View Full Version : Tackilack's Greensteel service

12-22-2008, 11:00 AM
Looking to make a around 5 greensteel items for people.

I consider their value to be in the neighborhood of 300-450 kpp depending on what ingredients are required.

I value:
Major Mana Pots
Large Scales
Large Shrapnel
Red Scales
Chipmunk Funk (**** AH shenanigans)

Also like to point out that:

If you have your bound shavarath stone (the white piece o' pie) you can save dough.
If you crafted the wrong GS item I can take it in trade (no great crossbows)
If you just need to complete your recipe's ingredients I maintain a large inventory of ingredients.

12-22-2008, 12:13 PM
tack look me up in game i will work something out with you for a couple items

12-22-2008, 12:26 PM
+2 dex tome for 2 kopeshs?

I'm shy on twigs or I'd makem myself.

Pm me to discuss

12-22-2008, 12:31 PM
Tack hook me up for the help on the statistics problem !!! I need a rapier. But i'd also give you a +2 intel tome.

12-22-2008, 12:56 PM
it might help a lot if you could post prices on how much you want for a given item.

I personally would love a rapier but wouldn't know what's fair to offer, as I'm back from the game after a very long break.

12-22-2008, 01:43 PM
it might help a lot if you could post prices on how much you want for a given item.

I personally would love a rapier but wouldn't know what's fair to offer, as I'm back from the game after a very long break.
Welcome back!

Not really sure what they are worth. Other than the AH and maybe digging through past trade threads it is hard to say.

I made a GS khopesh a month or 2 ago and it went on the AH for something like 300kpp

Granted my thread is fishing, but the question remains, what is it worth to you?

12-22-2008, 01:44 PM
Tack hook me up for the help on the statistics problem !!! I need a rapier. But i'd also give you a +2 intel tome.

Your rapier awaits.

12-22-2008, 01:57 PM
;) I'll see you some time in game tonight mabye then. Your probably playing right now, all I get to do is be on the forums at work.

12-22-2008, 02:11 PM
;) I'll see you some time in game tonight mabye then. Your probably playing right now, all I get to do is be on the forums at work.

Hey brother be glad you are at work... I would much rather be busy at the office... Cause when I'm playing it means I aint really working... Kroger's/Acme doesnt take platinum!

12-22-2008, 02:21 PM
Heh apparently I'm stingy, my bad

I am in need of

2 Warhammers (higher priority)
1 Quarterstaff (higher priority)
2 Kopeshs

Gimme rough prices. Price per?

Currently for trades I have +2 dex tome, +1 Keen smiting scimmy, and (if it didnt sell) a +5 resist cloak rr: wf

Leme know what that would buy me Tack... oh and thanks for hasting me slow self the other night :D

12-22-2008, 02:25 PM
I hear ya. It just happens to be a really boring day with half the people gone anyways. I'm not getting very many productive things done. So i'd rather be playing.

12-22-2008, 08:09 PM
Heh apparently I'm stingy, my bad

I am in need of

2 Warhammers (higher priority)
1 Quarterstaff (higher priority)
2 Kopeshs

Gimme rough prices. Price per?

Currently for trades I have +2 dex tome, +1 Keen smiting scimmy, and (if it didnt sell) a +5 resist cloak rr: wf

Leme know what that would buy me Tack... oh and thanks for hasting me slow self the other night :D

Yeah I had a lotta fun the other night, you did a great job of showing all the little extra chests in Monastary of the scorpion.

To put this all into perspective here is a tally of the total ingredients need to do all 5 GS items...

Bitterscrub fungus Total 5
Chipmuk funk Total 15
Glistening pebbles Total 10
Green brier twig Total 10
Lily petal Total 8
Locus husk Total 10

Stone battle Total 5
Stone foresight Total 5
Stone might Total 5
Stone strategy Total 5
Stone victory Total 5

so we talking about 80 different ingredients, 25-58 quest runs. god knows how much just in power cells...

but I do like the +5 resistance cloak. and a dex tome is always handy.

give me a some time to figure it, your not supposed to buy out the whole shop on it's first day.

12-22-2008, 10:07 PM
ROFL don't need the whole shop.

Tell ya what think on it and leme know how far the +5 resist cloak and the +2 tome would get me... If dex isnt your flavor... I have a couple others....Will check tonight.

I wasn't expecting all 5 for those items btw.. I was just going to trade them for ingredients and this accomplishes the same goal.

Thge hammers and quarterstaff are my immediate priorities... and I can chip back a few ingreds to even everything out if necessary.

I could make all three now.. just short twigs, if I do this with you then I can use mine for the kopeshs.

12-23-2008, 01:35 AM
I could use a Cloak and Bracers let me know vie pm or in game if you still have any fore sale... I have an asortment of +2 tomes, (have to check to see exacly wich ones), A little plat, and maby some rare items if there are specfic ones you want I can look for them, im my banks.

12-23-2008, 02:06 PM
Just a note... having a hard time coping with all the demand... and then there is the xmas stress...

Need to hire more elves.

I will try to see I can put together next.

