View Full Version : Refuge Floor

11-03-2008, 10:32 PM
Any chance we can get the Missing Floor thing Fixed?

11-04-2008, 12:09 AM
I like seeing Sorjek's butt.


11-04-2008, 12:57 AM

11-04-2008, 06:25 AM
Any chance we can get the Missing Floor thing Fixed?

I'll get right on it.

Just one question: what is 'the Missing Floor thing'? Is it the same as the screenshot in this thread, or something entirely different?

11-04-2008, 06:29 AM
I'll get right on it.

Just one question: what is 'the Missing Floor thing'? Is it the same as the screenshot in this thread, or something entirely different?

It's basically the screenshot.

Since the update, sometimes when logging in, entire areas are empty on our screens, save for the walls and npcs. Taverns will have patrons but no furniture, refuge won't have floors, even happened in sorjek tonight, player in our group couldn't see bridges and such and had to follow people around.

11-04-2008, 06:46 AM
The only method I've seen for getting rid of the missing floor is to recall/teleport out of the refuge and then come back in.

Relogging doesn't work consistently unless you switch characters.

11-04-2008, 07:43 AM
That in some cases can be caused by the settings in-game being too high for your video card to handle. Do you have DirectX 10 turned on in game? Try turning your anti-aliasing settings all the way down/off and see if that fixes it for you.

I have seen this in other games where I just tried setting the graphics options TOO high, and the drivers for my video card just didn't like it.

To help diagnose the problem, please provide the following information:

What video card or graphics processor do you have in your computer?

What video card drivers do you have installed? Are they the latest, and have you downloaded the latest drivers for your card/chip?

How much video card memory do you have?

How much memory do you have in your computer(system memory)?

What Operating System are you running? Windows XP, Vista? 32 bit or 64 bit?

To get the answers to these things, you can do a start/run and then type in: dxdiag
hit enter, and check the information in the various tabs.

If you have a video card with 128 megs of memory on it for example, or integrated video(on the motherboard) and it has only 64 or 128 megs of memory allocated to it, the quality of the graphics may use up all your available video memory, and you get the missing texture problem. If you reduce the resolution or lower the detail settings in game enough to not go over the amount your video card/chip has access to, and it will correct the problem.

I hope this helps...

11-04-2008, 07:47 AM
Yea i have this happen to me as well, I have dx10 turned on but my card can deff handle the settings, for me it seems to happen when switching chs... for example if I log out of a ch in the refugee and log onto a ch that logged out in the refugee this happens for me gets a lil annoyin but i have become quite good at navigating my way to one of the explorer entrances w/o bein able to see the walls ;)


11-04-2008, 08:00 AM
Yea i have this happen to me as well, I have dx10 turned on but my card can deff handle the settings, for me it seems to happen when switching chs... for example if I log out of a ch in the refugee and log onto a ch that logged out in the refugee this happens for me gets a lil annoyin but i have become quite good at navigating my way to one of the explorer entrances w/o bein able to see the walls ;)

It's not just how powerful your video card is, it's about how much memory your video card has access to. If you have a 512 meg video card, make sure you have additional video memory available to the card(set in the BIOS on most systems). Turn your antialiasing down a notch or two as well and see if that fixes the problem.

11-04-2008, 08:05 AM
find your way to an adventure area portal ( assuming you're in the refuge, as this where it happens to me) load in and go back to the refuge.

11-04-2008, 08:09 AM
And hear I thought the downturn in the economy was forcing the taverns out of business. I haven't made any changes to my graphics settings, and I've seen it several times lately.
The Phoenix Tavern

The Portable Hole

11-04-2008, 08:16 AM
I'm having the same problem since the last patch,didnt happen on Risia or when Mod 8 went live.
On initial login I have no issues it seems to only happen when switching characters for me and almost always in the refuge.
I say almost always because my workaround has been to switch to a character that is currently in the Phoenix tavern,but after logging in that character I have seen the same issue in the Phoenix tavern.
It doesnt seem to be a lag related problem as I have stood around waiting for things to appear but no dice.

