View Full Version : warning devs: Don't put raid loot in compendium

10-08-2008, 05:58 PM
A good source of entertainment is the process of exploring and finding out what new cool magic items are available in a module. The developers should be careful not to accidentally release this info in the Compendium, which is what happened to all the named items in the new low-level area. (Ember weapons, Straw Hat, Fire Finger, etc etc)

This isn't a real problem for very low level items, because nobody is excited by them. But if raid loot or other high-level items were revealed that way, it would spoint some of the fun.

10-08-2008, 06:12 PM
for anyone else reading this thread, the items are in the changlog here:


10-08-2008, 06:42 PM
A good source of entertainment is the process of exploring and finding out what new cool magic items are available in a module. The developers should be careful not to accidentally release this info in the Compendium, which is what happened to all the named items in the new low-level area. (Ember weapons, Straw Hat, Fire Finger, etc etc)

This isn't a real problem for very low level items, because nobody is excited by them. But if raid loot or other high-level items were revealed that way, it would spoint some of the fun.

Or, you could just not read the compendium... Those who follow the "Players ar enot allowed to buy a DMG" rule can choose not to read it. Those who don't can.

10-08-2008, 06:45 PM
Or, you could just not read the compendium.
Quoted for humor.

10-08-2008, 06:55 PM
I never would have known it was even in the compendium if someone hadn't come here and mentioned it. It's not like it's in a readily accessible place where anyone can just stumble on it. You gotta really be searching to discover it. Kinda like sneaking a peak at your christmas present before christmas, and then complaining because you are no longer surprised when you actually unwrap it on christmas day.

10-08-2008, 07:08 PM
the most interesting items are the deleted ones, are they deleted from the game or just the compendium so we learn about them naturally, unfortunately the logs tell us their names

10-08-2008, 08:00 PM
I never would have known it was even in the compendium if someone hadn't come here and mentioned it. It's not like it's in a readily accessible place where anyone can just stumble on it. You gotta really be searching to discover it.

If the new raid loot is posted in the compendium, then one of the other 12 players will READ it into voice chat before any of your members have even entered the raid for the first time.

10-08-2008, 08:15 PM
What happened to the days of whining because the Developers never tell us anything.

Look... The first time the item pops up in the raid someone is going to screen shot it and that is going to end up in some online database. Someone will see and likely ruin your day telling you what it is. All putting it in the compendium is doing is making it accessible to everyone instead of a certain bunch of people with access to that other database.

10-08-2008, 08:19 PM

If the new raid loot is posted in the compendium, then one of the other 12 players will READ it into voice chat before any of your members have even entered the raid for the first time.

People must be different on your server. Do all the people you run with like to show off about how much they know before everyone else by revealing a whole bunch of spoilers? or is this just some vaguely distant possibility that you are worried about?

10-08-2008, 08:56 PM
Yes this would only ruin the surprise for about the 10-20 people who would be the first to find items, and the guilds that like to keep secrets. Everyone knows that the items are posted to the Unique Loot thread the day they are first pulled anyway. Within a week or 2 we have a pretty good idea of all the named loot.

But then I never look at the compendium anyway.

10-09-2008, 08:30 AM
Are we getting clothing?

10-09-2008, 08:41 AM
/not signed.

If you dont want info, dont read it. Or stop once you realise what the stuff is about you are just reading.
But dont make others follow the same self-imposed limitations that you enjoy.

10-09-2008, 08:44 AM
at this point any info about anything would make me happy:D

10-09-2008, 08:47 AM
Are we getting clothing?

If those starter rags aren't a barrel on suspenders, they SHOULD be :D

10-09-2008, 08:57 AM
If those starter rags aren't a barrel on suspenders, they SHOULD be :D

Now that would be awesome. If they had a gag set of clothing like that, I'd wear it....

10-09-2008, 10:08 AM
Hmmm ... Posting what a raid item is before everyone gets a chance to find it for themselves ... if I remember correct an ENTIRE LIST of hound and VoD raid loot was posted what one? maybe two days after it was opened? This just seems like a REALLY stupid complaint/request. Then as the other person you laughed at said ... if you don't want to know about it then don't look at it. If someone starts reading it off in group ... turn off sound, take off head set. I mean REALLY A_D you have a "warning" to the devs as to not give information to us that we will post about the second we find it and on top of that we post it in a much easier to find/get to location.(I say get to because my work just like many others filters out gaming websites .. the only way I can get into the forums is if I go directly to Forums.ddo.com)

You found that quote humorous ... I find this whole "Warning" hilarious.


10-09-2008, 01:21 PM
Methinks A_D is having a slow news day. (grin)

10-10-2008, 07:39 AM
Methinks A_D is having a slow news day. (grin)

Quoted for humor. :p