View Full Version : Whatever Happened to Bio's
11-18-2008, 10:02 PM
For me, making an entertaining BIO is a necessity. I put a lot of effort into the name and the Bio to make it enjoyable.
However, to find a toon with a Bio nowadays is a rare occurrence. A Bio I mean isn't something that says how uber you are, how you finished all the VONs doing it Solo or stuff.
A true Bio, a fun bio, something that fits the character, the name, bring a smile to a fellow gamer today, fill in that Bio.
11-18-2008, 10:06 PM
For me, making an entertaining BIO is a necessity. I put a lot of effort into the name and the Bio to make it enjoyable.
However, to find a toon with a Bio nowadays is a rare occurrence. A Bio I mean isn't something that says how uber you are, how you finished all the VONs doing it Solo or stuff.
A true Bio, a fun bio, something that fits the character, the name, bring a smile to a fellow gamer today, fill in that Bio.
This game has become less of a role-playing and more of a roll-playing game over the last year.
That's why there's less bios, I'd say.
11-18-2008, 10:52 PM
I like to use it to list my alts, helps people remember who I am without having to ask.
11-18-2008, 10:55 PM
I made a couple of bios only to be stymied by the filter. Eventually I gave up and now use the space for storing crafting notes that I need on that character.
11-18-2008, 11:15 PM
This game has become less of a role-playing and more of a re-roll-playing game over the last year.
That's why there's less bios, I'd say.
Corrected :D
11-19-2008, 08:44 AM
I use Bio on only a few toons. Sometimes to explain the name or a favorite saying
from a movie.
Hence Taarna from Heavy Metal. Love that leather.
11-19-2008, 08:47 AM
Ah, yes, I love the random tells I get when people read my biographies and start to laugh or inquire more about my backstory. :D
11-19-2008, 08:51 AM
How many times do you need to read about someone's village being slaughtered?
11-19-2008, 08:57 AM
I have a guildie who writes hilarious bios for his toons and interconnects all the stories...sometimes when I'm partying with him and waiting around I'll read em over again just for fun :)
My pally has a bio, and so does my ranger. Haven't come up with anything for the other toons yet, so I list my alts. It is irritating to have seemingly random words censored...I think "poor" got censored once :/
11-19-2008, 09:01 AM
I made a couple of bios only to be stymied by the filter. Eventually I gave up and now use the space for storing crafting notes that I need on that character.
I think this will be the most common reason people quit writing bios. It just isn't worth the trouble.
11-19-2008, 09:55 AM
How many times do you need to read about someone's village being slaughtered?
Depends how well they describe the slaughter! I mean, I want to read how my work was perc .. erm .. I mean.. uh...
So about those uber weapons huh! Aren't they the uberest!? :p
11-19-2008, 10:04 AM
For me, making an entertaining BIO is a necessity. I agree but a bio isn´t that entertaining. I put a lot of effort into the name and the Bio to make it enjoyable. Sometimes I put a lot of effort also, sometimes it comes easy. Making it enjoyable is a bit more complicated.
A Bio I mean isn't something that says how uber you are, how you finished all the VONs doing it Solo or stuff. (I never talk about my Bio´s. I find it a personal thing.)
A true Bio, a fun bio, something that fits the character, the name, bring a smile to a fellow gamer today, fill in that Bio. Define True-Bio? I guess a False Bio happens from time to time...but not much. It better fit? Of course it better fit or else where was it? and definitely not interested in my Bio making a fellow gamer smile....
Ohhhhhh you mean Character Sheet bio! :eek:
(Can´t delete whats already been typed...oh well)
11-19-2008, 10:10 AM
Couple points as this is something I have definitely noticed as well.
1) Agree, I used to be an avid bio reader, now there is almost nothing.
2) Yes, please for the love of god delete all the "I killed the reaver" nonsense - no one cares, so has everyone else.
3) By bio, it has never been the "roleplaying" bios that caught my eye - more the random quotes, snippets, and general humor that used to be available. For example, one of my bards has had the quote "this is bat country" in her bio since level 1. I just got a tell this weekend from someone that understood the reference and got a chuckle out of it. These are the bios I enjoy and enjoy seeing that used to be much more prominent.
