View Full Version : GenCon 09

11-09-2008, 07:51 AM
Since Phoenixfire is prolly still dealing with her new gamer-to-be, I'll kick the ball off the ledge this year.... :)

Gen Con 09!


Aug 13-16 this year.

(Guess who's NOT settling for a hotel on the opposite side of town this year?) :o

12-01-2008, 06:09 AM
It looks like you have attended one of these before.

1. I need to register to get a badge? And the badge allows me to do what? Does that just show I am legally registered for the convention so let me through the door to look at stuff to buy?

2. I need to buy tickets? And just what can I do with the tickets to the Magic Kingdom?

I went to the website but found it horribly lacking in easy to get information on cost. Which usually means, if you have to ask you cannot afford it.

I do not care about travel, hotel, and food costs. That is a known cost.

12-02-2008, 10:44 AM
It looks like you have attended one of these before.

1. I need to register to get a badge? And the badge allows me to do what? Does that just show I am legally registered for the convention so let me through the door to look at stuff to buy?

2. I need to buy tickets? And just what can I do with the tickets to the Magic Kingdom?

I went to the website but found it horribly lacking in easy to get information on cost. Which usually means, if you have to ask you cannot afford it.

I do not care about travel, hotel, and food costs. That is a known cost.

Heh. Acually 'been there' once, but dreamed of it for decades. :o

Their site will get more robust once we get on into the year. 4-day badge cost.... about $60 IIRC. That gets you access to everything in the Con - the seminars, workshops, artist's area, etc. There are sometimes tickets needed for specific events/games, but any cost there is usually a buck or so. (workshops may be a little more when there are supplies given out.)


Hopefully some of the more experienced Con vets will pop in and throw in some filler details, too.

12-02-2008, 10:57 AM
Shaamis will be there for the DDO party once again!

I don't know if I am going to the actual convention (been there a total of 7 occasions previously, as well as a full-time volunteer, and a member of Virtual Gencon from 1996-1998), but with the advent of the Living Forgotten Realms Campaign run by the RPGA, I might decide to go to the actual convention.

I would like to run another Khyber give-away event, or even a game-wide give-away, just need to mull over it with some dark ale......

The last two years at the DDO party have been AWESOME, and I totally recommend going to it!

12-05-2008, 04:38 PM
Shaamis will be there for the DDO party once again!

I don't know if I am going to the actual convention (been there a total of 7 occasions previously, as well as a full-time volunteer, and a member of Virtual Gencon from 1996-1998), but with the advent of the Living Forgotten Realms Campaign run by the RPGA, I might decide to go to the actual convention.

I would like to run another Khyber give-away event, or even a game-wide give-away, just need to mull over it with some dark ale......

The last two years at the DDO party have been AWESOME, and I totally recommend going to it!

Yeah, I was talking to a LOTRO couple and totally forgot about ya'll back there doing the drawing thing. (Having started a couple hours early over at the Claddagh didn't help...) :o

12-26-2008, 03:50 PM
Site is updated, including the registration dates/costs:



01-07-2009, 03:42 PM
I have had a couple of inquiries, asking what is up Shaamis' Monk sleeves for this years Turbine Gencon Party......

I have a few ideas, but I'd like to know from those planning on attending, what they would like to see?

Keep in mind: it takes a LOT of Guinness for Shaamis to start dancing in his famous "Knickers and Lampshade" dancing outfit!

Try to get THAT image out of your head!


01-07-2009, 03:53 PM
I have had a couple of inquiries, asking what is up Shaamis' Monk sleeves for this years Turbine Gencon Party......

I have a few ideas, but I'd like to know from those planning on attending, what they would like to see?

Keep in mind: it takes a LOT of Guinness for Shaamis to start dancing in his famous "Knickers and Lampshade" dancing outfit!

Try to get THAT image out of your head!


I hear last years festivities went over quite well, even if *some* of us were a little too clouded to remember to get involved. :o I'd start with that and see where it runs to.

...oh, and maybe for Rowan to show up on time this year. :p

01-07-2009, 05:51 PM
A Comprehensive Primer on Gen Con 2009 and Gen Con in general.

Gen Con starts with a registration badge. There are several types, and the 4-day full access as a participant is about $60-75 [now listing $68 at the time of this posting] before early bird/pre-registration ends [at the door pricing listed as $78 at the time of this posting.] Note: Family Fun passes and Sunday 1 day passes ONLY are available on-site when the convention "opens" and is "running." VIG costs are $500 pre-reg and not available on-site. What the are THOSE last two things?

[B]Family Fun Day
The Family Fun Day takes place on Sunday and includes games and auxiliary events for the whole family to enjoy. A special booth will be set up near the Registration area where families can purchase badges and event tickets, register their information and receive wristbands for any children 8 and under, and gather information on the Family Fun Pavilion (which is open all weekend) and what family events are taking place. More information on the Family Fun Program will be coming soon!

Very Important Gamer (VIG)

From January 1-31, 2009, current VIGs can pre-purchase their 2009 VIG Packets for the regular price of $500 and can register up to 2 friends and family members for the Program if desired. Any open slots will become available to the general public when Badge Pre-Registration opens on February 1, 2009.
If you are interested in joining this exclusive program, check out the VIG page (http://www.gencon.com/2009/indy/attendees/vig.aspx) for more information. Please note VIG packages will only be available during the pre-registration period and will not be sold on-site.

(Let's just say for the link lazy that VIG covers your 4 day registration, qualifies for one GUARANTEED hotel room reservation per VIG Package, additional VIG Badges for friends and family [up to 3 $100 each], pre-convention time visiting the exibit hall Thursday, free coupons, generic game tickets, a special lounge with free drinks and (I kid you not) a game conceriage', special event admissions, Raffles, more swag, and more! This is like the "Whale" package in Las Vegas with fewer ammenities and lower gambling costs, like zero :p So just click the darn link already!)

Badges however, do NOT cover most games, some seminars, certain events (Masquerade ball, mixer events, etc,) and live action type gaming (think running around in an actual dungeon with things you do in real time as an example) which can range from as little as $2 dollars (and often paid with registered or only use "generic tickets," more on that later,) up to $10 or (much) more. VIG may have exceptions to certain events like the ball and mixer for example.
You MUST have bought a badge (day, full event or VIG) to buy regular event [not family fun day] tickets, no exceptions.

Now it gets a little tricky here, so I'll try to make sure this is clear.

Most places in the Midwest and east coast (among other places in the US) charge BOTH an admission cost AND a per game event cost. Gen Con also allows about 1/2 to 3/4 of event tickets to be sold as pre-bought and the remainder released for on sight purchase. This means like a concert, the tickets are for a SPECIFIC event and CAN sell out. However, Generic Tickets ($2 each) CAN be used as a "stand by" option for no-shows. So yes, certain events at certain time periods (known as slots) DO sell out, BUT if a group forms and a game master (or DM) is available AND there is no ticket registered person filling up the maximum number for the game event, you may take their place as a generic ticket holder (with enough $2 tickets to pay for the event cost) and they are a no-show. Obviously this is why it is asked you show up BEFORE marshaling/mustering/putting players with a game judge begins.

[B]Key Dates:

Badge Pre-Registration begins February 1, 2009 at 12:00 pm (ET).
Event Pre-Registration begins April 19, 2009 at 12:00 pm (EST).
Both Badge and Event Pre-Registration will end at 11:59 pm (EST) on June 27, 2009.
Pre-registration will only be available on-line through the registration system. We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express for payment. Checks and Money Orders are not accepted at any time. An admissions tax will be charged for all on-site badge purchases.

