View Full Version : +2 CHA tome for sale

11-07-2008, 11:28 AM
Selling a +2 CHA tome. New to trading, so please post offers here, or if you want to PM, thats fine, I won't mention your name, but will announce the offer here and ask for guidance. Really looking just for Plat to bankroll a few of my toons. Any ideas (from people who are not interested in buying it, the going rate)?

Also, was told, "really nice bow", when I pulled it. Any interest in a +2 (I think) Wounding short bow of elemental bane (Not greater bane) no rr.


11-08-2008, 02:14 AM
Current bid 150K plat. Considering a +1 ranges from 30 - 60K plat (on the AH) and the +2's are upwards of a half a million, I was expecting a bit more. As stated before, I am new to the virtual marketplace of tomes and uber gear, so I might be overly optimistic to its worth. However, I really do not want to sell it for 150K plat. I'd rather send it to one of my lowbees for that price. Any other offers? or comments about the going rate of a +2 CHA tome?

11-08-2008, 11:08 PM

11-09-2008, 12:03 AM
Ill give you 200k. Charisma is not the most desirible of tomes is probably the reason you havent had many higher offers yet. Int and Dex are more popular by faR.

The auction house takes a 1/3 off the top so a +2 tome that goes for 300k only nets you 200k.

If you dont get a better offer send me a tell in game. Rigor, rigorii. rigoriii, rigoriv, rigorv, ect to rigorxi