View Full Version : Air Guard....how well does it work well.

10-23-2008, 10:39 AM
Hi all,

I have a question for anyone who has crafted an Air Guard item, how well does the trip work? I don't expect red names to get hit, but what about trash mobs and other none red name mobs. Orthons and devils come to mind on this :).

And info on how well it does or doesn't work would be helpful. I'm building a +45 HP googles for my fighter, but I'm really wondering if the Air Guard knocks things down really well.

thanks in advance for any info,


10-23-2008, 10:48 AM
Love it, but I screwed up and put it on my main that has an unbuffed-Undispellable 69 AC....SO I donĀ“t get hit much and I only occasionally see a 30 sec haste or a tossed mob.

Experimenting by dropping Shield:

Orthon in Vale? Seen one tripped...(the image is a bit misleading...it looks like a fat horse sipping water really)

Devils? Nope have not seen one yet.

The item would rock on a Barbarian.

10-23-2008, 10:50 AM
My personal experience with the Air Guard item - I see the 30 second haste boost proc more often than the knockdown. In the interest of transparency however, I have the Air Guard items on my cleric (who tends to hang in the back and sling heals and offensive spells, not melee) and on my intim build (who usually runs around at mid 60s ac). So perhaps I'm just really unlucky with my proc rates.

10-24-2008, 01:21 PM
Haste seems to proceeds a lot more than the trip effect.