10-26-2008, 10:58 PM
I want to give a big thank you to everyone who ran "VON 5 and 6" with the Fallen Sages tonight. This was our first real raid and things couldn't have gone smoother. That dragon went down nice and smooth (even though Vinde fell off before we got the barriers down... Man was he PO'ed!!!!). I wish I could thank people by name, but I am horrible with names. Someone snapped some screenshots though, hopefully they will get posted.
Tonight's raid has inspired me. I think it's time for Gygor to step up to the next "level" and start getting flagged for more raids (Specificly, Reaver and Shroud). I'm tired of turning down tells for Reaver runs cause I'm not flagged, or missing out on the good loot. So Tuesday I am dedicating myself to flagging. Anyone want to help a poor cleric out and show him the ropes? I'll be on early (probibly 9:30am EST) and rockin the whole day (got the day out of work, the kid and the wife are away, DDO time!!!). I hope to run with more of you in the future!
Tonight's raid has inspired me. I think it's time for Gygor to step up to the next "level" and start getting flagged for more raids (Specificly, Reaver and Shroud). I'm tired of turning down tells for Reaver runs cause I'm not flagged, or missing out on the good loot. So Tuesday I am dedicating myself to flagging. Anyone want to help a poor cleric out and show him the ropes? I'll be on early (probibly 9:30am EST) and rockin the whole day (got the day out of work, the kid and the wife are away, DDO time!!!). I hope to run with more of you in the future!