View Full Version : Mouse stuck, comp crashed, shroud, sry

10-02-2008, 01:19 PM
was in a shroud just now, and my mouse got stuck, if anyone noticed thats why i was lookin like an idiot with regular khops in hand, on sometimes fighting, thats caus emy mouse froze and i had auto attack on, i never had that happen so i was just clickin like crazy, tryin to figure it out, when i was in options i died, still couldn't type and accidently released, when i restarted my comp it froze on loading screen, finally got in and am running some stuff on it. I know it seemed bad, it was kinda a bad pull, and someone accidently pulled early and we nearly wiped, so it might seem like I just recalled and Dqed, well, believe what you want, I am truly sorry, I wouldn't come here and explain if I wasn't. And people who know me, know thats not my style, anyways, so sry again, I hope you guys are fine without me,errg, sheez, sry sry sry:(

10-02-2008, 02:48 PM
It's a head fake, LOOK OUT!

10-02-2008, 02:48 PM
sooo.... what you're saying is that your mouse is as gimp as your characters?? :p

j/k of course, Mem's a stand-up guy :D

10-02-2008, 05:54 PM
yeh, I tried to send tells in game to people i could remember, they said it failed in part 4 for lack of dps, so sry. nothing i can do now but look like a chump, oh well.

sry again tho, those of you who even come to the forums:(

10-02-2008, 07:11 PM
He's a fake. He did it on purpose. He's Katet!