See, no worry if not a native, you'll be taxed like you had to pay some sales tax also! :p

And BTW, I HIGHLY suggest you prereg for ANY "Living" RPGA event (especially the newest ones) as they sell out FAST. Even the "older" events have loyal followings so be prepared!

(This coming from what used to be a RPGA Paragon level player and Grand Master level [didn't make it before the conversion] Judge in RPGA rankings, including being invited to Gen Con to play in some of the finals....one day I'll win SOMETHING :p)

Hotels on average, well, here's what they said:

Rates start as low as $85 per night at outlying properties and $136 per night at downtown hotels, subject to hotel choice, room occupancy, and remaining availability. Purchase of any Gen Con badge will admit attendees to the Gen Con housing portal, where more information about hotel rates and available inventory may be accessed.

What I've seen are they usually (but all of this may vary) start at the "city" boondocks about $85 per double-occupancy per night, $105 for midway convention rate, and that "$136" at "downtown" hotels, but expect Gen con to have a range anywhere from two digits up to...I've seen "discount" con rates for $300 dollars/night from the offering hotel. Most of them however do allow up to four guests, some places are actually suites instead of rooms, and we certainly know about how gamers sometimes "squat" more in a room to anybody with a sleeping bag or blanket ;)

The Gen con hotel system does a pre-reg "dormitory style" selection where they take the city hotels and offer a personal selection ranking of choice along with listed number of nights, if extensions are allowed and often some "proof of payment" option on the form such as a major CC. Cancellations before the end of the first week of August are charged a $50 fee (thus the CC) and after that, one room's convention listed night rate plus tax.

Then, just like college, you gotta send it in ASAP if you want a chance at your selection. Please note the following:

Once you pay for your badge, Exhibit Hall space or Art Show table you will receive an email with the appropriate housing code and instructions on how to book your reservation. Once you receive the code, your reservations can be made on-line through the Passkey website (https://resweb.passkey.com/Resweb.do?mode=welcome_ei_new&eventID=60195) or by contacting the Indianapolis Conventions Visitors Bureau’s (ICVA) housing department at (317) 684-2573.

Q: I’ve tried to find rooms in a specific hotel and it’s not showing up in Passkey?
It’s likely that the rooms we have secured at that particular hotel are sold out. Passkey will only show rooms that are still available.

And unlike college, many of the vendors DO seem to take the majority of spaces beforehand and you have to be quick and lucky for the best spots, and be prepared for shuttling or cabs or renting a vehicle (or driving if close/dedicated enough.)

I think that covered (as a primer to) Gen Con (Midwest,) but DO go to their site now for more detailed information.

Links for the main page are here:

And, of course, play your heart out with fellow enthusiasts in a community that understands your passion. What you'll experience at Gen Con Indy is nothing short of IT. You know, whatever "It" is for you? This is IT! Get ready to get there.

(IT, when did Gen Con go Information Technology? :p)

And questions you thought (and didn't think) to ask are here:

And yet even MORE information, especially Convention and Hotel Protocol (reservations) are here:

Special note to Handicapped people: please read the FAQ and Housing links above VERY carefully as the disabled methods of registration for convention and hotels differ (providing greater ease and benefit for those disabled, and I being a volunteer to one in several Gen Cons, can personally vouch to this.) As a courtesy, I have re-printed the FAQ information below:

Q: What type of aid to do you offer to disabled patrons?
Gen Con has a Disability Services booth on-site to service anyone who is disabled. Attendees visiting this booth can purchase badge and event tickets there or have their Will Call packet(s) collected from Will Call and brought to them at this location.
When visiting the Disability Services booth you will be issued a wrist band to wear throughout the duration of the show. This will notify staff that you have a disability and qualify for special assistance such as expedited admission (bypassing lines) or reserved seating areas for specific events. Simply speak with anyone wearing a staff shirt to request assistance particular to your needs.
Wheelchair loans are available in limited quantities through the convention center. You may contact the convention center at (317) 262-3400 to speak with someone about wheelchair availability. For additional information regarding special needs services offered through the convention center, click here (http://www.iccrd.com/pdf/specialneedsbrochure.pdf).

Q: I need to reserve a handicap accessible room and I do not see accommodates available in Passkey. How do I book an accessible room?
Handicap accessible rooms are segregated and kept out of the regular housing blocks. In order to reserve one of the rooms you will need to contact the ICVA’s housing bureau at (317) 684-2573. You will need to provide them with the housing code to secure a room and check availability.

The above is assuming a novice is doing this Gen Con for the first time. Feel free to ignore or update whatever you wish according to veteran knowledge of the convention and con scene in general.

Finally, Ratty, (if you are a DDO player,) I hope you make it from across the pond this year with your elephant hat on head! (If you ever played older Gen Con or went to Gen con UK you know who he is.)

Hope that helps y'all. Thought I'd dish out some truth instead of seek it this time ;)

01-07-2009, 06:16 PM
to the tune of "Kung Fu Fighting?"

We'll go on from there based on the amount of Guinness/Black and Tan's consumed...on both sides :D

I have had a couple of inquiries, asking what is up Shaamis' Monk sleeves for this years Turbine Gencon Party......

I have a few ideas, but I'd like to know from those planning on attending, what they would like to see?

Keep in mind: it takes a LOT of Guinness for Shaamis to start dancing in his famous "Knickers and Lampshade" dancing outfit!

Try to get THAT image out of your head!


01-18-2009, 05:38 PM
/Pokes her head into her favorite reoccurring thread...

So I have child care taken care of and now just need to see if I can afford it. Because my knees have gotten worse this means a hotel connected to the Con is a must for me (or at least on that block.) I will need roommates too since as usual my hubby refuses to go...:D

01-18-2009, 06:30 PM
/Pokes her head into her favorite reoccurring thread...

So I have child care taken care of and now just need to see if I can afford it. Because my knees have gotten worse this means a hotel connected to the Con is a must for me (or at least on that block.) I will need roommates too since as usual my hubby refuses to go...:D

Hiya 'Fire! :D ......*this was a wavey gif, but IMG code is off.* :(

*mumbles* Tooked ya long enough to show up... :p

Paying off my Gen-Con credit card again - even getting it refaced (it's a Cap One card, putting one of my D&D pix on it.) Definitely gonna splurge for a closer room this year, too - that drive all the way across town was a bugger. Although, it did eventually offer me the opportunity to see most all of Indy, by the time I got lost a few times. :o

Maybe the Claddagh will let me flop in their attic for a few days. Hmmm... :rolleyes:


01-21-2009, 10:51 AM
New Registration system for Gen-Con.

Per their newsletter:

Gen Con Announces a New Registration System

Gen Con was given an opportunity on January 5th for the development of a new registration system. This is a brand new,
adaptable system that promises to be flexible and agile enough to grow with us rather than against us. Gone are the days
of the system crashing, difficulty searching events and slow performance. While we will be developing the system as we
go, we strongly feel the pros far outweigh the cons. You spoke, we listened, and now we all have a new registration system.

What does this mean to you? Well, it means you will need to create a new account in the new system by going to
registration.gencon.com (http://registration.gencon.com/indy/index.cgi), starting next week.

Also, please note that Badge Registration has been pushed to Sunday,
February 15th at 12:00 pm (ET) and Hotel Registration will go live on Tuesday, February 17th at 12:00 pm (ET), due
to the Monday holiday. More information on account creation and registration will be coming soon!

