View Full Version : Sor'jek Beater Question
01-02-2009, 03:34 PM
Hey all,
I'm looking to make two Sorjek beaters for Shyv and wanted to get some input.
First off they are going to be greensteel light maces (finessable) and bludgeoning gets by his DR. So the question is which should I go with:
Holy/Good Burst/Good Blast
Flaming/Flaming Burst/Flaming Blast
The question is even though the holy does an extra 1d6, the tier 3 effect of Greater Disruption just sucks. Where as the fire based one does 1d6 less per hit, but the tier 3 effect is the occasional massive fire damage.
01-02-2009, 03:39 PM
hmm.. I think the fire special attack averages out to 6 points of damage per swing (its half the damage of the lightning strike) so fire/fire/fire is actually superior to good/good/good against Sorjek. Of course good/good is a true res clicky..
01-02-2009, 03:40 PM
hmm.. I think the fire special attack averages out to 6 points of damage per swing (its half the damage of the lightning strike) so fire/fire/fire is actually superior to good/good/good against Sorjek.
I ALso went FIre/Fire/Fire on my Sor'jek beater for my DPS Rogue.... (Light Mace)
COnsidering ists a Single Tier and Everything hits him, It seemed like the best bet overall.
01-02-2009, 03:49 PM
Thanks guys, I was leaning towards the triple fire but wasn't 100% sure. A True Rez clicky could be nice, but I can UMD raise scrolls with a 100% chance so the demand isn't as high for it.
01-02-2009, 03:52 PM
The question is even though the holy does an extra 1d6, the tier 3 effect of Greater Disruption just sucks. Where as the fire based one does 1d6 less per hit, but the tier 3 effect is the occasional massive fire damage.
Suppose future (or current) lich bosses decide to cast a simple Fire 30 on themselves- then the triple Good is looking a lot better, huh?
01-02-2009, 03:53 PM
Suppose future (or current) lich bosses decide to cast a simple Fire 30 on themselves- then the triple Good is looking a lot better, huh?
Could ask the wizard to cast a Disjunction on them...
But yes.
01-02-2009, 03:54 PM
Suppose future (or current) lich bosses decide to cast a simple Fire 30 on themselves- then the triple Good is looking a lot better, huh?
Suppose FUture Undead Raid Bosses are Chaotic Good....
Fires back to looking pretty good then isnt it?
If you Plan for what "Might be" instead of what we got you probobly will end up crafting nothing at all.
01-02-2009, 03:55 PM
Suppose future (or current) lich bosses decide to cast a simple Fire 30 on themselves- then the triple Good is looking a lot better, huh?
If or when they do that I will craft a triple positive. :D For the now though I'll go with what's best in the present knowing that a change could happen in the future.
01-02-2009, 03:57 PM
Suppose future (or current) lich bosses decide to cast a simple Fire 30 on themselves- then the triple Good is looking a lot better, huh?
Thats why I am thinking radiance2 for the Sorjek beaters. Holy, flaming burst, flaming blast, and on-crit light damage should be pretty nice over a wide range of undead as well as Sorjek.
01-02-2009, 04:02 PM
Thats why I am thinking radiance2 for the Sorjek beaters. Holy, flaming burst, flaming blast, and on-crit light damage should be pretty nice over a wide range of undead as well as Sorjek.
But if they're rapier or kukri they won't beat lich DR. And if they're maces they won't crit much on other enemies.
01-02-2009, 04:07 PM
Follow up question. He's undead, so immune to cold damage correct?
01-02-2009, 04:11 PM
mineral2 of your preferred base damage weapon here is the answer, personally, he has no acid resist either and you are then not limited to bludgeoning choices and weapons subsequently useless elsewhere
01-02-2009, 04:12 PM
Follow up question. He's undead, so immune to cold damage correct?
Immunities (Ex)
Liches have immunity to cold, electricity, polymorph (though they can use polymorph effects on themselves), and mind-affecting attacks.
I Believe they also maintain any Reistances/Imunities they had while alive.
