whatever is fighting that has DR, it's no better than a regular old puncturer.

For anyone interested in a little econ, this is the same phenomenon that caused gas to be $140+ a barrel, when it's true market value was really much more like $50, even in better economic times of say, this summer. The ability to price gas contracts (futures) on emotional grounds (what you think it might eventually cost) causes an irrational panic in people that wildly inflates the price of goods. Especially if it becomes a vehicle for some people (traders, oil companies) to get rich. They stoke the fires of irrationality in the unwashed masses. Anyone who has a w/p and tells you it's a game changer WAS LYING.

I had several before I left the game in March. Yes it was awesome, yes I destroyed kill counts. But guess what, it was literally like maybe a 10% improvement over using plain puncturers or wounders. And moving frm SS/dagger w/p to rapier(s) was literally maybe another 5-7%.

NONE of that calculates to a 5x price mark up. In fact, if you think it does and you can afford it, (unless you're selling these things too), you're probably buying plat from farmers. Even if you aren't buying plat (good for you!), you're making a huge mathematical, financial mistake.

It is the best wounder/puncturer in the game, granted. But the marginal benefit anyone would receive from an 8mil plat difference between it and a SS/dagger is preposterously, infinitesimally to small to ever be justified.

I know you're just profiting from the madness Boldrin, but it's madness nonetheless. This post isn't for super old players/founders who have cash to throw around. It's for people who could potentially bankrupt themselves buying one of these, who haven't had the clarity to sit down and do the math.

Think really hard before you buy into inflation, it's a killer.

I just ask for the prices that they go for. I'm not going to sell it for half of what people are willing to pay. That would be stupid, and I went to college for marketing and economics, lol. Supply and demand. I personally sell them all, because I use daggers and shortswords, they're good enough for me. I don't need to be the uber w/p guy dualling rapiers on all my toons. But for those who feel that need this is the perfect weapon.

01-04-2009, 03:19 PM
i think 10 mil plat for a sword that kills things (and only things without DR which are quite prevalent at end-game) like maybe 1 round faster (if that) than a SS or dagger that would cost 2 mil plat is totally insane. In fact, on anything your 36 dex/12 str monk/ranger/whatever is fighting that has DR, it's no better than a regular old puncturer.

For anyone interested in a little econ, this is the same phenomenon that caused gas to be $140+ a barrel, when it's true market value was really much more like $50, even in better economic times of say, this summer. The ability to price gas contracts (futures) on emotional grounds (what you think it might eventually cost) causes an irrational panic in people that wildly inflates the price of goods. Especially if it becomes a vehicle for some people (traders, oil companies) to get rich. They stoke the fires of irrationality in the unwashed masses. Anyone who has a w/p and tells you it's a game changer WAS LYING.

I had several before I left the game in March. Yes it was awesome, yes I destroyed kill counts. But guess what, it was literally like maybe a 10% improvement over using plain puncturers or wounders. And moving frm SS/dagger w/p to rapier(s) was literally maybe another 5-7%.

NONE of that calculates to a 5x price mark up. In fact, if you think it does and you can afford it, (unless you're selling these things too), you're probably buying plat from farmers. Even if you aren't buying plat (good for you!), you're making a huge mathematical, financial mistake.

It is the best wounder/puncturer in the game, granted. But the marginal benefit anyone would receive from an 8mil plat difference between it and a SS/dagger is preposterously, infinitesimally to small to ever be justified.

I know you're just profiting from the madness Boldrin, but it's madness nonetheless. This post isn't for super old players/founders who have cash to throw around. It's for people who could potentially bankrupt themselves buying one of these, who haven't had the clarity to sit down and do the math.

Think really hard before you buy into inflation, it's a killer.

Accusing people who have lots of plat of buying plat is a very bad thing to do. I have about 15 million plat, and thats after spending 7 million on gold coins the last 3 weeks. I have never bought plat in my life. Some people just know economy.

01-04-2009, 05:19 PM
i never accused you or anyone specific who has plat of buying it. I said some of the people buying highly overpriced items are. Not everyone is good amassing huge amounts of money, like you seem to be. In fact, if they're so good at making money they probably wouldn't be buying 10mil W/P rapiers, just like you or I wouldn't, right?

None of this was directed at you. You are just doing what you should, which is selling high.

01-04-2009, 05:34 PM
i never accused you or anyone specific who has plat of buying it. I said some of the people buying highly overpriced items are. Not everyone is good amassing huge amounts of money, like you seem to be. In fact, if they're so good at making money they probably wouldn't be buying 10mil W/P rapiers, just like you or I wouldn't, right?

None of this was directed at you. You are just doing what you should, which is selling high.

People will pay the world for uberness, lol. And I shall charge them it, lol.

I know you weren't saying I buy, just look at all my past trade threads, I just do really well selling on forums, but some people are just ungodly lucky. I know a guy who has pulled HUNDREDS of +2 tomes, every day it seems he pulls one. This person has millions of plat because of it.

I normally deal with forum regulars, guys who have lots of plat. If some guy with no guild and 1 post asked" I would like for buy rapier of wounding and puncturing , I give 10 million platinums" I think I'd turn him down. I honestly don't understand why or how anyone would spend real money on fake money, just go loot.

