View Full Version : Petition: 3-for-1 Exchange on Ingredients

10-08-2008, 04:28 PM
I would just like to request that a NPC be placed in Meridia who will make 3-for-1 trades on ingredients, just like the NPC in Gianthold who makes 3-for-1 trades on relics.

I am currently the proud owner of 22 Large Shrapnel, 18 Large Bones, and over a dozen of every other Large ingredient... except one. You can guess which one.

I can see no reason why this exchange mechanism should not be allowed, and can think of many, many reasons why it would be a great improvement in gameplay.

Thank you for your consideration.


10-08-2008, 04:31 PM
I would have to agree. And I would include allowing Horns to be traded in at the SAME ration.

All size ingredients as well.

10-08-2008, 04:35 PM
This has been asked for and asked for and we still have not heard a yes or a no from Turbine.

I think it would MORE than improve the level of enjoyment people get from this game.
Grinding for those scales is exactly that, a grind.

Please put an ingredients exchanger into the game Turbine.

10-08-2008, 09:44 PM
You did it with Gianthold and relics, why not do the same with Shroud and ingredients ?


10-08-2008, 09:57 PM
Also the ability to convert 1 medium to a small of the same type/10 mediums to a single large of the same type would be a welcome addition. I got more mediums than I'll ever need.

10-08-2008, 09:57 PM
Fantastic idea! Compensates for the difficulty of pulling certain ingredients and may even result in lower ingredient prices on the AH.

10-08-2008, 10:12 PM
no need a npc, use the stone of change in the market.
What is so called stone of change?
You can change things, right?

10-08-2008, 10:13 PM
Fantastic idea! Compensates for the difficulty of pulling certain ingredients and may even result in lower ingredient prices on the AH.

awwww...... how are the poor plat farmers gonna earn their noodles then?

10-08-2008, 10:35 PM
I want a guy to exchange my collectables and Dragon scales for ones I can use also.

10-08-2008, 10:57 PM

10-08-2008, 10:59 PM
You did it with Gianthold and relics, why not do the same with Shroud and ingredients ?


One possible reason is that the something in the game code makes it difficult. Best case would be you select your ingredient from a list (say bones), and then select your ing from a second list (scales), and the guy gives you 1 scale and takes 3 bones.

However, since in gianthold they had to give you 6 options instead of a similar menu as described above, things would get quite messy with the number of ingredients. If such a brute force list is necessary for an ingredients trader there would be not 6, but 42 options for trade ins.

Sure would be nice to have such a tradein option though...

10-08-2008, 11:02 PM
I want a guy to exchange my collectables and Dragon scales for ones I can use also.

Dragon scales are pretty easy to trade 1-1 if you have blue, or 3-2 if you have white or black and want blue. Collectibles won't happen, but new eldritch rituals will make some of them good again.

Ingredients, on the other hand - the same number of Scales and Bones are entered into the system, yet every single recipe requires 2 or more Scales (per Shard), but most require 1 or 2 Bones only (some require none).

10-08-2008, 11:23 PM
One possible reason is that the something in the game code makes it difficult. Best case would be you select your ingredient from a list (say bones), and then select your ing from a second list (scales), and the guy gives you 1 scale and takes 3 bones.

However, since in gianthold they had to give you 6 options instead of a similar menu as described above, things would get quite messy with the number of ingredients. If such a brute force list is necessary for an ingredients trader there would be not 6, but 42 options for trade ins.

Nonsense. Just use the Altar in the Market or Meridia and a simple drop down menu should be enough.

10-08-2008, 11:28 PM

Regardless of the ratio, this is a good idea.

10-08-2008, 11:29 PM
One possible reason is that the something in the game code makes it difficult. Best case would be you select your ingredient from a list (say bones), and then select your ing from a second list (scales), and the guy gives you 1 scale and takes 3 bones.

