View Full Version : when the servers come back

11-04-2008, 01:36 PM
i was fortunate enough to teach some of my thelanis guildies about the the Garamol looting... on my lvl 3 ( 1 monk/2 cleric), and actually pull the item i was seeking. now i want to get this toon to lvl 14 asap ! so i'd be doing the lowbie series quests.

Where would you be?

11-04-2008, 01:38 PM
i was fortunate enough to teach some of my thelanis guildies about the the Garamol looting... on my lvl 3 ( 1 monk/2 cleric), and actually pull the item i was seeking. now i want to get this toon to lvl 14 asap ! so i'd be doing the lowbie series quests.

Where would you be?

WW a few times, then osgoods bonebites dirks, ST, TR, Gwylands, SC, Threnals....

11-04-2008, 01:50 PM
If the servers were up...

I would be working on my casting cleric. I think after mucking about with the pre-made paths I finally have customized a cleric with enough wis and cha to function well, while keeping a tidge of str for melee.