We thank you in advance for your patience and apologize for the short notice of this announcement. We are very much
aware of what this type of development schedule means, and there will undoubtedly be some hiccups along the way. We
know you will have lots of questions; we will keep you posted as developments arise.

We are very excited about this opportunity and know you will be too!

01-21-2009, 01:11 PM
i just registered what was the date on the latter was it more then a week ago?

01-21-2009, 01:36 PM
i just registered what was the date on the latter was it more then a week ago?

Nope, got the newsletter today. I saw the reg forms active, too, but dunno if they've yet to change the system or if it's live already for the folks wanting to submit events (which starts today).

01-22-2009, 10:28 AM
ok thanks will see in a week

01-30-2009, 01:13 PM
the new registration is up everyone

01-30-2009, 01:17 PM
they bumped pre-reg out to the 15th, and hotel reg out to the 17th so not so big of a deal. :(

02-12-2009, 08:03 PM
Hubby and I will be attending again this year.

We look forward to the 5 days to ourselves. Yeah no kids:).

02-17-2009, 06:04 AM
Got my badge (second badge...so close to being first...Valentines present lol) and gettin my room today.....WOOHOO:D

02-17-2009, 05:14 PM
got my VIP badge today see you their

02-17-2009, 05:44 PM
I would love to buy my badge but the new system won't send me my e-mail verification... I e-mailed customer support but I am annoyed...

Oh wells I will be there one way or another and they will sort it all out eventually :D

See ya in Stormreach,


02-18-2009, 08:54 AM
Mortanius from Thelanis will be there, well heck I live here so I have no excuse not to go. Will be getting my badge soon.

If anybody is into "Trailer Park Wars" totally fun (and a great drinking game as well) I'll see about setting up some time for that. I hope Turbine will have a big presence there this year again.

As the dates get closer we should try and meet up even if Turbine isn't here.

02-18-2009, 01:30 PM
My wife and I will be there.

The new registration system seems to be an improvement. Despite some of its email issues it at least didn't bog down when the housing reg opened. I guess the real test will be when the event reg opens. ;)

02-18-2009, 07:09 PM
Got my badge (ordered)...

... but between double-checking my mailing address and clicking checkout, I forgot to click to have it mailed. :(
CS emailed back quickly letting me know there's no function to edit shipping after purchase - yet.

Shopping for rooms... can't believe ALL the downtown flops are sold already... :confused: First day??

I suppose I can live with the drive across town if I can find a soft floor/chair to crash on this year after the party. Did not enjoy that drive home last year even after walking off as much fuzz as I could. :o

02-21-2009, 02:56 PM
Got my badge (second badge...so close to being first...Valentines present lol) and gettin my room today.....WOOHOO:D
Totally got a room at the Westin! HELL YEAH! No walking 5 blocks this year for me! Anyone have a spare VIP upgrade I'll gladly send ya the $32 via paypal if you can upgrade me on your thing. :D

02-24-2009, 07:23 AM
...I'll gladly send ya the $32 via paypal if you can upgrade me on your thing. :D

/Rolls save vs. typing...:o

*20* :D

/manages to just wander by chuckling. :p

02-25-2009, 10:42 AM
I can't attend the convention stuff (no vacation from work) but I would drive the 150 miles to attend a DDO party!

For those who have never been to GenCon -
GenCon is simply a great time to simply be around fellow gamers. The vendors room EASILY takes one full day to get through in detail. Plus there are all kinds of demos and contests in there.
Many, Many events are free. Three or more movies are playing all day and all night. The costume party the final night is unbelievable!
Indianapolis is a wonderful host site. Very easy to get around. Parking can be a challenge but I found the CircleCenter Mall to be adequate.
I'm on the look out for more news!! :)

02-25-2009, 12:47 PM
Mortanius from Thelanis will be there, well heck I live here so I have no excuse not to go. Will be getting my badge soon.

If anybody is into "Trailer Park Wars" totally fun (and a great drinking game as well) I'll see about setting up some time for that. I hope Turbine will have a big presence there this year again.

As the dates get closer we should try and meet up even if Turbine isn't here.

Had some issues last year, even after planning on going($$$), hope I get to this year, as I too freakin live here and yet to make it to one. Sometimes I hate retail. :cool:

02-25-2009, 01:37 PM
After many many years of dreaming of gonig, I am finally planning on headed to the gaming Mecca, known as GenCon.

Just hope I can get tickets to True Dungeon....

02-25-2009, 01:47 PM
I got my badge and my hotel room w00t... thank you to those of you that PMed me with how to get ahold of someone down at Gencon... they fixed me up and got things rolling...

I am somewhere downtown... so no rental car YAYAYAYAY... I am used to a few blocks walk so I am kinda excited to walk off the evenings before beer with a nice brisk morning stroll...

Hope to see a ton of people there!

See ya in Stormreach,


02-25-2009, 01:48 PM
Just ordered my 4 day badge (sorry not enough mula to afford VIP)....

Reserved a room 12 miles away..... (couldn't afford anything close)

My former college roommate and I will be attending.

I hope to see all of my fellow DDO players there....

Where is the DDO party being held this year?

02-25-2009, 02:47 PM
Just ordered my 4 day badge (sorry not enough mula to afford VIP)....

Reserved a room 12 miles away..... (couldn't afford anything close)

My former college roommate and I will be attending.

I hope to see all of my fellow DDO players there....

Where is the DDO party being held this year?

Hard to say. Turbine hasn't said if they are going but I presume Tolero will go whether they send her or not...she's stubborn like that.:D Last 2 years it has been at Jillian's and if we hear nothing from Turbine 3 or 4 months out I will try to fund us something there.

02-25-2009, 03:59 PM
I got my badge and my hotel room w00t... thank you to those of you that PMed me with how to get ahold of someone down at Gencon... they fixed me up and got things rolling...

I am somewhere downtown... so no rental car YAYAYAYAY... I am used to a few blocks walk so I am kinda excited to walk off the evenings before beer with a nice brisk morning stroll...

Hope to see a ton of people there!

See ya in Stormreach,


So what *is* the secret to getting downtown rooms? Only ones I get are for single nights. -_- Soon as I try to get 2 nights in a row, they're all 8 miles out. :(

02-25-2009, 04:09 PM
So what *is* the secret to getting downtown rooms? Only ones I get are for single nights. -_- Soon as I try to get 2 nights in a row, they're all 8 miles out. :(

The day housing opened at noon you needed to be logged in waiting....downtown rooms connected to the con were gone within the hour and all others close were gone by the end of the day. Keep an eye on the gencon forum boards as some people will have rooms available later on. Also many hotels will have opening later once Gencon releases their claim on the "housing blocks" (my mom used to be a travel agent and says its how it works). the room I had 2 yrs ago i got 2 months out from the con and it was 5 blocks away.

02-25-2009, 04:16 PM
The day housing opened at noon you needed to be logged in waiting....downtown rooms connected to the con were gone within the hour and all others close were gone by the end of the day. Keep an eye on the gencon forum boards as some people will have rooms available later on. Also many hotels will have opening later once Gencon releases their claim on the "housing blocks" (my mom used to be a travel agent and says its how it works). the room I had 2 yrs ago i got 2 months out from the con and it was 5 blocks away.

Ah, cool. Thnx, 'Fire.


02-25-2009, 04:49 PM
I am .5 miles from the convention center... I ended up getting my room a couple of days after the housing opened using the code the lady on the phone gave me... I don't know if I was just lucky or what... I also wanted the room from Thursday thru Monday check out... maybe that made a difference...

Last year was too rushed, and since I am still out of work, I figure I can burn the time up there with the extra day to rest before flying out...

