View Full Version : select next target

01-03-2009, 10:11 AM
For some reason my select next target is not working like i had it set up I use my center mouse button to select next target. Ok i said mouse must have went out so put my other mouse on same issue ok so I set my setting back to defult and it still want work ok did we change something to these setting that may have caused them not to work any more or just changed what dose what? Now i did see were the button clear on my screen is red and not black like the rest of them if this means any thing...

The knowlege base is not helping with this issue because I don't see it...So any help with this would be very nice at this time I tried in game this is all i keep getting back..

This link you keep giving me what is it for because it is not helping me fix an issue that I am having I all rdy know how to set my keys that is the problem they want set like i had them....That link is not helping me with this at all there is nothing in it that says any thing about why I can't set my select next target not wanting to work with my center button like it was yesterday now it want work....I went in put it on defult to redo it and it still want work even tried another mouse it still want work...so what do you have to say now about this....

01/03/09 10:38 AM For information regarding your Dungeons & Dragons Online help request, please refer to our knowledge base at the following URL: http://turbine.fuzeqna.com/ddo.support/consumer/search.asp or by clicking the FAQ tab in the Help area of the in-game toolbar. - +Glandore+

That right there is not helping me at all

01-03-2009, 10:12 AM
For some reason my select next target is not working like i had it set up I use my center mouse button to select next target. Ok i said mouse must have went out so put my other mouse on same issue ok so I set my setting back to defult and it still want work ok did we change something to these setting that may have caused them not to work any more or just changed what dose what? Now i did see were the button clear on my screen is red and not black like the rest of them if this means any thing...

The knowlege base is not helping with this issue because I don't see it...So any help with this would be very nice at this time I tried in game this is all i keep getting back..

This link you keep giving me what is it for because it is not helping me fix an issue that I am having I all rdy know how to set my keys that is the problem they want set like i had them....That link is not helping me with this at all there is nothing in it that says any thing about why I can't set my select next target not wanting to work with my center button like it was yesterday now it want work....I went in put it on defult to redo it and it still want work even tried another mouse it still want work...so what do you have to say now about this....

01/03/09 10:38 AM For information regarding your Dungeons & Dragons Online help request, please refer to our knowledge base at the following URL: http://turbine.fuzeqna.com/ddo.support/consumer/search.asp or by clicking the FAQ tab in the Help area of the in-game toolbar. - +Glandore+

That right there is not helping me at all

i had this problem when i started ddo for a very long time; resetting to default controls will fix any button-related issues, and you should then be able to reassign it normally.

01-03-2009, 11:13 PM
They fixed it after I keep at them about it... I reset it to default like 2 to 3 times but it did not work. but they fixed it so it is all good now thanks for the reply