View Full Version : Kensai could put WF fighters on the map

11-22-2008, 04:27 AM
I'll add to this more later, but I believe that a two-handed fighting Warforged Fighter/Kensai could have some very strong synergy.

Kensai have all of the benefits of adding special effects to glancing blows and they get many extra bonuses to hit.

Warforged get a whole line of tactics enhancements and Power Attack fits in extremely well with the Kensei's damage potential with a two-handed weapon.

Kensai saving throws complement warforged immunities very well.

Essentially you could build Ghoste's light infantry tactical fighter as a pure fighter and make room for all of hte Kensai goodness.

I'll try posting a theoretical build later, but this looks very promising for warforged 2-hand fighters.

11-22-2008, 08:18 PM
The effect's also apply if you take two handed fighting feats. Just wanted to put that out there.

The problem with these builds is it's difficult to fit al these enhancements when all three Kensai enhancements take half your AP's.

11-22-2008, 08:27 PM
Well u could add 16 more APs more for mod 9 since lvl cap is going to 20.

11-22-2008, 09:30 PM
The effect's also apply if you take two handed fighting feats. Just wanted to put that out there.

That's not true special effects are not added to glancing blows under any circumstance currently. There was this one month after mod4 went live where it did but that was fixed.

11-22-2008, 09:34 PM
That's not true special effects are not added to glancing blows under any circumstance currently. There was this one month after mod4 went live where it did but that was fixed.

Currently being the key word.

11-22-2008, 09:37 PM
That's not true special effects are not added to glancing blows under any circumstance currently. There was this one month after mod4 went live where it did but that was fixed.

Read "Kenasi" please.

11-22-2008, 09:37 PM
That's not true special effects are not added to glancing blows under any circumstance currently. There was this one month after mod4 went live where it did but that was fixed.

looks like you miss it

Originally Posted by Eladrin
The Two Handed Fighting chain of feats has also been changed to increase (from zero) the chance of glancing blows producing magical weapon effects.


11-23-2008, 08:15 PM
I'd consider it, but barb prcs are down the line as well. It might be wise to hang back and wait to see what those bring too. Tolero said he would try to bring us info on frenzied berserker when available, so if barb prc's pop out in mod 10.... atleast it would take me all of mod 9 to deck out and lvl a new character; but then again I'm not a machine like some people.

wait I take that back, I do only play WF

11-23-2008, 11:05 PM
Are we going to see the rise of the "Juggernaut" with barbarian PrE's?

Warforged barbarians getting even better? Say it ain't so!

11-25-2008, 01:51 PM
Well, the build sort of builds itself now that Great Weapon Aptitude is official.

My question is - will there be enough AP's left over to do something other than Weapon Aptitude and Kensai?

I think WF Kensai Two-Hand fighters will have to decide among: Tactics (where I'm leaning), Toughness/DR and something else.

You might be able to fit in one of those three, but I think you'd be hard-pressed to do much else. There just aren't enough AP's to go around.

11-25-2008, 01:55 PM
Well, the build sort of builds itself now that Great Weapon Aptitude is official.

My question is - will there be enough AP's left over to do something other than Weapon Aptitude and Kensai?

I think WF Kensai Two-Hand fighters will have to decide among: Tactics (where I'm leaning), Toughness/DR and something else.

You might be able to fit in one of those three, but I think you'd be hard-pressed to do much else. There just aren't enough AP's to go around.

Well GWA is pretty light on AP actually so I think its feasible. Tactics (if they fix it) and power attack/toughness enhancements are where I would want to put the rest of mine (after wf con and ftr str of course)

11-25-2008, 02:33 PM
I'll add to this more later, but I believe that a two-handed fighting Warforged Fighter/Kensai could have some very strong synergy.

Kensai have all of the benefits of adding special effects to glancing blows and they get many extra bonuses to hit.

Warforged get a whole line of tactics enhancements and Power Attack fits in extremely well with the Kensei's damage potential with a two-handed weapon.

Kensai saving throws complement warforged immunities very well.

Essentially you could build Ghoste's light infantry tactical fighter as a pure fighter and make room for all of hte Kensai goodness.

I'll try posting a theoretical build later, but this looks very promising for warforged 2-hand fighters.

Already though pure fighters THF (and to a lesser extent Barbs) have a real tough time at end game getting knocked around. I'm worried that taking both Kensai and Warforged Fighter could mean the additional sacrafices made to defense (assuming no uber raid loot) will make them very tough to play as we approach level 20, or at least very expensive to play.

11-26-2008, 04:33 PM
Kensai does offer up to +3 on all saves and combat maneuver DC's, With power surge giving +8 STR, and fiighter trip with a nice solid vertigo weapon, you'll be able to do just fine defensivley. Throw in six levels of monk for fire stance specifically, but the other stances have their benefits with a 3 STR bonus (and really, who hasn't wanted to run around with a 4 WIS in DDO?), and if it works like I'm hoping it does (Kensai chosen weapon counts as a centered monk weapon.) You'll be able to throw out some nice finishing moves on top of generating 6 Ki every critical.

Kensai as presented, even in the books, is an offensive class. This is no different with the boost to damage.

Another Warforged viable option is frenzied berzerker, it increases your two handed splash damage chances as well, supposedly.

12-02-2008, 08:33 AM
The "defense" could come from Tripping and Stunning. It will be hard to justify using a Tower Shield and turning Combat Expertise on over Power Attack. But maybe a combination of Toughness and some DR could supplant tripping and stunning enhancements.

Ghoste made a case for using Sap as well, though that doesn't get enhanced by any of the WF tactical line, it also has no saving throw.

We're going to need the extra AP's from the level increase once Kensai is released.