I got in at some club thing at Monument circle... I looked up the walking route and being as I was in the northeast so long its not long to walk at all... plus really... I will need it to work off all the rich food and alcohol I will imbibe :D

Really glad I got all of this wrapped up this year... last year was all last minute and rushed...

See ya in Stormreach,


02-26-2009, 06:46 AM
Because I registered yesterday, I had to take a room 12 miles away. What is the downtown parking like?

02-26-2009, 07:04 AM
Ya know I ALMOST started to think about going, seeing as being out of work with the flu ATM is eating up the time-off I had saved to go to a local Con in March. However I go to the site and one of the first things I see is..

For over 40 years, Gen Con Indy has been setting the trend


WotC and Indy STOLE my convention from me! GenCon, as most of the gaming community knows, started off in Lake Geneva, WI (aka the birthplace of gaming) and then moved to Milwaukee when it got too big for Lake Geneva. It has only been in Indy for..help me out here, 7-8 years or so correct? I started going to GenCon in 1991 and attended every year until it was announced that it would be moving to Indy, after which time I stopped going under protest, and haven't been back since.

Yes, I'm taking this way to serious and personal. Yes I'm being irrational. But I've got too many fond memories of the Milwaukee Cons to let it go. I still remember being part of the crush of people outside the Vendor hall in '93 or '94, it was the Con after MtG was released; as the doors opened and we streamed in a bunch of us...around 20 or so...tossed Fireball cards into the TSR 'castle' as we ran by it to the WotC booth. -Sigh-. If we only knew then.

02-26-2009, 07:29 AM
Because I registered yesterday, I had to take a room 12 miles away. What is the downtown parking like?

Um it can be...interesting. Because downtown (like 2 blocks from the Con) is all the gov offices plus other businesses you would need to get downtown fairly early to get a decent parking spot. There are however a few parking decks as well as lots (I know one deck is by the mall.) You might be better off catching a cab if early morning isn't your thing...or carpooling.

By the way guys here is a very nice map from Lord Damax. (http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&msid=114218871383338452796.0000011372ae53e1b5db3&ll=39.76475,-86.161598&spn=0.005732,0.009559&t=h&z=17)

02-27-2009, 06:50 AM
I am on a waiting list for downtown hotels (in case one pops up) but downtown, is well, downtown. They have parking available, but if you dont know your way around, get a local map, and write down where you parked, in case memory fails.

Personally, Shaamis likes to avoid driving after a good bar-stomping adventure, and just mumble his hotel name and get pointed around till he finds it. :rolleyes: you get more XP that way.


03-01-2009, 09:49 AM
Oh, I wanna go too....
Never been to a Con meeting, the trip to Jillian's in Indy was the first excursion I've ever 'sent' myself on.
It was a thrill to meet those few whom I did there. I would love to see a thoughtful display, esp. with the integration of the new features. The follow-up with hirelings, and feedback and patching and seeing how the dust has settled. I look forward to the future of Dungeons and Dragons Online, and this one particular facet of the brand. I was initially unaware of it, and wary of it's theme, being so far removed from the D&D i grew up with. But, I must say I have fully embraced it, not too say that I wouldn't like to see ol' Bigby, Tenser, and all the Old Lore of D&D. Imagine the day when we get to open map on Greyhawk.
I hope to make it, and now I know some more details I will make this my event for the year for me.
Not to mention Rowanheal, of whom I am so fond of using her note of departure,

See ya' in Stormreach.
(You must let me run with you on the guided tour you had offered sometime)

03-10-2009, 12:18 PM
will be back home in lafayette by that time for leave. i will shoot up to indy and check it out.

03-11-2009, 08:24 PM
Totally got a room at the Westin! HELL YEAH! No walking 5 blocks this year for me! Anyone have a spare VIP upgrade I'll gladly send ya the $32 via paypal if you can upgrade me on your thing. :D

Are you still intersed in the VIG Comp Upgrade? I'm a VIG and I've alreayd got a Companion Badge for hubby and since i dont know anybody else that will be going i'd be happy to help you out. Just let me know and we can work out the Details.

CD Any luck finding a room?

03-15-2009, 01:05 PM
Are you still intersed in the VIG Comp Upgrade? I'm a VIG and I've alreayd got a Companion Badge for hubby and since i dont know anybody else that will be going i'd be happy to help you out. Just let me know and we can work out the Details.

CD Any luck finding a room?

Haven't finalized anything yet, but have a couple backup plans I can fall back on. Couple of Candlewood locations look really good - but they aren't on GenCon's listings. Gotta do a little hunting to find their stuff.

03-19-2009, 11:10 AM
i will be there for 2009

03-19-2009, 11:14 AM
Got my badge (ordered)...

... but between double-checking my mailing address and clicking checkout, I forgot to click to have it mailed. :(
CS emailed back quickly letting me know there's no function to edit shipping after purchase - yet.

Just got my reply back from CS. (They had told me to check back in a month from this previous contact.)
Apparently they're close to having functionality on changing delivery mode after purchase - and have put my change into the system. :D So have avoided the forever-line, hopefully. *whew* :o

05-12-2009, 08:54 AM
Are we there yet? :D

05-12-2009, 05:57 PM
Hopefully this year, I'll look at the day the Meet-Up is (if there is one). Last year I assumed it was on the Saturday of that weekend and when I got to Jillians, nobody was there! I asked someone that worked there and they said "That was yesterday." and then it struck me...it probably appeared to her that the "nerd party" had given me the wrong info to keep me from coming, making me the biggest loser! LOL :) Maybe she wasn't thinking that, but that's how it played out in my head :P

05-12-2009, 06:43 PM
Totally got a room at the Westin! HELL YEAH! No walking 5 blocks this year for me! Anyone have a spare VIP upgrade I'll gladly send ya the $32 via paypal if you can upgrade me on your thing.

Are we there yet? :D

Hi Phoenix

Still interested in the VIG upgrade?

I'm a VIG and I've already got a Companion Badge for hubby.

Since i don't know anybody else that will be going I have 2 upgrades available that i won't be needing so I'd be happy to help you out.

If you're interested Just send me a pm so we can work out the Details. :)

05-12-2009, 06:53 PM
this is really tempting, considerin gi have a bachelor party in vegas the weekend before.. i could go gamble all my money away in vegas then gamble away all my plat in indianapolis

05-26-2009, 04:00 PM
Are we there yet? :D

...and of equal import, has Tolero managed to wrangle any currency out of the Powers for our party this year? :confused:


05-26-2009, 04:04 PM
I am hoping we are still having a party... If something falls through on Turbines end I am sure we can scrounge something together :D

I have my hotel and I bought my badge and True Dungeon and all of that... Hubby will not be able to attend, but I figure all of you can keep me out of trouble!

Keeping an eye on this thread for details.

See ya in Stormreach,


05-26-2009, 04:24 PM
I have my hotel and I bought my badge and True Dungeon and all of that... Hubby will not be able to attend, but I figure all of you can keep me out of trouble!

..or worst case, bear the brunt of the trouble wit ya. ;)

05-26-2009, 05:28 PM
..or worst case, bear the brunt of the trouble wit ya. ;)

CD be good, I have my eyes on you, and also I will have access to weapons that can reach you from where ever I may be in August.

LOL j/k budd H ave a good time but make sure your nice to me girl.


05-26-2009, 07:10 PM
I am hoping we are still having a party... If something falls through on Turbines end I am sure we can scrounge something together :D

I have my hotel and I bought my badge and True Dungeon and all of that... Hubby will not be able to attend, but I figure all of you can keep me out of trouble!