01-02-2009, 04:13 PM
mineral2 of your preferred base damage weapon here is the answer, personally, he has no acid resist either and you are then not limited to bludgeoning choices and weapons subsequently useless elsewhere
48 larges vs. 24 larges. I already have dual lightning II's that I use everywhere else so I'm trying to keep the large investment to a minimum
01-02-2009, 04:13 PM
Immunities (Ex)
Liches have immunity to cold, electricity, polymorph (though they can use polymorph effects on themselves), and mind-affecting attacks.
I Believe they also maintain any Reistances/Imunities they had while alive.
Yeah that's what I figured, was trying to kill two birds with one stone. :p
01-02-2009, 04:16 PM
48 larges vs. 24 larges. I already have dual lightning II's that I use everywhere else so I'm trying to keep the large investment to a minimum
So your making 2? Hmm.. I would seriously consider making one Fire and One Holy then.... Much more flexible for the future....
01-02-2009, 04:18 PM
So your making 2? Hmm.. I would seriously consider making one Fire and One Holy then.... Much more flexible for the future....
Hmmm interesting idea. Yeah I'm crafting two, usualy do things in pairs so the idea of mixing didn't occur to me.
01-02-2009, 07:19 PM
I'd suggest making a Pos-Pos mace. Almost as good as Pos-Pos-Pos, but you keep the 12 ingredients.
01-02-2009, 07:27 PM
I'd suggest making a Pos-Pos mace. Almost as good as Pos-Pos-Pos, but you keep the 12 ingredients.
That's another good point... good blast really isn't all that great... and you could make two of those for no larges spent at all.
Or.... you could just use dual +3 flaming burst heavy maces of greater undead bane...
But... yeah.
01-02-2009, 08:23 PM
Or you could not craft a **** thing and just swing by your local House D vendor or AH and pick up a pair of +4 or +5 holy maces/morningstars/warhammers. These are absurdly cheap, completely bypass the DR, and cost nothing in terms of ingredients.
However, if you are dead set on making a pair of shroud weapons, just go pos-pos on a pair of warhammers. Your bludgeoning weapons are only going to crit on a 20 anyway (unless you actually have the IC: bludgeoning feat), may as well make them a x3 for the good burst effect.
01-02-2009, 09:48 PM
Or you could not craft a **** thing and just swing by your local House D vendor or AH and pick up a pair of +4 or +5 holy maces/morningstars/warhammers. These are absurdly cheap, completely bypass the DR, and cost nothing in terms of ingredients.
However, if you are dead set on making a pair of shroud weapons, just go pos-pos on a pair of warhammers. Your bludgeoning weapons are only going to crit on a 20 anyway (unless you actually have the IC: bludgeoning feat), may as well make them a x3 for the good burst effect.
Yeah thanks for the tip. I already use bludgeoning of greater undead bane and was just looking for some more punch for a minimum cost of larges.
The reason for the light maces is because they are finessable, where as warhammers are not.
01-02-2009, 11:57 PM
48 larges vs. 24 larges. I already have dual lightning II's that I use everywhere else so I'm trying to keep the large investment to a minimum
ahh, i prefer mineral to lightning as a standar weapon on sheer principle, and was glad i did when m8 came out (or when i run vod or shroud above normal)
I'd probably just do the pos-pos, the net gain for anything over that isn't worth any of your larges, imo - making a set of single shard is some dual shard on another toon that's probably gonna do way more for your day to day play unless you are truly griding the **** out of sos.
01-03-2009, 12:21 AM
Follow up question. He's undead, so immune to cold damage correct?
He is… But I realized something about Cold weapons. At least once per mod we have a boss/mini boss that’s vulnerable to cold. (ex. Everything in the end room for Enter the Kobold, Rainbow/Shroud, Cinnus, etc.) So for those situations my main has a Water/Water kopesh. (The Panacea clickie helped finalize the decision)
01-03-2009, 12:47 AM
Yeah thanks for the tip. I already use bludgeoning of greater undead bane and was just looking for some more punch for a minimum cost of larges.
The reason for the light maces is because they are finessable, where as warhammers are not.
Apologies, was speed reading (as I tend to do on these forums) and missed the finessable part.
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