12-23-2008, 04:28 PM
I think you now understand why Qwijy doesn't sell mana pots :D

01-06-2009, 08:47 AM
Well as we all know times are hard, I mean it's so bad you cant even find a gnome in stormreach, and all the druids well they are off to greener pastures at the moment...

But tackilack has what we all need...

More greensteel will provide what we need.

More greensteel = more DPS = more chests.

and we all know more chests mean more loot.

We all need to do our patriotic duty, and get more loot.

o and if anyone needs me to make them an item and of course you are willing to give me loot to do it... (I ain't no charity after all) Let me know, I did manage to scrounge up some more components, which was quite the feat in these hard times!

and for those with reading comprehension skill issues... just consider this a bump

01-06-2009, 12:55 PM
Manged to trade for everyting I needed tack.. :) just thought I'd let you know.

01-07-2009, 07:01 AM
Manged to trade for everyting I needed tack.. :) just thought I'd let you know.

yeah I kinda figured that... seemed like you were just missing twigs...

when I started this silly idea I was short twigs and got surprised at their value.

since then I farmed a couple and bought a couple at prices ranging from 30kpp to 40kpp...

I'm glad you got what you needed!

01-10-2009, 09:32 AM
Well as we all know times are hard, mana pots aint getting no cheaper, boldrin is the only one pulling WoP rapiers, and Drama Queen dresses ain't cheap.

It's has come to my attention that someone is offering a measly 75kpp for a borked greensteel item.

I believe they have a higher value, and I'm now accepting them in trade.

In fact, if you have a borked GS item, give me get a chance to earn your business.

01-10-2009, 12:09 PM
Well as we all know times are hard, mana pots aint getting no cheaper, boldrin is the only one pulling WoP rapiers, and Drama Queen dresses ain't cheap.

It's has come to my attention that someone is offering a measly 75kpp for a borked greensteel item.

I believe they have a higher value, and I'm now accepting them in trade.

In fact, if you have a borked GS item, give me get a chance to earn your business.Wanna buy some goggles? What price ya thinkin? :)

(or did you mean trade only?)

01-10-2009, 12:21 PM
Well as we all know times are hard, mana pots aint getting no cheaper, boldrin is the only one pulling WoP rapiers, and Drama Queen dresses ain't cheap.

It's has come to my attention that someone is offering a measly 75kpp for a borked greensteel item.

I believe they have a higher value, and I'm now accepting them in trade.

In fact, if you have a borked GS item, give me get a chance to earn your business.

Do you really want to get into the undercutting game?I'll buy every twig that comes up on the ah and put you out of business, lol.

01-10-2009, 12:39 PM
Wanna buy some goggles? What price ya thinkin? :)

(or did you mean trade only?)

I already got the buyer lined up. so... follow me to the closing table.

in other words...

PM Sent.

01-10-2009, 12:47 PM
I'll buy every twig that comes up on the ah and put you out of business, lol.


There is no doubt in my mind that you can buy every twig. Maybe it would be best for me if you did?

Now I'm going to go try and solo coal chamber on my sorc wielding a banishing rapier of puncturing.

You'll probably see a LFM in an hour saying "COAL CHAMBER NEED HELP"

01-10-2009, 01:01 PM

There is no doubt in my mind that you can buy every twig. Maybe it would be best for me if you did?

Now I'm going to go try and solo coal chamber on my sorc wielding a banishing rapier of puncturing.

You'll probably see a LFM in an hour saying "COAL CHAMBER NEED HELP"

Lmao!! too true, and Good luck :)

01-11-2009, 12:06 AM
I already got the buyer lined up. so... follow me to the closing table.

in other words...

PM Sent.Deal completed, woohoo!

Much better than a paltry 75k!

(Oh noes, now Boldrin is gonna buy out QwijyMart!)

01-11-2009, 02:47 AM
Do you really want to get into the undercutting game?I'll buy every twig that comes up on the ah and put you out of business, lol.


At least not till he finishes makign the stuff i need ;)


There is no doubt in my mind that you can buy every twig. Maybe it would be best for me if you did?

Now I'm going to go try and solo coal chamber on my sorc wielding a banishing rapier of puncturing.

You'll probably see a LFM in an hour saying "COAL CHAMBER NEED HELP"

If it was a WF sorc that wouold be EASY, if not still doable but more work/cost.

01-11-2009, 11:41 AM
If it was a WF sorc that wouold be EASY, if not still doable but more work/cost.Am I missing something here? We're talking about Coal Chamber, right? If I had to solo that, I think my (fleshie) sorc would be my first choice just for the haste and jump (yes, I said jump. It makes others fall off, it helps me). It's like 90% running and 10% FoD-ing.

(plus, can't every non-WF sorc toss heal scrolls with little/no failure rate?)

Not trying to be a jackass, I'm just a bit mystified. The quest can be a pain, but it's far from difficult... right?

...or is it because he said he'd bring the rapier?

01-11-2009, 12:01 PM
It's like 90% running and 10% FoD-ing.

Don't forget that there is a 10-20% commission.:D

01-11-2009, 12:43 PM
Deal completed, woohoo!

Much better than a paltry 75k!