Keeping an eye on this thread for details.

See ya in Stormreach,


Sound's like a plan Hubby and I will be there also. I have my Hotel, Plane Tickets and Badge's but missed getting my True Dungeon Tickets :( Now i have to hope there are no shows and i can squeeze in like we did the 1ST year we went. Don't worry we'll keep you out of trouble *evil smile*

See ya at GenCon

06-08-2009, 10:35 AM
What is the word on a DDO Party at this year's GenCon either Officially or Unofficialy sponored/hosted by Turbine?

06-13-2009, 11:32 AM
What is the word on a DDO Party at this year's GenCon either Officially or Unofficialy sponored/hosted by Turbine?

Still lotsa quietness on that front even after we hinted a few times...

(+1 hint) ;)


CD be good, I have my eyes on you, and also I will have access to weapons that can reach you from where ever I may be in August.

LOL j/k budd H ave a good time but make sure your nice to me girl.


I'm always good. :p

...but if ya gets the urge to hit the fire button, give me 5 minutes warning so I can go stand by the ex-laws. :D


Sound's like a plan Hubby and I will be there also....

Looking forward to seeing how that new hairstyling process you tried out works. May have *my* almost-ex try it. ;)
(Hoping recovery is coming along fine, K.)

06-22-2009, 06:25 PM
Looking forward to seeing how that new hairstyling process you tried out works. May have *my* almost-ex try it. ;)

(Hoping recovery is coming along fine, K.)

It turned out a little frizzy but improving. I'm doing good thanks for asking.

So Does anybody have any ideas for an Un-Official Meet up yet or mabey we can find out if there will be an official one :D ?

06-24-2009, 12:28 AM
Bah, thought I was going but looks like I will be on travel.

07-02-2009, 06:08 AM
It turned out a little frizzy but improving. I'm doing good thanks for asking.

So Does anybody have any ideas for an Un-Official Meet up yet or mabey we can find out if there will be an official one :D ?

I keep being told wait...but we do need to know soon, last minute planning can suck! :) Jillian's is still our best bet for planning one...let me go poke Tolero again.

I am so stoked, hotel is set, badge done, TD set, plane ticket done, AND I have a new laptop to bring with me!!!

Only downer is my Vampire game fell through :(

07-16-2009, 10:55 AM
Less than a month away and still no word?

07-16-2009, 11:25 AM
Not really, all I hear is not sure.

07-16-2009, 07:41 PM
If you ask me there's no time like the present to become sure. :D

07-17-2009, 05:53 AM
If you ask me there's no time like the present to become sure. :D
Don't go there girl lol! Last minute is how I roll, hell I may have to cancel this whole trip in 2 weeks....and yes I have been crying my eyes out for 2 days over it.

/goes back to her corner.

07-17-2009, 09:52 AM
Don't go there girl lol! Last minute is how I roll, hell I may have to cancel this whole trip in 2 weeks....and yes I have been crying my eyes out for 2 days over it.

/goes back to her corner.

Guys at this point I am going...that said I recommend we not count on DDO to do anything for us. Time we think of throwing our own get together.

07-17-2009, 09:56 AM
Guys at this point I am going...that said I recommend we not count on DDO to do anything for us. Time we think of throwing our own get together.

Man, that's a bummer. :( [Late edit - "bummer" on the doing our own thing, not that you're getting to go! :eek: ] :o

K, think we'll have enough to invade Jill's again, or maybe hijack Claddaugh?

(Clad has cider on tap...) ;)

07-17-2009, 10:08 AM
Man, that's a bummer. :(

K, think we'll have enough to invade Jill's again, or maybe hijack Claddaugh?

I can't attend the Con but will drive after work the 3 hours to the party!
Let me know where and when!

07-17-2009, 10:36 AM
Well I am just barely able to go. But I will help in anyway I can. Someone want to call Jillian's and get prices?

07-17-2009, 11:51 AM
Well I am just barely able to go. But I will help in anyway I can. Someone want to call Jillian's and get prices?

Before or after we get an idea of how many of us can show up?

07-17-2009, 11:57 AM
Is Turbine having a LotRO party at Gencon?

07-17-2009, 11:59 AM
Is Turbine having a LotRO party at Gencon?

I think 'Fire meant "Turbine", rather than "DDO".
Twas how I took it anyway.

07-17-2009, 12:00 PM
Is Turbine having a LotRO party at Gencon?

My understanding thus far is Turbine isn't going to be there (likely.)

I would guess look through this thread and plan for who has said they will be going then add 20 to that number...for a rough estimate. Or PM Tolero and ask how she planned 2yrs ago.

07-17-2009, 12:03 PM
My understanding thus far is Turbine isn't going to be there (likely.)

I would guess look through this thread and plan for who has said they will be going then add 20 to that number...for a rough estimate. Or PM Tolero and ask how she planned 2yrs ago.

Hmmm. I may have an idea in that direction.
Anyone seen Row lately?

/Wanders off Row hunting....

*moments later*

/Wanders back in. :(

Well, that didn't pan out....

07-17-2009, 05:14 PM
My understanding thus far is Turbine isn't going to be there (likely.)

I would guess look through this thread and plan for who has said they will be going then add 20 to that number...for a rough estimate. Or PM Tolero and ask how she planned 2yrs ago.

Yeah, since it's so close and we've heard nothing from Turbine about them being there, them not being on the exhibitor list or anything, I think we have to assume that Turbine is not going to be there and will not be hosting some kind of GenCon get-together.

I personally think the best way to deal with it is to not make it complicated or expensive. Rather than rent a floor at Jillians (which I assume is quite costly, having lived in Indy myself), I think we should just find a bar close enough to GenCon but not one of the big ones that gets crowded constantly (Claddaugh, Ram, etc) and just set a time and pack the place! Give them a call to let them know that we're headed there, but not deal with any rental fees and the like.

07-17-2009, 05:20 PM
Yeah, since it's so close and we've heard nothing from Turbine about them being there, them not being on the exhibitor list or anything, I think we have to assume that Turbine is not going to be there and will not be hosting some kind of GenCon get-together.

I personally think the best way to deal with it is to not make it complicated or expensive. Rather than rent a floor at Jillians (which I assume is quite costly, having lived in Indy myself), I think we should just find a bar close enough to GenCon but not one of the big ones that gets crowded constantly (Claddaugh, Ram, etc) and just set a time and pack the place! Give them a call to let them know that we're headed there, but not deal with any rental fees and the like.

Jerry you and I know one...we could call em and set up for Friday maybe? They might be too small though...

07-17-2009, 05:28 PM
I've been thinking of having the DDOcast get-together at a place a few blocks north of the State Capitol that I really like called the Bourbon Street Distillery:

PIC (http://static2.px.yelp.com/bphoto/1dOefgthmUCx1pzx9rNmVg/l)

My old band used to play there and they have a nice upper floor with its own bar and lots of room up there where us gamers might be able to hang out semi-privately. Only problem is that a lot of the GenCon crowd is only used to traveling between the convention center and the "party block" - where Have a Nice Day Cafe and the Claddaugh are, for example. Would people be willing to head a few blocks north?

Here's more about the place: Bourbon Street Distillery (http://www.yelp.com/biz/bourbon-street-distillery-indianapolis)

07-17-2009, 08:06 PM
I've been thinking of having the DDOcast get-together at a place a few blocks north of the State Capitol that I really like called the Bourbon Street Distillery:

PIC (http://static2.px.yelp.com/bphoto/1dOefgthmUCx1pzx9rNmVg/l)

My old band used to play there and they have a nice upper floor with its own bar and lots of room up there where us gamers might be able to hang out semi-privately. Only problem is that a lot of the GenCon crowd is only used to traveling between the convention center and the "party block" - where Have a Nice Day Cafe and the Claddaugh are, for example. Would people be willing to head a few blocks north?

