View Full Version : no help from GM

12-16-2008, 09:37 PM
so dragon bugs out on prey on the hunter....sent a ticket....accually sent 6 tickets....and posted lfm's....and no response from GM....are u on a coffee break or just dont like ur job....we have been waiting over 1hr and a 1/2...and still wainting.....cmon guys seriously

12-16-2008, 09:45 PM
This would be the 3rd time I have seen someone have no response from a GM on this issue. I understand that its a known issue that the dragon does this on occasion but it kinda seems like the GM's are all gone these days.

12-16-2008, 09:45 PM
maybe they are buisy filling out job applications. doing a job this badly is bound to reuire a new line of work eventually.

ya they need to hire some ppl that understand the concept of customer service

12-16-2008, 09:45 PM
STILL WAITING....goin on 2hrs now

Much as I hate to tell you this, cause I waited for 40 min last night for the same issue, you might as well rerun the quest.

12-16-2008, 09:46 PM
When parties have a problem and send in 6 tickets not 1 it adds to the overall delay while the GM's sort through them.

Just sayin...

12-16-2008, 09:48 PM
havent had a problem with GM assistance since before mod 5, not been waiting for quite awhile an even posted an LFM that would get me flagged in a heartbeat any other day just to try to get their attention aint worked yet.

12-16-2008, 09:48 PM
maybe they are buisy filling out job applications. doing a job this badly is bound to reuire a new line of work eventually.

12-16-2008, 09:49 PM
STILL WAITING....goin on 2hrs now

12-16-2008, 09:51 PM
we even posted lfm's that would prob get us banned....and still no response....there usally pretty quick to pick those up

12-16-2008, 10:19 PM
so dragon bugs out on prey on the hunter....sent a ticket....accually sent 6 tickets....and posted lfm's....and no response from GM....are u on a coffee break or just dont like ur job....we have been waiting over 1hr and a 1/2...and still wainting.....cmon guys seriously

Dude. I've said it several times before: There are NO Dms on duty much of the time. If you don't get a DM within 10 minutes, just bend over and kiss your... halfling... goodbye.

Here's proof that they aren't busy... Go look at the first ticket you filed. Take note of the ticket number.

Now, go look at the ticket you filed an hour later. How many numbers higher is it? I bet it's under 10. And 5 of those were yours.

The DMs are not busy. They just aren't there!

12-16-2008, 10:52 PM
lol ICU reported me for him flaming me after i posted a sergod joke in my lfm requesting a GM and so did half a dozen other ANONYMOUS sergod supporters after they flamed me, and STILL no GM talked to me or assisted my group. this goes to shrow GM's take wicked long coffee breaks.

12-16-2008, 10:58 PM
Dude. I've said it several times before: There are NO Dms on duty much of the time. If you don't get a DM within 10 minutes, just bend over and kiss your... halfling... goodbye.

Here's proof that they aren't busy... Go look at the first ticket you filed. Take note of the ticket number.

Now, go look at the ticket you filed an hour later. How many numbers higher is it? I bet it's under 10. And 5 of those were yours.

The DMs are not busy. They just aren't there!

I didn't notice the number of the first ticket, but their were 21 over the 50 min and 5 were mine

12-17-2008, 12:07 PM
The problem here is that people have an EXPECTATION that their ticket will be responded to. This expectation is reinforced by the fact that they have a mechanism for submitting tickets and even a spot on the forums where people can post about Customer Service, and even someone who has whatever job title +Sparker has.

So this can all be avoided by truth in advertising, so to speak. Having people wait expectantly for hours creates a real challenge for customer satisfaction. Just eliminate the ticket system, or state "Your ticket may or may not be responded to for many hours. We suggest that you file a bug report regarding your issue and we will attempt to follow up on it. If you are having a problem with a quest we suggest that you re-run the quest if you have not received a response within 15 minutes."

Then delete this entire section of the forum while you are at it.

I am now under the working assumption that given fixed and dynamic costs associated with this type of business, we would have to spend significantly greater amounts of money (or there would need to be significantly higher numbers of subscribers) in order to have the benefit of a responsive customer service division.

Bottom line on this easy fix: it is hard to be disappointed when you don't have expectations.

This is posted in absolute seriousness and is not an attempt at sarcasm.


12-17-2008, 05:16 PM
<cut>This is posted in absolute seriousness and is not an attempt at sarcasm.<cut>


I have said the same thing in different words before. Basically, if there is no one home, turn off the welcome light!

People don't get very mad at bugs in general. Nor do they get vary mad at companies who say "Support hours are 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern" They may not like it, but they tend to accept it.

But if you claim to be open but you really arent, so people wait around for you and waste their time unnecessarily... Man that ****es people off.

12-19-2008, 12:22 AM
Just happened to us tonight. We waited over an hour with no response. Then we gave up. What is the point of having GMs if they're not available to help, particularly in the evening when most people play?

On a separate issue, Prey needs to be fixed. This is getting ridiculous.

12-19-2008, 12:26 AM
Just happened to us tonight. We waited over an hour with no response. Then we gave up. What is the point of having GMs if they're not available to help, particularly in the evening when most people play?

On a separate issue, Prey needs to be fixed. This is getting ridiculous.

you do know that evening time are not standard working hours rite? so higher salary or costs. and turbine isnt exactly loaded with cash..... at least on ddo :rolleyes:

12-19-2008, 12:33 AM
sitting in prey waiting on a dm atm. please shut down this quest until you get it fixed. this sux

12-19-2008, 07:18 AM
you do know that evening time are not standard working hours rite? so higher salary or costs. and turbine isnt exactly loaded with cash..... at least on ddo :rolleyes:

Actually, for an MMO with US servers, that has to be standard working hours for GMs. That's when most people play.

12-19-2008, 12:42 PM
Actually, for an MMO with US servers, that has to be standard working hours for GMs. That's when most people play.

they wont be paid the normal rates compared to a GM who works 9-5. this is also the truth for many other occupations in a developed country