View Full Version : Min 2 necklace that didn't happen

11-27-2008, 11:40 AM
I submitted a bug erport about this a week ago and have yet to hear anything back from anyone in any shape form or fashion. Basicly its like this, had a GS necklace that I had already done EEE tier 1 and EEP tier 2 to. Finially got all 24 ingros and 2 SoSP. Ran a completion Shroud, made a EEE SoSP, a EEP SoSP, then combined the 2 to make a SoSP supreme min shard. Then took necklace and teh SoSP that was just made and combined them. All I got for my 24ingros, 2 SoSP was your standard tier3 upgrade when I should have recived that and Heavy Fort and Prot +5. When the hell is someone at turbine gonig to look into this and help me out here. I used 36 total ingros and got screwed. To redo it would be 72 ingros and a whole bunch of time I dont have being I only get to play about 10hr a week between 2 days. Get off your duff turbine and fix it please.

11-27-2008, 11:44 AM
I submitted a bug erport about this a week ago and have yet to hear anything back from anyone in any shape form or fashion. Basicly its like this, had a GS necklace that I had already done EEE tier 1 and EEP tier 2 to. Finially got all 24 ingros and 2 SoSP. Ran a completion Shroud, made a EEE SoSP, a EEP SoSP, then combined the 2 to make a SoSP supreme min shard. Then took necklace and teh SoSP that was just made and combined them. All I got for my 24ingros, 2 SoSP was your standard tier3 upgrade when I should have recived that and Heavy Fort and Prot +5. When the hell is someone at turbine gonig to look into this and help me out here. I used 36 total ingros and got screwed. To redo it would be 72 ingros and a whole bunch of time I dont have being I only get to play about 10hr a week between 2 days. Get off your duff turbine and fix it please.

can you post a screenshot of the item?


11-27-2008, 12:21 PM
can you post a screenshot of the item?


I think he put all 3 in the machine at once, rather than merging the 2 shards first, THEN merging the shard and necklace.

11-27-2008, 12:33 PM
Are you sure you combined both shards first to make your "super" shard? then put your GS necklace, "super" shard and energy cell for your upgrade?

Sounds like you may have put your GS, 2 shards and energy cell instead.

11-27-2008, 01:50 PM
Are you sure you combined both shards first to make your "super" shard? then put your GS necklace, "super" shard and energy cell for your upgrade?

Sounds like you may have put your GS, 2 shards and energy cell instead.

yeah in that case he would be left over with an extra supreme shard and he does say:

made a EEE SoSP, a EEP SoSP, then combined the 2 to make a SoSP supreme min shard

OP: do you have a shard left over? Do you have screenshots of the process?

Hint to the OP: Asking Turbine to 'Get off your duff turbine and fix it please' is not going to get you a reply.


11-27-2008, 10:12 PM
yeah in that case he would be left over with an extra supreme shard and he does say:

OP: do you have a shard left over? Do you have screenshots of the process?

Hint to the OP: Asking Turbine to 'Get off your duff turbine and fix it please' is not going to get you a reply.


Had I known that something like this could happen, I would have taken screenshots during the process, so the answer is no. The best I can do is screenshot the finished necklace.

No I do not have an extra shard left over. Yes I did combine them first. And being a paying customer to this game, getting some kind of responce within a weeks time is within reason. All I want is my necklace the way it was supposed to have come out, a new GS and a return of all ingros I had to use during the process to make it so that I can do it again or atleast a return of all tier 3 ingros used during the process of tier 3 and reset the necklace back to a EEE/EEP tier1/tier2 state so I can do that part over again atleast.

Screenshot of finished product: [/url]http://img443.imageshack.us/img443/831/dndclient20081127232029pd1.png[/URL].

11-27-2008, 10:15 PM
I think he put all 3 in the machine at once, rather than merging the 2 shards first, THEN merging the shard and necklace.

I have a min2 kopesh, so i know to combine the shards together first before trying to applying them to the item.

11-27-2008, 11:02 PM
Screenshot of finished product

Do you have any screenshots of the shards and it while they were being made?

That would probably help you with getting a response.

The main issue is probably that Turbine doesn't have any real means of verifying whether or not you actually put everything in as you were supposed to.

11-27-2008, 11:04 PM
Actually, if you got the positive effect, then you didn't do the dual-shard properly.

The dual-shard should favor Earth over Positive from my experience.

11-27-2008, 11:39 PM
Not an expert at crafting forensics, but by your screenshot, looks like you did the 1st 2 tiers correctly, and messed up the 3rd tier.

To have the min. 2 option with the 1st 2 tiers you went with, you needed to go with one of: wis skills and 100 sp, con skills nd 20 hp, acid guard, superior acid lore, +2 exceptional fort save, or 10 inherent acid resist.

Since it's showing the +3 cha skills for 3rd tier, I think you put in the incorrect ingredients for one of the shards.