However, since in gianthold they had to give you 6 options instead of a similar menu as described above, things would get quite messy with the number of ingredients. If such a brute force list is necessary for an ingredients trader there would be not 6, but 42 options for trade ins.

Sure would be nice to have such a tradein option though...

I'd settle for way less options, just the opportunity to trade them in would be nice. The drop rate on scales is ridiculous.

/signed (but know it won't do any good)

10-08-2008, 11:31 PM
/signed (but know it won't do any good)

Sad but true (http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=1iskyNSbS7k)

10-08-2008, 11:31 PM
I might have to sign this petition.

This will not only help out each player in the game when trying to craft but it will also bring all ingredients closer together in value.

IE. Large Bones and Large Scales will have closer values.

Ok, my arm was twisted......


As for using a stone of Change, you could very well use 3 large ingredients of any type plus 1 medium ingredient of the type of large you want.

IE. 2 Large Bones + 1 Large Chain + 1 Medium Scale + Energy Cell (perhaps the raw type) = 1 Large Scale

The Large ingredients could be of any type but to get the particular Large you are trying to exchange, you haev to use the matching medium in the Alter.

10-08-2008, 11:39 PM
I might have to sign this petition.

This will not only help out each player in the game when trying to craft but it will also bring all ingredients closer together in value.

IE. Large Bones and Large Scales will have closer values.

Ok, my arm was twisted......


As for using a stone of Change, you could very well use 3 large ingredients of any type plus 1 medium ingredient of the type of large you want.

IE. 2 Large Bones + 1 Large Chain + 1 Medium Scale + Energy Cell (perhaps the raw type) = 1 Large Scale

The Large ingredients could be of any type but to get the particular Large you are trying to exchange, you haev to use the matching medium in the Alter.

Regardless of the recipe, it would sure make a lot of players happy and would make crafting much less of a grind for them **** scales.

10-08-2008, 11:55 PM
can it be for all sizes and how about 2 for 1...I like to negotiate (:

10-09-2008, 08:37 AM
Keep it 3 to 1...if you really want it pay for the trade.

But PLEASE Turbine......"Just do it"

10-09-2008, 08:49 AM
if i pull another large scale out of the raid, i'm gonna scream. can't seem to pull anything else. ;)

10-09-2008, 09:02 AM
As for using a stone of Change, you could very well use 3 large ingredients of any type plus 1 medium ingredient of the type of large you want.

IE. 2 Large Bones + 1 Large Chain + 1 Medium Scale + Energy Cell (perhaps the raw type) = 1 Large Scale

The Large ingredients could be of any type but to get the particular Large you are trying to exchange, you haev to use the matching medium in the Alter.

I like this idea. It still involves the crafting system, and it gives you the flexibility to chose what you want without having to go through a huge list of what can be traded. I might make this a 2 large requirement if done this way, just because your still giving up three ingredients (even though one of them is a medium). The same could be done for the medium ingredients (if anyone actually wanted to trade those in... Not sure).

10-09-2008, 09:26 AM
Here is how to do it:

1. Open the Stone of Change
2. Place 3 of one ingredient and 1 of another inside, and press the button.
3. The 3 are changed into the one.

- The size of both (small, med, large) must match, or no change occurs (you lose nothing)
- The numbers must be 3 and 1, or no change occurs (you lose nothing)
- The types must differ (bone vs chain, etc.), or no change occurs (you lose nothing)

10-09-2008, 09:58 AM
I'm a monk and I support this suggestion.

10-09-2008, 10:20 AM
Great Idea

Does anyone forsee issues with this? I can't think of any, but would be interested in hearing them if they exist....

10-09-2008, 10:37 AM
Sorry if this has been proposed already, I cant read the whole thread right now...

I propose two additions:

Stone of change to allow you to put three small ingredients, an energy globe, and another ingredient (rare like lightning split-soarwood) to allow those three smaller ingredients to combine into a medium (or three mediums to one large)

I propose allowing the combination of three small ingredients, combined with an energy orb, and ANOTHER type of collectable, to change into one ingredient of your choice. EXAMPLE: 3 small stones, one enegy orb, and one dose of glittering dust, to make one small scale, or 3 small stones, one enegy orb, and one khyber prayer pamplet to get 1 small chain.

