View Full Version : Villians...

09-22-2008, 09:18 PM
That's right boys and girls, Heroes came back tonight with a 2 hour premiere. Time to start the guessing...and the second guessing...and the third guessing...

Will hold off spoiling things for those who have not seen yet (IE Different time zones.)


09-22-2008, 10:10 PM
I won't ruin it for anyone until the time zones pass through, but....

HOLY S***! OMG, I can't freaken belieave some of this! He, and she, and they, and then, and... (overloads in geekdom........explodes)!

09-22-2008, 10:30 PM

Awesome start to Season III!!!

09-22-2008, 10:48 PM
Gah! Geekasm!!

Had a guy sau "guys, heroes is coming on, im gunna take off" in a group....and i said " well ****, ill be back later all" and logged off lol

09-23-2008, 05:04 AM
So before we go into debates and theories, did anyone else''s heart skip a few beats and hit the floor (followed by their jaw) at the end of ep 2?:D:eek:

09-23-2008, 01:57 PM
So before we go into debates and theories, did anyone else''s heart skip a few beats and hit the floor (followed by their jaw) at the end of ep 2?:D:eek:


it makes sense though

actually.... wait can we spoil yet?

inviso text on (highlight to view):

If sylar and peter were brother, nathan is unrelated to them (possibley sylar's dead mother's kid?)... their powers are kind of similar, it would set-up a whole 'brother on brother' drama angle
....and then peter and claire getting their hump on would nto be as creepy

anyways, i thought it was pretty good

09-24-2008, 04:29 PM
Ok so *** is with "Tracy". I thought it was established Nikki's power was super strength and Jessica was just her pychosis...but NOOOOOOOOO now we have Tracy and she doesn't have strength, she freezes stuff. I mean come on. This is a bit of stretch (more so than some of the other stuff.)

BTW: I always though Nathan and Peter's mom had dreams of the future, like she said, where did you think your first power came from...:D