4) There is one other type of bio I miss - the trades bio - but this imo is more reflective of there being nothing good to trade anymore because everything decent binds :(
11-19-2008, 02:01 PM
lol. my guildie.
I lived that movie for like 5 years of my life......trying to get hotel rooms under the influence, road trips through the desert.....
i guess this will prompt me to make a move one line thread, for our enjoyment, so I don't hijack this OP's thread.
11-19-2008, 11:00 PM
I painstakingly wrote bios for my first 4 characters that I really planned out - now I only write bios if I do not see a re-roll in the future for a toon. so, a Bio is not usually written for a toon of mine until level 4 minimum - maybe level 8. Then if I re-roll the bio gets re typed. I like my bios to tell what my character is all about:
Piken En'Grinnen (dwarf Bard/Fighter)
Kicked out of the southern-rockabilly-bluegrass band he sang bass in for fighting with tavern customers...yadda yadda yadda...
You get the idea! :D
11-19-2008, 11:13 PM
...I think "poor" got censored once :/
Take out the "r"
11-20-2008, 12:52 AM
How many times do you need to read about someone's village being slaughtered?
Your village was slaughtered too!?!?!
11-20-2008, 12:52 AM
I try to take my BIO's before the quest!
11-20-2008, 03:04 AM
How many times do you need to read about someone's village being slaughtered?
That's the number 4 most common thing in a bio. Behind:
#3: Methods to solve a puzzle (for instance, Shroud part 3, (1245)==>(3); (24)==>123; (15)==>12 - this is a shorthand that someone can use to solve 5x5's without a solver if they understand it)
#2: List of alts
#1: "You killed (insert raid boss or respected PvP'er here)"
11-20-2008, 04:35 AM
You forgot "you deal XXX dmg to YYY" bios.
Actually, that is my bio, after 2939834 person ask me how good is the dmg from my Dust 2 weapon, now i just say: check the bio.
11-20-2008, 04:39 AM
You forgot "you deal XXX dmg to YYY" bios.
Actually, that is my bio, after 2939834 person ask me how good is the dmg from my Dust 2 weapon, now i just say: check the bio.
Can't be bothered changing the post to reflect it, but you are right.
Should actually post a little joke in one of my bios - something like "Your Wall of Fire hit The Venerated for 940 points of fire damage", or just a made up, impossibly high number: "Your Searing Light hit Kalijarne for 1133 points of light damage", or maybe "You hit Arraetrikos with Finger of Death".
11-20-2008, 10:59 AM
Sadly, my best bios were on chars I deleted. (Some are mules)
It seems basing a char on a RP idea makes for a poor char in DDO.
But I do try to put at least a few words in every chars bio when I can come up with something.
11-20-2008, 11:12 AM
I wrote a funny bio on my main a few years ago in a drunken rant and I did get comments from others. When I rerolled him last year I didnt transfer it over when I deleted the old one. Since I've been off the sauce havent come up with anything. Mmmm...maybe I need to fall off the wagon this weekend and write a bio....
11-20-2008, 11:30 AM
I used to write some interesting bios, I got sick of doing it everytime I write a page and have to find the word that is messing me up and that wont let me post.
The Bios I detest are the goofballs who put their stats, how many tomes they have eaten and their AC breakdown. I laugh when I see yon person the first on the floor unconcious or hollaring that their heal didnt come in time.
11-20-2008, 11:36 AM
I try to Write Bio's for All of Mine.
I am new to Ghallanda
So Bekki's right Now Is just a Short humorous Blurb.
But I love to Put in a Good Bio.
I feel it Gives the character a little depth.
and Gives me a feel for how they would react in a given Situation.
But that's just me... :D
11-20-2008, 07:46 PM
It may be cliche but one of the aspects I truly enjoy about this game is finding the nuances of DMText. Currently my main's bio (other than a few notes) simply states (DMText): This crevasse feels safe and secure. Its the DM voice over from whichever quest has the gnoll village in the vale.
Drow female if you're wondering.
11-20-2008, 07:57 PM
Since it hasn't been posted yet:
11-20-2008, 08:03 PM
I blame the tyranical word filters and short bio space.