Here's more about the place: Bourbon Street Distillery (http://www.yelp.com/biz/bourbon-street-distillery-indianapolis)

I think it would be nice to go somewhere a lillte off the normal route. so you cant add 2 to the Count (Me and hubby).

07-20-2009, 06:10 AM
3 and a half weeks to go...lookin good so far. I like Jerry's bar for us to hang out in. :)

07-20-2009, 06:17 AM
A real life DDO Party :eek::eek::eek: oh I wanna go :(

... any chance it will be held in AUS :confused:


I would so go :)

I reckon it would be such a rage.... I will have to put that on my things to do one day when I have money, and no kids or husband :D and after Ive been skiing in NZ with Iss :)

is there snow near this GenCon thing... maybe I could kill two birds with one stone :rolleyes:

07-20-2009, 07:01 AM
is there snow near this GenCon thing... maybe I could kill two birds with one stone :rolleyes:

No snow, Indy in Aug-Sept usually is in the 80's-90's F. :D It has been on almost all summer, 15deg below the Avg. temp though...you might get lucky and have a freak snow storm, but then you gotta find some hills (none in the city) LOL :p

P.S. To whom it may concern. I live in Indy, not necessarily volunteering to do all the foot work, but I can help out anyway you might need from someone who can get "eyes on" things.

07-20-2009, 08:31 AM

If there isnt going to be an OFFICIAL Turbine sponsored DDO party (even if it's attached to a LotRO party) and there are multiple DDO-themed get-togethers, PLEASE send me a shout, so I can plan my stumbling route.

Nothing makes a Dwarf (I AM short btw) more angry than wasting time between watering holes.

....and Shaamis won't be having any contest this year, but for NEW players on Khyber (you know who you are), I will play "Santa" Shaamis, and if you bring me a list of items you want in your "stocking" I will do my best to make your days in DDO (Khyber) be merry, and bright.

I'll also answer any monk questions you like. (don't expect deep, philisophical answers as the night progresses however.)

07-20-2009, 08:56 AM
3 and a half weeks to go...lookin good so far. I like Jerry's bar for us to hang out in. :)

I say we go with it.

My notes-in-bottles went out to sea never to be seen nor heard from again...

07-20-2009, 09:17 AM
Rock Bottom Brewery is another good place. I love their food, and the house-brewed beer's are all pretty darn good. The one downtown is close to the convention AND has a downstairs area for pool and darts (I think).


Our dining room is one of the largest in downtown and can accommodate small and large groups up to 150 for any occasion. We seasonally offer a sidewalk cafe that seats up to 60 which is great for people watching!

*ADD* As a side not, I know the GM at the other one on the North side of Indy. I could talk to him about seeing if the downtown one can cut a deal or something. Just lemme know! :)

07-20-2009, 10:50 AM
Rock Bottom Brewery is another good place. I love their food, and the house-brewed beer's are all pretty darn good. The one downtown is close to the convention AND has a downstairs area for pool and darts (I think).


*ADD* As a side not, I know the GM at the other one on the North side of Indy. I could talk to him about seeing if the downtown one can cut a deal or something. Just lemme know! :)

Kick ass! :) Look into it, can't hurt to ask around and see what turns up! :)

07-20-2009, 10:59 AM
Does anyone have a rough count on who's coming? So I can have an idea of how much space I'd ask for and maybe discounts on appitizers or whatever (should we decided to go with this option).

Thanks :)

07-20-2009, 11:26 AM
Best guess from this thread and what my guildies/friends have said I would say 30-50...roughly.

07-20-2009, 01:31 PM
Rock Bottom would be good too, although if the party is on Friday or Saturday then it'll already be pretty packed with GenCon folks, if history is any indication.

Another option might be to check out The House, GenCon's underground bar in the basement of Union Station. If we had the party there, we could then have fun and go upstairs to the dance party, assuming it'll be in Union Station again.

From a GenCon newsletter today:

Don’t forget to end your day with a stop at Gen Con’s exclusive watering hole, The House. The House is located in the basement of the Union Station and features a full bar, daily bar menu and plenty of atmosphere. It’s a great place to meet friends, play a game, grab a drink and unwind.

The House will be open Thursday – Saturday, 6pm until …

07-21-2009, 04:52 PM
I'm getting in Late Thursday night (stupid job) so just let me know when and where and I'll be there.

07-21-2009, 07:34 PM
Just let us know where to go and We'll be there. Also if theres anything we can do to help out give me a shout and I'll do my best.

07-21-2009, 07:38 PM
Someone let me know where and when to be somewhere... I am getting in Thursday afternoon... Friday or Saturday night maybe best for most people... *shrugs*

Let me know if there is any organizational help needed and I will do what I can from here :)

Looking forward to seeing everyone!

See ya in Stormreach,


07-22-2009, 12:49 AM
Can we do this next year is AUS :) I feel all left out... we can do DDO Bush Style :D I have 91 acres to party on :D:D:D



think about it ;)

07-22-2009, 08:40 PM
Someone let me know where and when to be somewhere... I am getting in Thursday afternoon... Friday or Saturday night maybe best for most people... *shrugs*...

*Somebody* got a new phone #.... :p

07-22-2009, 08:43 PM
Kick ass! :) Look into it, can't hurt to ask around and see what turns up! :)

Yes, yes.
What better venue for a bunch of gamer geeks than a basement party! :D

(stops and tries to think how long it's been since he's thrown a dart... A real dart, mind you. Not one of these mamby pamby new age plastic tipped fakey darts for folks that can't do backwards math on a chalkboard.) ;)

07-23-2009, 03:49 PM
i will be there just need to know where people are meeting

07-24-2009, 11:16 AM
Nothing big, just letting you know that I plan to talk to the Manager of Rock Bottom (the guy I know) that isn't downtown...tonight. I'm going to see if he can either put in a good word, or something, so the manager downtown will maybe be cut us some deals.

I'll assume to reserve an area wont cost anything, but do we want to get like an appitizer buffet and pitchers or just get the space and let everyone fend for themselves?

After tonight, I'll try to update ya on what I find out. If it looks bad for R.B. I'll check out that place in Union Station.

07-24-2009, 01:25 PM
Nothing big, just letting you know that I plan to talk to the Manager of Rock Bottom (the guy I know) that isn't downtown...tonight. I'm going to see if he can either put in a good word, or something, so the manager downtown will maybe be cut us some deals.

I'll assume to reserve an area wont cost anything, but do we want to get like an appitizer buffet and pitchers or just get the space and let everyone fend for themselves?

After tonight, I'll try to update ya on what I find out. If it looks bad for R.B. I'll check out that place in Union Station.

Sounds good! The place in Union Station will only be open for GenCon though, I think. If we can do Rock Bottom without paying for it, that would rule! Since we don't have the deep pockets of Turbine, I assume this will be more of an informal meet-up, with people paying their own bills.

07-24-2009, 06:54 PM
Bad News: The manager wasn't there today...his day off.

Good News: He's transferring to the downtown restaurant on July 31th! :)

So, I'll try to talk to him this week when he works, but I'm sure he'd be more than willing to help us out. :)

More updates probably on Tues.