11-04-2008, 08:17 AM
What video card or graphics processor do you have in your computer?

GeForce 7800GT. Have 2 in an SLI setup, but have disabled it since Mod 8 because enabling it causes an annoying mouse pointer flicker and a "ghost" pointer.[/QUOTE]

What video card drivers do you have installed? Are they the latest, and have you downloaded the latest drivers for your card/chip?

The latest NVidia drivers as of 5 days ago.

How much video card memory do you have?


How much memory do you have in your computer(system memory)?


What Operating System are you running? Windows XP, Vista? 32 bit or 64 bit?

XP 32bit.

And btw, I have my settings set with the autodetect option in DDO. I did have to disable the one setting that is mentioned by Turbine as causing a problem with the 7800GTX (which I don't have). But that fixed another issue with disappearing landscape items - specifically I noticed it with the rocks in the water area above the Refuge.

11-04-2008, 10:58 AM
I've had the same problem reconnecting in to the portable hole three times, though I had it before the patch and on Risia. I think it's always been while running DX10.... but that's all I've been running.

11-04-2008, 11:04 AM
I'm on XP Pro (so no DX10) and running 8800GTs in SLI. I've had this happen several times out in Reaver's Refuge, but since I'm almost always out there it could of course be happening elsewhere without my noticing. :)

11-04-2008, 11:13 AM
it's caused by switchin toons when that other toon is in refuge too. If you switch to one in Meridia or anywhere else the bug doesn't happen. I just log out in a explorer area anymore to switch. Cause running around not knowing where anything is not fun.

11-04-2008, 12:41 PM
Sounds like an issue with the game loading stuff into its cache.

11-04-2008, 04:51 PM
I'll get right on it.Just one question: what is 'the Missing Floor thing'? Is it the same as the screenshot in this thread, or something entirely different?

Sorry, I just assumed this was a well know issue.

When switching characters to one that logged off in the Refuge - quite often the Refuge objects don't load (like the picture). You can still get around (by memory) but its not easy. I have also seen this on various occasions elsewhere including the Portable Hole, Marketplace, House J Vendor, and Meridia. This is happening Guild wide from low to very high end systems, x10 and not, vista and xp.

I did not see this the first day but it has grown worse with last night it happening a majority of the time. For characters that can, teleporting out and /deathing back fixes it, as does getting to another Refuge instance and returning.

I have heard it called the load bug, missing floor, empty refuge, under the floor, etc.

11-05-2008, 03:51 AM
I've had this happen myself.

Now there is no way my system (in any aspect) can't handle the game post patch, in fact I had it happen first after the mod release without any changes to graphics settings from before the mod. (running in DX9 mode)

There is a code glitch somewhere and no amount of trying to palm it off on user systems is really going to change that fact.

11-07-2008, 10:34 AM
I get the same thing at times, it's only happened when I logged in and my character is in the reavers rufuge, I've never seen it happen when loading in from the Atoll and never seen it happen coming in from one of the zones, just logging in has caused it. For me if I log into a character that is in the reavers refuge their is about a 25% chance of this occurring, which is why I don't leave my characters in the refuge as much as can be helped.

This bug has only happened to my once outside the reaver's refuge and was inside the phoenix tavern.

11-07-2008, 10:45 AM
This happened to me once too, in House J. I thought it was kinda funny actually, but guildies didn't believe me...
I like to attribute it to the fact our friend Jonx was visiting us one last time before going to WoW and the game was protesting...

11-07-2008, 11:23 AM
I like seeing Sorjek's butt.

You're so kinky! :p

11-07-2008, 06:24 PM
This happened to me once too, in House J. I thought it was kinda funny actually, but guildies didn't believe me...
I like to attribute it to the fact our friend Jonx was visiting us one last time before going to WoW and the game was protesting...

That looks like House J and Fred got nuked from orbit... its must have been the only way to be sure!!!