All of these recipes would have to be done at the correct alter (smalls at 1st alter, mediums at 2nd alter, and larges at 3rd alter.)

The coding is all in the background, so no graphical development needed.

Please make this happen, I can do a full write-up if you wish

10-09-2008, 10:43 AM
This proposal has been made before. I supported it then and support it now. There are two issues here: 1) the drop rate on large stones and large scales appears to be much lower than for the other types; 2) certain ingredients are used more in popular recipies, thus reducing the number of scales and stones people are willing to trade. In the short term, it is annoying to be prevented from crafting a third tier by virtue of not having the last scale needed. I've seen people go 10 runs without pulling the last scale, which is 5 weeks of irritation. Long term, it gets sillier, as players accumulate hordes of large bones that they will never use (last time I checked, I had 44).

10-09-2008, 10:56 AM
This proposal has been made before. I supported it then and support it now. There are two issues here: 1) the drop rate on large stones and large scales appears to be much lower than for the other types; 2) certain ingredients are used more in popular recipies, thus reducing the number of scales and stones people are willing to trade. In the short term, it is annoying to be prevented from crafting a third tier by virtue of not having the last scale needed. I've seen people go 10 runs without pulling the last scale, which is 5 weeks of irritation. Long term, it gets sillier, as players accumulate hordes of large bones that they will never use (last time I checked, I had 44).

The drop rates are the same, dut as I think A_D pointed in one of the previous threads about this, the recipes of choice tend to call for more scales and stones than anything else, so they are used more and are more heavily sought after.

10-09-2008, 10:58 AM
As much as I hate signing petitions(just ask the people who stand in front of dept stores) I feel that this is somthing I could get behind.

Saal :)

10-09-2008, 11:02 AM
Sad but true (http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=1iskyNSbS7k)
they never let you trade any dragonscales only relics. i think an exchange rate would be great but i think somehow turbine loves it when clients chase there tails for months trying to get w/e it is they want. nature of the beast really

i have 27 large bones i dont ever think ill make enough shroud stuff to use even half of them since its 1.2 bones per single tier 3

10-09-2008, 12:09 PM

10-09-2008, 12:24 PM
Just to play devils advocate :cool:

The reason why relics were tradeable 3 to 1 was because they were required in order to repair your dragonscale armor.

Having to run multiple quests just to repair one piece of armor was kind of harsh so a change was made (especially with the low durability on robes). I doubt this kind of swap will be offered again in the future.

It would be nice so /signed...but don't hold your breathe. Comparing relics to ingredients isn't really a good comparison.

10-11-2008, 01:34 AM

10-11-2008, 02:08 AM

Of the ideas presented, the ones I think would work the best (that is, fair in what you give up without being too easy or silly) are:

-Simple 3:1 Catan-style from a vendor with a drop-down list.

-Replace the above vendor with a list at an Altar.

-Crafting at the appropriate Altar using 3 of either medium or large, 1 of the desired end result (one size smaller than the 3) and a Charge Energy Cell of the level you wish to create (Medium or High). This one seems the most likely to be implemented if they were to do something like this, since it has players giving up a fair number of ingredients (and gold in charging those cells), and therefore prevents people having too easy a time of this (such as by converting those 44 bones directly to 14 scales), by requiring the corresponding medium, and the expenditure of a cell and likely a +8 weapon.

It is VERY frustrating to run the Shroud several times, needing only 1 Large Scale more to craft your tier 3 item, and seeing one or two drop each run for someone else who is unwilling to part with them, since they are so highly valued. People are generally very nice about trading or giving away everything else (Stones are a bit in the middle).

10-11-2008, 02:42 AM

It would be the common sense thing to do, so I won't hold my breath....