11-20-2008, 08:07 PM
I blame the tyranical word filters and short bio space.
Yep, it's bad enough trying to get around the filter, but once I finally do that I get cut off about halfway through by the character limit.
11-20-2008, 09:29 PM
I blame the tyranical word filters and short bio space.
Seriously, how am I going to properly explain how a giggitied her shmoigen??
11-20-2008, 09:46 PM
Seriously, how am I going to properly explain how a giggitied her shmoigen??
Jealous you couldn't name your sorc that? :D
I try to have fun with my character Bio, but I do use it to describe my play style (to which the quoted poster has told me that my bio is a bit off the wall on more than one occasion).
Rtwo's bio I like :p
Do not question my methods, you'll not find a better WF wizard in the land.
(Combat): Your cone of cold hit Fire Reaver for 1,900 points.
I run quests fast and efficiently. If you don't like it and don't feel like you're contributing, then go find another group to play with, I really couldn't care. I'm a zerg and will openly admit it. I do not control my spell points,
unless I feel it is absolutely essential to the survival of the group. I will use my spell points and recall however many times it takes, as shrines are a precious commodity, to get the quest done. IF you don't like how I run, just don't quest with me again.
All but Male Halflings will be served! Don't challenge a warforged to dance unless you're looking to be humiliated ;)
I am one of two chosen of the Warforged Gods. I can grant you their blessing and your quest shall fair well.
All others are inferior to the Warforged, know your place
(insert cliché alts list here)
Although my cleric's bio is pretty good as well :D
Tanks, I expect you to carry healing potions/wands. If I don't see you use a wand/potion once, you're on your own, unless I'm feeling nice.
Either I receive a donation at the beginning/end of a quest, or you'll never see this cleric grouping with any of you again. This bio will be a record of who hasn't paid me, and don't think your name won't end up in here if you don't pay me. (This only applies if the amount of materials/supplies I've had to go through amount to over 4-7kpp (aka 10-30 heal scrolls) and/or the majority of the supplies were spent on 1 character alone)
If you zerg and run off on your own, enjoy the feel of your cold blood on your body, because I'm NOT going to heal your wounds. This also includes reckless acts of stupidity such as running through a trap that the rogue or others have declared is ahead/charging a group when we're all not ready, and other such acts of lesser intelligence I deem justifiable to cease my healing services.
My other characters don't really have anything note worthy...
11-20-2008, 09:55 PM
I used to write some interesting bios, I got sick of doing it everytime I write a page and have to find the word that is messing me up and that wont let me post.
The Bios I detest are the goofballs who put their stats, how many tomes they have eaten and their AC breakdown. I laugh when I see yon person the first on the floor unconcious or hollaring that their heal didnt come in time.
Putting Tomes eaten into bio can be a useful reminder at times, so you don't waste a second tome of the same type. (Of course, it's not the only way to look up what tomes you've eaten, nor is it necessarily the easiest, but I suspect that's why some people do it).
When I can get back into the game, however, I'm definitely putting up a silly bio like the ones I posted above. Leaning towards "Your Wall of Fire hit The Venerated for 940 points of fire damage".
11-20-2008, 09:57 PM
I still like creating bios every girl I play gets one though it is hard to work with the limited space and the filters I try to get a feel for all my characters out in their bios. Kalaris shows her mysterious side and how willing or unwilling she is to accept help from others. Kamari's details how she left home to follow in her big sisters footsteps and only hopes she can become powerful. My monks bio describes her putting away her need for vengeance after her father died to learn to master her strength and create a new honorable path for herself. But my favorite of all and the one I still get tells saying its fun to read is my little rogue/ranger Nyxy's :)
I didnt have a bad childhood in fact it was an adventure. Raised by my father with his gang of theives I learned all the trades of life.
I have my own personal codes in life that get me by from what ive learned from the band of thieves.
1. If its not mine but I can steal it, it becomes mine.
2. If I can get passed something locked, to get an item then its not really wanted by its former owner.
3. If you cross me and feel a cut along your throat, well then that will probably be the last thing youve felt.
I had to leave the gang once I became of age, father felt it was time for me to branch out on my own. But I think it was more that the men noticed my female form more and more everyday. Its okay just another thing to use to my advantage...
