View Full Version : Buying Gold coins

12-21-2008, 09:07 PM
Paying 10K plat each anyone interested PM or see me in game

12-21-2008, 09:30 PM
u trying for +4 tome? :D

12-21-2008, 09:32 PM
i think he's going for both +3s and +4s =P
either one makes good money :D:D:D

12-21-2008, 09:37 PM
Since it appears +4 tomes go for over 12 mil plat he could buy 1,200 gold coins for 10k plat each and as long as he hit 1 +4 tome he would break even and that isn't counting all the other goodies he will be able to sell..

12-21-2008, 09:39 PM
I will never understand why +1 to a stat can be worth 12mill plat.

12-21-2008, 09:42 PM
I will never understand why +1 to a stat can be worth 12mill plat.

it's only +1 if you already have a +3 tome on that slot =)
+4 is never a bad thing :cool::cool::cool:
ooops, we kinda hijacked his thread....

12-21-2008, 09:45 PM
I will never understand why +1 to a stat can be worth 12mill plat.

Some people are very skilled at and spend alot of time getting plat like the OP, and others have lots of real life money that they can shell out on some silly video game for plat. Point is some people got money to burn so they probably think why not..

12-21-2008, 10:05 PM
it's only +1 if you already have a +3 tome on that slot =)
+4 is never a bad thing :cool::cool::cool:
ooops, we kinda hijacked his thread....

Anybody who plays enough to gather 12 mill plat, is doubtful they'd be gaining +4 in a stat from that tome, unless it's a new re-roll.

Even then..... I honestly don't see the value in it.

But I guess a fool and his money are easily parted ;)

12-21-2008, 10:07 PM
Anybody who plays enough to gather 12 mill plat, is doubtful they'd be gaining +4 in a stat from that tome, unless it's a new re-roll.

Even then..... I honestly don't see the value in it.

But I guess a fool and his money are easily parted ;)

Dunno, have a 22 starting strength would be pretty sweet on a melee.

12-21-2008, 10:22 PM
12 mil plat for a +4 WIS tome...hmm, wonder what a +4 INT tome would go for in that case. 15 million? 20 million?

12-21-2008, 11:32 PM
12 mil plat for a +4 WIS tome...hmm, wonder what a +4 INT tome would go for in that case. 15 million? 20 million?

Finally, something more valuable than WoP rapiers! :rolleyes:

12-21-2008, 11:33 PM
Anybody who plays enough to gather 12 mill plat, is doubtful they'd be gaining +4 in a stat from that tome, unless it's a new re-roll.

Even then..... I honestly don't see the value in it.

But I guess a fool and his money are easily parted ;)

an AC toon could start with 9 int and quality with the tome

a twf toon could start with 13 dex and still get itwf and gtwf

more importantly, for someone like boldrin who has tons of stuff and plat and nothing to spend on, plat isnt an issue. the value of plat is considerably lower. in addition we are talking about a game currency which has almost zero RL value

only a fool would place that much value on ingame currency to hoard it

12-21-2008, 11:37 PM
Since it appears +4 tomes go for over 12 mil plat he could buy 1,200 gold coins for 10k plat each and as long as he hit 1 +4 tome he would break even and that isn't counting all the other goodies he will be able to sell..

If it was 1 in 1200 to get a +4 tome we would have seen the threads about it pop up hours after festivult coins started dropping. If it was 1 in 10000, we would have seen them the day after.

12-21-2008, 11:40 PM
If it was 1 in 1200 to get a +4 tome we would have seen the threads about it pop up hours after festivult coins started dropping. If it was 1 in 10000, we would have seen them the day after.

Source? :p

12-21-2008, 11:44 PM
Anybody who plays enough to gather 12 mill plat, is doubtful they'd be gaining +4 in a stat from that tome, unless it's a new re-roll.

Even then..... I honestly don't see the value in it.

But I guess a fool and his money are easily parted ;)
If he gets a +4 Int tome, he can jump from, say, 14 to 18 before L2 on a new character and get 2 extra skill points/level over a +2 Int tome.

Plus, I mean, then he could loudly proclaim he's the first character in the game to gobble an unbound +4 Int tome at L1. There's a pretty fun amount of prestige in that statement alone.

12-21-2008, 11:47 PM
Source? :p

My superior brain!

Wouldnt take long for 5 servers worth of people to gather and turn in 1200 gold coins. Knowing you, you probably had 100 or so by the first day :D

12-22-2008, 12:18 AM
But I guess a fool and his money are easily parted ;)

the fool doth quote the wise man when the wise men would not speak.

Seriously though, good luck boldrin. If I had that sort of money i would be buying them. +4 stat tome would be ripper.

12-22-2008, 01:01 AM
My superior brain!

Wouldnt take long for 5 servers worth of people to gather and turn in 1200 gold coins. Knowing you, you probably had 100 or so by the first day :D

shrug.. As the Ghallanda thread illustrates the price of a +4 tome is over 12 mil plat which doesn't mean it will not hit 20+ mil plat by the time the bidding is all done. In addition, nobody knows what the drop rate for many of the other sought after items such as greensteals and +3 tomes. Who knows the drop rate of special items such that they can say its a bad idea to buy up gold coins at the price they are at on the market and turn them in and sell the items thereby possibly making a tidy profit on the margins. For that matter buying a bunch of gold coins and reselling them later as more +4 tomes hit the market and the value of gold coins goes up could also be a good idea.

Some people in this game really enjoy this sort of thing whether it is buying of the ah for cheap and then reselling or buying from house d and reselling or speculating and buying or selling an item before an item's price fluctuates. Personally this stuff bores me to tears..

12-22-2008, 04:11 AM
If he gets a +4 Int tome, he can jump from, say, 14 to 18 before L2 on a new character and get 2 extra skill points/level over a +2 Int tome.

Plus, I mean, then he could loudly proclaim he's the first character in the game to gobble an unbound +4 Int tome at L1. There's a pretty fun amount of prestige in that statement alone.

I get a +4 int... Chomp chomp chomp!!! I got a new monkey rogue that would love that

12-22-2008, 04:30 AM
Plus I'm a gambling man. I wish they had a good gambling thing on the game to risk and win or lose plat.

12-22-2008, 07:01 AM
Plus I'm a gambling man. I wish they had a good gambling thing on the game to risk and win or lose plat.

that guy in the harbor in the now first in the floating one.

12-22-2008, 07:08 AM
that guy in the harbor in the now first in the floating one.

Yeah, but he stinks

12-22-2008, 07:23 AM
Yeah, but he stinks

never said he was any good just that hes there ;)

12-24-2008, 07:40 AM
Still buying more, keep em coming.