View Full Version : barb wiz, warforged

10-07-2008, 11:02 AM
I got my 16 cleric to unlock 32pointers so I tried another self healing more melee type build.
So far I'm 8th lvl
Str = 18 (+1 tome, +2 lvl, +3 item)
Dex = 10
Con = 16 (+1 en, +3 item)
Int = 15 (+1 en, +1 tom, +3 item)

1st level was barb, the other 7 (so far) is wiz.
Feats = 2hf, power attack, toughness, extend (wiz), max (Wiz)
I run around with +1 holy greatsword of right, displace, haste, rage (clickie) and have loads of fun standing in a fw hitting everything (and healing when needed). The self healing is kinda essential as very low ac. Then when I run out of sp, I use barb rage until I kill the rest of the baddies then rest and repeat (most clerics don't mind healing me when I'm out sp and I have wands for between fights).

Initially I was thinking of 1/15 and using div power clickies or tensers for BAB.
But what about 4/12 taking the wiz until I get reconstruct then the rest barb for extra toughness enh, +1 con (I get 4 attacks instead of 3 without div power clickies or tensers)?

I'm a way off at present, but I like to plan ahead. I know he won't be the best at end content, but fun is what the game is about.

Any comments?

10-07-2008, 11:15 AM
Interesting build, would be fun to play I think. At the very least I would go to 11 to get Reconstruct, and I would also recommend Quicken Spell as a feat, a Quickened Reconstruct has saved my Wizzy's metal behind more than once. At level 20 a 11/9 Wiz/Barb might be fun to play

10-07-2008, 02:08 PM
At present I don't have problems healing myself in combat (put points into conc), but I know that I will later therefore will have to take quicken (found that out from cleric).

The main thing is should I stop at 11 wiz or carry on to 15 (at present)?
I have 115hp for 8th lvl (1 toughness feat and 1 barb toughness enhancement), then add a false life onto that.

Is 2hf worth taking, as the glancing blows damage is around 6? What other feat would be more useful instead -cleave, another toughness?

The toon is Flufty on Kyber

10-07-2008, 02:49 PM
Personal preference makes me think cleave/grt cleave would be great to make those moments of standing in a FW with a group of mobs even quicker. If you plan on being fairly stationary, you will want the fights to be over fast, cleave/grt cleave will do nice damage or mass affects(like paralyze;)) to get you out of harms way even faster.

Gish characters are my favorite from PnP, would be nice to see some more spells like mirror image, would make them easier/more fun to play.