View Full Version : Looking for a guild

01-01-2009, 03:00 PM
Hello all,

I have recently been on a very limited playing schedule and I am considering playing a bit more of the next few months, but I think I need to get into a functioning guild since mine basically disbanded.

I will be playing 3-4 times a week for 3-4 hours a night. I have a 16 lvl bard (spell singer) , a 15/1 wizzard rogue and a 12/4 fighter ranger who are all mostly raid eligible/top quest eligible (except module 8 stuff since apparently these are not run by PUGs).

I am looking to get in a group that runs the raids relativly often, does not need to be elite power teams, but generally compentent would be nice. For example does not have to be 25 min shroud runs, but around 45 mins regularly would be great. It would be nice to find a guild who has somewhere above 7 players on during my play time (9 pm -12 pm central).

What I offer is a generally compentant player, I read the forums to find the proper stratagies, try to set up my character types effeciently as possible, and try to be well stocked. What I am not is a great leader of quest, a absolute min/maxer with a charcter in all the best flavor of the month fittings equipped with all the best raid loot.

I also mainly type to commincate and listen/read for responses, since microphones/sound cards hate me and refuse to let me speak in game. I also have a family and if I am absolutley required to make certain quest at certain time, I am probaly not your guy.

Charater names : Halffnote, Wandamore, Grunth, Tempypest, Bearfist and a small group of underplayed misfits.

Thank you for your time.