10-11-2008, 03:13 AM
to have an exchange rate for the stuff i'll never use, that i doubt it will happen

10-11-2008, 03:52 AM
I'm a fan of using the existing altars to do it rather than an NPC, just seems to fit Mod 6's storyline/theme better. Plus, it's a plat sink and a trash item sink, which the game could really do with more of.

While we're at it with suggestions, how about allowing two non-imbued Shards of Great Power or two Shards of Supreme Power to form one Shard of Power. Grinding for the little shards is infuriating, while the Great Power ones are vendored in huge quantities (and Supreme Power ones get vendored a bit too); and also allow the transmuting of two of the same medium ingredient into one of the small version of it (e.g. 2 Medium Scales + 1 Energy Cell = 1 Small Scale).

10-17-2008, 03:19 PM
Most of the people I run with for shroud speed runs full well know how 'lucky' I am with the number of large bones I loot and it's become so much of an issue that some friends even contribute to my 'luck' by transferring even more large bones to me in chest. I think some real simple changes would be to allow an NPC or the alters to convert ingrediants at a 3 to 1 ratio of the same type including a powered cell ie larges for larges, smalls for smalls. The only reason people are suggesting they allow for a lower ingrediant type to be added is purely to lessen the number of medium ingrediants that they have now (wherein I also have a ridiculous amount) and I agree that having the conversion drop down list with this would make it incredibly long so keeping it at the same level might be easier. The other simple fix would be to change the phase 2 chests to drop small ingrediants and regular shards of power balancing the number of chests in raid as far as potential drop rate per level of ingrediant type. With puzzle solvers and player greed I don't think it's very often that people fail to get the underwater chests in phase 3 and to me farming phase 1 for smalls and shards is a bit of a joke since it's so easy compared to giving groups an incentive to get better at true team coordination in phase 2 for those chests. If for some reason there is a shift where a number of people actually need medium ingrediants then at least people will have a reason to trade or give away what they have now.

Since we know the various crafting combinations it still takes an enormous amount of time for people to farm the shroud and to accumulate enough large ingrediants let alone the correct ones to be able to achieve the same level of weaponry or gear as the hard core players. It's even worse when a casual player makes a mistake in crafting and screws it up and currently there is no deconstruction of green steel items and I've personally witnessed a guildy who doesn't get to play very often mess up his mineral 2 dwarven axe. I know we've all botched a few things here and there but I can totally understand his or anyone's frustration if they've run the raid x amount of times only to screw it up because they read the recipe wrong. With new mods and new weapons/gear potentially replacing current crafted items... there should be no reason to not add these two additions to the Shroud to make it easier for people to craft and enjoy the game. I've always thought that the inclusion of crafting was to allow everyone the oppurtunity to have some of the best items in game if they just had a chance to work for it rather than getting lucky to try to pull something rare/uber or to be forced to pay a pp farmer for a rare item or plat. I'd appreciate ANY kind of conversion method to be available.

(psst... note to DDO gods: I have 9 capped toons and played for over 2 years... wouldn't hurt if I was able to loot ONE wounding of puncturing rapier... preferrably +5 flame touched or something.. might as well go big! haha)

10-17-2008, 03:40 PM
I would just like to request that a NPC be placed in Meridia who will make 3-for-1 trades on ingredients, just like the NPC in Gianthold who makes 3-for-1 trades on relics.

I am currently the proud owner of 22 Large Shrapnel, 18 Large Bones, and over a dozen of every other Large ingredient... except one. You can guess which one.

I can see no reason why this exchange mechanism should not be allowed, and can think of many, many reasons why it would be a great improvement in gameplay.

Thank you for your consideration.


The frequency of the suggestion being made should not diminish it's importance but enhance it.

Please do this.

10-17-2008, 05:27 PM
Love this idea. Though I'm not sure petitions work. ;)


I'd also love to be able to break down Green Steel Tier 1 and 2 weapons into their original components. I've made a couple of mistakes along the way. :p


10-17-2008, 08:23 PM
Even if it's upped to 5/1, I'd be all for it.