Are you sure you didn't make an air instead of a positive somewhere when making that eep shard? That's my guess, b/c the recipes are similar, and everyone is so concerned with scales. The positive recipe is: bone, scales, arrow, stone

while the air recipe is bone, shrapnel, arrow, stone.

Swapping a shrap for a scale would get you cha skills and the results you ended up with.

11-27-2008, 11:57 PM
If the ingredients at the last part don't match on both shards (except for the focus) they wont combine.

At a guess, I am going to say you accidently made 2 positive focuses which combined into a single EEP shard which you then put on your item.

11-28-2008, 12:03 AM
If the ingredients at the last part don't match on both shards (except for the focus) they wont combine.

At a guess, I am going to say you accidently made 2 positive focuses which combined into a single EEP shard which you then put on your item.

That's good too.

Never even thought about it, but if you make to of the exact same shard, they combine into just 1 shard? That both sux and blows.

11-28-2008, 09:57 AM
Do you have any screenshots of the shards and it while they were being made?

That would probably help you with getting a response.

The main issue is probably that Turbine doesn't have any real means of verifying whether or not you actually put everything in as you were supposed to.

Agani, had I known that crafting items in shroud had some bugs to it, I would have been doing screenshoots at each stage to help my cause here, but the fact remains I didn't and dont. The EEE/EEP SoSP I made said it was a Mineral shard. Just when I combined it with my necklace I only got the pos effects of it which just irks me to no end as I'm now out 36 ingros and 2-3m of work to have to redo it again if they wont help me here.

11-28-2008, 10:18 AM
I submitted a bug erport about this a week ago and have yet to hear anything back from anyone

The bug report form CLEARLY tells you that you should expect NO reply, and that it is NOT a customer service tool, it is there to help fix the bugs, not to offer player restitution or help of any kind.

As such, you can wait a few years if you like, and you still won't get any response, because you're not supposed to get one.

Furthermore, the fact that you didn't even read that form properly makes me extremely suspect that you did not simply make a mistake in the creation process, just like you did in the reporting process, and then proceeded to vehemently demand restitution.

No body has reported any bugs with the actual crafting that did not turn out to be player mistakes - in the 1000s of items that have been created - so to begin with your report is a bit suspect. What HAS been reported is that the various tools out there available to help craft the items DO have mistakes, but using those is at your own risk and Turbine can't, nor should, offer compensation in those cases.

Having said all this, I suggest you start a customer service ticket and ask the GMs to see if the work you did is verifiable by them, and, politely, ask to see what if anything can be done to help you. Realize however that it's unreasonable to demand help in this case specially if the steps can't be verified by them.

11-28-2008, 10:35 AM
Agani, had I known that crafting items in shroud had some bugs to it, I would have been doing screenshoots at each stage to help my cause here, but the fact remains I didn't and dont. The EEE/EEP SoSP I made said it was a Mineral shard. Just when I combined it with my necklace I only got the pos effects of it which just irks me to no end as I'm now out 36 ingros and 2-3m of work to have to redo it again if they wont help me here.

To be honest, without those screenshots (and it's still most likely a mistake you made with your supershard), Turbine has no real reason to believe you. That's just the brutal truth as I see it.

The fact that you got positive either means you did a dual-positive shard somehow, mistakenly put in positive with the item first, or accidentally made an existential stalemate dual-shard.

Edit: The other option is that you got an air upgrade rather than positive, which would mean you did a Lightning dual-shard or a Balance of Land and Sky dual-shard probably.

11-28-2008, 10:43 AM
I have a min2 kopesh, so i know to combine the shards together first before trying to applying them to the item.

Please don't take offense :)
I know for me, I have made the mistakes, so excited about doing my third tier...
We were just throwing out possibilities as to why your min2 didn't work.
why they haven't answered you? I have no clue. Did you try possibly throwing out another ticket ingame? to see if something can be done?
I hope they resolve this for you soon, good luck buddy!

11-28-2008, 03:38 PM
I submitted a bug erport about this a week ago and have yet to hear anything back from anyone in any shape form or fashion. Basicly its like this, had a GS necklace that I had already done EEE tier 1 and EEP tier 2 to. Finially got all 24 ingros and 2 SoSP. Ran a completion Shroud, made a EEE SoSP, a EEP SoSP, then combined the 2 to make a SoSP supreme min shard. Then took necklace and teh SoSP that was just made and combined them. All I got for my 24ingros, 2 SoSP was your standard tier3 upgrade when I should have recived that and Heavy Fort and Prot +5. When the hell is someone at turbine gonig to look into this and help me out here. I used 36 total ingros and got screwed. To redo it would be 72 ingros and a whole bunch of time I dont have being I only get to play about 10hr a week between 2 days. Get off your duff turbine and fix it please.

Sorry that you had problems with the crafting of a Greensteel item. There are no known issues with the crafting process, although there may be errors with any fansites that have listed how to create certain items.

I'm afraid GMs can not exchange the item you created for the ingredients, I am sorry.

I am closing this thread as it seems to be degrading quickly.