07-26-2009, 10:50 AM
Nothing big, just letting you know that I plan to talk to the Manager of Rock Bottom (the guy I know) that isn't downtown...tonight. I'm going to see if he can either put in a good word, or something, so the manager downtown will maybe be cut us some deals.

I'll assume to reserve an area wont cost anything, but do we want to get like an appitizer buffet and pitchers or just get the space and let everyone fend for themselves?

After tonight, I'll try to update ya on what I find out. If it looks bad for R.B. I'll check out that place in Union Station.

We'll want a bartender that's willing/able to make our special list of drinks!
I missed em before, and have much catching up to do...

07-26-2009, 10:51 AM
Bad News: The manager wasn't there today...his day off.

Good News: He's transferring to the downtown restaurant on July 31th! :)....

Ain't it sweet when karma works in the right direction for a change? :)

07-27-2009, 10:27 AM
Is there an update on this? Clankenbeard and I will get into town on Weds. We do not have any scheduled events Friday or Saturday evening, because I did not know when this party might be.

What's the deal this year anyway? We don't deserve a party? They really did right by the fans last year, and I guess we broke the bank eh? tsk tsk tsk, forgetting the fan base is cheap and taudry, and will not be forgotten or easily forgiven. I hope I am wrong.

07-27-2009, 10:32 AM
I'm going to talk to the manager of Rock Bottom sometime between tonight - Wed night..depending on my and his schedule. I'm guessing most people want the thing on a Friday? If anyone that's going is reading this, can I get kinda a quick vote? :) Thanks!

07-27-2009, 01:43 PM
Friday night would be great by me.

I know "they" are talking about this at Turbine. I would just hope that the powers that be make of their minid already and let us know before we fork over money that we can't get back.

07-27-2009, 02:55 PM
Friday is cool with me as well. In fact, the party for the last what.. 3 years has been on a Friday?

07-27-2009, 03:10 PM
Unfortunately, I won't be able to attend this year. Not enough finances and all that :(


07-27-2009, 04:48 PM
I'm going to talk to the manager of Rock Bottom sometime between tonight - Wed night..depending on my and his schedule. I'm guessing most people want the thing on a Friday? If anyone that's going is reading this, can I get kinda a quick vote? :) Thanks!

Friday night is what I figured on.

Not that I've got any really heavy engagements planned, or anything... :o

I started going to GenCon for the get-together.
I'll prolly stop going when we stop having them.

07-27-2009, 09:48 PM
i just need to know,
i have friends who are going to the whitewolf party. it was cool last yr when i felt we had just as good (we are cooler!) a party if not better..lol i am on a strick budget cuz im seriously poor so i hope you can get us a good discount.
but the most important is i just need to know ;)

07-28-2009, 01:01 PM
I think the best way to deal with this as a player-organized thing is not to deal with hall rentals, server fees, etc. Instead, let's find a place that wants a bunch of DDO folks spending their money like regular drinkers and go there. Unless there's someone rich out there who likes spending money on other DDO players!

And yeah, let's assume Friday night.

07-28-2009, 01:06 PM
I was gonna talk to him today but he's off :mad: on a company golf outting. I'm trying again tomorrow. I promise I'm trying!

...and Friday the 14th is the day I'll request.

07-29-2009, 04:24 PM
Well, I rolled a 1

Although I know the manager, the one downtown actually caters to large groups by allowing for reserved space and another person handles all that stuff. The problem is for 34 seats (plus standing room) there is a $1500 minimum (and the space is ours upto 5 hours). I basically shut off when I heard that because I think I'd have to cover the rest. Assuming we got a min of 40 people in there, that's $37.50 per person. Not SO bad for 5 hours but if everyone wants dinner, then we have to pretty much let em know the number of dinners they'll need to be ready for.

I can give / get more details if you all want but that one sounds like a bust. They did say we could try to reserve tables the day of, but that's hit or miss. I was thinking if we did do that, we could try to reserve about 15 seats, and then start so spread out as tables near us free up.

Lemme know but I'm guessing we need other options. :(

Sorry, I tried! :o

07-29-2009, 05:25 PM
I'd do my part to drink that much, but that's quite high per person imo. I'd say lets do the Union Station thing as its only open while the event is on and sounds like a great place to mingle.

I'd just like to say that I'm shocked that there will be no turbine prescense this year at Gencon, let alone our little get together. Would it not make perfect sense to launch a new system at an event that attracts gamers??? :confused: They must have had a poor return on all the free trials they handed out last year to not do anything this year.

07-29-2009, 08:03 PM
Well, I rolled a 1

Although I know the manager, the one downtown actually caters to large groups by allowing for reserved space and another person handles all that stuff. The problem is for 34 seats (plus standing room) there is a $1500 minimum (and the space is ours upto 5 hours). I basically shut off when I heard that because I think I'd have to cover the rest. Assuming we got a min of 40 people in there, that's $37.50 per person. Not SO bad for 5 hours but if everyone wants dinner, then we have to pretty much let em know the number of dinners they'll need to be ready for.

I can give / get more details if you all want but that one sounds like a bust. They did say we could try to reserve tables the day of, but that's hit or miss. I was thinking if we did do that, we could try to reserve about 15 seats, and then start so spread out as tables near us free up.

Lemme know but I'm guessing we need other options. :(

Sorry, I tried! :o

No worries, I pretty much expected that to be the answer, especially on such a lucrative weekend for a place like that.

As I've said before, since this is being organized by players and not a structured organization, dealing with rental fees and the like is impractical. Let's find a common place to hang out and just show up and have fun! Someplace that might be able to fit us all, of course, but someplace that isn't going to require us to pay rental fees and the like.

I'm currently looking at two options, give me some time to see what's up.

07-29-2009, 08:08 PM
Does the Union Station one require a GenCon pass?

07-30-2009, 10:10 AM
Well, keep me in the loop.

I am downtown at a hotel, so if we move to far out, I will need a ride or taxi or something.

It'll be fun just to have us all together!!!

See ya in Stormreach,


07-30-2009, 10:18 AM
No worries, I pretty much expected that to be the answer, especially on such a lucrative weekend for a place like that.

As I've said before, since this is being organized by players and not a structured organization, dealing with rental fees and the like is impractical. Let's find a common place to hang out and just show up and have fun! Someplace that might be able to fit us all, of course, but someplace that isn't going to require us to pay rental fees and the like.

I'm currently looking at two options, give me some time to see what's up.

Well, before last year's party at Jill's I was sitting upstairs where they have the bowling alley with a bar. There were maybe a half-dozen people up there.

07-30-2009, 10:19 AM
Well, I rolled a 1...

Thanks for checking into it, though. :)

/Thinks quietly, $40... food, drink..... heck, that's not really that much.... Hmmm....


/More thinking. Even if Turbine isn't officially showing, how many of the Powers are planning on being at the Con, that could be counted into our numbers showing?

(Yeah, that's a hint trying to get *Someone-or-Two* to pop in and say hi or something...) :D

07-30-2009, 10:30 AM
I'm currently looking at two options, give me some time to see what's up.

Well, okay.....

/Checks clock....

Are we there yet?


07-30-2009, 10:33 AM
Well, keep me in the loop.

I am downtown at a hotel, so if we move to far out, I will need a ride or taxi or something.

It'll be fun just to have us all together!!!

See ya in Stormreach,


I'd offer up my house to party, my friend works at a Liqure store so kegs are "at-cost"...only problem is I'm about 15 min drive north of GenCon. I doubt everyone wants to take cabs and such for that distance :p

...but if comes down to it, the offer is open :D

07-30-2009, 01:55 PM
I'd offer up my house to party, my friend works at a Liqure store so kegs are "at-cost"...only problem is I'm about 15 min drive north of GenCon. I doubt everyone wants to take cabs and such for that distance :p

...but if comes down to it, the offer is open :D

We can all just crash on your couch. :)

Good question about the GenCon badges and Union Station, I assume you would need a badge to get in. Since some folks will be going to the party without going to the con, that's something to consider.