10-17-2008, 08:31 PM
Even if it's upped to 5/1, I'd be all for it.


eh, I think the 3 to 1 precedent they set in GH is stringent enough.


(PS and in GH, we can at least choose to farm for a specific one if we wanted to, versus just counting on lady luck).

10-17-2008, 08:33 PM
I'm not saying I'm in favor of a 5/1 ratio, mind you... ;)
Just that if that is the magical number to make the Devs see the proposal as attractive, I'd be okay with it. Any sort of exchange rate would be a fantastic addition in the game.

10-17-2008, 09:18 PM
please devs. please. its easy as hell to get this done.

10-17-2008, 09:22 PM

10-17-2008, 09:41 PM

10-18-2008, 01:53 AM
All you would need is 3 conversation options, and a confirmation.

1. What size ingredients would you like to trade?
2. What type of ingredient would you like to trade?
3. What type of ingredient would you like to trade it for?
4. Are you sure you would like me to trade 3 X for 1 Y?


Please do this Turbine! Much praise if you do.

10-18-2008, 02:25 AM
/signed plz plz

10-18-2008, 02:39 AM
/signed big time

10-18-2008, 06:44 AM
... in GH, we can at least choose to farm for a specific one if we wanted to, versus just counting on lady luck

This is exactly why a standard 3 to 1 would be a good idea ... because of the randomness of ingredient pulls, having an NPC give you the trade option makes even MORE sense than it did in GH ... In GH you could farm one of three quests to get all the relics you needed for your dragonscale armor (for a total of 9 quests), in Meridia you have ONE option and ONE option alone, run the Shroud 'til you puke then run it some more ....


10-18-2008, 07:28 AM

At the rate I pull scales id be happy with 10-1.

(My personal worst is 24 consecutive runs with no large scale)

10-18-2008, 07:33 AM

10-18-2008, 02:08 PM
/Not Signed

unless they make all collectables and scales this way I am not in favor of it.

10-18-2008, 11:15 PM
Stone of Change

Shroud Ingredients: 3 to 1 exchange rate

Add an Alchemist that sells magical potions that you place into the Stone of Change along with 3 ingredients that are the same size of your potion to receive one ingredient that matches the potion.

Example: Purchase a large potion of Devil Juice from Bob the Alchemist. Place the potion and three large ingredients into the Stone of change and out pops a Large Devil Scale.

Possible prices for the potions
Large Potion: 10k plat
Medium Potion: 7.5k plat
Small Potion: 5k plat


10-20-2008, 01:49 PM
I like 3:1 trade in.
I don't think we should allow for a upgrade in size, or down grade in size for more than 1:1
People would just loot run shroud 1/2 and get larges. Maybe you could make it so that it could only be done at the last altar? If you want to make it more difficult. But I don't want to have to pay lots of pp to trade in 3:1 ingredients. I'm already losing enough doing the exchange. I like the idea of trading at a PC in Merida or the altar under Meridia.

10-20-2008, 02:04 PM
I like this idea a lot. However it is implemented, the Shroud grind is way too grindy and an ingredient swapping mechanism would be swell. :D


10-22-2008, 10:55 AM
/signed ^ infinity

10-22-2008, 10:57 AM
That or make some of them drop on corpses. It is rediculous to run these that many times in order to get ingrediants.

10-22-2008, 12:48 PM

I mean... pulling larges will always remain preferable. Dropping 15 larges on 5 scales makes crafting a lot more expensive in many ways. But at that point, it would be up to the player, and not up to the loot gods.

10-22-2008, 12:53 PM

10-22-2008, 12:57 PM

10-22-2008, 01:04 PM

10-22-2008, 01:20 PM
That or make some of them drop on corpses. It is rediculous to run these that many times in order to get ingrediants.

this is a brilliant idea, we should start a thread with this concept, keep em coming
