View Full Version : Cratesmasher

12-20-2008, 09:33 AM
well, for one thing, you can't have 3 weapons in your hands, so you'll have to pick either the insight AC bonus, or the +2 WIS or +2 DEX item, you can't have all three at once....



12-20-2008, 09:34 AM
I've been having a virtual discussion with Aranticus over in the Ranger forum. The discussion there needs to stay there. But, in that discussion I brought up my warforged ranger Cratesmasher. One of the things discussed was AC. Working from memory (traveling and game won't run on the hotel connection) I posted what I thought was a close approximation to Cratesmasher's AC.

Aranticus posted this in reply:

dex = 18+3tome+4lvl+6item+3enh = 34
wis = 14+3tome+1enh+6item = 24

base: 10
wf comp: 2
docent+ritual: 6
dodge: 1
dex: 12
wis: 7
garde: 2
ring: 3
insight: 4
prot: 5
CE: 5
centred: 1
total = 58 unbuffed

barkskin: 4/ 62

this is the approx numbers i'm looking at. not sure how you get your 67 unbuffed number, which is why i asked

Now, I have to say that discussing things with Aranticus is sometimes like pulling teeth without anesthesia. It just hurts. :(

But, if you can tolerate the pain it can be beneficial. ;)

I have with me some early paper copies from the character builder so have made comparisons. Here is, again approximately because I cannot get into the game to verify it, my actual AC.

10 Base
02 Composite Plating
09 Dexterity bonus (22 DEX w +6 item)
06 Wisdom bonus (17 WIS w +6 item)
06 +5 Docent w alchemical ritual
01 Dodge feat
02 Chaosgarde
05 +5 Protection item
02 Tempest enhancement
01 TW defense feat
01 Centered bonus
45 unbuffed AC

05 Combat Expertise
04 Barkskin
04 Shield (from UMD wand)
13 additional AC from buffs*

02 +4 DEX from final stat increase and +3 tome
02 +3 WIS from +3 tome
04 Insight bonus from Shroud weapon
01 +2 DEX exceptional stat from Shroud item
01 +2 WIS exceptional stat from Shroud item
03 Chattering Ring
13 potential additional AC based on equipment I don't yet have**

That makes total potential AC 45+13+13=71. I have not crafted any Shroud items and have not tried the exceptional stats as a result. The +2 there is based on information gleaned from the forums.

Paladin aura, additional natural AC from a full ranger barkskin, bard buffs and cleric buffs represent situational boosts to the AC as well.

If you see errors in my math (for example, similar bonus types that do not stack) please advise. But, I think I have the AC calculation pretty close. :)

*I included CE in buffs because it is situational and I also have Power Attack so I view it (CE) more as a buff.
** I have not yet used any tomes on DEX or WIS and show only the max possible under current game. +3 tomes is probably unrealistic for much of the game (unless I get hugely lucky) but a +1 increase to AC from both WIS and DEX is not.

12-20-2008, 09:38 AM
your math is ok, however..

1: insight 4, and +2 exceptional to a stat, are both weapon bonuses on tier3 upgrades, in other words, you cannot have all 3 at the same time (you only have 2 weapon slots). also, doing so commits you to using really bad weapons with few damage upgrades, which would really harm your damage output in a way that isn't strongly beneficial to your overall performance (in fact, I'd argue the entire staying centered concept is not of great value to your build, but that's a separate decision that depends whether you have 2 monk or 3 monk, etc (ki is useless until you have 3 monk for light path and light combos, eg fire/light/fire, etc)).

the dragontouched docent's +2 to composite plating would get you more ac than you have accounted for here, however.

is this a straight dex/wis build? 17 wis before tomes or items, 22 dexterity?

what tomes have you eaten so far? (you have to have eaten at least a +1 dex tome to have 22 base dex before 16)

12-20-2008, 10:18 AM
He could try and get the insight 4 on dragontouched armor

12-21-2008, 07:49 PM
well, for one thing, you can't have 3 weapons in your hands, so you'll have to pick either the insight AC bonus, or the +2 WIS or +2 DEX item, you can't have all three at once....

Thanks for that. It looks like I can build a radiance weapon with the +2 exceptional DEX and good burst and another with +4 insight bonus and good burst. I know there is debate on value of radiance weapon vs transmuting but I'd think in this case radiance would be the better choice.

I'd argue the entire staying centered concept is not of great value to your build

I don't try to stay centered. The current +1 bonus seems to be applied regardless of weapon selection. When using kamas I get a higher BAB (IIRC) but the centered bonus appears to be there all of the time.

He could try and get the insight 4 on dragontouched armor

Oh, good thought. Wasn't what I'd considered but....

Other notes:

Might be that I've eaten a DEX tome -- I just don't think so. I start with 16 DEX, take 3 level ups and 3 enhancements to 22 and add a +6 item to 28. Will take final stat upgrade in DEX then add +1 tome until I eventually pull/acquire a +3.

WIS started at 15 and has +1 from 2 monk levels so must be only 16 atm as I don't think I've used a tome there. Means that top end for WIS must be 18 so adjust AC down by 1.

Adjusting for this information it looks like top AC will be 69 unless I can get the dragontouched docent with +2 to composite bonus and +4 insight bonus. Then I could wield 2 radiance weapons with exceptional bonuses and push the AC to 72.

Thanks a lot for the help.