(Oh noes, now Boldrin is gonna buy out QwijyMart!)

The time has come for World domination!!!

01-11-2009, 12:44 PM
Am I missing something here? We're talking about Coal Chamber, right? If I had to solo that, I think my (fleshie) sorc would be my first choice just for the haste and jump (yes, I said jump. It makes others fall off, it helps me). It's like 90% running and 10% FoD-ing.

(plus, can't every non-WF sorc toss heal scrolls with little/no failure rate?)

Not trying to be a jackass, I'm just a bit mystified. The quest can be a pain, but it's far from difficult... right?

...or is it because he said he'd bring the rapier?

Actually suggestion is my best friend on my wf sorc in there whe I solo, saves a lot of SP

01-12-2009, 02:05 AM
Am I missing something here? We're talking about Coal Chamber, right? If I had to solo that, I think my (fleshie) sorc would be my first choice just for the haste and jump (yes, I said jump. It makes others fall off, it helps me). It's like 90% running and 10% FoD-ing.

(plus, can't every non-WF sorc toss heal scrolls with little/no failure rate?)

Not trying to be a jackass, I'm just a bit mystified. The quest can be a pain, but it's far from difficult... right?

...or is it because he said he'd bring the rapier?

I said EASY and more work/cost scrolsl cost money!!!! repair is free ;) i never said ti would be HARD just mroe work/copst then EASY!

01-12-2009, 01:34 PM
OK all you guys gonna have to take it out in the street... no more bickering in my shop...

I ain't soloing Coal chamber no how. I take friends and then buy their unwanted slices of pie.

01-12-2009, 03:25 PM
OK all you guys gonna have to take it out in the street... no more bickering in my shop...

I ain't soloing Coal chamber no how. I take friends and then buy their unwanted slices of pie.****, I forgot to put "bump" at the bottom of my post. :D


01-17-2009, 09:00 AM

01-19-2009, 08:12 PM
2 khopesh, but can provide the signets..so basically need the ores/tapers/ect

got a +2 cha tome and +5 resistance(RR.WF) cloak, and some larges too maybe

01-20-2009, 07:01 AM
2 khopesh, but can provide the signets..so basically need the ores/tapers/ect

got a +2 cha tome and +5 resistance(RR.WF) cloak, and some larges too maybe

PM sent...

And don't fret you can keep the drawstring closed on your ingredients bag!

01-25-2009, 07:52 AM
I've had a few pms of people asking if I am still doing this...

answer is yes!

02-04-2009, 04:54 PM
Life is short game is long!

Tackilack Greenstheel selvice got large shipment of pie...

He so crazy he sell real cheap. You talk to him! He A#1 guy! (http://forums.ddo.com/private.php?do=newpm&pmid=938014)

02-11-2009, 10:04 AM
Tackilack respectfully requests that you all stop buying the Greensteel item that he posts on the AH.

You can see them listed at 500kpp, which after the thurd of AH commission equates to 350kpp and change...

This is too much, he doesnt want you all to overpay, just to pay a fair value!

Again stop buying my inventory off the AH and come directly to me :)

So you ask why he puts item of AH he no want to sell?

Where better to maintain his inventory? He so silry!

And remember game is long, life is short!

02-11-2009, 10:39 AM
You all should buy greensteel items from tackilack.

I would never pay inflated AH prices for greensteel when tackilack's greensteel service is so economical! I don't even bother making them myself anymore. i just find that tackilack's greensteel service has given me SO much more time to play since I don't need to trouble myself with the details.

Thanks, Tack!

02-11-2009, 12:58 PM
You all should buy greensteel items from tackilack.

I would never pay inflated AH prices for greensteel when tackilack's greensteel service is so economical! I don't even bother making them myself anymore. i just find that tackilack's greensteel service has given me SO much more time to play since I don't need to trouble myself with the details.

Thanks, Tack!

Well said your check is in the mail...

But really I mean even if you dont need a GS item, just buy one anyway.

And I'm currently having a special 1 Greensteel great crossbow for the price of 2!

02-11-2009, 01:09 PM
Well said your check is in the mail...

But really I mean even if you dont need a GS item, just buy one anyway.

And I'm currently having a special 1 Greensteel great crossbow for the price of 2!

Thats more of a deal than a +25% XP and +1 loot weekend, Tack! It's practically a steal!

02-11-2009, 01:41 PM
You all should buy greensteel items from tackilack.

I would never pay inflated AH prices for greensteel when tackilack's greensteel service is so economical! I don't even bother making them myself anymore. i just find that tackilack's greensteel service has given me SO much more time to play since I don't need to trouble myself with the details.

Thanks, Tack!

I agree wholeheartedly - it's easy enough to toss down a bit of plat and get your GS!

02-11-2009, 02:15 PM
Don't worry tack when the time comes for my wf bot to need his gs kopeshes you have my business.

02-11-2009, 02:50 PM
Don't worry tack when the time comes for my wf bot to need his gs kopeshes you have my business.

well see that is the **** problem someone came along and bought one of them off the AH @ 500kpp...

so now I gotta go make you anutter! sheez...