View Full Version : Two Coming Back - Looking fo Best Match
12-05-2008, 08:45 PM
Two of us are coming back and looking for a guild, also some advice on how we can best fit in.
If I had to state a goal, other than having a good time playing once a week or so, it would be to get one character to 1750 favor before creating a new one.
I have 5 characters: a level 9 sorcerer, a level 9 rogue, a level 10 cleric, a level 10 fighter, and a level 8 fighter. All are old line builds. For example, my level 10 fighter (sword and board dwarf) has already been panned on the fighter forum and is probably not salvageable. I'll be working on the others to see which is the best candidate for going to 1750 favor. However, I'm open to advice.
12-06-2008, 02:23 AM
I was in your boat. I decided to scrap everything and start over. It wasn't so bad.
12-06-2008, 02:36 AM
I was in your boat. I decided to scrap everything and start over. It wasn't so bad.
good advice I think. Scrap all but the sorc and the cleric, start fresh and get a feel for the game as it is today.
Use the sorc and the cleric to fund your new lowbies and re-roll these when the lowbies can stand on their own.
As far as guilds.................. play with them 1st then decide. No point in joining a "huge guild" with people you dont like playing with and overlooking a smaller guild of like minded people. The situation could easily be reversed....its just an example.
12-06-2008, 11:55 AM
Looking at the forums, it looks like multi-class characters are the way to go, and it is much easier to make an effective multi-class character with a 32 point ability start, and a tome or two to bump up selected abilities even further. Regardless, my sorcerer and cleric have a little over 500 favor each, so it looks like a long haul to 1750.
Anyway, I'm going to post my sorcerer and cleric character development files on their respective forums to see how they can be improved to contribute to groups.
Thanks for the input.
12-07-2008, 08:25 PM
Of the two, your sorceror looks best to me.
12-08-2008, 07:39 AM
I'd say either grind to 1750 with your cleric (he's still viable, right?) or roll a drow sorc and grind him to 1750. Drow don't get 32pt builds, so you won't have to reroll him to get the benefit.
12-08-2008, 04:17 PM
I'd say either grind to 1750 with your cleric (he's still viable, right?) or roll a drow sorc and grind him to 1750. Drow don't get 32pt builds, so you won't have to reroll him to get the benefit.
Drow are 32 point builds...
Just you can't put the 4 extra points where ever you want them they go into Int. and Chr.
12-08-2008, 04:25 PM
I had a 28 point cleric that I got my favor on and rolled up another cleric, and honestly, the 32 pointer isn't noticeably better than the 28 pointer. So, I would definitely play those guys until you get to 1750. A drow bard might be good for a haggle monkey, too. :D
As for a guild, I agree with the previous poster who said to play with people for a while and find some like minded people. Don't be afraid to only put one toon into a guild until you get a feel for it, too.
That said, Omegahood is always looking for nice, fun people to play with and we are willing to help people coming back to the game. Look us up and if we're playing toons of your level, shoot us a tell. *Most* of us work and play well with others. :D
12-09-2008, 04:17 AM
Drow are 32 point builds...
Just you can't put the 4 extra points where ever you want them they go into Int. and Chr.
Exactly. Which was part of my point: you don't need to re-roll your drow to "remain competitive" with a similar 32pt non-drow build. Remain competitive in parenthesis, because it really isn't THAT big of a deal.
But to be exact, in certain cases drow are better than 32pt builds. No other race can start with a base 20 cha or int.
What I meant was that they're not 32-pointers per se.
Back on topic. There are plenty of great guilds on Ghallanda. Most are laid-back and fun to run with. Like others have already said, check them out and make your decision based on your own experiences. It's only natural people tout their own guild's horn, I know I would if I was in a guild ;)
12-09-2008, 08:45 PM
Totally suggest only stayin drow sorc to unlock 32 pt, then go with human. They are far superior.
12-13-2008, 03:46 PM
Will probably start by playing my cleric. Will use the free feat exchange given by Lockania to trade out Extra Turning for Quicken (or for Empower, Heighten, Maximize). He'll be a healer/buffer.
My Drow Sorcerer needs a lot of work on his spells, and that is pretty expensive. Trading out current spells for preferred spells (based on forum comments) would cost about 138,000 GP.
Looking at a spreadsheet, it looks to me like you have to complete all quest, level 10 and below, on elite, to get to 1,750 favor.
12-15-2008, 12:58 PM
To get to 1750 favor, I'd definitely go with the cleric. You can re-feat him with maximize, and between cometfall and blade barrier as an L11 Cleric... there's a ton of favor you can solo... but as a cleric... you probably won't need to.
I still run my 28pt beta cleric instead of having rerolled a cleric... there just wasn't that much advantage to rerolling (though I do have a monk1/rogue2/cleric13 in progress... traps/umd/crazy ac).
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