11-25-2008, 09:38 PM
so i was in a hound run tonight, last one to join and everyone was waiting on me to run there. i hurried in and ran to the quest like normal and when i went to go in i found out that i had joined the league of noobs that we've all come to hate so much. i had forgotten to get the quest. i couldnt bear to admit to the group lol so i just force quit. how **** embarassing lmao.
fortunately, i was on my fighter and not on the kill team or chew toy. the group seemed solid, and im sure you all finished easily. im very sorry and i hope that my moment of noobdom may be forgiven.
im sure 3 shields dropped and no one needed em too. that would be awesome.
fortunately, i was on my fighter and not on the kill team or chew toy. the group seemed solid, and im sure you all finished easily. im very sorry and i hope that my moment of noobdom may be forgiven.
im sure 3 shields dropped and no one needed em too. that would be awesome.