If your reading this ive probably made off with some of your coppers by now as well *smiles*
That is one of my favorites and even after I rerolled her made sure to update it just a little to fit. And even my new builds get stories just apart of the fun I get out of creating a character.
11-20-2008, 10:24 PM
you just look that big sucker right in the eye and say give me your best shot, i can take it.
nothin or double wang!
11-21-2008, 09:42 AM
How is this for a bio:
I am 35, and still live in my mom's basement. I am overweight, in serious lack of exercice, and i could use a good shower. I don't believe in healthy food, my keyboard is stained from Cheetos crumbs, and if a meal can't be delivered, is it worth eating?
Mom says i should get out more and meet girls. But then i risk missing the next loot run, an auction deadline, or a spot for my new reroll in a raid.
I killed the Abbot once, but we used thrown weapons.
11-21-2008, 09:56 AM
Here is one I did for friends
Monk/ Rogue Character
I guess you’re wondering how I got to Stormreach…
It’s a funny story really; you see there was this disagreement
over a gooseberry Pie…But HEY It’s NOT MY Fault!
See… it was just left on this Widows Sill!!!
And it smelled so good! So I thought I would give it a taste and…
And it tasted so good too… So…I… kind of… ate it. Ooops!
How was I supposed to know it was for the Mayor!?
How was I supposed to know it was for his birthday!?
Well they got all mad; and I tried to explain it was a mistake!
But they wouldn’t listen; See…
Then they started talking all crazy like!
Things like:
Death by hanging…
Death by drowning…
Death by burning…
Death by poison...
Death by suffocation…
Death by firing squad…
Death by.................. Halfling eating Plant??? :eek:
Where did they even come up with THAT ONE!? :eek:
But It was the DEATH part that got me…so…
I arranged my early release (He escaped)
And I secured Transportation to Stormreach… (Stowed away on a ship)
But there was a dispute of the fare… (He was discovered)
So I agreed to work for my passage… (He was pressed into service)
When we reached Stormreach I felt it best to move on so
I resigned my position... (He jumped ship)
And here I am!
I studied with these Old guys while on the ship
And learned some cool new moves…They call it martial arts…
And this cool new magic they call Ki.
I hope to use these new Skills to make some money
And well… maybe BUY a pie this time…
cause people don’t seem to like it if you take theirs …
even if they just left it out on a window sill…
Who knew?
Edit: we did have to do some Clever editing to Make most of it Fit...
But it still came out pretty good...:D
11-21-2008, 09:57 AM
How is this for a bio:
LOL scary o.o
11-21-2008, 10:01 AM
How is this for a bio:
LOL scary o.o
Too scary for Words.... :eek:
12-24-2008, 11:01 AM
I think it is important to write a bio. And not something like I like Dr. Pepper. I put a lot of work and thought in to my character, and I hate to see no bio or something pointless.
12-24-2008, 11:11 AM
anyone else think bio's are gay? i don't mean the i have this much AC i'm wearing this much outdated raid gear still, i can pwn with a cone of cold on a fire ele type bio's but the one's where the whole boring a** story is written out like they're the blurb on the back of yet another bad fantasy novel? those ones... pretty gay.
12-24-2008, 11:21 AM
I zone out about three sentences into the bios where they tell you about how they were the youngest of 12 halfling children born to a poor family, yada yada yada.
Bios that I do like to read, and ones that I put on most of my toons, are explanations for things. My rogue Picksie has a bio that states that I let my kids name my toons and my 6 year old daughter picked that one, it isn't a reflection of my orientation, my 6yo daughter is the third of my five children. If you have kids, you will understand. If you don't have kids, you better not be questioning MY orientation ;)
I also sometimes use it as a 'friends' list to remind me who has po'd me recently as I am bad with names, but you have to be a complete tool to get on there.
Or occasionally a SHORT joke about my toon, usually name related. My old cleric Obgynkenobi's bio had some comment about feet in the stirrups, my old rogue Splashlog had a flushing joke in there, that kind of thing. But it better be short. If it starts out with 'A nun, a rabbi, and a priest walk into a bar' then I zone out.
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