Ya know, that's not a bad idea - maybe we can just go to Jillians anyway and hang out? That place is pretty big. We might have to deal with a cover though.

07-31-2009, 12:08 PM
Friday is swell. I think I still like Jerry's original bar proposal the best though even though it is a few blocks from the convention.

07-31-2009, 04:02 PM
We can all just crash on your couch. :)....

That would get me in *so* much trouble... :rolleyes:

...but sounds like a heck of a party in and of itself. :D;)

07-31-2009, 04:15 PM
maybe we can just go to Jillians anyway and hang out? That place is pretty big. We might have to deal with a cover though.

last year i did not have a cover b/c i got there befor the turbine party started. I think jillians is a viable option b/c we have been there the last 2 yrs. just hope they don't run out of beers like they did last year! ..lol

08-03-2009, 10:19 AM
Sounds like the DDO Get together is happening on Friday.

08-03-2009, 11:08 AM
Yup, it'll be on Friday. The location yet to be determined, probably either Jillians or Bourbon St. Distillery.

08-03-2009, 11:10 AM
Yup, it'll be on Friday. The location yet to be determined, probably either Jillians or Bourbon St. Distillery.

...aheem, or my house :p

J/K I dont want to have to keep people off my computers cause they're playing DDO instead of partying! :D

08-03-2009, 12:30 PM
...aheem, or my house :p

J/K I dont want to have to keep people off my computers cause they're playing DDO instead of partying! :D

You have computers? As in plural? It's settled then, everyone at Psykosiss' house, bring your laptops and we'll do an in-house raid or two! You don't have dial-up, right? :)

08-04-2009, 07:21 AM
You have computers? As in plural? It's settled then, everyone at Psykosiss' house, bring your laptops and we'll do an in-house raid or two! You don't have dial-up, right? :)

LOL...no dial-up (people still have that?! :eek: )

08-04-2009, 07:25 AM
LOL...no dial-up (people still have that?! :eek: )

Unfortunately, I'm sure some people still do. Thankfully I'm not one of them.

So when are you getting your internet connection upgraded? Will it be done before the Party? Are you using Wireless G or N?:D

08-05-2009, 07:05 AM
Am I hearing this correctly? a LAN party raid? Sweet. I am willing to contribute food/beer/cash to mitigate any wife/gf agro....

08-05-2009, 01:42 PM
Am I hearing this correctly? a LAN party raid? Sweet. I am willing to contribute food/beer/cash to mitigate any wife/gf agro....

No, sorry - we were just joking.

I've started a separate thread about this for organizational purposes, but posting it here too:

All right, got off the phone today with Jillians and it's a go.

Their private rooms are booked for events, but they said there would be plenty of room for our group to hang out, especially on the 2nd and 3rd floors. 2nd - drunken arcade, 3rd - drunken bowling.

So, let's make this OFFICIAL: The DDO Meetup at GenCon will take place on FRIDAY, August 14th starting at 7pm Eastern time until 10pm Eastern (or whenever, I'm sure some of us will be there all night). Just show up, no RSVP needed. Wear your DDO shirts if ya got em!

Let's gather on the 2nd floor, say hi and do whatever!

I'm putting this in a separate thread as well to make it easier to find.

Any questions? Send me an email at ddocast((((AT)))))gmail(DOT)com


08-05-2009, 03:00 PM
Really looking forward to meeting everyone there.

08-06-2009, 04:08 PM
No, sorry - we were just joking.

I've started a separate thread about this for organizational purposes, but posting it here too:

All right, got off the phone today with Jillians and it's a go.

Their private rooms are booked for events, but they said there would be plenty of room for our group to hang out, especially on the 2nd and 3rd floors. 2nd - drunken arcade, 3rd - drunken bowling.

So, let's make this OFFICIAL: The DDO Meetup at GenCon will take place on FRIDAY, August 14th starting at 7pm Eastern time until 10pm Eastern (or whenever, I'm sure some of us will be there all night). Just show up, no RSVP needed. Wear your DDO shirts if ya got em!

Let's gather on the 2nd floor, say hi and do whatever!

I'm putting this in a separate thread as well to make it easier to find.

Any questions? Send me an email at ddocast((((AT)))))gmail(DOT)com


Kewl. :D
So noted.

08-11-2009, 04:40 PM
Really looking forward to meeting everyone there.


08-11-2009, 05:14 PM


08-11-2009, 11:12 PM

Yay, I can't sleep so here I am.

We leave in less than 24hrs mabey that's why? can't wait to see you all again i'm sure it will be ton's of fun again this year.

08-12-2009, 02:48 AM
Yay, I can't sleep so here I am.

We leave in less than 24hrs mabey that's why? can't wait to see you all again i'm sure it will be ton's of fun again this year.

Word! I'm up in six hours to drive to Indy. Currently packed, all games packed, video games packed, schedule ready to go! Can't wait.

08-12-2009, 10:34 AM

So is anyone else from Turbine Going to be at GenCon?

08-14-2009, 07:53 PM
Sitting here....

all alone...

feeling so left out of all the fun :(



Take pics and post em here when you return :D

08-17-2009, 05:26 AM

Still having gencon huh?Is it still in the mecca center?

08-17-2009, 05:55 AM
Jillians at 7pm on Friday was the place.

Shaamis was there.

We laughed (and Shaamis drank) A LOT.


08-17-2009, 03:48 PM
was so great to hang out with everyone. i think we are a above average group of ppl when it comes to friendlyness.

08-17-2009, 04:35 PM
Jillians at 7pm on Friday was the place.

Shaamis was there.

We laughed (and Shaamis drank) A LOT.


Well GenCon's over and we're back home now were back now :( and yes I agree I drank way too much. It was so much fun can't wait thil next year.

08-27-2009, 04:30 PM
Indianapolis Star article about attendance: http://www.indystar.com/article/20090827/BUSINESS/90827006/Despite+recession++Gen+Con+Indy+drew+27+900+

08-27-2009, 05:57 PM
Indianapolis Star article about attendance: http://www.indystar.com/article/20090827/BUSINESS/90827006/Despite+recession++Gen+Con+Indy+drew+27+900+

Thanks for the link!
You don't happen to have ever made a cleric named Docduck? ;) :p

Ahhh, tell me that Elf? is not Tolero...:)

08-27-2009, 06:30 PM
Thanks for the link!
You don't happen to have ever made a cleric named Docduck? ;) :p

Ahhh, tell me that Elf? is not Tolero...:)

Nope, only cleric is Mockduck. I do have a Mockduk and Monkduck, but no Docduck.

And nope, that's not Tolero (http://www.flickr.com/photos/41682808@N08/3836005514/).

(she's the one on the left, not the bearded guy on the right. :))

09-07-2009, 09:59 AM
Indianapolis Star article about attendance: http://www.indystar.com/article/20090827/BUSINESS/90827006/Despite+recession++Gen+Con+Indy+drew+27+900+

Last line, 'Next year runs Aug 5-6-7-8'.
Mark your calendars, adding an extra underline for Friday night. :)

09-07-2009, 12:34 PM
Last line, 'Next year runs Aug 5-6-7-8'.
Mark your calendars, adding an extra underline for Friday night. :)

I've already done that, see you next year. :D