01-04-2009, 05:41 PM
It's a **** shame that you're not on Argo. I have a few accounts of stocked plat I'd like to spend on some more toys. :(

01-04-2009, 06:40 PM
It's a **** shame that you're not on Argo. I have a few accounts of stocked plat I'd like to spend on some more toys. :(

Yeah I've sold 9 wop rapiers so far, lol. You'd have probably bought them all if I was on your server. Thinking about getting another toon to 1750 so I can check out some other servers though, ya never know what could happen

01-04-2009, 07:47 PM
Poor analogy.

Gas is a commodity, wop raps are not. Oil is better compared to gold coins, where there is an endless supply as long as people farm for them (during festivus).

A wop rapier is more like an original Picaso. Yes there are more than one, but the supply is very limited, and for those that want nothing less than the very best, the price is very subjective.

Has the price of wop rapiers increased? Sure. I remember getting one from Boldrin way back when for +5 mfp, +6 stat items and twenty or so other end game items back when we both felt the trade was fair. Price has gone up, but so has the money supply. That my friend is econ 101.

01-04-2009, 07:51 PM
Poor analogy.

Gas is a commodity, wop raps are not. Oil is better compared to gold coins, where there is an endless supply as long as people farm for them (during festivus).

A wop rapier is more like an original Picaso. Yes there are more than one, but the supply is very limited, and for those that want nothing less than the very best, the price is very subjective.

Has the price of wop rapiers increased? Sure. I remember getting one from Boldrin way back when for +5 mfp, +6 stat items and twenty or so other end game items back when we both felt the trade was fair. Price has gone up, but so has the money supply. That my friend is econ 101.

QFT in its entirety. I look back at the wop rapiers I sold a year or 2 ago and think to myself if I only had them now I'd be the richest guy in DDO, lol. But back then +5 mith FP was da bomb and though not as rare as a wop it was still a million plat set of armor. Now I give +5 MFPs away, lol

01-04-2009, 09:05 PM
anything someone wants is a commodity, that's econ 101. And you can farm WOP rapiers, you just have to loot a lot. The supply is increasing, not decreasing. The price should be down, but massive inflation has ruined that in this game.

01-04-2009, 10:54 PM
A) Yes they do go for ridiculous prices. No question.
B) Supply and demand IS in effect.
C) At NO time can anyone (except maybe Boldrin :P) actually farm for one. (Yet...)
D) I will never use the money I earn in this game for RL stuff..... mortgage, bills, etc.
I, personally, have almost literally nothing else worth saving my plat for in this game at this point.... other people obviously think differently, and each are justified in their thoughts. I agree completely with Jak that the increase in efficiency is small, marginal.... but.... that exists everywhere in the game... right now people are looking for the *next step up* for everything.... +3 tomes over +2's (and +4's over +3's.. UGH) +7 items would obviously go for a premium, as would superior banes, +9 ac bracers and +6 weapons. Each one gives only a small advantage over their previous top items, but in a game that to alot of people is about fine-tuning at this point, it is 100% justified to them, and that is all that is required.
Simplified.... everyone has a point, everyone is right, no-one is wrong... Sweet ****! :D

01-04-2009, 11:55 PM
...I'd be the richest guy in DDO, lol...

Wait, aren't you already? :) At least on Khyber at any rate. I'm sure there are Boldrin's on other servers (Davey on Argo comes to mind).

01-05-2009, 12:52 AM
A) Yes they do go for ridiculous prices. No question.
B) Supply and demand IS in effect.
C) At NO time can anyone (except maybe Boldrin :P) actually farm for one. (Yet...)
D) I will never use the money I earn in this game for RL stuff..... mortgage, bills, etc.
I, personally, have almost literally nothing else worth saving my plat for in this game at this point.... other people obviously think differently, and each are justified in their thoughts. I agree completely with Jak that the increase in efficiency is small, marginal.... but.... that exists everywhere in the game... right now people are looking for the *next step up* for everything.... +3 tomes over +2's (and +4's over +3's.. UGH) +7 items would obviously go for a premium, as would superior banes, +9 ac bracers and +6 weapons. Each one gives only a small advantage over their previous top items, but in a game that to alot of people is about fine-tuning at this point, it is 100% justified to them, and that is all that is required.
Simplified.... everyone has a point, everyone is right, no-one is wrong... Sweet ****! :D

I believe I qualified it with

"This post isn't for super old players/founders who have cash to throw around. It's for people who could potentially bankrupt themselves buying one of these, who haven't had the clarity to sit down and do the math."

You're one of those.

01-05-2009, 02:22 AM
People will pay the world for uberness, lol. And I shall charge them it, lol.

I know you weren't saying I buy, just look at all my past trade threads, I just do really well selling on forums, but some people are just ungodly lucky. I know a guy who has pulled HUNDREDS of +2 tomes, every day it seems he pulls one. This person has millions of plat because of it.

hehe I think i know to whom you refer lats i heard hes bene working on a prodgejt to plat cap all his characters, since he has a lto of them thats a crazzy amount of plat last i heard i think he had 5 or 6 of them finished !!!!...

P.S. I h8 him to ;)

I'd love WoP rapiers for a few of my guys my self but i;d settly for WoP SS/daggers, can i borrow your lootign luck for a few weeks mate ;)