View Full Version : Guild Recruiting Problem

11-24-2008, 01:35 PM
My guild leader had to take a break from DDO (I won't go into the reasons why on the forums). Before being able to usurp leadership, the successor also had to temporarily leave DDO. I am in contact with the guild leader, and they do plan on returning to DDO, but they don't yet know when that will be. I am an Officer in the guild, but I am also currently the only active member. I would like to recruit one of my alts into the guild, but since I can't log both characters on at the same time, I can't do this myself. Also, as an Officer, I cannot promote someone else to Officer (after recruiting them into the guild) to recruit my alt for me. In short, there is no way for me to recruit my own alt into the guild I am currently in. Is there any help a GM can give me to get my alt into my current guild without having to wait for the leader to return?

I have already seen http://turbine.fuzeqna.com/ddo.support/consumer/kbdetail.asp?kbid=1696&SearchType=advanced&referrer=&CustID=&rfield=&usertype=&formaction=search&bUseEditor=&IncludeHTML=&gpn=&gpv=&keyword=guild&match=and&catID1=&catID2=&catID3=&catID4=&sortmethod=rel+desc%2C+datemodified, so I realize that my request may have almost no chance of success. But if I don't even ask, then my request would have no chance at all, and almost no chance is better than no chance at all. And I'm NOT trying to take over ownership of the guild. Just get one of my alts in as a member.

Helpful posts by anyone with information I may have overlooked will be appreciated. Inflammatory posts by non-Turbine employees will be ignored.

11-24-2008, 05:04 PM
My guild leader had to take a break from DDO (I won't go into the reasons why on the forums). Before being able to usurp leadership, the successor also had to temporarily leave DDO. I am in contact with the guild leader, and they do plan on returning to DDO, but they don't yet know when that will be. I am an Officer in the guild, but I am also currently the only active member. I would like to recruit one of my alts into the guild, but since I can't log both characters on at the same time, I can't do this myself. Also, as an Officer, I cannot promote someone else to Officer (after recruiting them into the guild) to recruit my alt for me. In short, there is no way for me to recruit my own alt into the guild I am currently in. Is there any help a GM can give me to get my alt into my current guild without having to wait for the leader to return?

I have already seen http://turbine.fuzeqna.com/ddo.support/consumer/kbdetail.asp?kbid=1696&SearchType=advanced&referrer=&CustID=&rfield=&usertype=&formaction=search&bUseEditor=&IncludeHTML=&gpn=&gpv=&keyword=guild&match=and&catID1=&catID2=&catID3=&catID4=&sortmethod=rel+desc%2C+datemodified, so I realize that my request may have almost no chance of success. But if I don't even ask, then my request would have no chance at all, and almost no chance is better than no chance at all. And I'm NOT trying to take over ownership of the guild. Just get one of my alts in as a member.

Helpful posts by anyone with information I may have overlooked will be appreciated. Inflammatory posts by non-Turbine employees will be ignored.

I am sorry to hear about the problems with your guild but I'm afraid that GMs will not intervene in any guild leadership or recruiting issues such as this.

Sorry again Spartus.

11-24-2008, 05:28 PM
This was just a last-resort effort, and I didn't have much hope anyway. But, nothing ventured, nothing gained. Thanks for the response at least.